Sweet Thursday (16 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Sweet Thursday
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Sweet Thursday

“You’re wet, Lil. So wet and hot.” Justin’s words traveled through Killian’s body, spurring him on, and he reached over to pick up one of the condoms Justin had retrieved from the nightstand.

He pulled the rubber on as Lily moaned above him, her body trembling under Justin’s touch. He caught his friend’s gaze, recognizing the question in Justin’s eyes. He nodded once. They both wanted the same thing. Killian wanted it so badly he could taste it and he knew Justin felt the same.

Killian kissed Lily as Justin continued to touch her, tease her, drive her to the brink.

She cried out as she came and Killian was overwhelmed with the need to feel her pleasure. Gripping her hips, he pulled her onto his cock as she climaxed, her body engulfing his rigid flesh, her inner muscles vibrating, caressing him.

“Oh my God,” she gasped as he dragged her down, impaling her to the hilt. His movements triggered another orgasm and she trembled under the impulse. He felt Justin move directly behind her. Heard Lily’s quick intake of breath.

“Shhh,” Killian consoled. “Let us take care of you, sweetness. Let us show you what it means to share.”

He watched Justin open the tube of lubrication, felt his friend’s progress through Lily’s response to his touches.

With his cock buried inside her, he could feel when Justin’s finger breached her ass, thrusting in and out of the tight portal.

“Do you like that, baby girl?” Justin asked.

Lily nodded, moaned in response.

“Can you take two fingers?” Justin didn’t wait for a response to his question and Lily stiffened briefly under the added pressure. Killian ran his hands through her hair, pushed his cock in and out shallowly a few times until she relaxed again.

“Feels so good,” she whispered against his chest, and Killian couldn’t hide the grin that her words produced.


Mari Carr

Justin looked at him and Killian watched as his friend reached over to put on a condom as well. He closed his eyes, said a silent prayer they weren’t pushing Lily too far, too fast. Lily opened her eyes when Justin returned behind her. He’d lubed up the condom and Killian watched him press more lubrication into her rectum.

“Lily,” Justin whispered.

She lifted her head, looking at Killian for a few moments before a smile crossed her lips. Then she turned toward Justin. “I want you.”

It was all she needed to say. Justin lined his cock up with her anus and Killian held his breath as he felt his friend slowly push in. Justin was right. The feel of his friend’s cock penetrating Lily made Killian victim to the intense pleasure of sharing as well. It felt as if he was getting fucked twice and he struggled to take a deep breath.

Holy hell—the sensation was incredible. Far better than he’d ever imagined.

“Jesus, Lil. So tight, so perfect. I love you.” The words were unexpected, but Justin’s tone proved them true. She was giving them the ultimate gift. She was theirs—to hold, to love, to share. She was their Lily—from beginning to end. They all froze when Justin reached the hilt.

“Lil,” Killian said. “You okay, sweetness?”

“Move! Please God, move. I need more.”

Justin’s harsh release of breath filled the room and Killian chuckled. “You heard our girl, Justin. Move.”

Justin pulled his cock out slowly and Killian groaned at the impact. “Jesus,” he muttered. “I didn’t know it would feel so—”

“Fucking awesome.” Justin finished his statement as he moved back in. Killian began his own shallow motions, his eyes never leaving Lily’s face. He was ready to retreat at the first sign she was in pain, but all he saw reflected in her eyes was utter, complete bliss.

“God, I love you, Lily,” he said, repeating Justin’s earlier proclamation.


Sweet Thursday

Lily opened her eyes and he panicked when he saw the trace of tears on her lashes.

“I love you too,” she whispered. “Both of you. So much. I always have.”

He smiled, kissing away her tears, and Justin shuddered above her. “Damn. This isn’t gonna take long. Feels too fucking good.”

“Language,” Lily chastised and they all chuckled at her jest before they groaned as one when Justin retreated and returned—harder, faster than before.

Lily reached the peak first, her body trembling as her orgasm claimed her. Killian tried to fight back his own but the tight clench of her pussy and the solid rub of Justin’s cock against his proved to be too much, and he gave in as well. Justin followed quickly, yelling out his release in a stream of sweet nothings, liberally punctuated by cursing.

“Holy fuck, Lily. Shit, you’re gorgeous. Jesus, I’ll never get enough of you, of this.”

Lily collapsed on his chest and Killian struggled to breathe as Justin followed her down, his weight falling against her back.

“Move. Over.” Killian pushed against Justin’s shoulders until his friend fell to the side. As Justin’s cock left Lily’s body, she shuddered and Killian quickly wrapped her up in his embrace.

He closed his eyes for just a moment, aware of the fact he should move, should pull out of Lily’s body too, make sure she was okay, but he didn’t want to break the spell, step away from the magic of the moment.

“I think I like sharing,” Lily whispered.

He chuckled. “Me too, Lil. Me too.”

* * * * *

Lily stirred and opened her eyes. It was dark in the room and, for a moment, she didn’t know where she was. Then she felt Justin’s arm tighten around her waist, spooning her more closely, and the entire night came back to her. She was in bed with her best friends…again. Her resolution to return to a platonic friendship with them had lasted all of two weeks.


Mari Carr

She tried to regret her actions, tried to return to the sensible side that said this relationship would never last, but the feelings wouldn’t come. She was in love with them, had always been in love with them and she was tired of fighting those feelings.

She snuggled closer to Killian, relishing the way his hand rested on her breast. She was warm, safe, loved and happy.

Justin’s cock brushed against her ass and she shook her head.

“Again?” she whispered as he chuckled.

“Told you’d I’d never get enough.”

She rolled over onto her back, welcoming his gentle kisses. She ran her fingers along his beloved face and wondered why she’d ever bothered fighting this.

“I was thinking maybe you’d like to take a bath. I’m worried you’re gonna be sore in the morning.”

She smiled at him. “I’m fine, Justin.”

He shrugged. “Even so, I’d feel better if you let me take care of you.”

take care of you.” Killian’s sleepy voice drifted from her left.

“A bath sounds lovely.” She had to admit she was feeling twinges in unfamiliar areas, although she’d never confess that to her guys. They’d go into protector mode and start handling her with kid gloves. She liked their rough, needy touches. Loved the feeling of being so incredibly desirable. Plain old Lilywhite had conquered the hearts of the two hottest boys in school. She was suddenly looking forward to the fifteen-year reunion.

“What’s that naughty grin about?” Killian asked.

Lily gave them a wicked smile. “I was imagining the three of us going to the fifteen-year reunion together and turning every color-treated hair on Judith’s head white.”

Justin laughed. “Holy shit. I think you actually just talked me into going back for another reunion. Didn’t think that was possible.”


Sweet Thursday

“Come on.” Killian took her hand and they all rose from the bed. “Let’s get you in that bathtub. You can soak out the stiffness and then go back to sleep.”

“Sleep?” she asked, drawing her finger down his chest seductively.

“Sleep,” Killian repeated. “Neither one of us is touching you again until tomorrow—

She pushed out her lower lip in a pout but Justin shook his head, lightly smacking her bare ass. “And no power looks. Bath, bed, sleep. That’s it.”

She sighed. “Fine. But I have to say I’m a bit disappointed in your bad-boy attitudes.”

Killian laughed at her taunt. “Well, you know what they say, sweetness. Nothing like the love of a good woman…”

“Damn. Even trying to be naughty I get cast in the

Justin wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Oh Lil, you’re definitely good.


She giggled. In that context, being good didn’t sound half-bad.


Mari Carr

Chapter Ten

Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye and Killian marveled at how easily they’d fallen into a routine. Bit by bit, more of Lily’s things made their way from her tiny apartment to their townhouse—her toothbrush and hair products were in the bathroom, her fleece blanket was on the couch, her favorite snack foods filled the cabinets. Their bachelor pad was slowly becoming a home for three and he didn’t think of it as
bedroom anymore, but instead referred to it as

They didn’t talk about the future because it was all still too new, too fragile.

However, with each passing day, Killian became more convinced this could easily turn into a lifetime. He’d lived with Justin for nearly a decade—they were used to each other. They were like brothers, and adding Lily to the mix only made the friendship stronger, better.

“You’re awfully quiet.” Lily ran her hand along his thigh as he pulled into the parking lot of Pat’s Pub. “Nervous? Because if you’re having second thoughts, we can play it cool.”

Killian grinned and shook his head. “No, Lil. We all agreed we aren’t going to hide our relationship. That’s no way to live. We come out of the closet today.” He wished he felt as confident as he sounded. They’d discussed keeping the details of their unusual relationship a secret, but decided instead to take the bull by the horns and come clean with their friends and families. Especially since he and Justin had finally convinced Lily to move in with them at the end of her three-month lease.

Caitlyn’s first birthday party seemed the perfect venue to test the waters. Killian’s entire family would be there, as well as Lily’s brother Chad. Killian had expected Justin to gloat about not having to worry about this part since the only family he had was his 128

Sweet Thursday

father, who was several hundred miles away in Florida. However, a quick glance confirmed Justin was feeling the strain of the situation just a keenly as he and Lily.

“You okay, Justin?”

Justin nodded. “Sean said something a couple weeks ago and I guess it’s sort of been working on me.”

Lily grasped Justin’s hand as Killian put the truck in park and turned off the engine.

“What did he say?”

“He said he never wanted to disappoint his pop, said that was true of all your brothers and sisters.”

Killian nodded. “That’s true, but Justin, Pop is cool. I know what we’re doing is unconventional, but I don’t think we’re hurting anybody. We just have to make sure he understands that.”

“I know that and I’m not changing my mind. I want us to tell people. Hell, I wanna scream to the world that Lily’s ours. It’s just…my relationship with my dad has never been a very close one and I don’t want to mess up things between you and your pop. I want to make sure
sure. No pressure, you know.”

“I’m sure.” Killian appreciated his friend’s concerns.

Justin took a deep breath. “Well, it’s settled then. I’m getting tired of trying to keep my hands off Lily in public.”

Lily laughed. “I haven’t noticed that hands-off thing. When was that happening?”

“You’re our Lily. You’ve always been ours.” Justin squeezed her hand while Killian grabbed her free one. “So. Ready or not?”

Lily grinned but Killian could see her nervousness. “Ready.”

They climbed out of the truck and walked into the pub. Most of the family was already gathered there and Riley quickly claimed Justin to help carry food from the kitchen, while Keira pulled Lily into a conversation with Teagan and Lane.


Mari Carr

He walked over to the bar where Tris was pouring out a beer for Ewan. “Bit early for drinking, isn’t it?”

They’d closed down the restaurant and pub for the day for the private family party.

They didn’t do it often but Pop was a firm believer in celebrating life, so on occasion, he shut down the business for a few hours to open the place up as a part of their home.

Killian loved their special celebrations.

“Don’t get too many days off.” Ewan picked up his mug and toasted him. “Gotta take advantage of it.” Ewan glanced toward the stage and Killian wondered about his usually easy-going brother’s scowl.

“Who’s the blonde with Sky?” he asked when he saw a woman he didn’t recognize.

“Natalie Miller,” Ewan answered. “She and Sky went to school together. She’s traveling with him and Teagan for a while, doing some sort of photographical biography.”

Tris leaned on the counter of the bar. “I don’t know how Teagan can stand to have someone following her around with a camera all the time.”

Ewan shrugged. “Nat’s a friend. I’m sure that makes it easier. Excuse me a minute.”

Killian watched his younger brother pick up his beer and head toward the stage.

His previous sullenness disappeared as he engaged Natalie in conversation. “What’s that about?”

Tris chuckled. “Baby brother’s got it bad for the older woman. She won’t give him the time of day, though. Riley’s been giving him shit about it.”

“Riley doesn’t approve of the age difference?” Killian frowned, wondering what his family would say about his relationship if they were concerned about Ewan’s interest in an older woman.

“Nah. Riley just likes pushing Ewan’s buttons. I’m sort of hoping he succeeds.

Natalie’s pretty damn cool and she’d be lucky to snatch up Ewan.”


Sweet Thursday

“Reliable, workaholic Ewan falling in love. Never thought I’d see the day.” Killian saw Natalie shake her head at something Ewan said before he turned to see Justin and Aaron Young, Riley’s friend, carrying a castle made entirely of colorful cupcakes out of the kitchen.

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