Raging Passions

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Authors: Amanda Sidhe

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Raging Passions

Amanda Sidhe


A book in the Dominant Blood series.


Hell hath no fury…

The night Caden abandons Regina at the
she becomes easy pickings for Ripper, a Kinsman vampire who has been watching her, wanting her for his own. But a devastated Regina trusts no man, and in the handful of years since that night, she has been punishing her male prey and fellow vampires for her broken heart, earning herself the nickname “Rage”.

When a man loves a woman…

The victim of a vampire’s cruel manipulation, Caden has never forgotten Regina or the love they shared. Now, as a slayer of vampires, he seeks vengeance on the very creatures responsible for her death.

Until the night they shockingly come face-to-face, the vampire and the vampire executioner, and all the passion they once shared flares to life with a heat neither can deny. Vampire lusts, human passions and a love that could never die combine in a race to free Caden and release Rage, because death is coming as nightfall approaches.


An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication





Raging Passions


ISBN 9781419924347


Raging Passions Copyright © 2009 Amanda Sidhe


Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower

Cover art by Syneca


Electronic book publication October 2009


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

Raging Passions

Amanda Sidhe


Chapter One


“Rage, come to me.”

The voice on the night-chilled air dripped sex and menace. It stroked her soul even as it shackled her more certainly than silk-lined handcuffs. Ripper’s call reached Rage from rooftops away like a whisper on the wind, one that summoned her very blood to comply. His power drifted over her like a scent, marking her, sinking into her skin like oil.

Rage opened her eyes slowly under her heavy black lashes. Resettling her teeth in the feverish flesh, she debated ignoring her master. The security guard she’d lured to the roof of the Bentley Hotel was a choice cut of meat. Tall and fit, the Latin hunk had been eyeing her all evening while she trolled for her dinner. Knowing he was watching, she’d picked the pocket of one of the wealthier-looking patrons in the hotel bar right in front of him. He’d coolly shadowed her as she made her way to the roof. Once she’d allowed him to “corner” her, Rage listened with endless amusement as he offered to overlook her crime in exchange for a little flesh play. With a hungry grin, she’d agreed. He had no idea just how much he’d regret that offer.

She could feel his forceful pulse gushing against her fangs as she debated the punishment if she blew Ripper off just this once. The thick coppery flavor of the blood in her mouth spun her head with its rich aroma. Although she’d sated her blood hunger, the security guard would live if she left him now. Rage never left her male victims alive.
They were heart-breaking bastards, the lot of them.


Growling, Rage released her bite and settled back on her heels to regard the man sprawled on the ground before her. Sleepily, the guard met her eyes. With a weak effort he cupped her behind the head and tried to draw her back down. The invitation was almost too appealing. How willingly they surrendered their lives when she entranced them with her magic.

“Not tonight, yummy morsel.” She grinned coyly, knowing he didn’t see her hatred for his gender in her expression, nor the danger in her offer. “Meet me here tomorrow night after sunset and we’ll finish this.”

“You…promise?” he whispered, feeling the effects of the blood loss.

She said, “I want to more than you know.” Rubbing circles on his hard chest, Rage suppressed the urge to simply snatch his heart out now. That was efficient but sloppy and not her usual style.

He glided his hand up her slick stockings, under her black miniskirt and gripped her ass. “Take me now, baby.”

She stood, letting him slump to the ground. Without a backward glance, Rage jogged to the edge of the roof, sprang to the guard rail and leapt with the effortless grace that could have been mistaken for flight to the building across the street. Homing in on Ripper’s presence like a heat source in the nippy autumn air, Rage crossed the city unseen by the humans wandering the streets below her.

Rage landed lightly on the gravel-strewn roof on her three-inch heels.
Ripper and two of his other Offspring, Dean and Shade, turned to acknowledge her arrival.
She didn’t need their searing stares to tell her just how hot she looked in her hunting clothes. The red leather halter displayed “the girls” to their most tempting advantage and didn’t cover her flat midriff. As she strutted with a seductive roll of her hips, Dean in particular couldn’t tear his eyes away from her fishnet stockings. The wind toyed with her black hair as it played peekaboo in an inviting, teasing way around her face.

She could have any one of them in her bed, all she had to do was say the word, and Rage knew it. But she would rather execute the lot of them for the crimes their sex continually perpetrated against hers. When she looked at them, she didn’t see three handsome vamps with bodies made for sex games. She saw Caden.
That bastard.

Ripper approached her with that liquid stride of his. Tonight he wore the black slacks with the perfectly pressed seams that showed off his long legs and the perfection of his ass. Beneath his leather jacket his burgundy silk shirt shone in the moonlight, the color of drying blood. The highlights in his trim blond hair couldn’t have been more perfect if he went to a salon.

“I have a treat for you, Rage.” Ripper slithered an arm around her waist and drew her against him until she flattened against his chest. He controlled her body with just his palm like a dance partner taking the lead. Only he could touch her and get away with it. He’d rebirthed her, making her a vampire and making him her master. As long as she was his Offspring, he could do anything with or to her he pleased. And he did.
Even knowing that she despised him on general principle, a fact that seemed to heighten his enjoyment in taking her.

“I was in the middle of something, Ripper,” she complained.

“You mean in the middle of someone, don’t you?” Dean chuckled, reaching up to wipe the dribble of blood she’d missed from her chin. He snatched back his hand just before her snapping teeth could catch his fingers. Smiling in that annoyingly model-perfect way of his that drew the female humans out of the woodwork to willingly offer themselves up to him, he licked the blood from his thumb.
“Mmmmm, still warm.
Left him alive, did you? Are you getting soft on us, Rage?”

Her eyes flashed. “I was interrupted, like I said. If you’d like a demonstration of the tender way I handle my prey, you can offer yourself to me as a sacrifice.”

Ripper squeezed her tightly, forcing her to focus on him. Cooler to the touch than a human, he still managed to encase her with his warmth. “A demonstration is just what I brought you here for.”

Glancing up at him, Rage searched Ripper’s icy-blue eyes.
Always a mistake.
A flow of silverlike mercury poured over his eyes, disguising his irises behind the metallic veil as his vampire nature stirred. Only Kinsmens’ eyes became silver when they called their power. He reached inside her with those devil’s eyes, leashing her with his will. A soft moan escaped her as her hands settled on his narrow waist and she moved closer until his thigh parted her legs so she could rub herself needfully against him. The silk fabric of his shirt glided over her bare stomach and the spill of her breasts over the halter, making her nipples wickedly hard and sensitive to each brush against him.

Shade and Dean snickered, and Rage glared hatefully at them. She would so slay them the moment she became a Kinsmen. It was not going to be pretty either.

Ripper gripped her ass in his strong palms to grind her against him and reclaim her attention. “I’ve sent Calvin to bring you someone special.” He lowered his head to seductively nuzzle into the curve of her throat. His blond hair tickled her cheek as his soft lips trailed hotly over her pulse only to settle right by her ear. The delicious scent of him, a strange brew of blood, night and sex, made her head swim. In a lover’s murmur, he clarified. “Someone I want you to kill for me.”

Breathing hard, Rage fought the magic-inspired attraction she felt for him as it seeped deeper and deeper into her. It never worked, but she always battled him with all her will. Of all the manipulative males she’d met in her life, Ripper was the worst. Well, all except for Caden. That was the one throat she still wished she’d torn out when she’d had the chance.

Losing the fight, Rage felt her head cock to the side, offering him her defenseless throat. Ripper kissed it, sending a shiver through her that melted her to the core. His fist tangled in her hair. His voice melted over the entirety of her flesh like breath. “You’d do that for me, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered, feeling breathless as her body stirred, becoming moist and tight with want for him.

“Because you love me.”
It wasn’t a question.

She loathed him. When she wasn’t in his thrall, Rage fantasized about maiming Ripper. But not when he embraced her in his power. Digging her fingers into the back of his heavy leather jacket, she writhed against his body. “Yes.”

“Then say it.”

He knew how she hated when he made her do that, when he forced her to submit so completely, even emotionally. His magic easily suppressed her struggling will and calmed her before him until she forgot that she hated him. Rage stroked her cheek tenderly against his. “I love you, Ripper.”

“Good.” He turned her so she could gaze down at the alley below them. Ripper eased himself behind her and guided her back against him. Roughly he gripped her hip bones and forced her bottom to swirl against his crotch. She could feel just how turned-on he became when he used his control over her. Lowering his head, he rested his chin on her shoulder while he watched the show below. “Here he comes now.”

Calvin, the newest of Ripper’s Offspring, grinned down at the teenage girl he walked with. His arm circled her shoulders in a casually possessive way as he forced her to walk quickly to match his long strides. A flaming redhead, Calvin didn’t have to worry about becoming
more pale
now that he’d no longer see the sun. Rage had been there the night Ripper rebirthed Calvin. The boy had not even been eighteen yet, and so painfully young-looking that Rage almost felt sorry for him when Ripper targeted him. But instead of killing him, Ripper had transformed him. Now, as Calvin smiled in an innocent way at the girl with him, Rage recognized the slight cruel twist to it that only those who knew him could pick out. He delighted in his hunt more than Rage did.

Calvin cast a glance up at them and winked. Guiding the girl so her back rested against the far wall, Calvin gave the vampires above him a perfect view. To Rage the girl looked like she might be fifteen and had dolled herself up to pass for someone old enough to drink. Calvin always liked the young ones.

Rage moved to stop him. The girl was just a kid, for God’s sake.

Ripper clutched her to him, preventing her from interfering. “Just watch for now,” he ordered, and her anger settled down a notch under his power.

The long kiss Calvin gave the girl seemed the melt her completely. She hugged him around the neck so tightly Calvin had to reach up and pry her loose to talk to her. “I think I’m falling in love with you, Katie,” he lied. “I’ve never felt like this for anyone before.”

She watched him with those big, trusting eyes.
The eyes of a fool.
Rage remembered when she used to have those eyes.

He nodded. “From the second I saw you tonight, I knew you were the one.”

“Love at first sight,” she sighed, “I felt that way too. It was… It was like you just reached inside me and made my heart leap into my throat.”

“Uh-huh.” He twisted his fingers in her loose brown waves and eased her head to the side ever so slightly, presenting himself with her unguarded neck. He trailed a line of kisses from her cheek and down her throat. “Say you want me, Katie. Say you want me to have you.”

The moment so paralleled what Ripper had just done with her, Rage felt her old fury building.
The lot of them should be roasted in the pits of hell. Later, when Ripper wasn’t around, she’d “explain” a few things to Calvin. All she had to decide was if she wanted to use a weapon to do it, or her bare hands…and teeth.

The stupid girl sighed dreamily. “I want you, Cal. Take me.”

Calvin leaned closer and when his mouth was an inch away from her neck, he curled back his lips. He’d just sunk his fangs in, making the girl gasp and arch into him, when the shot echoed through the alley.

Blood splattered from Calvin’s shoulder as the blast spun him. He stumbled away from the girl, who screamed but otherwise was too frightened to do anything.

A man dressed in black fatigues and flak jacket sauntered into the alley. The tinted shield on the motorcycle helmet he wore hid his face. Although Calvin stood a good five foot ten, this man was even taller. Even through the fatigues, Rage could tell how muscular the man was. He had the shoulders of a linebacker and the trim, strong legs of a running back. He chambered another round in his shotgun and aimed it at Calvin.

With an animalistic hiss, Calvin squared off with the man. Just as the next shot was fired, Calvin leapt and twisted, avoiding the spray of pellets. As he came down, he expertly kicked the shotgun out of the attacker’s hands.

But the man was ready. He produced a stake from his thigh pocket and buried it in Calvin’s chest.

The pained cry from Calvin was as sadly human as when Ripper had snatched away his human life. Only this time, he was dying for real.
The Final Death.
Calvin clutched to the man’s shoulders as he slid to his knees. The man did nothing but watch him until the Offspring finally collapsed onto his back.

Taking a knife from his hip, he knelt down and started hacking the boy’s head off. The vampires on the roof watched passively. They’d all known Ripper never intended for Calvin to survive long. Most Offspring were killed by Kinsmen in the first few years of their undead existence. Rage still half expected Ripper to take her out before she grew strong enough to become a Kinsman herself.

The girl Calvin had attacked hopped in place, too frightened to run or scream anymore. Her hands clamped to the sides of her head as if she couldn’t deal with what she’d just witnessed. Silent tears streaked her face.

“It’s okay, honey,” the man soothed, wiping the blood off his weapons on Calvin’s clothes and stashing them back in their respective pockets. “I won’t hurt you.”

She shook her head and sobbed.

The man yanked off his helmet and tucked it under his arm. At the sight of him, Rage felt her whole body clench. His rich brown hair was neatly trimmed and a growth of stubble gave him a roguish, rough quality. He was human. Not vampire. Not Kinsmen. As she stared at him, she was startled by how the sight of him struck her. He seemed too familiar and she disliked how it made all the muscles around her heart clench. He spoke to the girl. “Your boyfriend was a vampire. He would have killed you.”

She shook her head.

Standing up, he waved her off. “Get out of here, kid. Go home before some other monster tries to snatch a bite out of you.”

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