Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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“So no correspondence at all? Emails, social media, letters? Any mutual friends pertaining to any of those things?”




“Does your family know about him?”


“Only my sister, and that’s because she was going through my pics of my time abroad. I downplayed the relationship though.”


“Exactly what was the nature of your relationship that he was able to take such personal pictures of you?” Jack asked dispassionately while gritting his teeth. Even though he already knew the answer, and it was fucking killing him, but he needed her to say it.
Wooosaaa! Wooosaaa! You didn’t even know she existed back then.
Noelle squirmed under his intense scrutiny.


“We um…dated.” By the look on Jack’s face, Noelle clarified; “We were lovers for a while. Nothing serious though. It just kind of happened and turned into a relationship of convenience. It wasn’t even that great; just something to pass time.” She lamely finished and watched as Jack’s eyebrows rose.


Damn, I’m rambling again,
Noelle thought as she rubbed her forehead and wished for the thousandth time that she’d never dropped her panties for such a piece of shit. At the time, she’d thought it was a sign. She was in Paris studying to become a chef when she’d met a Remy; just like the Disney movie Ratatouille. And boy had he turned out to be a big fucking rat alright.


“So you weren’t in love with him?’ Jack demanded harshly. “You were just fucking him? Is that something that you do often?” he snarled as he finally lost his cool; watching as Noelle blushed furiously. She stood up, her beautiful gray eyes turning stormy in response to his insinuations.


“Contrary to what you and my family seem to believe, I’m an adult. You know, someone who is capable of making logical decisions? No, I do not take sexual relationships lightly. Jesus, I had the whole sexual health history talk and used protection like everyone else. Remy never came off as being this sleazy. Never did I dream that I would have to worry about him. He was always so easygoing,” Noelle shook her head in disbelief.


”He didn’t seem like that type of guy, but I also think I was drugged. I…I’ve never done two of the sexual acts depicted in those photos before. It was something that Remy and I constantly argued about. I just think that I would have remembered doing that stuff. Anyways, I came to you because I didn’t know who else to turn to, and Sidra said that you’d be able to help me. But maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. All I seem to hear in your tone is judgment; hell, I might as well have been talking to my parents.”


Jack winced at the dig, but Noelle was too busy rummaging in her oversized purse to notice. Finally, she withdrew a letter-size manila envelope and tossed it on the conference table in front of him.


“There’re copies of the pics I made for you. I’ll let you decide if I can continue pursuing my current career or if I should just make a career change right now and try to beat any records Jenna Jameson might have,” Noelle said sarcastically before walking out the door and slamming it behind her. Jack watched as she stormed down the hall and out of his sight.


Well, well, well. Who knew all that fire was brimming underneath her shy exterior?
And she was funny too. Jenna Jameson, the porn star? 
Like hell
, Jack snorted. He eyed the envelope. Inside were pics of a naked Noelle. He needed to open the envelope but was torn. Professionally, he needed to see what kind of damage control was necessary, but personally he knew that if he saw the body he’d been dreaming about for years, he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he’d bedded her.


With a sigh of resignation, Jack snatched up the envelope and pulled the pics out, trying to view them objectively. Just as he thought, they were pretty bad. In the first pic, Noelle was naked and on her back with her eyes closed. Her arms were thrown over her head, and there was a wiry built black man with braids nestled between her legs. In the next pic, the same man’s naked backside was in full view with Noelle’s behind in front of him. Her face was turned away and covered by her hair arms spread out in front of her. The last pic showed the front of the man, naked and kneeling on the bed as an equally naked Noelle covered his lower area with her head. The man gripped her hair and she appeared to be giving him a blow job while he was in the throes of ecstasy.


Jack tried to view them objectively, but it was hard not to notice Noelle’s toned body; the full breasts topped by large chocolate nipples. Her ass was also full and firm-looking; her skin, flawless. The image of her naked was forever imbedded in his mind now. Cursing, he adjusted himself. Lord help him, he was a sick fuck. The poor girl had come to him for help, and here he was getting harder by the minute.


Instinct told Jack the photos were staged and taken without her consent. Noelle had mentioned that she might have been drugged. He looked at her expression in the first pic again. She might as well have been a mannequin. A woman receiving oral would have some sort of expression to indicate whether it was good or bad. Her eyes were closed and so was her mouth. Her face was void of any emotion. Her nipples were unaroused, and her hands just lay above her head; palms open, not gripping or clenching anything. Even in the other shots, she wasn’t gripping the sheets or the douchebag’s thighs. There were only three options at this point: A, this guy was the worst lover in the world. B, Noelle was a lesbian. Or C, she had been drugged.


Jack was going to go with option C, and pray like hell that B wasn’t even an option. Option A was a non-motherfucking factor, because by the time he was done with Remy Dumont, he’d be lucky if he was able to even
eye fuck






The consultation with Tarik Owens was taking longer than expected. Although Noelle had come prepared with menu proposals, the hot playboy extraordinaire was far too busy flirting with her to glance at her suggestions for his birthday bash. A talented polo player of Algerian and British descent, he had deep olive skin, tousled sun-bleached hair, almond-shaped blue eyes, and a sexy smile that kept the ladies fascinated with him. He was extremely put out that Noelle seemed immune to his charms. This was their third meeting, and Noelle had decided if he slid over one more inch to close the gap between them, there would not be a fourth.


“Oh, do lighten up, babe. You know what they say about all work and no play,” Tarik oozed in his charming British accent and gave her a sexy wink. Noelle ground her teeth in frustration. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Tarik, but frankly, he was wasting her time thinking she should be delighted to bask in his glory. And when you wasted her time, you fucked with her money.
On a Whim
couldn’t pay bills on insincere flattery and sexy smiles, no matter how good looking the source. Noelle briefly closed her eyes before opening them to take a glance around Niko’s, an upscale eatery in Manhattan that served authentic Greek and Italian fare. All around her it seemed people were having a great time enjoying the wonderful food. Meanwhile, she had long since lost her appetite for the plate of moussaka in front of her as she fended off Tarik’s advances. Not that she’d had much of an appetite since leaving Jack’s office three days ago. Every time she thought of his words and disgusted looks, Noelle felt like she wanted to crawl under a rock and stay there forever. Unfortunately, she had a business to run, so embarrassment would have to wait.


“I have four menus here, Mr. Owens. Please pick one,” Noelle said firmly, ignoring his comment. She refused to entertain him one moment longer “Your birthday is in four weeks, and you’ve revised the guest list six times. This has caused a delay in sending out the invitations. We have yet to visit any of the venues I had lined up for your approval because you keep traveling off to God-knows-where with the latest supermodels. The only reason we are having this meeting is because my friend Sidra is friends with your best friend who happened to mention that you would be here today for lunch, and I ‘conveniently’ ran into you outside,” Noelle finished, grinding her teeth and using air quotes with her hands.


Tarik’s eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to speak, but Noelle held up her hand to silence him. She took a deep breath because it just about killed her to say what she had to next. “I really don’t feel that my company is meeting your needs, thus making us incompatible. At this time, I’m going to exercise my withdrawal clause from the contract and refund your fifteen-thousand-dollar deposit.”


At first Tarik just stared at her, his mouth agape in shock. Then he threw back his head and howled with laughter, causing other patrons to stare at them. His laughter was rich and melodic, and Noelle could see everyone becoming enamored with him, which irritated her even more. Finally, he stopped laughing to gaze at her somberly.


“Noelle, I’d like to apologize for my boorish behavior. You should have told me of your displeasure with the supermodels…there is no need for jealousy. I am more than enough man for all of you birds,” Tarik finished teasingly and finally closed the space between them as he put his arm around the back of the booth they shared.


And now they were done.
Noelle and Avery really needed his business to establish the company but not his bullshit. “Tarik, we are now having what is called a
‘Bye Felicia’
moment. Your check will be returned in the mail, but lunch is on you.”


Amidst his protesting, Noelle grabbed her papers and stuffed them into her briefcase before grabbing her purse as well. She slid out of the booth, turned, and promptly collided with a large black wall.


Strong arms reached out to encircle Noelle as she lost her balance; and she grasped at them feeling the well-muscled arms beneath the suit as she inhaled the sexy cologne the wall was wearing. “Oh my goodness, thank you. I am so sorry about that,” she said with a smile and then froze as she looked up into the angry hazel gaze of her rescuer. Her smile of contrition turned into a fake one as she coolly uttered, “Hello, Jack.”






Jack was just walking into Niko’s when he heard the familiar laugh of Tarik Owens, one of his firm’s client’s. At first, he hadn’t liked the young man, deeming him too cocky. Vivienne and Ian had disagreed.


“There’s nothing wrong with loving and appreciating life. We should all take a page out of his book,” Ian said with a pointed look at Jack.


Vivienne simply said, “That man is so fine, I’d let him get away with slapping my mama.”


As Jack came to know Tarik, he had begrudgingly come to the conclusion that perhaps the other man wasn’t so bad after all. Tarik had a great work ethic and was professional at all times during his media events. So he thought he’d walk over and say hi while he waited for his lunch companion to arrive.


As Jack started walking towards the intimate booth in the back of the restaurant; he realized who Tarik’s date was and found himself hating the egotistical jackass all over again as he stood next to the table and glared down at Noelle’s bent head. Too busy gathering her things and attempting to leave the booth, she didn’t even notice him until she slammed into him.


The moment Noelle’s body collided with his, and he was engulfed in her unique scent; Jack’s cock went hard. Tarik was forgotten as he stared into her gray eyes and followed her small pink tongue as it darted out to lick her succulent, glossed lips. His grip tightened and his breathing became labored. Suddenly Jack was aware they had an audience and reluctantly stepped back from Noelle to glance at Tarik who was staring at him curiously.


“Hey Jack! Good to see you,” Tarik said with a friendly smile, standing to his feet to shake Jack’s hand. Jack automatically shook his even though he wanted to punch the other man in the throat for looking at Noelle like she was all of his favorite desserts combined into one meal.


“Tarik. Noelle. Am I interrupting something?” Jack asked smoothly as he observed the unfinished meal and partially-full wine glasses. Noelle shifted as she adjusted her belongings on her shoulder; and Jack used the opportunity to take in her sleek form encased in a denim jumpsuit that displayed the swells of her breasts, along with the black blazer and black, peep-toe flats that completed her business casual attire. She’d accessorized with silver bangles and large hoop earrings, and her curls were pulled back in a low ponytail. He allowed his gaze to rest on her toes for a moment, thinking the vibrant fuchsia color really complimented her skin.
Since when did he think of fuchsia? They were just pink dammit. Shit, she had him really fucked up.


BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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