Sweet Discipline (17 page)

Read Sweet Discipline Online

Authors: Bonnie Hamre

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Sweet Discipline
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“You. You’re completely different.”

“You only saw one side of me before this.” He indicated the rumpled bed, the sheets half off the mattress and the pillows on the floor.

“The tidy side.” She smirked.


She lowered her head and licked his collarbone, delighting in his instantaneous shiver. Where was his vaunted control now?

Abruptly, she raised her head. “Why were you so mean to me?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Define mean.”

“You know, mean. Tying me to that bar, leaving me alone, hanging like a side of beef.” She scowled at both the humiliating, painful memories and his apparent lack of concern.

“Do I have to explain my methods?”

She nodded.


Sweet Discipline

He pulled her closer, nuzzled her breasts. “Now?”

Norris pulled away. “Now. I want you to tell me why you were beastly and Rachel got the same results with praise and respect.”

He exhaled, then reached for a pillow and settled it behind his back. He looked at her with an expression she couldn’t quite decipher. Doubt, maybe? “Do you think Rachel would have gotten those same results from you when you first started here?”

His eyes narrowed. “Be honest.”

She considered that. She’d come in eager to leave svelte and sexy, thinking she was ready to do whatever it took to reach her goal, but truthfully? Given her past history with diets and nutrition, she’d have followed her usual path and quit fairly soon. She would have tried the exercise routines, gotten bored and quit. She’d have railed against the spartan fare, delicious as it was, and quit.

“You’d have quit on her, right?”

She scowled at him.

“Right. So I made it hard for you. Demanded more of you. Made you hate me enough to want to show me. Prove me wrong about you.” He looked deep into her eyes. “It worked, didn’t it?”

“You didn’t have to like it so damn much,” she muttered.

“Like it?” He groaned. “You have no idea how hard it was.”

“Yeah?” She felt a smile begin, then grow. “Harder than with other clients?”

“I don’t discuss my clients,” he stated flatly.

“Well,” she studied him speculatively, “I can say this much. You must have played the ogre often enough to get it down pat.”

He chuckled. “Ogre. Beast. Thanks a lot.”

“I don’t like to think of you having sex with other clients,” she admitted. “Other women,” she added, voicing her deepest anguish.

He pulled her into his arms. “What’s done is done.”

She held back, then gave in and nestled close to his chest. He stroked her back, and cradled her head in his palm. At last, she murmured, “It’s just that when I leave here, I hate to think of you doing the same thing to other women that you did with me.”

He blew out his breath. “I’m not going to discuss this with you.”

She blinked hard, then rolled off the bed. Heading for the shower, she looked back.

He had moved to the edge of the bed, sitting with his feet on the floor, elbows on his knees, hands clasped between his legs, head lowered. He looked like a man in pain, at the least, in confusion.

Join the club.

When she came out of the shower, after having briskly applied the loofah and then the assorted creams and lotions Rachel had given her, Adrian was gone. He’d tidied up the bed, leaving no trace of his being there.


Bonnie Hamre

She checked the living room and the training room. Both were empty. If she still wasn’t sore and her breasts full, she’d have imagined his ever being there. Ever making love.

Damn him.

The door to her suite opened quietly. She whirled, expecting to see Adrian, but it was only a member of the staff delivering her breakfast. She set the table, placed several dishes on it and left, as wordless as ever.

Norris poured herself a glass of juice. Hungrily, she sat and began to eat. She’d taken the last bite of her omelet
aux fines herbes
when Rachel entered.

“Good. Ready for your weigh-in?”

Norris nodded, but felt strangely reluctant. She could tell by her body, toned and fit now after weeks of exercise and proper nutrition, that she had lost more weight. She felt good, energetic and healthy.

She also felt sad, but that wasn’t part of the regimen. That was her own personal contribution. Still, she rose and joined Rachel.

After she’d weighed in and been measured as she had been the first day, Angela hugged her. “Congratulations! You’ve lost thirty-four pounds!”

Norris’ eyes widened. “I did it? Really did it?”

“You really did. See?” Angela showed her the chart, with her beginning weight and measurements. Then pointed at the last entry. She’d really done it. She’d reached her goal.

She felt proud. Satisfied, eager to share the good news, but at the same time, felt uneasy. She’d come this far. What would happen next?

Angela answered the question. “You still have a few days left with us. You’ll see the nutritionist again, use any of our guest services, and if you like, consult our personal shopper.” Angela grinned at the look on her face. “You want to leave in the same clothes you wore coming in?”

“I hadn’t thought of that. No way!”

“Let’s make an appointment for you, then.”

The next few days were busy. Rachel instructed her on a workout routine she could do at home and one for the gym. The nutritionist put together a customized eating regimen based on her likes and dislikes. She had her nails done, a complete wax and facial, her hair styled and felt buffed, shined and polished, ready to face the world.

But not naked.

After hours with the personal shopper, who took her measurements, discussed her lifestyle and made some suggestions, Norris began trying on the clothes the shopper brought back on approval.

Some she discarded immediately. Some she bought, anticipating the looks she’d get when she returned to work wearing her closely fitted new suits. Some she adored, including the new sexy lingerie and the casual clothes that showed off her new figure.


Sweet Discipline

With the exception of the outfit she’d wear to leave, everything else was delivered to her apartment.

Her days were full getting ready to pick up the threads of her old life. Still she had time to worry about Adrian, how he risked his job to be with her. She knew he violated policy by becoming personally involved with her. She felt ashamed she almost wished he’d get fired. She didn’t really want that, she realized, but if he no longer worked at
Sweet Discipline
, would they continue to see each other? Could they have more nights like the ones they shared here, exploring and discovering new worlds with him? He dominated her senses as he did her body. If she’d thought they couldn’t surpass their first simultaneous orgasm, he proved her wrong.

He used her body, and his, relentlessly. When she complained she couldn’t take any more, he showed her she could. He used the bedroom toys, more than once inserting the Ben Wa balls and licking her clit while she thrashed about and begged him to remove the balls and let her come.

Always, always, he pushed her to the edge, kept her hanging, made her wait, demanding she control her body, until at last, he allowed her release. She did everything he demanded of her. Any position, any time, any part of her body.

He taught her the wicked, overwhelming pleasures of dildo and cock thrusting into her pussy and anus. When the dildos and anal beads weren’t enough, he used her body as he pleased, and in pleasing himself he showered pleasure almost beyond endurance upon her. He gave her no rest. She took all he gave her and craved more.

More of Adrian, of all he was as man and lover. The more she knew of him in that way, the more she realized how little she knew of him as a person. One night, as they lay closely entwined, muscles relaxing, she said as much.

“What do you want to know?” he asked, his voice slow and deep.

“What do you do for fun, when you’re not working?”

“I exercise. Play some ball, go out with friends.”

It sounded so normal, so everyday. “What else? Where do you go for vacations?”

He stretched, then pulled her close again. “Places I haven’t been before.”

“Where did you go last?”

“Trekking in Tibet.” He yawned. “Before that, I hiked in Torres del Paine. That’s in southern Chile. Cold, windy but beautiful.”

Ugh. “Don’t you ever take cruises, soak up the rays?”


She liked nothing better. “Well, what do you watch on TV?”

“Not much. Some sports, History channel, the news.”

Didn’t this man do anything she liked to do? “How about food? What’s your favorite meal?”

“I’m a vegetarian. Veggies. Salads, fruits.”


Bonnie Hamre

Oh no. She loved thick steaks, pork chops and hamburgers. She sighed. “Well, where do you live?”

“I have an apartment in the building.”

She rolled over to look at him. “You live here?”

“It’s convenient.”

And not accessible.

“I also have a place at the beach.”

She perked up. “That must be nice. Sand, surf, sunbathing.”

“Bad for your skin.” He smoothed his hand over her shoulder, cupped her breast and squeezed gently. “I like yours like this. Soft, white, like silk.”

Her nipple peaked immediately. He pinched it, softly at first, then harder, giving her pain he followed quickly with pleasure when he sucked her nipple into his mouth and caressed it with his tongue. She responded as she always did, quickly and completely.

His mouth left her breast. He tongued his way down her belly, pausing to explore her navel, then unerringly found her pussy. Though she was still sated, her body opened to him without demur. He licked and nibbled, pausing only to praise her nude pussy lips. She squirmed with the heat growing in her, then complained when he lifted his head.

“On your knees.”

She rolled and lifted herself into position, head resting on her crossed wrists, butt elevated, knees spread wide. He stroked her spine, then cupped her butt cheeks, pushing them together, then separating them for his tongue. He licked her from spine to rosebud, then rimmed her, bringing each nerve ending to life. She waited, expectantly, impatiently, her breath coming harder and faster. How would he take her?

One hand delved between her legs, seeking entrance. One finger circled her pussy, then slid in. She needed more, and he responded with another finger, then two, then four held closely together. She clenched around him.

“More?” he whispered.

“Yes, yes,” she whimpered. “More!”

He pulled back his hand, ignoring her complaints, and moved to lie at her side.

“Stay,” he instructed when she started to drop to the bed. She did as he said, lifting one leg for him to slide under her. She thought he wanted her to ride him, something he seldom did, but which she enjoyed tremendously. Instead, he slid until his head was under her pussy. She lowered herself to him. He licked her, his tongue caressing her clit and pushing into her pussy. She moaned with the pleasure, but it was cut short when he pulled away. In moments, though, his fingers replaced his tongue.

She realized he had his fingers in her up to his knuckles, pushing in and out, each time deeper, until his hand was almost completely inside her. Fascinated, she watched hardly believing that she could take so much of him and not feel pain. She felt the knobs 100

Sweet Discipline

of his knuckles against the thin walls of her pussy, caressing her, stroking her internally.

She moaned again. It was so good, and still, she wanted more.

As if he understood, he pulled his hand out. She looked down, between her legs and saw him tuck his thumb into his palm. She held her breath. He couldn’t! He wouldn’t be able to get his entire hand in her. He inserted his fingers again, pushing gently but inexorably deeper into her.

She gasped as she watched his hand disappear. Her juices flowed, easing his way, yet she held herself stiffly. He flicked her a glance, read the uncertainty on her face.

“I’m fisting you, Norris.”

“I can’t. You can’t…”

“I am and you will.”

She obeyed him in this as in everything else. She widened herself, taking him in inch by inch, feeling her inner muscles expand to accept his fingers, his knuckles, then his palm, and with a last push, he was in her up to his wrist. She gasped, then moaned with delight as his fingers brushed the entrance to her womb. Such a caress! So deep, so intimate, so overwhelming. In that moment, his hand holding her entire femininity, she surrendered herself completely. He held her, in his hand, while he told her what he felt, what he owned. “This is mine, Norris.”

She said nothing, could say nothing. She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the pleasure. He caressed her intimately again, then slowly withdrew his hand. She clenched, her pussy missing him. She waited, longing to be filled again, while he changed position and came up on his knees behind her. He teased her with his cock while her reached under her and used her juices to lubricate her anus. She waited, holding her breath, while he pushed himself into her.

He grunted with the effort when her ass muscles resisted, then exhaled when they surrendered to his possession. He pushed in until his cock was buried to the hilt, then with a satisfied murmur, claimed her ass for himself. He pushed in, withdrew, and pushed in repeatedly while she quivered and shook under his assault. He reached between her legs and pulled at her clit, then shoved his fingers into her pussy. Doubly impaled, she cried out.

“Please, now, Adrian!”

“When I tell you,” he snapped.

She bore his thrusts, her breath hot against her wrists, her breasts full and hungry.

She grabbed one and mimicked Adrian’s tweaks, pulling and pinching her nipple as he continued to thrust into her ass. At last, when she though she could bear it no longer, her ass on fire and her pussy drenched, he shouted, “Now!”

She obeyed instantly. Her muscles clamped around his fingers. Her ass clenched his cock as he gave a mighty thrust of his hips and embedded himself in her. She felt him shaking and convulsing in her, behind her, and collapsed on the bed. He followed her down, still in her, still shaking with the combined forces of their orgasms.

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