Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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That night, she treated herself to a long, cold shower.






Noelle wanted to give in. Oh, how she wanted to, but there was so much more at stake. He was playing for her body, while she was playing for keeps. When it was all said and done, if it didn’t work out, she’d be the one left picking up the pieces…of her broken heart. 


So instead of giving in to temptation, Noelle threw all her sexual frustration into cooking and baking. She’d discovered a love for southern cooking and was addicted, especially to barbeque after Jack decided to order her a plate at Darby’s bar,
. The ribs melted in her mouth; so meaty and tender that she devoured them in record time. Ginger sent her home with a to-go box full of ribs that she held on to protectively as if it were a pot of gold, much to Jack’s amusement. Although embarrassed, Noelle practically ran to the car with her bounty; and when Jack found her in the kitchen at one in the morning licking her fingers clean of barbeque sauce, she simply murmured, “Don’t judge.”


Since then, she’d been researching cooking techniques and regional styles such as the Carolinas, Texas, Memphis, and Mid-South and was currently experimenting with sauces. Every day, Guy, Darby, Alexei, and Holt came over to help with the house; and while the guys worked, Noelle did what she loved to do most-cook.


She made big, hearty meals, and they all sat in the backyard eating, listening to music, and playing card games. Every meal they had included sweet tea and something barbequed. They were her guinea pigs and always eager to try out her new recipes. So far, quail wrapped in bacon with Dr. Pepper barbeque sauce was the most popular. They were adamantly against eating the barbequed salt and vinegar pig’s feet and teriyaki chitlins.


Noelle was putting the final touches on her baked salmon, when she heard a car screech to a stop and doors slam. Wiping her hands on the
Kiss the Cook
apron tied around her waist, she walked towards the front door and opened it in time to see Avery storming towards her dragging her hot pink roll-on luggage. She was followed by a glamorously sulking Sidra. Behind them, a classic mustang peeled off down the driveway.


Avery, reeking of liquor, brushed past her and into the house with a mumbled, “Hey girl.”

Noelle stared after her with raised eyebrows and turned to greet her other friend who just gave her a wan smile before going into the house and leaving Noelle standing by the open door. “Well damn,” she said loudly and shut the door.






Noelle walked back into the kitchen to find Avery, nails tapping on the granite, glaring at Sidra as she leaned against the island and finished off a bottle of Bud Light she’d found in the fridge as Sidra avoided her gaze and plucked at her purse strap.
Noelle thought, eyeing the now empty bottle that Avery had killed in under a minute. Avery was a light drinker, more often than not, she only drank a fourth of whatever alcoholic beverage she ordered. Shit had to have really jumped off for her to down a beer like that.

“Soooo…how was the trip?” she asked brightly, walking back over to the oven to check on lunch. Silence.
Noelle tried again.


“I hope you brought your appetites because per your requests, I made my famous baked salmon with a berry salad! I told Jack we’d meet him and the boys in town for a night out after we had a chance to catch up. Sound good?” Again silence. She slammed her hand down on the counter. “All right, heifers! Start talking dammit! I’ll be damned if the two of you are going to come up in my space and disrespect it!”


Avery took a deep breath and finally looked away from Sidra. She flashed Noelle an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, babe. You know I’m always happy to see you. Thank you for having us here this weekend.” She turned to Sidra and pointed a perfectly manicured index finger at her as she spoke to Noelle “This one….I just can’t… with her. Maaaaaan listen…” She stopped to take a deep breath shaking her head in exasperation.


Sidra rolled her eyes and turned to Noelle. “It wasn’t that bad, I swear. Ave’s totally exaggerating.”


“I’m exaggerating?!” Avery shrieked so loud both women winced. “Really, Sidra?! I’m exaggerating? So I didn’t just spend the last three hours trapped between you and Casey as you guys slaughtered each other with insults while Darby tried to play peacemaker? It’s a wonder I’m not covered in blood!”


Avery was the sweetest person Noelle knew. Not one to normally lose her cool, she could be counted on to see the positive side in any situation -except for this one apparently. Sidra sucked her teeth hard in defiance as Noelle really noticed her normally impeccable friend’s haphazard appearance for the first time. 


Avery’s thick, shiny hair was pulled to the side in a sloppy ponytail with strands sticking out all over. The collar of her fitted black and white gingham checked shirt was twisted and her full black skirt was severely creased. Noelle looked down at her feet and saw that her open toe black heels were slightly scuffed and the polish on her big toe was chipped.


With a sympathetic look, Noelle walked over to Avery and gave her a hug before gently steering her towards the doorway. Speaking to her in a soothing tone, she said, “Okay, baby girl. You’re no longer a potential witness to a homicide. Why don’t you go wash up while I finish with lunch? Afterwards we’ll head out so I can show you guys around.” Noelle pulled Avery close for a reassuring hug as another shudder wracked the shorter woman’s frame.


“I think the two of them were a serial killer couple in another life,” Avery whispered to Noelle and cringed. “You should have seen the joy they took in hurling insults at each other.” She whipped her head around to glare at Sidra. “If you even think of continuing where the two of you left off the next time you see him; you’re going to get more of what I gave you in the car.  I will be all over you like a freaking spider monkey, Sidra Jane Barton.”


The threat was enough to make Sidra clutch at her ear protectively as Avery flounced out of the room, leaving both of her friends to stare after her in shock.






Darby eyed Casey’s hands clenched tightly around the mustang’s steering wheel, as they sped away from Jack’s house. The way his baby brother was gripping it made him think he wished it were Sidra Barton’s graceful neck in his hands right about now. Darby was amazed at the change in Casey because he wasn’t used to seeing him this rattled. Even when he was beating aggressive women off with a stick, the youngest Sullivan was charming and polite in his rebuff; the perfect freaking gentleman at all times, except when it came to Ms. Sidra Barton.


So Darby was not surprised when Casey, upon seeing Sidra this afternoon as she entered the cabin of the private jet, started to radiate animosity. She promptly ignored him as she reached up to kiss Darby’s cheek in greeting before silently sliding into the seat across from Casey. With her eyes hidden behind large dark sunglasses, Sidra pulled out her laptop and proceeded to type away, appearing oblivious to the steam coming out of Casey’s ears as he glared at her.


Darby started to make a joke to ease the tension, but immediately forgot about them as Avery Monroe entered the cabin. Just seeing her sweet radiant smile and sparkling brown eyes made his heart pound. She was so pretty and ladylike that she made him sweat. The goody-two shoe ones always did which was exactly why he stayed away from them. Sure they looked like butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth, but he knew firsthand that behind the big eyes and fluttering lashes lurked scheming brains and hearts made of stone. So instead, Darby went for wild ones who knew the score. They had a raunchy good time and nobody was blindsided by pesky things like feelings. He’d made the ‘goody-goody’ mistake once, and it had been a hard lesson learned.


“Well hey there, Ms. Avery. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” he murmured, watching as she blushed prettily; in the background he could hear a low-heated exchange between Casey and Sidra.


“Hi, Darby. It’s very nice to see you as well. Thank you for the ride; it was very nice of you to offer,” Avery said warmly.


After receiving an email from [email protected] informing him that she and Sidra couldn’t get same day flights and wouldn’t be in Whiskey Row until the next day, Darby asked Alexei if he could borrow his private plane.


The Russian agreed on one outrageous condition which Darby readily accepted, but still had no idea how he was going to pull off. All this, just to see if what he felt the first time he’d seen the beautiful Avery Monroe was a fluke. Standing in front of her now and hungrily drinking her in, he realized it wasn’t, and that he was definitely up shit creek without a paddle. He had a witty reply ready; but it was interrupted by Sidra yelling, “You, asshole!” to which Casey replied immaturely, “Takes one to know one.”


From there it was on and poppin’, with Sidra and Casey flinging insults at each other the entire flight. Some were subtle, most harshly direct. Avery tried to distract her friend, and Darby attempted to play peacemaker while the flight staff avoided them like the plague at all costs. It was only when drinks were served that Avery and Darby thought a peace treaty could be in the works.


Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be. When Sidra stood up to put her laptop in the storage compartment, Casey muttered something and Sidra froze before snatching her drink and whirling around. Darby, seeing her intent, lunged forward to grab the glass. He grabbed Sidra’s wrist and held it high, which unfortunately led to the drink spilling out over her shoulder and onto Avery. For a moment, there was silence as everyone stared at her shocked face and her now liquor-stained outfit.


“Ohmygod, ohmygod….I’m so so sorry, Avery!” Sidra babbled quickly grabbing some napkins and attempting to wipe her friend dry. Casey went to get a towel and help as well. Avery just sat there in shock. Then the bickering started again.


“Are you attempting to cop a feel? Take your hands off of her, pervert!” Sidra hissed and smacked Casey’s hands away.


“Me?? This would never have happened if you hadn’t been acting like you have no home training,” Casey muttered under his breath, causing Sidra to suck air through her teeth loudly.


“What the hell did you just say?! You-”


Darby was done.


“The both of you shut the fuck up!!!!” he roared, and all three of them jumped. “Now let’s work together to get her cleaned up, and your silence would be appreciated for the rest of the trip.”


But again, it wasn’t to be. The drive home was proving to be just as torturous as Casey drove the classic mustang that he kept at the airport hangar. Sidra sat behind him in the backseat, and he took great pleasure in winding his window all the way down which caused her to complain about her hairstyle being ruined. Then she questioned his choice in white devil music and started to play Kendrick Lamar’s “Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe” on her iPad. Casey retaliated by playing Kanye and Rhianna’s “4, 5 Seconds”. Through it all, Avery remained quiet; but Darby could see, as he watched her in his mirror, that she was on the edge of exploding when her left eyebrow started to twitch uncontrollably.


Sidra was just starting in on Casey’s masculinity when all of a sudden she yelled, “Ouch! What the fuck, Avery?! That shit hurt!”


“SHUT…. IT.” Avery said in small but deadly voice. Sidra opened her mouth to say something else but the only thing that came out was a high painful yelp that made Darby think of the sound a puppy would make if you stepped on its tail. He looked over at Casey who was grinning with glee until Avery’s hand snaked between the front seats and gave him a quick pinch to the elbow, causing him to shout, “Holly hell, Ms. Avery!!! My arm feels like it’s going numb.”


“Wanna talk about it?” Darby asked conversationally, watching as Casey’s knuckles turned whiter.


“No,” Casey replied in a terse tone then a moment later, “That woman is going to drive the crazy bus ‘til the fucking wheels fall off.”


“Okay.” Darby paused a beat. “So when did you finally sleep with her?”


The car almost swerved into the next lane. “What the hell man! Who told you that?” Casey howled. “That loudmouthed witch,” he mumbled before using a high falsetto tone that Darby could only assume was supposed to be Sidra’s, but sounded nothing like her. ‘This never happened, Casey Sullivan! If you even attempt to say we slept together, I will deny it, and you’ll be hearing from my lawyer!’”

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