Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (29 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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“Can everyone stop hitting my head?
. How the hell did I get myself into this? I can’t win either way. And can someone please tell me why J has got bright red lipstick on his cheek?”

“What?” I cry out and crane my neck to look in the mirror.

“What the fuck, Laurel? Why didn’t you tell me? Your mum’s going to think I’m an idiot. I thought she was laughing at my jokes.” I rub at my cheek as hard as I can, and they all laugh but Blake howls the hardest so I slap him round the head again. He glares at me through the rearview mirror and I chuckle in return, staring him down.


The drive goes by quickly, but I can tell Laurel’s still worried. I think it’s more the not being in control.  She’s been on the phone to Jess several times in the past two hours, but Jess has been patient and eased all of her concerns.

“Give me your hand.” I’ve opened Laurel’s door for her but she’s plastered her back against the seat and is gripping her clutch in front of like her life depends on it. I don’t know why she’s so nervous.

“What if no-one’s here?”

“They’re here, babe. Jess just told you it’s packed.” She hesitantly offers me her hand and I pull her into my arms before shutting the car door. I put my arm round her shoulders and steer her towards the store.

“You have no reason to be worried.” I say with certainty. She smiles gratefully up at me, and wraps her arm around my waist.

“You look hot in this suit.”

“I do?” I ask and she rolls her eyes at me.

“Like you don’t know.” The exasperation evident in her voice. I do know, but only because she keeps telling me. I grin, and pull the door to the store wide open.


She bites her lip as she walks past me swaying her hips and my hand nearly comes out to slap her ass, the tease. I step inside and bang straight into Laurel who’s stopped still in the doorway. I move a small step back and take in the thrum of chatter and laughing coming from around the room. There must be around a hundred people standing around the showroom. The design has come out just the way I planned. It echoes the redesign of the Stamford store to keep consistency, particularly as Laurel wants to open more stores. The plush cream carpet, gold fixtures and fittings, and chandeliers compliment the feature wallpaper that’s doing a great job of highlighting her more exclusive collections. The door hits my back with more people coming through and I guide Laurel to the side so we’re out the way.

“This is amazing.” She whispers up at me and looks close to tears so I stroke my hands comfortingly down her arms.

“You’re amazing.” I grin and kiss the side of her head.

“Isn’t it fantastic?” Jess comes hurrying up to us with a couple of glasses of champagne and her eyes are lit with pure excitement.

“You’ve done so well, Jess. I think I’m going to cry.” Laurel throws herself into Jess’ arms and squeezes her tightly.

done so well.” They high five each other and start giggling while I watch with amusement. Cassie and Blake come over and continue the congratulations in their own way.

“Great buffet.” Blake says appreciatively around a mouthful of Bruschetta.

“What?” He frowns when we all shake our heads at him, then shoves a sausage roll in his mouth.


A hand lands on my shoulder as I get a refill of champagne for Laurel and I at the bar. I spin round and see Seb and Tiff all dolled up in Black Tie looking every bit the perfect couple.

“Thanks for coming, guys.”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Finally get to meet the woman that’s whipped you into shape.”

“Don’t listen to him, James. There’s nothing better than the love of a good woman.” Tiff smirks up at her husband and he sends her the same private, knowing smile. I’m missing something.

“Today is our anniversary.” Tiffany says by way of explanation. My eyebrows shoot up. Damn, I wish I had known, I would have done something for them.

“Ten years married to the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. I’m a lucky fucker.”

Tiff nods, clearly impressed, and looks back at me. “At least he knows it.” I grin and tilt my head as I watch Seb pull her close, the sappy bastard. He’s been a mentor to me for a while now, and I’m thankful he’s happy. It makes me hopeful for Laurel and I too.

“Congratulations to you both.” I hand them both a glass of champagne and kiss Tiff on the cheek.

“I guess this means you’re not bored yet.” I turn down the corners of my mouth, and clutch at my chest. “I’ll wait for you. However long you need.” I put my arm round her shoulder. She grins and places her hand on my chest. “I think I’m going to stick with the man I’ve got for now.”

I chuckle at the scowl on Seb’s face as he pulls her out of my hold and curls his hand round her hip possessively.

“Get your own.”

“I should. Where is she?” I mumble to myself.

I scan the room and see Laurel finishing up her conversation with a group of women who have been admiring some of the dresses. Her eyes meet mine and I give her my no-holds-barred grin that makes her flush and look at me underneath her eyelashes. Fuck, she looks so disturbingly turned on that I have to clear my throat and take a few deep breaths to slow down my heartbeat.




God, I’ve been watching him in that suit all night and all I can think about is going back to the hotel and doing rude things to him. And that grin? Gets me squirming, every damn time. The heat in his eyes, as he beckons me over sends a throbbing straight down to my core. I make my way through the tightly packed bodies, ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ tumbling out my mouth several times in quick succession. I still can’t believe the turnout tonight.

It’s when I get closer I realise he’s not on his own. I didn’t even notice who he was talking to, all I could see was him.

The man standing next to him must be early thirties, tall, dark hair, wearing a sharp black suit and purple bow tie. The purple matches the dress of the woman he’s got tucked tightly into his side. Her dress is amazing, a long flowing Grecian style purple gown, with a thin diamante strip just under the bust, the rest of the dress flowing down and skimming her hips. Her glossy brown hair is pulled back in a chignon, her skin like porcelain. She looks every bit a princess, or a model.
Just like Alex.
They have the same wealthy, well-bred, successful look. As I approach all eyes turn to me, and I shrink back, feeling slightly intimidated.

That’s not you. Don’t be intimidated.
My inner voice tells me to stop being so stupid. There was always some kind of conceited arrogance in Alex’s smile that made me uncomfortable but hers is welcoming, and it reaches her eyes as she looks between James and I.

“There she is.” James holds out his arm for me and I step into his side, relishing the protective way his hand grips my waist, and lips brush my temple.

“Babe, this is Sebastian Burrows, and his wife Tiffany. Guys, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Laurel.”

Tiffany steps out of Seb’s arms and throws her arms unexpectedly around me. It surprises me but I go with it and hug her back. “It’s so good to meet you, Laurel. James has told us all about you. Don’t worry.” She says when she sees my anxious smile. “It was all wonderful.” She winks and I feel myself relax. Seb is a little more reserved but he takes my hand and kisses my cheek. “Finally.” He looks back at James who’s still got a silly proud grin on his face.

“James speaks very highly of both of you. Thank you so much for coming tonight.”

I sip my champagne and Tiffany does the same, eyeing me prudently over the top of the glass. I wonder what I’ve done to deserve that level of interest from her.

“The store looks beautiful. You’ve both got a great eye for detail, the window display is magnificent.” I suck in a sharp breath when her words make me realise who I’m speaking to. I completely forgot who she actually was. She made a dress for Keira Knightly for God’s sake.

I grin and I think it comes across as a little creepy but she knows what she’s talking about, and she complimented my store. She didn’t have to say it.

“Thank you.”

She nods graciously, and just as it’s starting to get a little awkward she looks at our men and declares that we’re leaving their company.

“There are a few things I need to discuss with this young lady, can you excuse us please?” Seb acknowledges her with a quick kiss on the cheek then carries on talking to James who completely ignores my questioning look.

“Come, Laurel. We have business to discuss.” Business? She sees my frown but says nothing until we’re in the office.

Before I say anything, she reaches into her bag in silence. The bag I now realise is larger than I would have thought and when she pulls out handfuls of folded material, I see why.

“James showed me these.” She places them on the desk in between us and looks across at me. My eyes go straight to the fabric and as I run them through my fingers my heart beat starts pounding when I recognise them as my creations. She sits down and gracefully crosses her legs.

“I know that tonight is about your store. But I really wanted to discuss a business venture with you before Sebastian and I go to the U.S for a month.”

I nod, encouraging her to continue because I don’t really know what to say and I’m sat in awe and slight embarrassment that a world famous fashion designer has seen these dresses.

“James tells me you want to open a store in central London next year.”

“Yes.” I say nervously. “I’m aiming for the later part of the year. There’ll be two more boutiques before then.” Where is she going with this?

“I’ve made cocktail dresses, and gowns for over fifteen years and I’m going to continue but I really want to expand into another area.” Her eyes search my face as she says, “Wedding dresses.”

I gulp down the fear and dread that someone so successful wants me for something. “So, how can I help with that?”

She picks up the dresses and examines them closely in front of me. “Obviously I know these were done by you and your mother in your spare time. The stitching’s not perfect, it’s way too loose, and is already unravelling, but the designs? They’re fabulous. I think you have a great eye. And that dress you’re wearing is gorgeous.” I feel my cheeks heating up under her praise.

“I’ve grown my business on my own since I was sixteen. I hear your story is similar, and I see a lot of myself in you, and your work ethic. Of course all of this is what I hear from James but I pride myself in making business decisions based on my own gut instincts too and they’re telling me to put this proposition forward to you. I’d like you to come on board with
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
to help me design a range of exclusive wedding dresses. It’d be freelance of course, so you can continue to run Proposals and work round the needs of your own business. Then when you open your flagship store we could discuss stocking the new range.”

I can’t stop my eyes from widening until they feel like they’re going to burst out their sockets. I sit looking at her, completely dazed and unable to articulate any thought that’s swirling round my brain. She wants me to help her with a new range!
Oh my God, that’s such pressure.
And I’ve just taken on this new store. But what an opportunity! I swallow hard. The silence is deafening but I just don’t know what to say.

Thank you would be a start!

“Thank you.” I stutter out. “It’s such a flattering offer but...”

“You need time to think about?” I nod and her eyes soften.

“Of course.” She takes a deep breath in and leans towards me conspiratorially. “I’m going to tell you something but I’m going to need full discretion from you.” She looks at me meaningfully and I get what she’s saying. Whatever it is, she doesn’t want me to tell James.

“Sebastian and I have had our own little run-in with Alexandra Shaw.” She practically spits out her name, and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth too.

“Not in the business sense.” She adds. “The personal sense. She tried to seduce my husband.”

I cough out my disgust and shake my head while I watch Tiffany shift in the chair. “I can’t quite believe the balls on the woman, but I put her in her place. As did you.” Her mood changes as does the look in her eyes. It’s now pride and camaraderie. We have the witch in common, but it makes me respect her more. Her husband’s obviously the most important person in her life, and she would fight for him. Not that she should have to.

“The bitch.” I mutter, forgetting who I’m in the company of, but she just laughs. “My thoughts exactly. We’re going to get on well, you and I, and I’ll leave you to think about my business proposition. Meanwhile, we have a couple of gorgeous men probably wondering what we’re doing, so shall we go out and celebrate your new store?”

Her dresses are stocked in the most exclusive department stores, and her clients are celebrities and royalty, but Tiffany Burrows is also just James’ friend, and a woman in love. Just like me. I grin and take her outstretched hand, both of us picking up our champagne glasses and sashaying through the crowds of people.

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