Sweet Reluctance (2 page)

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Authors: Laura Lovecraft

Tags: #oral sex, #blow job, #reluctance, #hardcore sex, #coed erotica, #older man and younger woman sex, #submissive girl, #facial cumshot, #submissive erotica

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Susan had then left me open mouthed
when she repeated her statement and standing, slid the straps of
her dress down far enough to expose the red bra she was wearing. I
almost went with my first reaction which was to tell her to please
put her dress back on when the look on her face stopped me; she
looked scared.

It dawned on me that she didn’t want to
have sex with me, that she truly wasn’t the type to do such a
thing, but she was so desperate that she would be willing to. My
eyes dropped to where she was still holding the straps of her dress
and I saw her hands were shaking. As I continued to stare I
realized with a start that my cock was hard.

I wasn’t sure where it came from, but I
proceeded to tell her to not just undress for me, but to do it
slowly. She did as I asked, just as she did everything I asked of
her that afternoon. Every time I told Susan to do something, she
would hesitate and her lips would tremble. I didn’t push and would
wait; eventually she would do it, but reluctantly.

Whenever she would pause and get that
look on her face, my cock would twitch. Even better were the small
whimpers she would make while sucking my cock, or when I bent her
over my desk. The entire time I was having her cater to my whims it
was her hesitancy that had me as hot as the actual sex. When we
were finished I honored my half of the deal and let someone else go
instead of her. I ended up having sex with her on two other
occasions, but neither time was the same. I figured out it was
because she was less nervous and more confident. It occurred to me
that the only thing that had led me to enjoy the first time so much
was her reluctance.

I did the smart thing and told her that
we couldn’t carry on and she seemed fine with it. In fact our
little deal turned out quite well. Susan has since moved up in the
company and is doing quite well for herself and I discovered a new
passion, because, after that I was hooked.

Over the years I have constantly been
on the lookout for a chance to ‘help out’ a struggling young girl.
These situations didn’t occur often, which made me savor them even
more. Because they were so rare a year ago when traveling for
business, I went to an escort service and requested a young girl
and specified she had to act nervous and demure.

The girl showed up and looked, and
admittedly acted perfect. The problem was even as she looked up at
me and pouted when I told her to blow me, I kept coming back to the
fact that this girl made a living selling sex and it was just that,
an act. So unfortunately my fetish for corrupting sweet young women
was very rarely fulfilled. Two weeks ago however, I had begun to
get my hopes up. I had met Tammy six months ago through a friend at
work who recommended her when my long time house cleaner had to
return to Florida to take care of an ailing parent.

From the first time I met her, I was in
absolute lust. Tammy was everything I fantasized about, cute,
sweet, shy and absolutely adorable. Many were the nights I lied
there playing out my little games with her in my mind, cumming to
the image of her submitting that perfect little body to me. Usually
I wasn’t home when she cleaned, but several times I’d arranged to
be so that I could watch her.

Once she had been upset about something
and unable to resist those sad brown eyes had asked if she wanted
to talk. It turned out to be something minor, some issues with
school, but at one point her lips were trembling and I yearned to
see them trembling elsewhere. To sit back and watch those big eyes
get even bigger as I guided and coaxed her to please me.

I had no desire to be rough or forceful
to these little waifs. In fact even from the first time with Susan
I found it more exciting to speak to them softly and soothingly. I
gently encouraged them to do my bidding, urging them to be a good
girl for me. That wasn’t to say I wouldn’t throw some demeaning
remarks in here and there, but I never physically pushed

At any point if they wanted to stop I
would tell them they could, but what a shame it would be that I
couldn’t help them. I made sure to go out of my way to tell Tammy
that if she ever needed anything I would be more than happy to
help. Sadly, I had come to the conclusion that my fantasies would
stay just that; the girl seemed to have her shit annoyingly

Then two weeks ago, I overheard her on
her cell phone telling someone she didn’t have enough money and
could they give her some more time. I was dying to ask her about
it, but part of the game was letting them come to me and despite my
obsession, I let it go. Three days ago when Tammy came by to
collect the fifty dollars that I paid her to come by an hour twice
a week, she seemed upset and I asked if everything was

Tammy shrugged, and then caused my hart
to skip a beat when she told me that because she had worked on the
books the first part of the year, her financial aid was not
covering all of her next semester and she needed a thousand
dollars. Now to many a grand may seem like a lot to pay for a piece
of ass no matter how young and tight it was, but I made damn good
money and my opportunities to indulge were few and far between. I
had no doubt that if the time came, Tammy would be worth every

As excited as I was I kept my cool and
asked if she could get it from her parents. She had said they were
barely getting by and she had only been in Rhode Island for less
than a year and didn’t know anyone well enough to ask for help. I
was so desperate to get to her, I almost broke my rule and offered,
but I thought about how much better it would be when she came to

Since then it was hard to concentrate
on anything except the image of Tammy naked and whimpering on my
bed while I showed her how to be a bad little girl. When she had
called this morning and asked if she could come by and talk to me
tonight, it had been everything I could do not to lock my door and
jerk off in my office. I held off however, as I wanted to be horny
all day so that cute little Tammy would receive quite the load when
she earned her favor.

Speaking of that favor, it still hadn’t
been asked for yet. Tammy was still looking down and much as I
enjoyed anticipation, my cock was not only throbbing, but I could
feel a wet spot in my underwear, from its dripping. Putting my
glass down on the table next to the recliner, I cleared my throat.
Tammy looked up at me and smiled nervously and not wanting her to
lose her nerve I prodded her.

“So as much as I enjoy talking to a
cute young lady, I doubt you came by for small talk.” I paused as
she nodded and then continued, “You mentioned on the phone that you
needed to ask me something?”

“I…well,” Taking a deep breath seemed
to force the words out, “Mr. Daniels, you know how you keep telling
me that you like me and think I’m doing really well with my

“I do and I mean it,” I smiled at her,
“You’re really on the right path Tammy, it’s good to see, and by
the way, call me Josh.”

“I’d feel kind of funny.” She shrugged,
“It’s sort of disrespectful.”

“Not at all,” I waved my hand. “‘Mr.
Daniels’ makes me feel old so I think I would rather be

“Okay,” she gave me a coy little smile,
“But you don’t look old at all.”

“Thank you, but I’m sure you’re just
saying that,” I sighed. “I’m old enough to be your

“You look a lot younger than my dad.”
She told me, “He’s already going bald, and you have such nice

I laughed and made a show of running my
hands through my still thick black hair that had only a few greys
along the sides.

“Tell you what Tammy, if you need a
favor, you’re off to a great start; you know what they say about

Tammy giggled and a thrill went through
me, oh how I loved little noises like that.

“So I guess I should tell you that you
have really pretty blue eyes then?” she asked. “Would that

Not as much as pouting while you ask if
you can suck my cock would, I thought, but out loud answered, “Only
if you mean it, if you don’t then its teasing and it’s not nice to
tease Tammy.” Because God only knew she’s been teasing for

“I do.” She nodded. “I like blue eyes.
So umm, now that I flattered you,” she laughed nervously, “I kind
of need….”

“What else about me do you like about
me?” I interrupted.

“Oh, I…” she stopped as I caught her
gaze and winked at her.

Tammy’s eyes widened and she licked her
lips nervously. The sight of the tip of that pink tongue sent a
thrill through me as did the fact that I was pretty sure she was
trying to figure out if I were joking or not.

“Well, I think you’re very nice. You’re
always smiling when I see you and…”

“Who wouldn’t smile at the sight of
such a pretty young girl?” I asked, trying to keep my eyes focused
on hers.

Tammy looked away and started to blush

“See, like I said, you’re always really

I laughed softly, at what was a pretty
good recovery on her part. I knew I was in danger of pushing too
hard, but couldn’t resist one more try.

“I don’t mean personality, I mean
appearance, you like my hair and eyes, anything else?”

Tammy shook her head.

“I’m not sure what you mean Mr…

“You know what I mean Tammy.” I told
her, then putting my finger up continued, “Tell you what, you said
you needed to ask me something, but it’s my house and I’m going to
ask you something first okay? I mean fair is fair

“I suppose,” she said

“Okay, here we go,” Taking my hands, I
placed them on my chest. “Tammy, do you think I’m

“I…” she frowned. “I’m not sure I
should answer that.”

“Why?” I prodded, “You afraid to hurt
my feelings?”

“No, but I know you and like, you’re
older and…”

I rolled my eyes.

“You’re losing your flattery points!” I
laughed, and then said, “Looks aren’t about age Tammy, someone is
good looking or they’re not. Now, let’s try it this way, picture
that you don’t know me or how old I am or anything like that, you
see me in a club what’s your first thought?”

“You…” she looked away and said softly,
“I think you’re a nice looking guy, you’re in good shape and you
have those blue eyes and a great smile.” She stopped and still not
looking at me sighed, “Josh, can I talk about why I’m here

“A deal’s a deal,” I told her, “Go
ahead, hon what can I do for you?” More importantly what will you
do for me?

“Remember I mentioned a few days ago
that I needed money for next semester?”

I nodded, fighting to keep a neutral
expression on my face as my fantasy became one step closer to

“I’ve asked everyone I know and no one
has that kind of money. I tried the banks, but I don’t have any
credit and I…”

She trailed off and now that I was
assured of my chance to play the game, asked softly,

“Tammy, are you asking to borrow a
thousand dollars?”

She stopped and to my delight I saw her
lower lip began to tremble. I was going to say something soothing
to let her know it was open, but before I could, she blurted

“Mr. Daniels I know it’s a lot of money
and I have a lot of nerve asking, but my Mom and Dad don’t have
anything and I don’t know anyone else!”

She stopped and I had to pause, to
insure that I could sound hesitant.

“You’re right, that is a lot of

“I know it is,” she said softly, “But
I’ll pay it back, I promise I will!”

The lip was trembling again and I
paused to savor that delicious sign of how upset she was. Letting
out a deliberate sigh, I shook my head.

“I don’t see how, you don’t make a lot
of money,” I shrugged. “I would be waiting a long time to get it

“I’ll figure out a way, I’ll get a
second job!” she said, her voice beginning to crack.

“You know Tammy, maybe you could just
take on-line courses for a semester, and you won’t need as much aid
so you’ll be covered.” I fought not to smile when I finished. I
already knew how the system worked.

“But if I don’t go to classes, I’ll lose my student housing and
then I won’t have a place to live!”

Putting her head down, she looked up at
me through her long eyelashes and whispered, “Please Mr. Daniels?
I’ll have to leave school and go back home!”

My cock, which had calmed down as we
had been speaking, immediately rose to attention as I looked into
her distraught brown eyes. Not for the first time I wondered if
there were something wrong with me, but as always shrugged it off,
there was nothing wrong with a game of give a little get a

“Here’s the thing Tammy,” I began
quietly. “I know you would try to pay me back, but you would end up
in trouble that way as well.”

“What do you mean?”

“Think about it, you don’t make a lot
of money and you do have to pay some rent and buy food, put gas in
your car, if you have to pay me back so much a month where does it
come from? If you pay me you’ll be falling behind on other

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