Sweet Discipline (21 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Hamre

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Sweet Discipline
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Even if she wanted to, where would she find him?

And then, as if he’d heard her question, he left a message on her machine. “If you’ve been missing me as much as I’ve been missing you, meet me.” He named the date and time and gave her the room number of a well-known hotel. “The key will be at the desk.”

Why a hotel? Why a room? He knew where she lived. Why someplace anonymous?

Why couldn’t they meet for lunch, dinner or even a drink? Why a hotel room?

Hotel rooms had beds. But so did her apartment. So did he, wherever he lived. But never mind the logistics. He’d called her!

Her pulse picked up. Heat flowed through her. She lived in a constant flush until she picked up the hotel key a few minutes before the arranged time.

The room was quietly opulent. Fresh flowers and champagne in an ice bucket rested on a table. A large bed and sitting area took up most of the space, draped windows overlooked the park below and the cityscape. She gave it all a passing glance, checked her watch and quickly, feverishly, undressed.

She hung up her clothes on cedar hangers, and dropped to her knees in the middle of the carpeted floor. She’d had a full body massage, a pedicure and manicure, and 120

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carefully shaved, just the way he liked her, bare and extra-sensitive. She waited in her submissive pose, getting more anxious by the moment, until she heard the door open, then close. The lock clicked into place.

She dropped her head and opened her palms on her thighs, not looking up even as the tips of black shoes almost touched her knees.

“Very good, Norris.” His voice, dark, severe and yet tender, satisfied.

She kept the position.

A black carryon bag came into her view as he deposited it on the floor. “Stand.”

Without another word, she rose lithely to her feet. She pressed her lips to his throat and silently began to undress him.

She peeled back his jacket, slipped it off him and hung it next to her clothing in the closet. Carefully, methodically, she took one item of clothing after another from his well-toned body and disposed of it neatly. He lifted one foot, then the other, as she dropped again to her knees and removed his shoes and socks.

She bent her head and put her mouth on his bare foot. Kissed him.

He sighed as he accepted her submission. Grasping her shoulders, he lifted her to her feet, then turning her, flung her to the bed.

She landed face down, half off the bed. Her breath whooshed out as her head bounced on the mattress. She wasn’t hurt, but astonished.

“Don’t move.”

She remained where she was, peeking at him from the corner of one eye.

“There are some things we have to get straight, Norris.”

She nodded, her nose rubbing against the silken coverlet.

“You didn’t believe me when I went to your apartment. That angered me.”

She swallowed. “I’m sorry.”

“I accept your apology.”

She relaxed, grateful that it had been so easy.

“You still have to make up for it.”

She tensed. There was no bar here, nothing to truss her up, but she knew he’d discipline her.

“Do you understand what I want?”

“My submission.”

“Totally and completely,” he confirmed. “Are you ready to give me that?”

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“That’s not good enough. Are you willing to prove it?”

What more could she do? She was here, naked. She’d positioned herself, kissed his foot in submission, was ready for him. What more did he want?


Bonnie Hamre

As if he read her mind, he ran his hand over her butt cheeks. “Such a pretty ass.

Toned and tight. I spread you, didn’t I?”

She licked her lips. Nodded.

“I gave you pain and then pleasure, didn’t I?”

She nodded again.

“The pain enhanced the pleasure?”

She swallowed, remembering. Her breasts felt fuller, tighter. Her pussy opened and went wet. “Yes,” she whispered.

“How much more can you take, Norris?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted hesitantly.

“Shall we find out?”

She cleared her throat. “How?”

“Part of being my submissive means taking as much discipline as I want to give you. It means taking it for me. To please me. Or to correct you when you displease me.”

He paused and stroked between her butt cheeks, rimming her anus with a fingertip.

“Can you take pain for me?”

She remembered the dildos and the leather sleeves. “I already have.”

“Some,” he acknowledged. “Can you accept my mark?”

Her heart fluttered within her chest as he continued, “Take my mark on your ass?

Take the pain without a sound?”

“Do I have to?”

“No. It’s your choice.” He stepped back. “I’ll give you a moment to decide whether you want to belong to me completely, without reservation, or walk out of here untouched.”

Her anus felt cold without his touch. She scrambled upright on the bed and watched him as he made himself comfortable in an easy chair. He turned his head to look out the window, giving her a moment’s privacy.

He asked much. She wanted him, wanted him desperately, wanted his possession, his care and protection. Above all, she wanted his love. He hadn’t said the words, but why else would he be here if he wasn’t ready to commit himself to a loving relationship? That commitment came with such a high price. Could she pay it? Could she meet his standards? And pain, oh, could she take any more? If she agreed, she’d have no choice and one but herself to blame if the pain proved too much. If she put on her clothes and walked out of here, she knew it would be the last time she’d ever see him.

It was cruel. Emotional blackmail. Manipulation. It could also be heart-stopping pleasure, a sense of completion and belonging she’d never experienced before. It was also freedom to experience every bit of pleasure her body—and his—was capable of.


Sweet Discipline

Could she do it? Could she take whatever pain he gave her in return for the pleasure he gave her? And allowed her to give him?

She studied his profile. Stark, severe, uncompromising. He demanded much from her. He also gave her much. He understood her, appreciated her, wanted her. That knowledge was heady, undeniable. She took a deep breath. “Yes.”

He turned to face her. “You understand there’s no going back?”


“Do you trust me?”

She thought of the times she’d handed control of her body to him. How he’d taken her from an obstinate and temperamental woman with no self-control to a woman who believed in herself. “I trust you.”

“One last time. Will you take my mark?”

She swallowed. “I want it.”

“Good.” He rose to his feet, naked, totally at ease, masculine and potent. His erection made her mouth water. “Let’s put your acceptance to the test.”

She remained where she was while he retrieved his carryon and unzipped it. He looked at her. “Turn down the bed.”

She hopped off it, and pulled the coverlet and blankets back, folding them neatly at the end. He nodded approval. “On your belly. In the middle,” he corrected when she lay down on one side. “Can you reach each side of the mattress?”

“Yes,” she mumbled against the sheet as she touched the sides.

“This isn’t the right equipment for this, so we have to improvise.” He repositioned her, pulling her down so that her knees came off the edge of the bed and rested on the floor. She wound up kneeling, bent forward over the bed. “Whatever I do, don’t move.

Don’t make a sound. If you need a gag, I’ll give you one.” He bent over, turning her head to look at him. “Understand?”

She looked into his eyes, saw the emotions he usually kept hidden, and trusting him, nodded.

“Very good.” He reached behind him and pulled out a slender rod from his bag.

Her eyes widened as she understood what he meant to do. She flicked a glance up at him, saw the set look to his face and buried hers in the covers. Her muscles tensed as she waited for the blow.

Instead of the rap she expected, Adrian ran the tip of the rod along her spine from her nape to the furrow between her cheeks. She shuddered at the almost-caress, her muscles easing, then relaxing further as he stroked the rod along her thighs and calves.

He slid it between her legs, gently caressing her pussy as he rubbed it along her bare flesh. The light tap on her clit made her squirm. She felt herself grow moist.

The blow, when it came, was totally unexpected. Light, stinging, it slashed the top of her thighs. She flinched and cried out.

“No noise,” he reminded her with the next stroke.


Bonnie Hamre

She grabbed a handful of fleece blanket and stuffed it in her mouth.

He hit her again. “That’s three. Can you take ten, Norris?”

Oh no, she’d never last, never be able to sit again! She pulled the fleece from her mouth, gasping for air. She meant to beg him to stop, but instead, her pride made her say, “For you, yes.”

“Very good, Norris.” The next blow fell on her ass, followed by two more. “Count.”

Whack! “Seven.”

Slash! “Eight,” she wheezed.

She heard the rod, tensed, and bore the pain. “Nine!”

Only one more, she thought through a haze of heat. This one, lower, cutting between ass and thigh, hurt more than the others. She moaned, swallowing the pain, and whispered, “Ten.”

Adrian dropped the rod on the bed. He sank to his knees behind her and kissed her stinging butt. “You did well,” he murmured, “for a novice. We’ll keep at it until you’re capable of more.”

She breathed hard. More? She ached all over, not just her thighs and ass. Her arms hurt and her fingers were numb from hanging on to the bed. Her lips were sore where she’d bitten them, and he wanted her to take more? In a haze of hurt, she didn’t at first realize that his caresses on her ass had left her burning inside. Wanting, empty and moist. Becoming aware of her desire, she felt something cool, recognized it as the lubrication he used to ease anal penetration. Oh, not there, not when she hurt so much already!

He ignored her protest, taking a moment to cover himself with the lube, then he knelt and grasped her hips and began to push his prick into her. She tensed, groaning, and stopped when he slapped her flesh below the hip.

“Relax,” he ordered sternly. “You can take me.”

“But I’m hurting,” she protested.

“Take the pain for me, Norris.” He reached between them, between her cheeks and stroked her pussy lips. She realized how wet she was, how eager for him to push his finger, his cock, something, into her to relieve the aching need.

He played with her clit, stroking, pulling, and pinching it until she shivered with desire. “Do you want me?” he whispered in her ear.

“Come in me, please.” She could barely get the words out.

He pinched her clit. “When I say, Norris, not before.”

She whimpered.

He shoved a finger, then two, into her. It was good, but not enough. She wanted more, but held her tongue.


Sweet Discipline

Stroking her ass, fucking her with his fingers, he fondled her higher and higher into a near-mindless state. He pushed into her from behind, an inch at a time, grunting with pleasure as he seated himself deeply in her ass.

Norris shuddered with pleasure. Adrian was in control; he possessed her body, knew its capabilities and pushed her, shoved, and coaxed her into more. Pleasure spiraled through her veins, grabbed at her insides and made her dizzy.

Adrian withdrew, slammed into her, withdrew and slammed again and again. His balls caressed her with each stroke. She felt him deep, deeper than ever before, claiming her, owning her. She relished the sensations, pushed her bottom back and up so he could take her harder, and thrilled to the hard, singeing heat of him. “Ah…”

“Don’t come yet, Norris. Not until I give you permission.” Adrian’s voice was rough, his breathing harsh.

“I’ll try,” she gasped.

“Don’t try. Just do it!”

He pumped in and out, flicked her clit, bent over and bit her shoulder and she took it, took it all and craved more, wanted everything he wanted.

His breathing changed, his strokes becoming fiercer. She felt his balls contract and waited, waited.

At last, he shuddered. “Now,” he commanded. “Come now!”

At last! She convulsed under him, shaking with her release, her internal muscles grabbing at his fingers, gripping his cock. She came so hard, so good, so long. And still felt him plunging into her, prolonging her orgasm until she feared she’d pass out.

He came in a great gush, sending his heated sperm high into her ass. She felt it coating her insides, easing his withdrawal as he collapsed behind her, his body heavy on hers. His breath was hot and moist against her neck.

She panted, struggling for breath, while her body slowly regained awareness. She hurt from her head to her toes digging into the carpet. Adrian was still leaning on her, his weight pushing her into more discomfort. She twitched a shoulder.

He grunted, but lifted himself high enough that she could scoot out from under him. She dropped to the carpet, curling into herself, trying not to moan. It seemed ages before Adrian roused, then he got to his feet and went into the bathroom. She heard water running, then he was back, reaching for her, helping her to her feet. With his help, she stumbled into the bathroom and stepped into the tub, yelping when her bruised bottom touched the hot water.

He eased her into it, murmuring softly as he kissed her forehead. “Easy does it.” He pushed her gently into the water until it covered her breasts.

Her back, buttocks and thighs stung fiercely, then as the heat of the water eased tense muscles, she relaxed and the pain lessened. She leaned back against the tub and let the water work its magic. She heard water running into the sink and the sounds he made as he washed his cock. The water stopped. She felt him cross the bathroom. With 125

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her eyes closed, she couldn’t see, didn’t want to see his face, but she felt his fingers caress her arm, then lift her hand to his mouth. He pressed kisses to each of her knuckles. “You did well, Norris. I’m proud of you.”

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