Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (24 page)

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“Kissed on the lips. With tongue.” She adds.

I look around at everyone, then curve my lips slowly. I hold up my fingers and see everyone counting and thinking.

James tightens his arm round me. “Three?”

He looks at Tyler, but his eyes shift and narrow at Blake. Blake looks worried for a second then holds his hands up in surrender. “Dude, it isn’t me, I swear.”

I can tell by James’ face, and Jen’s look of shock, they’re thinking it’s Tyler. But Tyler’s only been here since James and I got together, so that would make me a cheater. And everyone exchanges looks as though they’re thinking that exact thing.

Jen gives me a sympathetic half smile. James just turns his head to look right at me. “So we all know me and Ryan. I think that’s gotta be common knowledge by now. Blake just said it wasn’t him. So it’s Tyler? You and Tyler?” His voice is bitter, harsh as though he can’t quite believe what he’s hearing. I look to Tyler and I’m shocked for a second he’s not even trying to deny it, he just has an amused grin on his face. I string it out as long as I can. There’s only one other person who’s staying as quiet as
possibly can. I take a sip of my drink, smiling coyly.

“Nope, not Tyler.” I state matter-of-factly. The wheels are turning in the guys’ heads. James looks around the room, and coughs on his whisky so hard it shoots out over the table.

“No. No.” He shakes his head and my eyes meet Cassie’s eyes, then we burst out laughing. My body shaking so hard.

“Oh my God. You made out with Cassie?” Jess squeals. I decide to put them out their misery. “One night, I think we were about fifteen, we had a sleepover at mine. We stole some liquor from my dad’s cabinet and got a little tipsy. We were just chatting and giggling about guys and telling each other about our first kisses.” I shrug my shoulder. “We decided practice would make perfect. And it did, if I do say so myself.”

“Fuck that is so hot.” Blake mumbles into his glass, and James nods in agreement, adjusting himself underneath me.

“We might give you another show later, baby.” Cassie says seductively to Blake and all the guys groan.

“Drink up, Trouble.” I hand Jess a shot glass and she knocks it back.

“Blake, Truth or Dare?”

He leans forward, eyes fixed on mine. “Dare.”

“I dare you to…” I pause and try and think of something that’ll embarrass him. Generally he doesn’t give a shit what other people think, so more than likely he won’t be bothered. But I’ll find it funny as hell. “…Go and put Cassie’s underwear on over your clothes!”

He widens his eyes then gulps down the rest of his beer. “Fuck me. You’ll pay for this Matthews. Watch your back.” He would never back down from a dare though, so he disappears up the stairs and I sit back pleased with my choice. As soon as he comes back into the room, everyone erupts in laughter and cat calls. He chose a hot pink set. The bra’s stretched over his navy button down shirt, and he’s even shoved two balls of socks in each cup, for extra entertainment. He turns and the thong is at near breaking point over his jeans, kind of half covering his thighs ‘cause it won’t go up any higher. He shakes his head then sits back down.

“Yeah yeah. Laugh it up, people. I’ll get you all back. Jess, Truth or Dare?”

“Hmm, truth, I think.”

“Okay, last time you had sex and who it was with.” Inside I really hope that she and Ryan haven’t slept together because I have a feeling that after the frown I’ve seen on Jen’s face tonight, she likes him. A lot.

Jess smiles bashfully, chewing on the inside of her cheek. They flush bright red.

“Last night.”

There’s a series of ooohs from the table, everyone apart from James, who goes tense around me again. Jess isn’t usually the type to have one-night stands, so the news comes as a surprise to both of us.

“Do we get to know who?” I grin at her when she bites her lip. She clearly likes the guy.

“Just a guy I’ve been seeing for a few weeks. It’s still new, but he’s cool.”

“I wanna meet him soon, Jess. Need to make sure he’s good enough for my little girl.” James winks at her and she rolls her eyes, sitting forward.

“I’m only three years younger than you, J.”

“Yes, but you’re also three times more naïve. I’m just looking out for you.”

“Hmmph. I don’t need a dad. Had one and he was a worthless piece of crap. I can look out for myself just fine.” She knocks back a shot and excuses herself to go to the bathroom.

“I’ll go. Can relate to that shit.” Tyler grunts then gets up to follow her.


Jen pinches James’ arm and he growls in pain. “Oww. What?”

He turns to me when Jen purses her lips together and ignores him. “What?”

“You’re an insensitive ass sometimes.”

“I’m just trying to be there for her. I didn’t know it was going to make her think of her dad, did I?”

“Yeah well. All family talk is off limits. You should know that.”

“Okay, okay. Got it. Geez, no family talk.” He sighs, and takes another sip of his drink while I think about Tyler checking on Jess. Does he like her? He’s just the type I imagine Jess to fall for, and get her heart broken by. I wouldn’t want him to take advantage of her. I might have to have a little chat with him in the morning. Just a friendly warning that she’s off limits.

Before long, Jess’ laugh comes singing into the room and Tyler’s deep chuckle interjects the small talk at the table. He ruffles her hair as he sits down and she makes her way round the other side of the table. Who knew Tyler would be able to comfort someone? It makes me wonder exactly what’s gone on in his life. After all, he said he could relate. Tyler still remains somewhat of a mystery to me. But I definitely want to know more about him, even if James doesn’t. He fits in well with our friends.

“So,” Jess says, “James, Truth or Dare?”

I have a feeling she’s now going to get her own back.

“Dare. Always dare.”

Such a cocky bastard.

“O-kay. I dare you, to…Get up and sing, “I’m a Little Teapot.” She leans back in the chair with a satisfied grin. “With actions.”

“No fucking way.” James shakes his head but no-one’s going to let him off the hook, let alone Blake.

“Get up, you pussy. I’m wearing women’s underwear for Christ’s sake!”

James narrows his eyes at Jess, then sulkily stands and walks back to the wall so everyone can see. “Actually, give me one of them.” He reaches for a shot and downs it before taking a deep breath in, and starting his monotone rumbling.

“I’m a Little Teapot, short and stout. Here’s my handle, here’s my spout.” I laugh so loudly along with everyone else when he puts his left hand on his hip, and curls his right hand to make a spout. The actions are so the best part. We don’t stop laughing and cheering until he’s finished and is sitting back in the chair.

“Happy, Wells?” He asks Jess.

“Ecstatic.” She replies sweetly, with a huge grin.

I turn back round just in time to see Blake and Ryan both putting their phones away. I bet they were filming it.

“Cassie, Truth or Dare?” James asks.

“Hmm, I’ll go for dare.”

“Right. You met your neighbours yet?”

“Nooo.” She says slowly. “I’ve seen her briefly though. She came out her house just as we were driving away last week. Why is that?” Cassie seems worried. I don’t blame her.

“Perfect. I dare you to go round and introduce yourself. Then ask to borrow some ice.”

She looks relieved for a second, then frowns. “What’s the catch?”

“You need to put the ice down your pants as soon as she gives it to you. Then stand there while it melts.”

“Oh my God.” Cassie groans. “She’s going to think I’m crazy!”

“Yep.” He replies with a grin.


We all get up to follow Cassie out the front door. It’s pitch black outside but it’s still quite early. Only nine. Her neighbour has steps leading up to her house too, and we all wait in front of the brick wall, but we’re covered from view by bushes and plants overhanging from her front garden. I make my way forward and peer round the side of a rosebush so I can see them.

I can’t hear much but as soon as Cassie knocks, the porch light illuminates half the steps and the door opens. A girl walks out, around our age. She’s wearing jeans and a cute blue sweater. Her bouncy brown hair is pulled up high in a ponytail. She looks vaguely familiar, but I struggle to place her until Ryan gasps behind me and whispers. “Fuck,

“You know her?” I clarify.

“Yeah. It’s Brooklyn Mason. Her family own Encore. So, technically, she’s my boss. I didn’t know she was back from Spain yet. They told me they were coming back in a couple of months.
.” Guess that’s not news he was hoping for. The Masons leave him to get on with running the bar and he likes the freedom.

After a few more minutes the door slams shut, and Cassie comes cursing down the front steps.

“Fucking hell. She thinks I’m a pervert. She’s probably gone to call the police.”

James chuckles, “Jason will laugh his head off if he gets that call. You won’t hear the end of it.”

“Yes thank you. I’m well aware of that.” Cassie walks off ahead, and James jogs to catch up with her and throws his arm around her shoulders, probably doing some grovelling.

We huddle back inside and take our places at the table, everyone reaching for their drinks to try and warm themselves up.

“Ugh, that was so embarrassing. I won’t be able to look her in the face again.” Then she turns to Tyler, “Tyler, truth or dare?”

“Truth.” He says confidently. For someone who doesn’t like to talk about himself, that seems like a risk. But Cassie gives him an easy one.

“What’s your most embarrassing moment? And don’t forget it has to be

He leans back and rests his elbow on the back of the chair. “When I was younger,
younger, I was seeing this girl. It was her birthday and I’d gone round to her house for dinner, and met the parents for the first time. After a while they excused themselves to go to bed. It was still quite early but I just thought they were cool, letting us be alone, y’know?” He chuckles, then wipes his hand over his face. “We started going at it on the sofa, then they came back in with a birthday cake lit up, singing ‘Happy Birthday’. That was fucking embarrassing.”

We all laugh hysterically, then Jess slaps her hand on the table. “So her mum and dad, like, saw you doing it? That’s mortifying.”

Ty shakes his head, and swallows hard, “Tell me about it. I ran the hell out as fast as I could. Said nothing. Just picked up my shit and ran like I’ve never ran before. Her dad looked like he was literally going to murder me.”

I struggle to breathe in between the tears and laughter, but as soon as everyone’s howling subsides, Tyler asks Jen, “Truth or Dare?”


“Do you masturbate, and if so, how often?” Tyler looks thoroughly pleased with himself and tilts his head to the side cockily.

All eyes fix on Jen, completely intrigued by the prospect of her answer. I wouldn’t give two hoots about answering this question but I see Jen’s hesitancy already. Her cheeks flush pink, and Ryan’s the first to cough, and look away, like he wants to give her privacy when she answers. As though that’s going to help take away the embarrassment. I want to tell everyone she shouldn’t have to answer that, but I also know that they’ll shoot me down. Everyone’s had to do and answer crazy stuff tonight. I just send her a reassuring smile. It might be uncomfortable for her but we’re all friends. No-one will judge.

“I –uh, yeah.” She drops her face into her hands and chuckles into them. The guys all laugh and cheer, and I feel myself relax as she brings her hands away, smiling shyly.

“How often then?” Tyler persists. Ryan glances across the table at her and she lifts her head to meet his eyes. Something personal passes between them that I can’t quite comprehend, until finally she looks back at Tyler.

“Whenever I get the urge. Sometimes you just need to take care of yourself. Especially if no-one’s going to do it for you.” She shrugs. Tyler nods in agreement and so does Blake. But my eyes are on Ryan who downs his drink like its water and slams it on the table.

“I’ve got to get up early tomorrow so I’m off. I’ll catch you all later.” His voice sounds normal, but his jaw is locked, and his spine snaps up straight.

Everyone says goodbye, and I peel James’ arm from round my stomach, nodding subtly towards the door, and tell Ryan I’ll see him out.

He holds the kitchen door open for me and gestures for me to walk through first, ever the gentleman.

“I didn’t need an escort, Laurel. I know exactly what you’re thinking, and I don’t want to talk about it.”

I pout, and sigh heavily. It isn’t really any of my business, I get that. But I don’t like tension. And if I can help in any way, I’ll do whatever I can. Include bug the hell out of them until they get their shit together. I hate the idea of people wasting time, because we never know how long we’ve actually got left.

“Don’t look at me like that. I tried. It won’t happen.” He seems defeated. He’s giving up without even fighting. I try to disagree but he presses a finger to my lips to stop me from talking.

“Let. It. Go.” He looks at me sternly, then leans down to kiss my forehead. “I’ll see you soon.”

A little growl collects in my throat as I watch him leave, but James’ arms coming round my waist push the irritation to the back of my mind.

“They won’t thank you for getting in the middle of this. I know you’re only trying to help, but they’ve clearly got shit going on, babe. Probably best to leave them to sort it out.”

So diplomatic.

What he really means is
mind your own fucking business

He kisses my cheek, and turns me to face him. I know what he’s saying is right, but I want to try and fix this. I feel like I have a responsibility to them, they’re both so important to me. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet so I’ll just have to keep trying to find out more information and quietly bide my time. James is still searching my face for signs I’ve understood what he’s trying to say so I just nod and relent. For now. But it isn’t over.

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