Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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After he left, Noelle slid under the covers, exhausted and dazed. “I can’t really marry him can I? It’s such a crazy idea. I’ll tell him no tomorrow.”


Noelle yawned and started to drift off to sleep, knowing she wouldn’t tell him no.
Damn Jackson Conall Sullivan and his Svengali-like hold on me,
was her last thought.


Chapter Nine



Friday afternoon, Noelle was waiting patiently for her two closest friends to arrive at the Crabby Shack in Brooklyn. It was one of their favorite spots to eat because the food was simple and fresh. Since she arrived first, she placed their usual order of Alaskan snow crab and spicy steamed shrimp with corn and potatoes for sides.


While waiting, she allowed herself to drift back to her evening with Jack. Noelle was so lost in her reverie that she didn’t notice the tall, dark beauty heading her way. She gave a small shriek when Sidra Barton plopped down in front of her, causing her friend to give her a quizzical stare.


“Hey, babe. Everything ok? You were really zoning out there for a minute,” Sidra’s voice sounded a lot like Alicia Keys and always had the opposite sex hanging on her every word; even when she was telling them to kiss her ass. It worked well with her striking looks. Skin the color of milk chocolate complimented her perfectly symmetrical features in an oval face that was framed by a shoulder length bob of jet black curls laced with streaks of indigo and dark purple streaks. She had wide whiskey colored eyes with short thick lashes. Her eyebrows and cheeks were high delicate arches, and her mouth was a perfect full bow. A delicate, pointed chin rounded out her ethereal appearance. Sidra’s body was lean and lightly muscled with high perky breasts and a well-toned ass. Already standing at five feet nine inches, she absolutely adored high heels and dressed like she just stepped off of a rocker chic runway.


Women envied her, and men wanted to be with her; but behind the vibrant personality and looks was one of the sharpest minds and tongues Noelle knew. Sidra was their high school valedictorian and graduated college Suma Cum Laude from Cornell University. Although she currently worked with
R.R. & S. Public Relations
in what she called the “Wining and Dining” department, Sidra was making a name for herself in the world of dee-jaying; a skill that she honed to perfection in college to pay for her expenses; because unlike Avery and Noelle, she didn’t come from money but was granted a full ride to the fifteen colleges she applied to.


“No, just thinking about some things going on at work. What’s up with you, babe?” Noelle gave her friend a smile. Today Sidra was wearing acid washed skinny jeans, paired with a white muscle t-shirt with the words ‘Wild Child’ scribbled across the front. Her hair was in huge rolled curls and oversized black sunglasses pushed them away from her face while red and black bangles adorned her wrists. Noelle glanced down; admiring the four-inch, red stilettos on Sidra’s feet. 


“Well the firm just took on two more clients. One of them is Dominick Harris; you know, the indie rocker with all the tattoos? I met him the other day, and the man is sexy as all get out in person, girl. I invited him to attend a firm event in D.C. next week. He looks like the kind of guy who’d show you a good time. Want me to hook you up? I know it’s been a minute on your maintenance, mama,” Sidra said with a devilish smile on her fire engine red lips as she reached for her glass of iced lemonade.


Noelle coughed, feeling color creeping up her cheeks. Sidra put the glass down with a thud causing a little bit of the tart beverage to splash onto the table. “Oh. Hell. No. You look just like Sylvester when he swallows Tweety Bird! You got some didn’t you?”


“Got some of what?” A soft polished voice asked from behind Noelle.
Saved by the bell.
She looked up to find their other bestie Avery Monroe standing by the table. She gave Sidra a light smack with her oversized flower printed clutch, and received an irritated look for her action, before Sidra scooted over. Avery slid in and kissed her cheek while grabbing Noelle’s hand and giving it a warm squeeze.


“Sorry, doll. You know I love you, but the thought of sitting across from you as you inhale food like its air and not gain a pound is depressing; especially to someone who only has to
about food and five pounds appears on
hip,” Avery said with a warm smile, ignoring the frowns she received from her friends.


Standing at five feet-two inches tall, Avery was the smallest in height of the group, but not in size. She was a size twelve; and to hear men say it, built like a “brick shit mansion” with curves for days. Her large, firm full breasts, small waist with ample hips, and rounded ass made Nicki Minaj look like Olive Oil.


In high school and college, Avery had been obsessed with reduction surgeries, and she’d only worn oversized clothes that made her look dumpy as not draw attention to her body. Eventually she started to accept her body shape and embraced a very feminine, classic modern look with full midi skirts and dresses. While her friends were model striking, Avery was pretty and became more so the longer you were in her company.


If you weren’t initially distracted by Avery’s body, then it was her smile that drew you in. She had a wide, generous mouth, and her whole face lit up when she blessed you with that dazzling smile. It made you notice how her large dark brown eyes sparkled with gold flecks and high cheekbones glinted in her upside down triangle- shaped face. Her copper skin glowed and was only enhanced by her long dark brown wavy tresses. She was a genuinely friendly, kind, and caring person, without a mean bone in her body.


Men usually missed all of these wonderful attributes since they were too busy trying to get to know her from the neck down; and by the time it dawned on them that there was more to her than just a sexy body, there was a hand in their face before she graced them with a complimentary view of her thick backside while she walked away from them.


Although Avery had grown resigned to the fact that her curves weren’t going anywhere, she tried to keep them under control. While Noelle liked to run and do Pilates and Sidra liked kickboxing, Avery hated to exercise; so instead she dieted; obsessively. She’d tried them all and was always on the lookout for the latest fad.


“Well dish, honey. Don’t leave us hanging,” Avery urged in her soft voice. “I wasn’t aware you met anyone new.”


Noelle cleared her throat as they started to eat. “Nothing’s going on; and no, I haven’t met anyone new. How’s Pierce doing? Does he like his new job, Ave?” She was referring to Pierce Wesley, Avery’s boyfriend. There was silence at the table, and Avery looked up to find both of her friends staring at her as if she’d grown a third eye.


Suddenly Sidra pointed the crab leg she was trying to crack open dangerously close to Noelle’s face, making her jerk back. “Uh-uh. See that right there? Humph. That’s the kind of shit that lets us know you’re holding out. Avery knows we don’t give two shits about her “stick up his ass, name droppin’, social climbing-"


Avery interrupted her before she really got started.


“WOW. Really??? That’s how you guys really feel about the first guy that’s not trying to get in my pants?” Avery was pissed. “Pierce is a really sweet guy who happens to be a complete gentleman. I like the fact that when we’re together, it doesn’t feel like I’m wrestling an octopus all damn night!” she hissed to Sidra, who just rolled her eyes in response.


Noelle attempted to soothe her ruffled feathers. “Calm down, Avery. We didn’t say that we disliked him.” Although if she were honest with herself; she did find Pierce Wesley to be very shallow. He seemed to be more interested in the fact that Avery’s family name could be traced back to the Mayflower than Avery herself.


Sidra snorted rudely and turned in the booth to give Avery a hard stare. “Well, I’m saying it. I don’t like him, and I think you can do way better. Since I’m already going there, you need to get over this obsession with your body and eat some damn food! Look at your plate! You have three shrimp and a child-size serving of corn and potatoes. Last I checked, this place didn’t serve kids meals; and
sure ain’t a damn kid! You are a fine, full-figured, bodacious woman that needs to accept it; move on from Pierce; and find a real man that will work you over so good in bed that you won’t need to worry about dieting. Or, you can just take your big apple bottom to the gym with me and Noelle.”


Noelle held her breath as she watched Avery’s hands clench and her left eyebrow twitch. Sidra was the type to bust your balls and call it a day. Noelle just went with the flow until she could no longer. But Avery, although well-mannered and ladylike, had a terrible temper. Slowly, she turned to face the expectant Sidra and took a deep breath.


“Why don’t you save the ball-busting for the men who are interested in you? You know, the ones you go all ‘Solange in an elevator’ with if you feel like there’s a chance you might like them? Why don’t you give someone a chance to know your beautiful, kind heart? It’s because deep down inside you know you’re scared of being rejected.” Avery countered sharply. “Please don’t act like I’m the only person in this booth with scars.”


Sidra looked like she was going to stab Avery with the crab claw she was gripping so tightly in her hand. Avery raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘I wish you would’ The restaurant grew quiet, and the manager nervously had her hand on her phone ready to dial 9-1-1. Noelle knew they didn’t know that Sidra and Avery loved each other fiercely and would turn on them in a heartbeat if they tried to jump in and assist. But the topics being discussed were too close to their hearts for hurt feelings not to be involved; so she did the only thing she could do to distract them.


“Guess what? I slept with Jack Sullivan and we’re getting married. Surprise!” Noelle said brightly, taking in their shocked open-mouthed expressions as they turned to her. Well at least they weren’t arguing anymore…



Chapter Ten



Jack stood looking out the window of his office, not seeing the perfect, cloudless blue sky. Normally he could appreciate the view of the Manhattan skyline, but not today. Today he couldn’t function because victory was within his grasp. He’d had a taste of Noelle; and the reality was so much better than his fantasies, changing everything he thought he knew about sex.


He wasn’t a prude but Jack didn’t partake in pussy-eating with every female he slept with either. But with Noelle, he couldn’t get enough of her taste and wanted to stay buried between those silky thighs forever, lapping up her cream. He’d almost come just from her exploding in his mouth. Then the feel of those pillow soft lips inhaling him, and her silken tightness clenching around his cock…
. All he could think about was her touch, taste, and the way she looked when he fucked her. So yes, the reality was better than the fantasy; but it was also worse because he couldn’t think of anything but her. Nothing was getting accomplished today; that was for sure.


The ring of his cell phone shook Jack out of his reverie. He pulled it out of his pocket and glanced down to see it was his middle brother Darby returning his call. Earlier he’d called and had to leave a message on his new sarcastic voicemail.


“You’ve reached Jackson Sullivan’s Pussy Delivering Service. If you are a damsel currently associated with my big brother and in distress, please leave your name, phone number, and address so that I may drop whatever the hell it is that I’m doing to come assist you and take you wherever you need to go. That’s right folks; damn how important my shit is I am here for YOU. Y’all have a nice day now.”


He pressed the accept button with a smile. “Still got your panties in a bunch, lil bro?”


There was a slight pause before Darby gave a low chuckle. “I don’t, but pretty, little Ms. Inez does. She was lookin’ to blow off a little steam from the pageant scandal and was pissed that yours truly wouldn’t oblige due to your “No Involvement with Clients” policy; which to me totally contradicts the “Keep Them Happy” policy. It’s a fine line to walk, ya know? I mean, I’d hate to be the one to put your firm’s spotless reputation at risk because of a


Jack clenched the phone but remained silent, refusing to take the bait. Growing up, Darby loved to push people’s limits and was pretty good at it; but Jack refused to be pushed. All he had to do was remain silent and Darby would eventually tip his hand. The silence stretched, two minutes passing. Jack picked up the framed picture on his desk of him, Darby, and Casey; taken the last time he was home. Just looking at it made him smile. He and his brothers were as close as could be and would die for each other; if shit went down, they would always have each other’s backs.


Jack also knew that on the other end of the phone, Darby would be wearing that maddening grin while he waited for him to respond. Casey and Darby were like oil and water; and it took very little for Case to fly off the handle with him. But not Jack. By the time he was four, he’d perfected the waiting game; hiding quietly for hours when Patrick Sullivan was on one of his drunken rants. Three more minutes passed; and after seeing he wouldn’t be getting the rise out of his older brother that he was looking for, Darby gave a sigh. “Well lucky for you I found a solution where your firm and its client came to a… ahem…mutual satisfaction solution.”


“And what pray tell was that?” Jack’s extremely polite tone was the only indication that he was not as calm as he would have his brother think. Darby chuckled again, and this time it had a little evil twist to it.


“Nothing, Jackie.” Darby said using his childhood nickname. “We had a nice drive down to Baymoor, Maryland. That town is really pretty, almost putting ours to shame. It was pretty quiet though; so I had to find ways to keep myself busy until Eli got there.” That last part was said almost too innocently. “Anyhow, enough about me. What’s goin’ on?”


Still suspicious of Darby’s seemingly innocent remarks, Jack decided to give Inez a call later and do some backup damage control because he knew his brother too damn well. A childhood image popped into his head.


“Darby Liam Sullivan! I know ya ate the brownies for the church picnic. You’ve still got the chocolate smeared around yer mouth!” Moira Sullivan scolded furiously as she hurriedly wiped his face clean.


“It wasn’t me, Ma! I swear it!” Darby insisted dramatically, which earned him a plucking from his mother. “Ow! What was that for?” he asked rubbing his ear as Jack and Casey struggled to hold in their laughter.


“Oh ya swear do ye? Fer shame, looking me in the eye and lying right to m’ face! Yer never going to get to Heaven’s pearly gates being full of blarney, Darby Liam Sullivan! Jackie, help yer brother to get cleaned up. I see Father Vincenzo talking to yer Da. Oh Lord…be quick about it!”


Jack blinked away the memory. “I called because I need you and Casey to come to New York. I’m getting married, and I’d like for you guys to stand up with me,” he said nonchalantly. His statement was met with silence. For once, his smart ass brother was speechless. “Darby? You still there, bro?”


“Hold up just a damn minute!! Did I just hear you say married?!” Darby shouted incredulously.


Jack smiled, pleased to finally get a rise out of him. “Yes, I’m getting married to Noelle Kramer on Monday so-”


Darby interrupted him “Wait a minute. Isn’t that Ian’s goddaughter?” he asked sharply. Before Jack could answer, Darby continued on. “Does he know about that? She’s that fine ass filly with the pretty gray eyes and banging body?” He gave a long wolf whistle. “I ain’t mad atcha, brother. Seen a pic last time I was in Ian’s office and thought about taking it along on one of my breaks to the bath-” This time he was interrupted.


“Careful, Darby. That’s my soon-to-be wife that you’re talking about,” Jack said in a tone that promised deadly repercussions for his brother if he didn’t shut his mouth.


“So it’s like that huh? Well let me hurry up and catch the next flight out. I can’t wait to greet my sister-in-law all nice and proper like,” Darby said lasciviously.


“Piece by piece I’m going to take you apart, Darby,” Jack vowed solemnly, and his brother hooted with laughter before hanging up. He called Casey and left him a message regarding weekend plans, before replaying the voicemail Noelle had left for him earlier.


“Hey, it’s Noelle. Soooo… remember that thing about keeping this private for our friends? Well I kind of let it slip to Sidra and Avery; and to make a long story short, they want us to celebrate with them tomorrow. I just don’t think I’m going to be able to keep them away from City Hall either. So I figured tomorrow is as good a start as any for us to be seen in public right? We’re doing the charity fundraiser at the Blue River Country Club, and I would love it if you could make it. Sorry about the short notice. Starts at seven p.m. so don’t leave a girl hanging, ok? Bye.”


Just the sound of her low, melodic voice got him hard. Of course he would make it. Nothing and no one was going to keep him away from her.






He wasn’t going to show,
Noelle thought despondently. It was now seven forty-five in the evening, and the event was in full swing. It was a fundraiser to raise awareness for hungry children in America. According to the chairwoman of the foundation,
On a Whim
had done a fabulous job with the
Take Me to Thailand
theme, and she couldn’t thank them enough. As soon as she walked away, Noelle and Avery did a discreet fist bump which was their ladylike way of jumping up and down for joy.


They’d transformed the club into a lush, tropical paradise filled with various types of floral arrangements that included orchids, hibiscus, lilies, bougainvillea, and the country’s national flower, Ratchaphruek. Candles were placed in the middle of huge lily pads that floated in the enormous pool. Two large golden Buddha statues were placed at each end of the pool; a perfect complement to the sleek, white modern furniture. The servers were dressed in authentic
Chut Thai
, the formal national Thai costume; and the soft background music was a mixture of
Bong Lang
, the traditional northeastern music of Thailand and
, Thai country music. As a thank you gift, guests in attendance would receive lanterns to write messages or sentiments on and release into the air at the end of the night.


“Stop with the sad face,” Sidra ordered crisply from behind her. “You are looking way too good to be sitting on the sidelines. That man should be horsewhipped for standing you up.”

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