Read Sweet Topping CV3 Online

Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #erotic romance eBook, #Erotic Romance eBooks; Erotica; Total-e-bound eBooks; Romantica; Books; Romance; ISBN#978-1-906328-87-0

Sweet Topping CV3 (7 page)

BOOK: Sweet Topping CV3
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“Or maybe it’s because you weren’t putting pressure on yourself to get it up?”

“Maybe,” Kyle agreed. “Regardless, I hope it’s a common occurrence from now on.”

“What has the doctor said about your inability to sustain an erection?” Gill asked, running his fingers up and down the length of Kyle’s cock.

“That every incomplete spinal cord injury is different. He said it may be a mental thing, but it could very well be a physical condition. I was told to forget about sex and concentrate on walking.”
Shit, did that just slip out of his mouth?

“Walking?” Gill asked, sitting up.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Yeah. That’s one of the reasons I went back to California in January. I was due for my check-up and re-evaluation.”


“Can we talk about this later? I’m kind of enjoying having a woody for the first time in longer than I can remember.”

“I’m not letting you off the hook, but I’ll help you enjoy it.” Gill immediately swallowed Kyle’s cock. Biting down gently, it was obvious Gill was trying to give him the added pressure he seemed to need.

“Good, so good,” Kyle murmured, his head rolling back and forth against the headboard.

Gill’s rutting noises turned him on as much as the grip the man had on his cock. His arms broke out in gooseflesh as Gill repositioned his legs and entered him with his finger.

With a violent jerk to his upper body, Kyle’s head began to swim in ecstasy.

By the time he came back to himself, Gill was sitting up nose to nose with him. Kyle looked down at his now flaccid cock. “Sorry.” SWEET TOPPING

Carol Lynne


Gill shook his head and kissed him, pushing his tongue right in. Kyle tasted his own seed and pulled out of the kiss. He looked at Gill in amazement. “How?”

“The power of love, I guess.”

“Was there much?”

“No, but evidently enough to make you feel good, that’s all that matters to me.” Gill readjusted Kyle so he was flat on his back. Once again, tears filled his eyes and he felt like a wuss. He came? Kyle studied Gill’s mouth. He hoped he never had to do without that mouth again.

“You okay?” Gill asked snuggling up and kissing Kyle’s neck.

“Are you kidding? I’m fucking terrific. Can I keep you?” Laughing, Gill rewarded him with another kiss. “I’m counting on it.” SWEET TOPPING

Carol Lynne


Chapter Seven

With two dozen doughnuts in hand, Gill walked into the Sheriff’s station. “Hi, Pam, is Ryan in yet?”

“Hi, Gill. He just got here. Let me buzz him for you.” Gill grinned at the way Pam eyed the bright green box in his hands as she spoke to Ryan. When she hung up, he decided to put her out of her misery. “These are for you guys.

Do you have a plate or something, so I can take a couple to Ryan’s office with me?” Pam rose and went to the small table in the corner of the room. She poured Gill a cup of coffee and retrieved a paper plate. “Here ya go.” Gill stacked half a dozen doughnuts on the plate and gave Pam a wink as he topped the pile off with a bribe for Ryan. “Believe it or not, I haven’t gotten any of these yet.” Pam rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. If you don’t watch yourself, dating Kyle is going to have a direct effect on your waistline.”

Looking down, Gill patted his still flat stomach. “Bite your tongue, woman.” Carrying the doughnuts and his coffee down the hall, he walked into Ryan’s office.


“Doughnuts?” Ryan said, jumping up from his chair to take the plate from Gill. After waving the plate under his nose, Ryan set them on his desk before giving Gill a once over.

“Are these a bribe?”

“No, but if they were, would they get me some answers?” Gill took a seat in front of Ryan’s desk.

“I’d say no, but I see you brought me a cinnamon roll, so the answer is maybe.” Ryan chuckled and picked up the frosted pastry. “Ahh, what all cops live on,” he said enjoying his first bite. Kyle still makes the best cinnamon rolls I’ve ever tasted.” Gill’s brow rose. “When you quit making out with the pastry, can we get down to what’s going on with the break-ins?”

“We still don’t know much. Whoever’s behind these attempted break-ins is either stupid or he’s just fucking with Kyle. The first three attempts were lame, mostly scratches on the door to appear that someone had tried to break-in. The broken window was a bust. From


Carol Lynne


what we can tell, the guy never attempted to actually enter the building. So the question remains, who and why would someone go to all the trouble?” Biting into a chocolate frosted cake doughnut, Gill shook his head. “No clue. I’ll talk to Kyle about it and see if he can come up with anything.”

“Stop by again with another cinnamon roll after you talk to him,” Ryan laughed.

When six o’clock came and Kyle had yet to arrive, Gill called the bakery. Surprised when the answering machine picked up, he left a short message and locked up.

Unlocking the door, Gill stepped into the bakery. “Kyle?”

“Gill? Damn am I glad to hear your voice. I thought I’d be stuck forever.” Trying to follow the sound of Kyle’s voice, Gill headed into the kitchen. “Where are you at, baby?”

“I’m embarrassed to tell you,” Kyle answered back.

“So you want me to leave and you can save yourself a few more hours of embarrassment?”

“I’m in the elevator. It’s stuck between floors.” Chuckling, Gill made his way over to the corner of the kitchen and looked up at his man. “How long’ve you been up there?”

Kyle didn’t respond right away.


“About three hours I think.”

“Baby, what’s wrong? I’ll get you out of there.”

“I wet myself.”

Gill knew what that would do to someone with Kyle’s pride. “That’s perfectly understandable. Let me see if I can figure out the problem. Do you need me to go upstairs and lower you down some water or something?”

“No, just get me out of here, please.”

“I’m gonna run out to my SUV and get a toolbox. I’ll be right back.”



Carol Lynne


Gill could hear the depression in Kyle’s voice. He quickly ran out to his Explorer.

Hopefully he’d be able to fix whatever was wrong with the small elevator.

Back within moments, Gill looked up through the grating at Kyle. “You still doing okay?”

“Yeah,” Kyle mumbled.

Looking around, Gill determined the small motor appeared shot. “Have you been having trouble with this?”

“Not really. It gets slower all the time, but I figured it was normal wear and tear.”

“The motor looks burned up. “I’ll need to take it over to the shop to work on it.” Gill didn’t even know if he had the parts to fix it. “Baby? How mad would you be if I called the fire department to come help you get out of there?” He was met by silence as Kyle seemed to think it over. “Can you call Nate and Rio instead?”

“Yeah. You got something against George Manning?” Gill had met the fire chief on several occasions and found him to be a very personable man.

“Not really, but the fewer people who see me like this the better. Nate and Rio will keep their mouths shut. I don’t know George well enough to say the same about him.”

“Okay. I’ll call Nate and Rio.”

As they hoisted Kyle out of the small elevator shaft, Gill made sure he’d be the first to get his hands on his man. He’d explained Kyle’s predicament to Rio, Nate and Ryan so they’d be prepared. The last thing Kyle needed was someone calling attention to his wet pants.

As the three of them pulled, Gill lay on the floor and reached down towards Kyle. “Just a little more.”

He managed to get hold of Kyle’s hands and pulled with all his strength. Coming out of the hole, Gill immediately cradled Kyle in his arms and stood. “Thanks, guys. I can take it from here.”

As Gill carried Kyle towards the bathroom, Kyle spoke over his shoulder. “I owe you a month’s worth of desserts.”


Carol Lynne


“Now that’s the kind of payment I like to receive,” Rio said with a chuckle.

Once in the bathroom, Gill shut the door and turned on the shower. Setting Kyle on the stool, he kneeled to remove his shoes and socks. “Sorry, baby, but until I can get the elevator working and your wheelchair out, you’ll have to rely on me to get around.” Gill noticed Kyle’s short nod. He knew it was embarrassment that was affecting Kyle’s mood. After tossing Kyle’s sneakers into the corner of the room, Gill rose up enough to place a kiss on his lover’s lips.

“Please don’t be ashamed. I love you, and all this?” Gill motioned around the bathroom. “This is all part of it. It doesn’t disgust me or make me think any less of you. Being trapped for hours in an elevator could have this affect on anyone.”

“I feel like a child.”

Gill pulled off Kyle’s shirt. “Funny, because you sure as hell don’t look like one to me.” He placed kisses over Kyle’s chest as he pulled off the dark grey sweat pants. His own clothes came next.

“What’re you doing? There’s a chair in the shower, I can wash myself,” Kyle said in an indignant manner.

“Maybe I need to hold you. Can’t you please indulge me, just this once?” He gave Kyle his over dramatic puppy eyes.

Kyle sighed and clicked his tongue. “Fine, but stop using those big brown eyes to get your way, it’s not fair.”

Laughing, Gill picked up Kyle and stepped into the shower. He sat down in the special chair with Kyle in his lap. “You wash my back and I’ll wash yours,” he joked.

Groaning, Kyle reached for the shower gel and squirted a generous amount in his hand before passing it to Gill. He began to wash Gill’s chest and underarms.

“I love the feel of your hands on me,” Gill said, setting the gel back on the shelf. He reciprocated Kyle’s loving touches. When he reached Kyle’s groin, he applied a little more soap to his hands.

“I’m going to lift you up while I wash all your bits and pieces.” He hoisted Kyle off his lap with one arm while quickly cleaning Kyle’s sweet ass. When he felt Kyle was clean enough, Gill set him back down.

After they’d thoroughly washed each other, Gill turned off the water and reached for a towel. He rubbed the soft terry cloth over Kyle’s skin and wondered if he’d ever been

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