Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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“I may be crazy, but at least I give it my all,” she said teasingly and gave Noelle a big hug. “Don’t let that bastard Remy steal all the joy and love that you have to give. Go get your man, girl.”


Sidra was absolutely right,
Noelle thought as she squeezed her friend back tightly. It was time to get her man.






Jack sipped his mug of beer and leaned across Casey to swipe an onion ring. They were sitting at the honorary Fab Five table in
along with Guy, Darby, and Holt, watching the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees series. It was nice hanging with the fellas after being gone so long; just kicking back and catching up, he decided. The afternoon was spent working at the shop, and it felt good to be working with wood again. Guy wasn’t kidding when he said they were getting busy and Jack quickly dove in to assist. Although his degree was in business, it was working with wood that kept him sane after his Ma was gone; and he loved it.


Americana Traditions
was his baby. Jack was a designer along with Guy who was also a skilled cabinetmaker and did all the fine and detailed work, specializing in the making of cabinets made from wood, wardrobes, dressers, chests and other furniture designed for storage.


Holt, like his father before him, was a master carpenter. After graduating from high school, he went to Germany to follow in the family tradition of obtaining his master certification in carpentry. He could make just about anything with wood. On his twenty-second birthday when he came back from Germany, his father graced him with a deed to some land, and Holt bought some wood and built his log cabin.


The last member of their team was one of the most talented, finished carpenters in the country and, they had been lucky to get him. His name was Quaid McKay, and his specialty was cabinetry, furniture making, fine woodworking, model building, musical instrument making.


Scottish and a bit of a daredevil, Quaid roared into town three years ago on his monster Harley and offered up his services which they quickly accepted. He wasn’t as quiet as Holt, nor was he as outgoing as Guy, but somewhere in between. Jack suspected he was running from his own demons because he never spoke about his personal life.  As far as Jack was concerned, since Quaid past his background check and psyche test with flying colors, he couldn’t care less what the man did as long as he maintained his perfect work ethic.


It was early Saturday evening, and the pub was packed. Lots of folks had stopped by the table to say ‘hey’, and Jack found himself thinking that next time he shouldn’t stay away so long. He tapped his foot in time to the country music playing from the jukebox in the corner, as he waited impatiently for Noelle and her girls to join them. He’d received a text from her saying they were on their way ten minutes ago.


“Hey, Jackie; heard you were back in town,” a female voice cooed in his ear. He glanced sideways to see Kara Ann Winter standing next to his chair, looking as if her jeans and tank were spray painted onto her surgically-enhanced form. Her long, blond hair fell in waves underneath a pink cowboy hat, and he could see that her blue eyes were sparkling. At one time, she had been his high school girlfriend. They’d dated for three months before he discovered she created t-shirts that said “Mrs. Sullivan” on the back and told everyone how she was going to have his babies. Jack couldn’t break up with her fast enough. He nodded his head in recognition. “Kara Ann, how are you?”


“Well don’t just sit there! Gimme a hug!” she pouted, holding out her arms. “I haven’t seen you in ages! Maybe we can slip away and… catch up. I can do that one little thing you used to like. You know… make it a proper homecoming,” Kara Ann said, suggestively licking her lips. Jack could see that she’d even had those done.
They looked like someone punched her in the mouth,
he thought with distaste. Immediately, Noelle’s generous all natural bee-stung lips popped into his head. There was nothing in the world that compared to the feel of his woman’s lips.


“I’m afraid that I have to decline your thoughtful offer. I’m a married man now, and my wife wouldn’t like me spreadin’ my affections around,” Jack said mildly. He waved his ring finger in her face, feeling the usual wealth of satisfaction run through him at being able to say that. Besides, any girl could suck dick. He was with a woman who also blew his damn mind.


Kara Ann’s face turned red. “Well that right there tells me you went and married a damn yank, didn’t ya? Southern women are a lot friendlier and would never deny a man a little hospitality. I’m sure you’re really enjoying your highfalutin Yankee, Mr. Hot Shit,” she said snarkily.


“Tell you what, Kara Ann. You should run along before my wife shows up. I reckon you’ll be in a world of hurt if she hears you runnin’ yer mouth. She doesn’t take too kindly to shit talkers,” Jack said coolly as he snatched a buffalo wing and dipped it into the ranch dressing, watching as her face turned bright red. The other men tried to stifle their chuckles and she left in a huff. The table broke out in laughter, and Jack shook his head in disbelief.
As if he’d go for someone other than his Noelle


“So where
your hot wife, Sullivan?” Guy asked, chuckling at Jack’s dark look. “What? I can’t pay your wife a compliment? Relax man, yeesh.”


“No, you can’t,” Jack said seriously. “And I’m gonna whup your ass if you compliment her again.”


“Do you even hear how insane you sound?” Guys asked incredulously, shaking his head. “Damn man; the next round is on you,” he pointed at the empty plates on the table.  “You damn near ate all the appetizers by yourself.”


Jack looked down and was surprised to see that the wings, onion rings, and cheese sticks were gone. He didn’t recall eating that much, but he supposed it had to do with having Noelle on his brain since the night she’d touched him. Just remembering how her soft hands felt sliding over his flesh was enough to make his dick hard as rock, and he shifted subtly to avoid the discomfort in his groin area.


One touch and he was a goner. He’d wanted to peel away her workout clothes, which were driving him nuts by the way the fabric clung to every curve on her body, and have his way with her. Judging from the way her breathing had changed and how dilated her pupils got; she was just as aroused as him. Jack knew it would have taken minimal effort to take control of the situation and give them both what they wanted. No,
, so desperately, but he wasn’t that big a bastard to do so and have her thinking he couldn’t keep his word.


Although the house was fully furnished, by silent, mutual agreement, they continued to share a bed. Every night they went to bed with a respectable distance between them in the huge California King; and every morning they woke up with Noelle in Jack’s arms with his hardness ground into her bottom. It was the most exquisite agony he’d ever experienced. It was all he could do not to slide between her legs and put his mouth on her hot spot; to hear her noises of excitement, egging him on as he pleasured her to his heart’s content and fucked her deeply into the mattress.


No, Noelle had to come to him; the sooner the better so they could both be put out of their misery. Jack knew it wasn’t easy for her, because she had trust and confidence issues, but hopefully he could help her to overcome those fears. Away from all the bullshit in the city, she was a lot more carefree and appeared to be enjoying herself here in ‘The Row’. He would definitely have to arrange for them to make more trips here.


“Everything okay, Jack?” Holt asked quietly. Out of all of them, Holt was the most reserved. He never spoke unless he had something to say, he was content to just chill and listen. After their Ma died, Holt would come over and just sit with them for hours on end. He’d bring pocket knives from his uncle’s bait shop, and they’d just sit quietly whittling on wood Ian provided, not saying a damn thing. It was what helped Jack get through the first three months after Ma died, until Vivienne took them to see the shrink in D.C.


“Yeah, just thinking about some stuff I need to rearrange when I get back to New York so that I’m able to spend more time here,” Jack said. “The way things are going with all the projects we got goin’ on around here, I figure it’d be best for me to start pulling more of my weight around here.”


“So you’re really going to divide your time between here and New York? What does the gorgeous Mrs. Sullivan have to say about commuting?” Guy asked curiously, ignoring Jack’s dark look of warning.


“Yeah, Jack. What does Noelle have to say about it?” Casey asked, looking at him intently aware that there was something going on in his brother’s marriage that the couple wasn’t disclosing. Darby, who was busily shoving chili cheese fries into his mouth, also looked up with a raised eyebrow.


Jack narrowed his eyes and threw a french fry at Casey which he neatly avoided. The sound of loud heels clicking shifted their attention to the approaching newcomer who stopped next to their table, plucked a fry out of the basket, and popped it between her full, cherry-red lips.


“Mmmm, don’t mind if I do,” Kat said with a smirk as she surveyed the table.


“Hey, get your own,” Casey mock-scowled; and Kat stuck her tongue out at him as she leaned down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, leaving a red lipstick stain behind. She ruffled Darby’s hair affectionately and nodded at Guy who winked back at her. Holt gave her a measured stare that made her blush to her roots and she quickly looked away to address her brothers from another mother with a narrow-eyed gaze.


“So is this how brothers treat their only sister? Leave her to hang out all by her lonesome on a Saturday night?” Kat asked with a pout, and Guy leered at her.


“Well, I don’t have any sisters so I wouldn’t know about treating one badly, Kat. But what I
have is vast knowledge on what women like, if you’re interested,” he said suggestively.


Kat rolled her eyes as every male at the table turned to look at him with the same unblinking stare. “Whaaaaat?” Guy said innocently. “I said if she was interested, clearly she’s not interested.”


“Stop flirting with her,” Casey ordered. “Not unless you want us to make you cry again, Pippy. Besides, what all do you know about women, big liar? You’d call an alligator a lizard all day.”


Darby turned back to frown at her. “Why the hell is your skirt so short, Kat? Does Lex know your running around parading your hoo-ha? Go grab a damn apron from Ginger and put it on.”


Kat shot him a dirty look. “You didn’t object when Gabby Ferris was sitting on your lap last week at the Founders Day Parade with a skirt at least two inches shorter than this one;
it was paired with a shirt sheer enough to show her religion, Darby Liam Sullivan;” she snorted delicately. “And did you really just say hoo-ha? No surprise you’re still single if you’re calling it that. It is a vagina. Va-giii-naaa. Or va-jay-jay. My personal favorite is kitty-”


Collectively the guys groaned and covered their ears except for Holt, who gave her a look hot enough to set her on fire. Ever since Kat bumped into him two months ago at the gas station, there’d been something brewing between them; something that compelled her every time he was around to seek him out, only to find his gaze already on her. This ‘thing’ filled her with a certain kind of feeling. It was the feeling you got as you slowly chugged up a roller coast track knowing there’s a thousand-foot drop on the other side; the kind of feeling that left you hating and loving it all at the same time.


Kat bit her lip and glanced towards the door, spying her dear friend James Leighton coming through it. He was her best friend Autumn’s cousin and was in town to pick up the ring he planned to propose to his girlfriend with. She gave an enthusiastic wave, motioning him over. The men all glanced toward the door to see a medium height, well-dressed man heading their way.


“Who the fuck is that?” Jack asked darkly, eyes never leaving the newcomer. “He looks like a damn gigolo.”


The others murmured their agreement; and from the corner of her eye, Kat saw Holt’s hand clench around his beer bottle when an idea came to her. She needed to distance herself from Holt because she had a feeling that if she didn’t, nothing good would come of it; and James would be the one to help her do it. She replied as nonchalantly as she could, “He’s not from around here. We went to school together.”


James was now at their table and confused by her beseeching expression as she reached up to give him a lingering kiss on the cheek. She whispered into his ear, “Please play along.”

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