Sweet Topping CV3 (12 page)

Read Sweet Topping CV3 Online

Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #erotic romance eBook, #Erotic Romance eBooks; Erotica; Total-e-bound eBooks; Romantica; Books; Romance; ISBN#978-1-906328-87-0

BOOK: Sweet Topping CV3
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Carol Lynne


Excited, Gill returned to the bedroom. He heard the shower running in the attached bathroom. Hopefully Kyle would be pleased with the new shower seat he’d added. Gill quickly undressed and turned back the bed covers. He placed the tray on the end of the large king size mattress and waited.

Struggling into the tiny thong he’d bought for the occasion, Kyle began to sweat. “What the hell was I thinking?”

He finally got the tiny scrap of red satin material positioned and shook his head. The damn thing barely contained his flaccid cock. What would happen when he wheeled himself out the door? He knew the effect Gill had on him. Maybe it was a stupid gift. “Too late now,” he mumbled.

With a deep breath, he opened the door to Gill’s new bedroom. The large naked man stretched out on the white silk sheets immediately had his cock threatening to bust through the delicate underwear.

“Wow,” they both said at the same time.

Kyle looked at Gill and started laughing. “We’re quite the pair.”

“Yes, baby, we are. Now bring me my gift,” Gill said, hand wrapped around his cock.

Kyle’s eyes were glued to the picture Gill made jerking himself seductively. Once in bed, Gill reached for the big bow in Kyle’s lap. “Is it stupid?” Gill’s eyes finally met his. “Are you nuts? Those are the sexiest damned underwear I’ve ever seen.”

“Well admire them quickly, because my cock wants freedom,” he chuckled. “As hard as they were to get on, this is probably the last time you’ll see them.” Gill shook his head. “I’m going to get a frame and put them over the bed.”

“Dork,” Kyle said, feeling himself blush.

Instead of unwrapping him, Gill reached for the tray and positioned it beside them.

“Let’s make a toast.” He handed Kyle a glass of champagne. “To you. Thank you for making my first real Valentine’s Day all I’d ever hoped it would be.”

“Ditto,” Kyle agreed before clinking his flute against Gill’s.


Carol Lynne


They took several sips of their champagne in between kisses. Kyle liked the taste of the alcohol better when tasted on Gill’s tongue.

Reaching back towards the tray, Gill came back with a bowl of strawberries. He picked one up and held it to Kyle’s lips.

Taking a bite, Kyle rolled the sweet fruit around in his mouth as he moaned. “Good.” His breath caught as Gill ran the cold half-eaten strawberry around his nipple. Gill withdrew and lapped the juice from Kyle’s nipple. “Oh, shit,” Kyle groaned, the underwear beginning to cut off his circulation.

Gill passed over the bowl. “Your turn. Dig to the bottom if you want the sweetest berries.”

Kyle narrowed his eyes, wondering what Gill had up his sleeve. He took in the expanse of bare skin in front of him and smiled to himself. Or lack thereof.

Feeling something hard and round, Kyle swallowed. Shit, was it? He pulled out one of the rings and held it up wide-eyed. “Gill?”

Gill rose to his knees, towering over Kyle. “I know it’s early in our relationship, but I know I’ll never want anyone else. Will you marry me, Kyle?” He felt stunned. Marry him? Shit, he needed to think. He knew he felt like Gill. No way would he ever find someone who loved him and accepted his disability like Gill. His own feelings ran as deep as any he’d ever known. He could easily see himself and Gill fifty years down the line. Both of them might be in wheelchairs by then.


“Yes,” he blurted. “I’ll marry you.”

Taking the ring from Kyle, Gill started to place it on his finger, but laughed instead.

“Here I am trying to be all smooth and romantic and never considered you might dig the wrong ring out of the bowl.”

Gill held up the huge ring obviously meant for his own finger. After a little searching, he slid the appropriate ring on Kyle’s finger. “That’s better,” he growled as he licked the sweet juice off Kyle’s ring and finger.

“Could you do me a huge favour?” Kyle begged.

“Anything you ask.”

“Get this underwear off me before I’m permanently damaged.” SWEET TOPPING

Carol Lynne


Chapter Twelve

Once he had Kyle naked, Gill ran a hand over the unencumbered cock. “My poor baby,” he said, placing an open mouthed kiss on the crown of Kyle’s erection.

“Your baby needs a whole lot more of that.”

Gill chuckled and swirled his tongue around the head, delving into the wide slit at the top. “Mmm,” he groaned at the taste.

Rubbing his cheek on the side of Kyle’s cock, Gill looked up into his eyes. “Talk to me.

Tell me what kind of ceremony you want?”

Kyle’s brows rose. “You want to talk now?”

Gill shrugged. “We have all night to love and touch. I was just wondering.” Running a hand across the top of Gill’s bare head, Kyle grinned. “You’re such a romantic.” He sighed. “Well, I thought I’d like to have the ceremony in the park. Maybe at one of the gazebos. I’ll invite my family and hopefully your family will come up for it. I don’t care much about flowers or anything like that. To be surrounded by friends and family is enough for me.”


Kyle chuckled and rolled his eyes. “And you, of course. I thought that was a given.” Gill wondered how to approach the topic really on his mind. He’d gone over it a dozen times and still couldn’t come up with the perfect way. “Would you like to walk down the aisle?”

Kyle stilled. “What?” he asked, voice cracking slightly.

Gill sat up and cupped Kyle’s cheek. “I know I’m not saying this right. I thought if we planned to get married, you’d go back to Irvine to get your therapy. I’m sorry if it was presumptuous. I just wanted you to know I’d be here when you got back.” Kyle sat up and reached for his chair. After swinging himself into the seat, he headed towards the bathroom.

“Kyle?” Gill crawled off the bed.

Kyle held his hand up, stopping Gill’s progress. “I need to be alone,” he said as he slammed the bathroom door.


Carol Lynne


Gill paced back and forth across the room waiting for Kyle. When the door finally opened, he was surprised to see Kyle was fully dressed. “I need you to drive me home.”

“Baby? Please don’t do this. Let’s talk about it.”

“Don’t call me that,” Kyle ground out between clenched teeth as he wheeled out of the bedroom.

Scratching the top of his head, Gill watched Kyle leave the room. “How the hell did I manage to screw everything up with one question?” he asked himself.

Maybe he could talk his way out of the hole on the way to the bakery. He pulled on a pair of sweats and stuffed his feet into his work boots. By the time he made it out to the garage, Kyle was already in the seat. Gill quietly put Kyle’s chair in the back.

“Please talk to me,” Gill begged as he pulled out of the garage. “I’m sorry if I made an ass of myself. Please, just tell me what I can do to make it better?”

“Nothing. There’s absolutely nothing you can say to me to make me change my mind.” Kyle reached over and Gill was momentarily thrilled at the touch. The thrill was short lived as he felt the cold press of platinum in his palm. “No. I won’t take this back.” Gill pulled up in front of the bakery and Kyle opened the door. “You have no choice. I don’t want it anymore.”

Kyle barely made it to the bathroom before he threw up. He was shaking so badly, he almost fell face first into the toilet. Soon after vomiting, the crying began. He washed his face and made his way into the bedroom.

Once on the side of the bed, Kyle completely fell apart. How could he have been so naïve? Of course a man like Gill would’ve preferred a man who could walk. Reaching out he pushed at the chrome chair with all his strength, sending it across the room to smash into his dresser.

Without bothering to disrobe, he lay down and reached for the phone. Hopefully Kevin wasn’t on a date.


“Kev? I need you.”


Carol Lynne


A knock on the driver’s side window woke him. Gill looked over and came face to face with Eric. Suddenly pissed, he rolled down the window. “What the hell do you want?” Eric jerked back and held up his hands. “Sorry. I just wondered if you knew why the bakery wasn’t open?”

Checking his watch, Gill saw it was almost eight in the morning. “Guess Kyle’s taking the morning off,” he mumbled. It took everything he had not to use the set of keys in his pocket. The only thing that stopped him was the knowledge that it would only make matters worse.

“Are you okay?” Eric asked.

“No,” Gill said and rolled up his window. He stared at the apartment above the bakery, waiting for some sign that Kyle was okay.

He wasn’t sure how long he stared, but another knock to his car window had him jumping. “Shit!” he yelled. He rolled down the window. “What the hell do you want now?” Hal was leaning against the driver’s door with his arms crossed. “Snappy bastard. Let’s go get some breakfast at Deb’s.”

Gill shook his head. “I’m not good company right now.”

“That’s what I heard. Come on, buddy. Let’s get some food in you then we can talk it over. If you sit here much longer the whole town will know you’re having trouble with your man.”

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