Sweet Reluctance

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Authors: Laura Lovecraft

Tags: #oral sex, #blow job, #reluctance, #hardcore sex, #coed erotica, #older man and younger woman sex, #submissive girl, #facial cumshot, #submissive erotica

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Sweet Reluctance




Laura Lovecraft




* * * * *


PUBLISHED BY: Laura Lovecraft on


Sweet Reluctance


Copyright © 2015 by Laura Lovecraft


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Sweet Reluctance

While watching Tammy fidgeting in front
of me, I began to feel a little edgy myself, but for an entirely
different reason. Whereas the adorable little brunette in front of
me’s heart was no doubt quickening due to nervousness, mine was
from excitement. For the last couple of weeks, I had wondered if it
would come to this, if my cute little coed maid was going to ask a
big favor of me. In fact, just last night I had laid there in my
bed, stroking to the image of those huge brown eyes looking up at
me, while she tentatively took my cock between those perfect lips.
Those same lips that were not only perfect for sucking cock, but
for putting on an irresistible little girl pout, the kind of pout I
lived to see.

I forced myself to play it cool,
sitting back in my recliner, sipping at my glass of Jameson’s. In
the meantime Tammy sat in the other recliner across from me, her
hands folded in her lap, looking around evasively, trying to get up
the nerve to ask me. Swallowing the smooth whiskey, my eyes
wandered down from her long curly black hair, big doe eyes and
sweet little mouth, to the less than ample swelling of her tits.
Like the proper young lady she was, Tammy wasn’t wearing anything
revealing. Her white button down blouse was tucked in snuggly, but
because her breasts were small wasn’t showing much. That was just
fine with me though. Not only did I enjoy pretty little tits, but
loved girls who didn’t dress like sluts. It made it that much
hotter to see what they had.

gaze trailed down from her chest and wandered down past her
lap to look at her long well shaped legs. Tammy was wearing a black
skirt that was just shy of knee length, but because she was sitting
had ridden part way up her thighs. A few days ago however, I had
gotten a much better look at what Tammy was hiding under boring
clothes. Obviously not expecting me to be home, she had come over
to clean wearing a pair of denim cut offs and a skimpy tank top.
She seemed self conscious as she puttered around the office while I
was pretending to be typing. The sight of her smooth white thighs
had me hard at my desk and when she had bent over, I found myself
staring at the sweetest little heart shaped ass I’d seen in quite
some time.

The grey tank top showed off her little
tits very nicely. She had been leaning over in front of me, and I
had been so mesmerized by the sight of the tops of her perky little
tits, I let myself get caught looking. I looked up to see her
staring at me and was preparing to give her an insincere apology,
when she had straightened up and apologized for dressing
inappropriately. She explained she had gone jogging and having lost
track of the time came to my house without changing so she would be
done before I came home. Shifting gears I gave her a wink and told
her, “Trust me Tammy, you have nothing to be ashamed of”

She blushed and gave me a nervous
giggle that made my cock twitch and caused me to imagine all the
other cute little noises I would love to hear her make. My eyes
made their way down her shapely legs and ended at her feet. Tammy
hadn’t come to clean today, and instead of the sneakers she
normally wore, was wearing a pair of black sandals. I took a moment
to imagine those soft feet with their pink toe nails resting on my
chest as I…

“Mr. Daniels?”

I snapped my eyes back up to her face
and lowering my glass, smiled at her.

“I’m sorry Tammy, you seem nervous so I
figured I would let you take your time.”

“Thank you.” Looking down at her legs
where she must have seen me looking, she tugged her skirt down
towards her knees. “Sorry about that.”

“About what?” I asked, hoping she would
give me another of those preciously innocent answers.

Looking away from me, Tammy didn’t

“My skirts a little short

“Please,” I waved my hand at her,
“First of all that skirt is far from short and honestly,” I gave
her a deliberate once over. “You certainly have the legs for it, so
why not?”

Tammy blushed furiously.

“I….umm, thank you I guess.”

“You’re absolutely perfect,” I told her
and meant it. She couldn’t be more perfect if she tried and the
fact she wasn’t made her all the sweeter.

“I don’t know about that.” She said,
“I’m nowhere near as pretty as some of the girls at school and the
way they dress,” she shook her head. “I could never show that
much,” she laughed, “Then again maybe that’s because I don’t have
that much to show.”

With an effort I avoided asking her to
let me be the judge of that and instead took another sip of my
drink before replying.

“You know, that’s what I like about you
Tammy, you’re modest.”

“No, I think I’m being

“No,” I shook my head. “You’re being
modest because you’re quite an attractive young lady.”

I paused and felt my cock stiffening as
Tammy’s face turned even redder and putting her head down, she
looked up at me through her long eyelashes and asked,

“Really,” I nodded. “And I’ll tell you
what, maybe it’s because I’m older, but I find a girl who leaves
something to the imagination far more desirable than a girl who
dresses like a slut, it’s like they’re advertising what they think
everyone wants.” I gave a mock sigh, “I guess I’m just a sucker for
a good girl.”

Unable to resist starting the game a
little early, I gave her a sly smile and asked, “Are you a good
girl Tammy?”

“I like to think so.”

“It must be hard to stay a good girl

“I’m not sure what you

“Well look at you, you must have guys
hitting on you all the time.”

“Sometimes.” She shrugged, “But they’re
not like you, they’d rather chase the girls that dress

“Because they’re easy.” I told her.
“They don’t have to do anything to get them; those bad girls just
give it right up.”

Tammy frowned and started looking
around again, obviously becoming uncomfortable with the
conversation. Speaking of uncomfortable, my cock was bending
painfully in my pants, but I had to keep my legs crossed so she
wouldn’t notice the bulge in my jeans.

“Well I guess that’s what guys

“Not really.” I told her. “Some guys
think good girls are more fun, especially when they finally decide
to be bad.” Giving her a wink, I asked, “Doesn’t your boyfriend
like when you’re bad?”

“I don’t have a boyfriend; we broke up
a couple of months ago.”

Even more perfect! Her not having
anyone would be one less excuse if this went where I hoped it was

“Oh, that’s too bad,” I said, hoping I
sounded sincere.

“Yeah well, I guess he found the bad
girls more fun and dumped me for one.”

“His loss Tammy.”

“I suppose.” She sighed. “He said I
wasn’t good at being bad, but he said it a lot cruder than

“Oh.” I said and paused, my mind

Tammy was only nineteen and definitely
seemed like the shy type, was it possible….?

“Was he your first boyfriend?” I asked,
trying to sound casual.

“First real boyfriend.” She nodded. “I
went on some dates in high school, but Robert was my first….” She
stopped and her cheeks again turned red.

As much as I relished her embarrassment
I got her off the hook and asked, “Did you guys date

“Six months.” She said. “He was really
sweet in the beginning, then after we…” she looked away and I was
going to say something else, but she finished. “When he got what he
wanted, he didn’t stay around.”

Oh goddamn! Tammy wasn’t more than a
couple of months removed from having her cherry popped! Most men my
age would be turned off by her inexperience, but my cock was
throbbing so hard it was beginning to ache. Although I enjoyed a
woman who knew her way around the bedroom as much as any man, what
I lived for was girls like Tammy. Young and sweet, more girl next
door cute than out right sexy, and most importantly a good girl.
Easy women had their place, but there was nothing hotter than
making a good girl bad, especially if they didn’t really want

For me it was more about the thrill of
watching those big eyes and trembling lips as they forced
themselves to do whatever I asked. I suppose in the end it was much
more about taking their innocence as it was about taking their
bodies. In front of me, Tammy had gone back to looking down at her
hands, probably wondering how she had gotten herself into an
embarrassing conversation and still trying to work up the nerve to
ask me for the favor I knew she needed. Rather than ask more
embarrassing questions, I decided to let her sit and let her wonder
why she’d said as much as she had.

In the meantime, I thought back to the
first time I had experienced the game of Sweet Reluctance as I had
come to call it. It happened five years ago when my company had to
make some cuts. I was asked to trim two people from my department
and one of them was a twenty one year old intern named Susan. I
waited until the end of the day and asked her into my office. As
she sat there looking like she was ready to burst into tears, I
explained how sorry I was, but I had to let her go. Susan began
begging me to reconsider, telling me how her family was on the west
coast and if she lost this job, she might have to move back

I genuinely felt bad, Susan was a good
employee, but had the least seniority of the group. As she sat
there, her head down, I found myself, as I had many other times,
checking her out. Susan was a petite little thing, barely five feet
and a hundred pounds soaking wet. Despite her small stature, her
body was well proportioned. Her tits were on the small side, but
looked just right on her, and she had a cute little ass that I
enjoyed looking at on days when she wore jeans to work. That day
she was wearing a red sundress that showed off her tits and
slender, but well-shaped legs quite well.

I was drawn from my perusal of her
body, when Susan said the three words that have inspired more porn
movies and erotic stories than any other; “Please Mr. Daniels? I’ll
do anything!”

Initially I didn’t think of her
statement in that way. I was at work after all, and Susan was a bit
of a wall flower and had a reputation as being very sweet,
certainly not the stereo typed secretarial bimbo. I shrugged and
replied that I really wished I could help her, but I couldn’t see
what she could do that would affect my decision.

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