Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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“And in regards to an annulment, if it’s still an option, maybe you’ll be able to get one,” Jack murmured; looking at her sexy lips before raising his smoldering gaze to meet hers and allowing her to see the unguarded lust in his eyes. “Or just maybe you’ll like being married to me too much to consider one.” 





Sexual tension crackled between them, and Noelle sucked in her breath.
Holy. Sheep. Balls.
Jack Sullivan wanted her. The realization made her panties wetter. She looked down and even the dark fabric of his slacks couldn’t conceal the massive erection he made no attempt to hide. Confidence mixed with elation surged through her; making her feel higher than any ‘good shit’ Theo had ever given her. She was definitely going to have to throw these panties away because they were beyond ruined. 


“I’d expect you to be faithful,” she blurted out and flushed at his raised brow. “If …if we did do this, I certainly wouldn’t want to be blindsided by any indiscretions and made to look like a fool.”   


“That’s not a problem for me, and I’d expect no less from you. There will be no other men. Are we clear?” Jack wondered what Noelle would say if he told her that from the day they met other women had ceased to exist for him. As far as other men were concerned when it came to her, his mind was in a
Game of Thrones
state where all threats needed to be eliminated. “Another thing I should clarify is that while there won’t be any other women, I certainly will not live like a monk. Do you understand what I’m saying?” 


He wanted them to sleep together. She would get Jack as her husband and get to sleep with him. Noelle looked around wildly for an unseen fairy godmother. Licking her lips, she said in a husky voice, “I understand, but can you even hear how crazy this sounds? We barely know each other and would be fooling nobody. What about our likes and dislikes? We might not be compatible…” 


Swiftly Jack closed the distance between them, pulling her soft body into his hard one as his large hands framed her face. He watched her gray eyes widen in awareness as his erection pressed against her stomach.  


“Let me show you what I like okay, Noelle? I can show you better than tell you.” He said thickly hovering above her lips. His warm breath tickled her face and she clutched at his shirt, dizzy with desire for him. 


 In her family’s eyes, she might be a loser, but this was a chance to be with the guy of her dreams. She would not screw this moment up. The lyrics to Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” started running through her head; but unlike Rabbit, she wouldn’t toss her cookies. They were on her turf now and suddenly she could see everything crystal clear. All she would ever want was on the other side of her fears. It was now or never. She yanked his head down and his lips met hers in a searing kiss. 



Chapter Eight




Her lips, so soft and full, were addicting and his favorite part of her body. Jack gently coaxed her mouth open and slid his tongue in to meet hers.
. Noelle tasted spicy-sweet and her tongue was like satin sliding against his in an erotic tango. The kiss deepened, and Jack pressed her body closer to him as she wound her arms around his neck. Noelle broke the kiss to nibble greedily at his lips, and her shaking hands lowered to swiftly undo his tie and unbutton his shirt. Jack sucked on her bottom lip as he slid his hands under her shirt and cupped the smooth full globes of her ass. She moaned softly into his mouth as his warm hands palmed her bottom and his magical fingers caressed her.


Jack swallowed her moan and continued to devour her mouth. Scratch the decision about her lips being the best; it was her sexy derriere that was perfection…or was it her lush breasts pressing into his chest? No, it was her flawless, silky, brown skin. Okay, it was just her. Period. Every fucking single thing about Noelle was perfect.


The fire between them raged out of control as he hoisted her up into his arms; and she wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding her center tightly against the granite-like hardness in his pants. The friction between her thighs increased tenfold; and Noelle threw her head back, allowing Jack access to lick the sensitive nerves on the exposed column of her slender throat. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he moved with her, pressing his straining cock against her core.


“You like that don’t you, baby? You’re so fucking wet, I can feel you through my pants,” Jack whispered throatily against Noelle’s ear as she clung to him weakly. Breathing deeply, he inhaled her womanly scent and knew he wouldn’t be able to leave her untouched tonight. He walked over to the velvet chaise and placed her on it, kneeling in front of her. Quickly he yanked her shorts and panties off. Her tantalizing scent wafted up to him, making him animalistic. “Scoot up love and bend your knee. Leave the other one on the floor. I want to see your pretty pussy.” He ordered harshly, desire thickening his voice and making his southern drawl even more pronounced.


Noelle shivered in anticipation and did as she was told by leaning up on her elbows. She watched as jack sat back and stroked his dick. His intense gaze was centered on her pussy, and again she marveled at his perfection.


His tan skin was smooth, and through his shirt opening she could see his six pack. While in his arms, she’d felt all muscle from the strength of his carrying her, to the firmness of his thighs and butt. Noelle bit her lip and watched him move his hand over what promised to be a good time. She moaned, shifting in anticipation of his next move. Damn, she wanted Jack in her. Whether it was her pussy or her mouth, which she’d never tried despite what those pics showed. She just wanted to
feel him moving in her!
His breathing was harsh as if he was struggling himself, and she watched lustfully as the bulge in his pants grew impossibly bigger. But Noelle didn’t want him composed. She wanted him to be wild as fuck and out of control, as she was.


Sliding her fingers down between her thighs to her glistening, puffy lower lips, opening her legs wide, she gave Jack a show. His eyes flew to hers, and she held contact as she masturbated in front of him. His face was stark with desire— for her, Noelle Kramer. Stroking up and down in a steady rhythm before circling her pleasure button, she closed her eyes and arched her back. Long, loud moans escaped her lips as she felt pulsing tingles in her core before sliding her fingers inside, touching herself the way she did whenever she thought about him.


The room was quiet except for the sounds of their heavy breathing and the wet sounds coming from her pussy as her fingers moved in and out of her hole at a frantic pace. Then she heard the sound of him unbuckling his pants. Noelle’s eyes flew open to watch him extract himself from his underwear.  She let out another moan. Jack’s dick was the stuff of women’s dreams everywhere; at least ten inches long and three inches thick. The head was an angry red color glistening with pre-cum.


Jack knelt in front of her and pulled her wet fingers out of her core. Noelle watched as he took them, coated in her essence, into his mouth and sucked every, milky drop, teasing her with his warm tongue. His eyes closed, he groaned in pleasure. “Jesus, you taste good. Taste yourself, baby.” He leaned down to kiss her, and she sucked on his tongue, tasting the sweet tanginess of her arousal. She loved the way his lips felt as he explored her mouth expertly. Jack thrust one of his long, thick fingers into her wetness and proceeded to finger fuck her; slowly at first, then faster as he added another digit. Noelle moaned into his mouth and thrust her hips to meet his fingers. His other hand plucked at her turgid nipples through her shirt.


“Unbutton your shirt, Noelle.” he commanded against her swollen lips. Weakly, she did as he said, having no will to defy his orders. He continued to kiss her as his fingers masterfully fucked her. Jack broke the kiss off to stare at the most perfect pair of breasts he’d ever seen. Full and high with dark brown nipples that were begging for his attention. Bending his head, Jack captured a tip in his mouth, swirling the hard nub with his tongue. Noelle shuddered and gushed even more around his fingers. She protested loudly when they left her pussy; but it quickly turned into a wail of ecstasy as Jack slid down to replace his fingers with his tongue.


Never had Noelle felt anything like this before. Her nerves were tingling all over; and she became more aroused with each stroke and twirl of his long tongue as he tunneled through her wetness. Jack’s fingers gave exquisite pleasure to her swollen button, and Noelle thought she would pass out as she writhed frantically against his tongue. “Baby, baby, baby, you taste so damn good,” he crooned.


Noelle could feel her orgasm building when he switched up and latched onto her clit while his fingers dove in and stroked her g-spot. “Don’t...stop, Jack. I’m gonna…aaaaagh!!!!” Pleasure exploded through her body in waves as she experienced the most intense orgasm of her life. Her hands gripped his hair, and she ground her center into his face offering even more of herself as he expertly lapped up all of her juices.






Noelle lay there spent, trying to catch her breath. She was a shuddering mass as Jack rose tall and majestic before her. He hastily shucked off his pants and boxers and Noelle felt her body come back to life as she watched him stroke his manhood. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it, standing so erect with a slight curve. Large and swollen, the blunt head glistened with the pearl-colored liquid of his excitement. Noelle licked her lips eager for a taste of him, which shocked the hell out of her because giving head was something that she’d never done nor had a desire to. Her eyes flew to his and found him watching her through hooded lids burning with satisfaction.


“Since we’ve already covered one of the sex acts that you’d never indulged in, we might as well kill two birds with one stone.” Noelle sat up and his shaft became level with her face as he walked toward her.
Was it strange to think it was beautiful?
Noelle wondered reaching out to touch it. Although she could feel the veins underneath the skin, it felt like warm, satin covered-steel in her hands. Jack groaned as she tentatively stroked him from the base all the way to the tip. Taking it as sign that he liked what she was doing, she did it again, but with more confidence. More pre-cum appeared at the tip, Noelle looked up at Jack to find him watching her.


“Taste me, Noelle,” Jack ordered hoarsely and held his breath in anticipation as he watched her luscious lips, waiting to feel them surround him.


Obediently, she opened her mouth and tongued his essence from the bulbous head. It was sticky, salty, and absolutely delicious to her. Noelle opened her mouth and took his thickness in. Jack swore harshly as the feeling of her lips and tongue suctioning him almost brought him to his knees. He mentally counted backwards starting from one hundred as she took him deeper still. Instinctively his hands came up to gently grip her head and guide her. What she couldn’t fit into her mouth, she stroked up and down with her hands. More of his nectar appeared, and she eagerly swallowed; swirling her tongue round and round as if she were licking a lollipop. Jack groaned and started to push his hips forward while gripping her head tighter. She hollowed her cheeks and drew her mouth up and down. “Mmmmmmm….”


Jack was about to lose it as the sound vibrated around his dick. He felt a tightening in his balls and the blood roared through his ears.
Don’t cum, don’t cum
he chanted in his head. The sight of her sucking his dick was the sexiest fucking thing he’d ever seen. Her eyes were closed and her expression was pure bliss, as if giving him a blow job was exactly what she wanted to be doing tonight. All of his senses were on overload, and he needed to feel her pussy on his cock right now. He pulled her back by her hair gently and stepped away, when her lips released him with a wet


Jack quickly dropped back to his knees, in front of her, and yanked the shirt from her body. He gripped her waist and dragged her down so that she was now in his lap, legs draped over his thighs. Her saturated pussy rubbed against his hardness, scorching him with her heat. He bit her nipple and licked away the sting. Noelle threw her head back and let out a low moan as she writhed in abandon as he enjoyed the view of her naked beauty while fighting a losing battle for control.


“I can’t be gentle right now, darlin’,” he warned harshly. “Are you sure you want to?” Jack watched as she dazedly nodded her head, her eyes stormy with need. “Then hold on tight.” She sat up and wrapped her arms around him, licking his ear and sending a jolt of desire up his spine.


Groaning, Jack gripped Noelle’s head and fed her hungry kisses while reaching between them to angle his cock at her opening. He stopped kissing her long enough to look down between them.
. The sight of their skin melding together, hers a dark bronze and his paler hue was so erotic to him. He plunged into her beautiful brown body and nothing had ever felt as perfect as her dripping tightness.

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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