Sweet Topping CV3 (9 page)

Read Sweet Topping CV3 Online

Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #erotic romance eBook, #Erotic Romance eBooks; Erotica; Total-e-bound eBooks; Romantica; Books; Romance; ISBN#978-1-906328-87-0

BOOK: Sweet Topping CV3
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Carol Lynne


“So you’ve got me on the road. Are you ever going to tell me what we’re shopping for?” Hal asked, turning the radio down.

Gill pulled the flyer out of his pocket and handed it to Hal. The snow was starting to get heavier the closer they got to Sheridan.

“Rings? Oh, buddy. This is big-time serious, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Gill admitted, refusing to look at Hal. He knew his friend would have a big cheesy grin on his face.

“So, are we talking a ceremony and everything?” Hal punched Gill in the arm.

Gill flashed Hal an I’m-going-to-beat-your-ass look. “Why the hell would I buy Kyle a ring if I didn’t plan on asking him to marry me?” Hal held up his hands defensively. “Just asking, man.” They rode in silence for a few more minutes before Hal turned back to Gill. “Will you get pissed if I ask why you’re doing this so fast? I mean, you guys just started dating. Are you that sure of him?”

Gill gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. “Yes, I’m that sure of him.” He exhaled and gave a soft groan. “Kyle has the chance to walk again, but he needs intense physical therapy. He won’t even consider it, because he’s afraid if he leaves town, I’ll forget about him. I want to show him that I’ll always be here for him.”



“Well then, to Sheridan, man, and step on it.” Eric greeted Kyle with a kiss on both cheeks. “Good to have you back.”

“Thanks,” Kyle said, following Eric to their reserved table. Casey was already seated, drinking a white wine. “Hi, Casey.”

“Hey, Kyle.”

“Can I get you something to drink while you’re waiting?” Eric asked.

“That wine looks pretty good. I’ll have one of those.”


Carol Lynne


Eric nodded and walked off towards the bar. After he’d left, Casey grinned. “Why is it that Eric always makes it a point to come out of the kitchen to greet you? He usually reserves that honour for guys he’s hot after?”

Kyle rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. “Shhh, don’t tell, but he’s hot after my desserts. He wants me to close the bakery and work here full-time.”

“Are you?” Casey looked shocked.

“Hell no, I love my bakery.” Kyle realised what he’d said and covered his mouth as a blush crept its way up his face. “Sorry, Reverend.” Casey laughed and waived his concerns away. “Don’t apologise. Have you met Hal?

He has a mouth like a sailor, both in and out of bed.” Now it was Casey’s turn to blush.

“Sorry, TMI, right?”

Kyle leaned even closer to Casey. “FYI, I know you have sex.” They were both chuckling, red-faced, when Eric came back with his wine. “I brought you some bread-sticks to hold you until the rest of your party arrive.”

“Thanks, Eric,” Kyle said, taking a healthy gulp of wine. Oh, damn, it had been too long since he’d had a drink of alcohol. After his accident, he’d felt so guilty, he’d sworn off the stuff. Now, oh, now he wanted more. “Could you bring us a bottle of this? I feel the need to get happy.”

Eric’s brow rose. “I’m not going to get into trouble with that big mountain you call a boyfriend, am I?”

Kyle shook his head. “I didn’t drive, so I should be okay.” Eric looked at Casey for a moment. “I’ll bring it right out.” After he left, Casey looked at Kyle. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Kyle said, taking another big drink. “I realised I’ve been punishing myself for too many years because of a stupid mistake.” Kyle looked down at his legs. “I think I’ve already been punished enough.”

Kyle didn’t tell Casey he’d just had another huge fight with his father. His family was relentless lately. Since he’d been home, they called at least every other day to beg him to return and get therapy. While he appreciated their dedication, he couldn’t help but feel bitter. Why were people constantly trying to improve him? He liked the person he’d become.


Carol Lynne


By the time Gill and Hal arrived, Kyle was giggly. He’d finished off the first bottle and was already well into the second.

Gill sat down and leaned over to give him a kiss. Kyle couldn’t help but to notice the look he gave Casey. “Hey, baby, you having fun?”

“A ball,” Kyle slurred slightly.

Gill picked up the partially empty bottle and looked at Casey once more. “He’s like this after a couple of glasses?”

Casey shook his head. “That’s the second bottle.”

“Oh don’t worry,” Kyle smiled, leaning heavily on Gill’s shoulder. “I’m having a good time and I’m not hurting anyone. I think I’m allowed.” Gill wrapped his arm around Kyle’s waist and gave him another kiss. “Of course you’re allowed. I’ve just never seen you like this before. Have you eaten anything?” Kyle ran his hand over Gill’s chest. It was such a nice chest. He tweaked Gill’s nipples through the tight sports-shirt. “Nope, I was saving my appetite for you.” He bit Gill’s earlobe and tweaked his nipple again.

Gill’s hands stilled Kyle’s. “Baby, we’re in public. Can we save the play until we get home?”

Kyle released his hold on Gill and crossed his arms. No fair. He wanted to play now.

Why did everyone always care about how things appeared to the general public? Weren’t feelings more important? “Fine,” he said, his bottom lip extended.

Gill leaned over and nipped his lip before soothing it with his tongue. “We’ll be home in an hour. Let’s get some food in you so you don’t pass out on me half-way home.”

“Whatever,” Kyle mumbled. His high-flying mood was plummeting. He just wanted one night of forgetting.


Carol Lynne


Chapter Nine

Once they were safely ensconced in the Explorer, Gill leaned over and gave Kyle a kiss.

He was a little surprised when Kyle opened to him right away. He could tell he’d hurt his man’s feelings earlier, but with Casey and Hal at the table, he didn’t want to go into it at the restaurant.

Pulling back he held the side of Kyle’s head and looked into his eyes. “Are you still mad?”

“No,” Kyle grinned. “You were right. I was getting a little out of control.” Gill ran his free hand over Kyle’s chest, brushing those sweet nipples he loved to tease.

“I liked what you were doing. I just didn’t think it was the right place for it.”

“Yeah?” Kyle whispered. His head fell back against the seat as he pulled his shirt up under his armpits, giving Gill better access.

Never one to pass up a taste of his man, Gill bent down and began licking one of the tawny nipples. Soon licks became nibbles, which soon turned into Gill’s mouth sucking up bruises across Kyle’s chest.

Kyle’s moan broke the spell and reminded Gill they were parked in front of a busy restaurant. His cock was so hard, he was in pain. “Let’s take this back to your place.” Rubbing at his sensitive nipples, Kyle nodded. “You make me feel like doing wicked things.”

“Never wicked between two people who love each other.” Gill reminded Kyle. He pulled out of the parking spot and drove down two blocks to the bakery.

Once inside, Kyle turned his chair to face Gill. “We’re alone.” Kyle started unzipping Gill’s jeans. “You have something I’ve been dying to taste all evening.”

A moan escaped Gill as Kyle’s mouth enveloped the crown of his cock. “Damn,” he groaned. He almost cried as Kyle’s talented tongue tickled the veins running up his length.

Reaching out, Gill braced himself by placing his hands on Kyle’s shoulders as his hips began gently thrusting.


Carol Lynne


Oh, oh fuck that felt good. He watched as his cock slid in and out of Kyle’s beautiful mouth, his little man looking up at him with those gorgeous blue eyes.

Applying enough suction to suck his brains out of his head, Gill cried out. “Gonna.” Seconds later, he felt his body jerk as he emptied his seed down Kyle’s throat.

The longer he shot, the louder they both became, him growling and Kyle slurping. Shit, way too intense to be standing, Gill thought seconds before he sunk to his knees in front of Kyle.

Leaning in, Gill tasted himself on Kyle’s eager tongue. “God, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard. You okay?” he asked, licking the drops of essence around Kyle’s mouth. He chuckled as he did so. “You look like the cat that ate the cream.”

“Mmm, I did,” Kyle said, tongue tangling with Gill’s again.

“Let’s get upstairs so I can reciprocate.”

Kyle’s eyes went wide. He’d only ejaculated a couple of times since he and Gill had been together. Gill could tell it was still weighing heavily on Kyle’s mind.

“Don’t worry. I enjoy touching and tasting all that delicious skin of yours whether you come or not.”

Kyle gave him a slight nod. “At least I can get it up fairly regularly lately.” Gill pushed Kyle’s wheelchair into the elevator and pushed the button. “I’ll meet you at the top.”

As Kyle started to rise, Gill heard him chuckle. “I want you to make love to me.” Gill almost swallowed his tongue. Fuck. He turned and ran towards the staircase at the front of the shop. By the time the elevator finally stopped, Gill already had his shirt and shoes off.

He met Kyle’s heated look with one of his own. “You sure you’re ready for that?” Kyle nodded, looking slightly embarrassed. “I’m sure. I’ll need to prepare myself first though.”

“Need help?” Gill asked, unzipping his jeans and pushing them down his thighs.

“Um, I think I’d feel more comfortable if I did that part myself,” Kyle mumbled.

“Okay, baby. I’m all about making you comfortable. I’ll just wait in bed for you.” Kyle disappeared into the bathroom, and Gill walked through to the bedroom. He stared at the bed trying to figure out the best way to make love. He knew Kyle wasn’t as flexible as in the past, so he knew his options might be limited.


Carol Lynne


Deciding it might be better to ask, Gill walked back towards the bathroom. He heard the shower come on and opened the door a crack. “Hey, Kyle? Do you think it would be more comfortable for you on your side or stomach?” After a few seconds, Kyle finally answered. “I’m not sure. I haven’t tried either. Let’s start on my side.”

“Okay, baby. I’m going to get some pillows gathered up to put between your knees.”

“Sounds good.”

Walking naked through the apartment, Gill retrieved the throw pillows from the couch.

Hopefully they wouldn’t ruin them, but if they did it would be well worth it.

Tossing them onto the bed, Gill stretched out on the queen size bed he’d brought over and waited for Kyle. It was silly, he knew, but he was as nervous as a groom with his virgin bride. He knew anal penetration wasn’t new to Kyle, but that had been before the accident, before him. This would be their first time and he prayed Kyle would be able to feel enough pleasure to enjoy himself.

He heard the bathroom door open moments before Kyle came through the doorway.

“Waiting on me, sailor?”

Gill grinned and crooked his finger at the naked man. “Get that sweet ass over here.”

“Aye Aye,” Kyle playfully saluted.

Once Kyle was beside him, Gill felt his nerves ebb. He realised it didn’t matter what position they were in, their union would be beautiful because it was right. He scooted closer to Kyle and wrapped himself around his man. “Damn I love you.” Smiling, Kyle ran his hand over Gill’s bald head. “This wouldn’t mean as much to me with anyone but you. Matter of fact, I figured I’d spend the rest of my life celibate. Thank you for giving me back what I thought I’d lost.”

Gill gave him a kiss, pushing his tongue in deep. With a growl, he climbed over the top of Kyle and began grinding their cocks together. “Can you feel it? How much I want you?” Kyle was breathless in his stuttered response. “Y-Yessss,” he hissed.

“Gonna love you like no other, baby.”

“Please,” Kyle moaned.

Knowing he could come at any moment, Gill reluctantly rolled off the smaller man. “Let me help you turn to your side.”


Carol Lynne


With very little effort, Gill had Kyle facing the open room. He lifted one of Kyle’s legs and started stacking pillows between his knees. “Tell me when it starts to get uncomfortable.”

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