Sweet Reluctance (3 page)

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Authors: Laura Lovecraft

Tags: #oral sex, #blow job, #reluctance, #hardcore sex, #coed erotica, #older man and younger woman sex, #submissive girl, #facial cumshot, #submissive erotica

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“Well,” she frowned, “Maybe I can clean
your house every other time for free until it’s paid off.” She
nodded. “That would be a hundred a month.”

“But then how will you live without
that hundred?”

Tammy paused and undaunted, continued
her effort.

“I’ll get a second job and use that
money to pay you off.”

“And lose time from your studies,” I
pointed out. “Part of your aid is based on grades I’d imagine, so
again this could affect you negatively.”

“Well…” she started, but I put my hand
up to stop her.

“Tammy understand something, I’ve made
a lot of money as a financial planner. I make that money by telling
people what they can and can’t afford to do. You can’t afford to
borrow this money. It will end up causing as many problems as it
will solve, understand?”

She looked at me and another sick surge
of excitement went through me when I saw those big brown eyes
filling with tears. Tammy looked as if she were going to say
something, then stopped and stood up.

“You’re right I guess.” She said,
bravely trying not to cry as she spoke. “Thank you for at least
thinking about it.”

“Tammy, I…” I started, but she went

“I’ll let you know when I’ll be leaving
to go back home so you’ll have time to find somebody to replace

Turning, she began to walk away towards
the front door. I let her get a few steps away, to make it seem as
if I was thinking and took a moment to admire the backs of her
well-toned calves. When she was halfway to the door I called out,
“Tammy, I never said I wouldn’t help.”

Tammy stopped and turning around,
looked at me, a small smile on her lips and her eyes now wide with

“You can help me?”

“Well it will be up to you, if I can,
but come sit, and we can talk about it.”

Her smile widening, Tammy walked back
to the recliner, but I raised my hand.

“Come sit here.” Leaning forward, I
tapped the leather ottoman that was a couple of feet in front of
the recliner.

“Over there?”

“Yes, I’d like to be a little closer
while we discuss this.”

Tammy shrugged and coming over, sat
down in front of me. The ottoman was only a couple of feet high and
the perfect height for her to lean over and…

I didn’t mean to upset you
Tammy,” I began, focusing on it getting to that point, “All I’m
saying is that I can’t see how we could do this as a loan. That
doesn’t mean we can’t work something out.”

“I’m not following,” she said. “You
said there was no way I could repay you.”

“Right, but that doesn’t mean that I
couldn’t give you the money.”

“You….you’re going to give me a
thousand dollars?”

“Yes.” I said simply, then putting my
finger up added. “But understand that nothing in life is free, so I
am going to expect you to earn it.”

As I spoke I wondered what her reaction
would be. To me the statement was pretty obvious, but Tammy did
seem a bit more naïve than the other girls I had done this with.
When I finished she looked confused.

“I offered to clean for free and you
said that wouldn’t work.”

“It won’t,” I resisted the urge to
smile. She really was that innocent. “But I was thinking that there
is another service you could provide that would allow you to repay

I gave her a wink and sat back, waiting
for her reaction.

“I don’t know what I could do for you
besides clean,” she shrugged. “But whatever you have in mind, I’m
sure I can do.”

This time I did smile. I really was
going to have to spell it out for her.


“Yes, Mr.….I mean Josh.”

“I want you to ask yourself

“Okay.” She leaned forward, bringing
herself even closer to where I ultimately wanted her.

“What do you think a good looking older
guy like me would want from a pretty young lady like you that would
be worth that kind of money?”

Tammy looked as if she were still
confused and started to speak. She then stopped and my smile
broadened when her eyes widened.

“You…” she shook her head, “Are you
saying that you want too….” She trailed off, but this time I wasn’t
letting her off the hook.

“Want to what?” I asked.

Swallowing, she whispered, “You want to
have sex with me?”

“Exactly,” I nodded. “I’ve wanted you
since the first time I saw you Tammy, and bad enough to hand you a
thousand dollars in cash right now.”

“But… but that’s

Unable to help it, I burst out

“Oh, Tammy,” I exclaimed, once I could
stop. “You truly are precious. Maybe it is, but I consider it more
a business transaction. You want something from me; I get what I
want from you.”

“I…I can’t.” she shook her head. “I’m
not like that. And you said you liked that I was a good girl, why
would you…”

“I also said that good girls are more
fun when they act badly.” I reminded her.

“I get it,” she said laughing
nervously, “You’re kidding, this is like a test or

“Does this look like I’m

Uncrossing my legs, I put my hand down
on my stomach to draw her attention between my legs. Not only was
the bulge in my jeans obvious, but I had been so excited that there
was a small wet stain visible where my dripping cock had soaked
through the material.

“Oh my God!” Tammy said, comically
bringing her hand to her face.

If she had blushed before, it was
nothing compared to the beet red color her cheeks quickly turned.
Reaching into my pocket, I removed a roll of hundred dollar bills
and showed it to her.

“This is a real offer

“I… I can’t believe you would want
this,” she stammered. “I thought you were a nice guy.”

I smiled at that, and then

“I am a nice guy Tammy, most guys who
pay for sex shell out a hundred bucks, I’m offering you ten times
that because that’s what you need and I want you to stay in
school,” I smirked, “Don’t you want to stay in school?”

“That’s not nice at all.” She said and
to my delight her lips pushed into a pout, “Or very

“Life never is.” I told her. “But
unlike many girls in your position, I’m giving you a chance to help
yourself. This is a more than fair offer Tammy.”

“But you could be nice and let me earn
it another way and…”

“Okay, so maybe I’m not so nice.” I
shrugged, “But what I am is the only person who can help you and
I’ll be more than happy to, after you help me.”

“I…I’m not a slut Mr. Daniels.” Tammy
said shaking her head. “I feel bad you think I am.”

“I know you’re not a slut Tammy.” I
told her, leaning forward and trying not to smile as she leaned
back. “That’s why I want you, I don’t want what everyone else has
had, I want a good girl.”

“A good girl wouldn’t do this.” Taking
a deep she shook her head and said “I won’t do it.”

“Okay.” I told her, slipping the money
back in my pocket, “Maybe you can get it somewhere

“Even if I can’t, I won’t be a whore.”
She said indignantly.

Standing up, she continued.

“And I don’t think I should come back
here and clean, I… I don’t feel right about being here

“Well that’s your choice Tammy.” I said
softly, “Best of luck to you.”

“Thank you.” She nodded and turning
away took a couple of steps towards the door.

I frowned, wondering if she were really
going to walk out. So far I had never had a girl turn down my
offer, but maybe I underestimated how good Tammy was. As she walked
slowly away, I wondered if I could try to change the offer to just
a simple blow job. No, it would most likely be all or nothing with
her and it was looking like I was getting nothing. I looked down at
my crotch, resigning myself to the prospect of jerking off rather
than getting the real thing. It then hit me that I hadn’t heard the
door. Looking up, I saw Tammy had stopped halfway to the door and
was standing there with her head down.

Turning back around, she slowly walked
back towards me. Her head was down and I felt my heart begin to
pound when she sat back down on the ottoman. Bringing her head up
to look at me she asked softly, “Would it only be once or would you
expect it every time I came to clean for you?”

“Just tonight.” I assured her, feeling
my again begin to rise. “Like I said it’s a very fair

“I…don’t want to.” She said, her lower
lip trembling, “But I…I need the money.”

That could not have been said better! I
swallowed hard and shifted slightly to give my aching cock more
room. Tammy made it ache even more when, her brown eyes looking
into mine, she asked, “Are you really going to make me do

“I’m not making you do anything Tammy,
you either will or you won’t, choice is yours.”

“I just don’t understand why you want
me to.”

“Because you’re young and beautiful.” I
told her.

“You could get sexier women than me.”
She said. “Besides I….” looking down she whispered, “I’m not really
very good at it.”

“Oh, come on now,” I laughed. “You’re
nineteen Tammy; you know how to have sex.”

“I’ve only done it with one guy, and he
said I wasn’t very good at it.”

“That’s okay,” I said quietly, “I’ll
tell you exactly what to do.”

She didn’t respond and I

“See Tammy, I love that you’re
innocent, that you’re not some easy little pig. The fact that you
don’t want to is exactly what I want. I live to see good little
girls like you act like nasty little sluts.”

“I’m not a….”

“We’ve talked enough.” I cut her off.
“I promise that it will just be once, and that I won’t hurt you,
but I’m losing patience. You can act like a little girl and leave,
or you can earn what you need.”

“Please don’t be mean like that.” She
asked, her lip trembling even more.

“Then act like a grown up.” I snapped,
even though she was acting just fine for my tastes

Pulling the money out, I slowly counted
out ten hundred dollar bills and put them down on the coffee table.
Tammy looked at the money, then back at me, before taking a deep

O….okay Mr….”

“For this you’ll call me sir.” I told
her. “Now take off your blouse.”


“No buts Tammy, time to act like the
bad little girl I know you can be.” I pointed at her chest “Now
take that off and show me those pretty little tits of

She looked at me and my cock swelled
seeing that not only were the lips trembling, but her brown eyes
looked as if they were filling up.

“Do I…”

Rolling my eyes, I reached out and made
to pick up the money.

“Okay!” She said.

Reaching up she began slowly
unbuttoning her blouse. I saw that she wasn’t go slow to tease, but
because her hands were shaking and her fingers fumbling with the
buttons. I sat back in the chair and smiled as she worked her way
down the blouse. When she reached the last button, I noticed she
was holding the shirt together. Putting my hands up, I mimed
opening my own shirt. Lowering her head, Tammy opened the blouse,
exposing a cute pink lace bra.

“All the way off.”

Tammy nodded and I said. “Say yes

“Y…yes sir.” She said softly as she
slid the shirt from her shoulders and dropped it to the

I licked my lips as I took in her soft
creamy skin and admired how good her black hair looked against it.
My eyes trailed down to her tits, “Now the bra.”

Tammy didn’t move and I sighed

“Okay, why don’t we just forget this,
I’m not going to keep repeating myself.”

“Sorry sir.”

Putting her arms behind her back, Tammy
unhooked the bra and as she started to pull the straps down her
arms I said, “Look at me when you do it.”

After a brief hesitation, she lifted
her face and I could feel my cock oozing at the look of shame in
her eyes. As good as her eyes looked; I dropped my gaze to where
her trembling hands were sliding the bra off. I let out a breath as
I set my eyes on the most adorable set of little tits I’d ever
seen. They were even smaller than I had imagined, not a whole lot
more than a mouthful, but they were perky, perfectly round and
featured nipples so pink I could barely see them against her skin.
Part of why I could barely see them was that they weren’t erect.
The fact that she wasn’t turned on fed my fire, but before I pushed
further, I breathed out.

“Tammy they’re beautiful.”

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