Sweet Thursday (9 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

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He spoke the words lightly and she giggled.

“I know I am. Part of that good-girl baggage.”

“Lily,” Killian started, “we’re not going make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”

Though his words were directed at her, Killian’s glare was drilling holes through Justin’s head.

“I’ve never done anything,” she paused and sighed, “sexual in, um, that area.”

“Why not?”

She laughed at Justin’s forthright question. “No one’s ever asked.”

“Well, I’m asking.”

Killian muttered, “Jesus, Justin.”

“I’d like to try.” Her blush covered nearly her whole body as she spoke and Justin narrowed his eyes, studying her face intently, trying to read any deceit in her answer.

He saw none.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded quickly. “I’m sure.” Then, in typical Lily fashion, she twisted the subject around, lobbing the ball directly back into his court. “What did you mean I wasn’t the only one with fantasies left unfulfilled? I sort of thought you guys had covered all the sex bases.”


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Justin cleared his throat, looking toward his friend for help, but Killian closed his eyes and shook his head. “You started it. You finish it.”

Justin looked back at Lily. “I know I said K and I have participated in threesomes before. That wasn’t a lie, but there’s one thing we’ve never—” Fuck. This is why talking things out was never a good idea. It led to awkward conversations.

“You’ve never what?”

“Taken a woman at the same time.”

Lily nodded slowly. “You mean—”

“I mean I wanna fuck your ass while Killian claims that hot pussy of yours.”

Lily sighed. “I’m pretty sure that would hurt. A lot.”

Justin chuckled. “I think we’d make sure it didn’t.”

“And if it did, we’d stop. Immediately.” Killian’s voice was firm and Justin knew he’d pay later for starting this line of conversation. Regardless of the fact his friend clearly wanted the same experience, he knew K well enough to know he’d never ask for it because of the risk of causing Lily pain.

Justin just happened to know there was good pain and bad pain, and he’d seen Lily react with definite lust to his rough touches throughout the night.

“So it’s settled,” he said, deciding there was a definite risk in allowing anyone to think about this subject for too long. “You’ll stay the weekend and we’ll do a bit of experimenting.”

Lily looked as though she wanted to protest, but he wasn’t man enough to hear which part she took exception to, so he leaned down and kissed her. Claimed her lips, hard and long, working overtime to try to wipe out any lingering fears she had. He’d rather rip off his left nut than hurt her and if that meant skipping the double penetration, so be it. He just couldn’t let her leave. Not yet.

When she went soft in his arms, he gentled the kiss, letting Killian pull her toward him. She went willingly and Justin watched his friends embrace, his cock twitching at 68

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the sight. He watched for several minutes before deciding to re-enter the picture. He brushed her long hair aside, kissing the back of her neck. He grinned when he felt her tremble with his touch. He let his hand drift down the side of her waist while K stroked her cheeks, her jaw with his fingers.

“So beautiful,” he heard his friend murmur. “So brave.”

Justin considered Killian’s compliments and realized they were true. Lily had come to that reunion with the goal of seducing not one of them, but both. So far, she’d taken to their advances like a fish to water, never balking, never shying away. She was amazing.

His hand left her waist and hip, moving to grip her ass. She stiffened under his touch for only a second before relaxing again. He looked up and realized Killian had broken off the kiss. For a moment, Justin thought his friend might call a halt, so he was surprised when Killian twisted onto this back, dragging Lily on top of him.

“Get up on your knees, sweetness, and straddle my hips.” Killian directed her into the position before pulling her head back down, his lips taking hers again for a brief kiss. “Be very sure, Lil.”

Lily grinned at Killian and then turned to face Justin. “I’m sure.”

Her trust, her belief that they would make this good for her, blew him away. In all his life, no one—except maybe K—had ever had such unshakable faith in him. The magnitude of that truth nearly knocked him over. He smiled, suddenly feeling like the luckiest bastard on earth.

He rose, moving to kneel by her hip, running his hand along her smooth buttocks.

Killian had reclaimed her lips and he wondered if his friend wasn’t hoping to distract her a bit from what he planned to do. He ran his fingers along the valley between her ass cheeks, relieved to find her pussy wet and hot as fire. She wasn’t afraid. Given the size of her engorged clit, he’d say she was damn excited at the prospect of what he offered. He pressed on her clit and she groaned, thrusting toward his fingers, seeking 69

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more of the pressure. He provided it, rubbing the nub firmly, quickly. Her hips took up the pace and she broke away from Killian’s kiss to gasp for air.

“God, Justin. That feels so good.”

“All I ever want is to make you feel good, Lily.” As he spoke the words, he realized they were the truth. He continued applying pressure, loving the mindless motion of her hips as her body sought more pleasure.

“Come for us,” Killian demanded. “Let me see that pretty face of yours when you climax.”

Justin increased the pressure on her clit, sliding his thumb into her pussy. She groaned, her inner muscles clenching against him. With his other hand, he gathered some of the copious moisture between her legs, drawing it to her anus. She stiffened for only a moment when he tapped the puckered hole. Killian kissed her again and Justin saw his friend playing with her breasts as well.

Lily squirmed between them like a toddler in church, her body shifting into overdrive with all their touches. When he slid his finger into her ass to the first knuckle, he watched the dam give way. She trembled as she came, crying out her pleasure in the sweetest voice he’d ever heard. God, she was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever met.

She collapsed on top of Killian and he watched his friend embrace her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as her body slowly stopped quivering. He didn’t realize for a moment that his fingers were still inside her, he was so overwhelmed by her reactions to them. He moved his hand away from her clit and pussy, but left the one finger in her ass, wiggling it slightly.

She groaned but didn’t move away. In fact, she offered the slightest pressure, pushing back against his finger as if to invite more. He paused when he felt Killian’s gaze on him.

“Get the lube,” his friend said and Justin nodded. Even though her body was producing plenty of juice, it was her first time with this type of sex play and he wanted her completely comfortable.


Sweet Thursday

He moved from his spot on the bed, reaching for the lubrication he’d carried in when he’d fetched the condoms. Speaking of which, he looked back at K and raised his eyebrows. Killian shrugged slightly then nodded.

Justin grabbed a couple condoms, handing one to his friend. Lily had begun to stir, the reverie of her climax fading, and she watched him curiously.

“So what’s the plan?” she asked.

“I thought I’d let Killian fuck that hot pussy of yours while I stretch your ass with my fingers.”

Lily shook her head. “Those words just fly out of your mouth, don’t they? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you. You can spout out the dirtiest words I’ve ever heard in my life without even blinking an eye.”

He and K laughed at her comment. “I figure if I can do it, I can say it. You might wanna think about that, wild woman.”

“Touché.” She sighed but grinned. “Here, let me do that.” She took the condom out of Killian’s hand and both men watched, spellbound, as she ripped the package open with her teeth before pulling the rubber over Killian’s dick in such a sexy way, Justin felt for his friend. He couldn’t imagine trying to hold back in the face of her tormenting.

When she finished, Killian swallowed heavily before choking out the words,

“Climb on.”

She obeyed, pressing down on Killian’s cock like they had all the time in the world.

“We’ve created a monster.” Justin resumed his spot beside her hip.

“We’ve created a cock tease.” Killian placed his hands at her waist, holding Lily still when she grinded his dick even farther inside her.

“Lean forward, Lil, and hold still.” Justin gently nudged her forward until her head rested on Killian’s chest, leaving her ass open and ready for his intentions. “This will be cold at first.” He squirted a generous dollop of lube at the entrance to her anus and 71

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grinned when she shivered. He suspected the chill
the anticipation had caused her response.

He lightly rimmed the tight pucker before slowly pushing his finger in. He drove the digit forward until it was completely inside her and he felt her stiffen at his relentless stroke. No doubt she’d expected him to stop at the first knuckle again.

“You’re holding your breath, sweetness.” Killian ran his fingers through her hair, lifting her face to his. “Breathe.”

She stirred and Justin decided to let K do the comforting while he did the initiating.

He pulled his finger in and out several times, keeping his pace easy, gentle. Soon she began anticipating his return trip and started moving toward him. Killian—showing more patience than Justin would have been able to muster—finally broke and started thrusting up inside her shallowly while Justin countered the movement in her ass.

He hadn’t realized how much of Killian’s cock he would be able to feel through the thin membrane between them.

“I can feel his dick, Lil. God, how can you hold all of that?”

Killian and Lily both groaned at his heated question and he continued. “Imagine when it’s my cock inside you, not my finger. Killian and I will be able to feel each other as we take you. Jesus, do you know how tight that’s gonna be?”

“So good,” Lily whispered.

He paused. “Fuck. That doesn’t make me gay, does it?”

Lily and Killian burst into fits of laughter and Justin’s finger fell out of her ass.

“Dammit, you made me lose my place.”

“I’m sure you’ll find it again,” Lily replied once she’d regained control of herself.

Killian was still shaking his head. “Sometimes I worry about all the shit that goes on inside that head of yours, Justin. You’re not gay, now shut up. My balls are about to explode and you keep distracting me.”


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Lily began to ride Killian and Justin decided he couldn’t stand not tasting her lips another minute. He gripped her hair, kissing her quickly before moving away from the couple. She looked over at him questioningly and he grinned and shrugged. “I like watching you,” he admitted.

“Good.” Killian sat up, pushing Lily on her back to the bed. “I can’t wait any longer, Lil. Gotta have you. Gotta—”

She wrapped her legs around his friend’s waist and he watched them move frantically toward the finish line together. They’d both clearly been holding back for too long. Killian pumped into her body like a piston and Justin marveled at the way Lily spurred him on, her fingernails leaving red tracks along K’s back.

They cried out at the same time as they came and Justin ran his hand along his own painful erection. He donned a condom when Killian pulled out, falling to the side of the bed on his back, panting. Justin came over her, an apology hovering on his lips. They’d taken her several times tonight. He was a bastard to ask for more.

Before he could speak a word, she reached up to him. “Come inside me. I’ve missed you.”

He swallowed heavily, slowly pushing his way into her warmth, her comfort, her body. He took her with great care, rocking gently while stroking her clit the way he knew she loved. She came twice before he joined her. Killian was asleep by the time they finished and when Justin returned from the bathroom with the washcloth, Lily had curled up on his friend’s chest, sleeping soundly as well.

For a moment, he sat on the edge of the bed and watched them. Lily had asked for one night and they’d convinced her to give them the weekend. He ran his hand lightly over her hair and wondered how much more he dared to ask for, realizing he wanted far too much.


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Chapter Six

Lily opened her eyes, trying to focus on the strange sheet under her head. It was warm, flesh-colored and moving. She sucked in a breath and tried to look up covertly.

Killian was watching her, his breathing even and deep. She wondered how long he’d lain awake, allowing her to use him as a pillow.

“Morning, sweetness.”

“Hey.” She licked her lips and wiggled her hips slightly, fighting to mask her wince and failing.


She shook her head and Killian rolled his eyes at her outright lie. “Of course you are. What do you say I fill the tub with hot water and bubbles? You can have a nice long soak while I make you some breakfast.”

She sighed. That sounded heavenly—mainly because she could really use some time alone to get her thoughts in order. “I’d like that.” She glanced behind her, aware the other side of the bed was empty. “Where’s Justin?”

“He had to run a couple errands. Got an early start.”

She looked at the clock. It was nearly twelve. “You call noon an early start?”

Killian chuckled. “That’s about as early as we were going to manage today. You wore us out last night.”

“Yeah, well, considering I’m actually the last person to wake up, I think I may win in the ‘worn out’ category.”

Killian frowned, reaching over to cup her cheek. His gesture was so sweet, she fought back tears. “You doing okay with this?”

She nodded. “I think I’m overwhelmed by how—”


Sweet Thursday

“Amazing it is.” He finished her sentence perfectly.

“In my wildest dreams, I never imagined it would feel so… God, where the hell are my words today?”

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