Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (31 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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First things first, his hotel.

Samantha crosses to a bar on the other side of the room. He actually has a bar, the show-off.

“I’ll have a glass of water, please.”

She looks to Seb who thankfully forgoes the whisky today. “Same, thanks.”

“Here you go. I’ll let him know that you’re here.”

I sit back on the sofa and my knee starts jogging up and down nervously.

“What if Sarah gets it?”

“Then she gets it.” He shrugs. “And Riker’s a stupid motherfucker.”

I laugh then stop as the door swings open and the sound of heels click-clacking on the tiles in the waiting room snaps me up straight. She laughs, actually it’s more like a cackle, and rests her hand on Riker’s arm. He’s being his usual charming self and indulging her. Or maybe he’s actually falling for it. Shit, her hand’s like a claw, digging in to his arm and hanging on. She brings her hand up to her chest and carries on giggling. That’s when I notice the cleavage on display. Her dress is black, it would be professional if it weren’t for how short it is, and how low it’s cut.

“Oh, James. Sebastian.” Sarah turns towards to us as though she’s only just seen us. But I know this is all an act, and to stake whatever claim she thinks she has on him and this deal.

“I didn’t see you. Lovely to see you both again.” She says goodbye to Riker, as do a couple of the minions she has with her, and like she’s walking in slow motion I see her head turn back to me and one eyebrow rise smugly, along with a devious smile upturning her bright red lips. Whatever went on in there, she thinks she has it in the bag. 

Not on your life, sweetheart.


“Guys, great to see you. Come on in.” His office has floor-to-ceiling glass like most of the posh ones in central London. If you’re high up, why would you not want to take advantage of the views of the skyline?

It looks exactly the same as the waiting area, and there’s minimal furniture, apart from a huge conference table at the far end. Three of his advisors are sat around it and there’s a projector screen ready for us to set up our laptop.

Once he’s seated and Samantha has refilled our glasses, he gestures for us to start and we both launch in to our perfected patter, alternating sections to talk about different aspects of the design, me with the overall look, and Seb with the practicalities from an architect’s perspective. They say people make up their minds within the first few minutes, and if that’s the case here, I have the confidence that we’re getting it. My gaze travels across the four men as I talk, trying to gauge their reactions and they’re holding back emotions until I load Pinterest and talk them through the images I’ve put together as a mood board. Riker’s lips twitch. He sits back, eyes firmly holding mine. He’s good at intimidation, but I won’t let myself be intimidated.

Our idea is essentially hi-tech. The world’s going so Twitter, Instagram, smartphone crazy and the US and Far East does it so well. London’s definitely lacking so our structure, interior, and systems have gone more hi-tech than I ever knew existed. But we have a contact at Microsoft and the ideas we have are definitely available.

“Some of London’s most famous hotels are old money. From a different era, full of charm, history and have been through multiple refurbishments in that time; The Dorchester, The Savoy, The Ritz. They get reservations based on that. That’s something a new hotel can’t compete with. So what better way than to go the complete other end of the spectrum. Technology’s the future. Be the future of London.”

His eyes flash with something strong that looks to me like excitement and possibilities.

“Tell me more about the competition.” He sips from his glass then rubs his hand over his chin.

I load the website for a hotel in Westminster that seems to have the best gadgets I’ve come across so far and talk him through the different aspects; touch-sensitive keypads in the rooms to control lighting, docking stations, iPads to use in the room. But we want to go one step further.

I bring back our mood board for the lobby. “Huge glass screens, projecting the hotel’s twitter feed. Or any other feed that’s relevant, BBC News, anything you like. Open plan seating areas, each table with built in screens and internet, automated check in. Guests can print their boarding passes, browse restaurants and things to do.”

I switch to the rooms. “Guests can download the hotel app, and input what room they’re staying in. It links to the system in that room. They can adjust lighting, air-con and heating, blinds, music through their smart devices. And play their own music through the room’s system. Similar glass screens as in the lobby, allow you to project the pictures you’ve taken from your trip onto them. It’s like personalising your room. Business travellers can upload pictures of their kids, or even their work or presentations and use it to practice. It’s got a wealth of possibilities and it all gets wiped clean after every guest.”

I go on to explain other ideas and concepts including the built in coasters in the tables at the bar and restaurants that are able to detect when a glass is getting low, and then move on to jointly talk with Seb about how we work and what Riker will gain by allowing us to work on this project. As it comes to a close, I blow out a breath and give Seb a pointed look while one of Riker’s advisors leans in to talk quietly to him.

“Great pitch guys, thanks for coming. I’m sure you can appreciate this is one hell of a decision for me. I’m going think it over for the weekend, and get back to both of you on Monday.”

“That’s great. We’ll look forward to your call.” We shake his hand and within seconds Samantha is inside the room to see us out. Before we turn around, Riker looks back to his board, and when he’s confident they’re not looking he does something so unexpected it takes a few seconds to fully understand what I’m seeing. He mimes hitting a baseball, bringing his hand up to his head and shielding his eyes, searching for it. On anybody else, they’d look ridiculous, but Riker’s too cool that it just fits his personality.

“I’ll take that as a good sign.” I mumble to Seb as we leave the office building and into the bright sunshine of the afternoon.

“Of course. He loved it. Just depends what Sarah bloody Cooper came up with. But I bet it wasn’t as good as that.”

“Where are you off to now?” I ask, as I think about how to get to the nearest tube station.

“I’m taking the rest of the day off. Meeting Tiff at a pub on the Thames. You interested?”

“Do you ever actually do any work?”

He chuckles, knowing I’m only joking around; I’ve known him for three years and he’s the ultimate workaholic. I wouldn’t begrudge him a little relaxation now he’s built his company into something to be proud of.

“I’ve got to go out West to look in on a project but I’ll be back around six. You gonna still be around Central?”

“Of course.”

“Good. Make sure Tiff knows I won’t be long. I don’t want her missing me too much.”

I slap him on the shoulder and grin when he sticks one finger up at me.


Chapter Eighteen




I fall into bed after working my ass off all day, and meeting Cassie for dinner this evening. She and Blake are so happy together in their new home. It’s been a long while coming. Being married and living apart can’t have been easy but Julia, her grandmother, is only just recovering enough from having had two heart attacks over the past eighteen months so I don’t blame them for putting it off. I felt exactly the same about moving in with James.

I grin as I type out a quick text to him. I briefly imagine what it would have been like years ago without mobiles or email or Skype. These have been lifelines with both of us away so much.


Just got into bed. I can’t wait to see you tomrw x


I get a reply almost immediately.


I’m having a couple of drinks with Seb and Tiff, want me to call when I get in or shall I let you sleep? X


I really want to speak to him, but I think I need the rest.


It’s fine. I’ll just speak to you tmrw, have fun. Night baby. Love u. x


Night, angel. Love u more x


I sink into sleep with the biggest grin on my face.

A ringing brings me out.

My eyes snap open. It’s my phone. James must be doing the whole drunk calling thing. But when I blink rapidly and register it’s an unknown number I sit up straight. The alarm company tell me the intruder alarm at the store has been activated by something and ask me to get there asap. I hang up and think back to Alex’s break-in eight months ago, feeling tears form in my eyes. My store is now more beautiful than it’s ever been, and business is booming. If all that’s been ruined again, I don’t know I’d handle it. 


I pause out the front of the shop and watch for movement inside. The alarm has done this a couple of times before over the years. I think something might have just tripped it. Nothing appears to be wrong and there’s no damage to the outside so I walk further in to the door and take note of everything as I’m walking in.

No sign of forced entry which makes me relax. Highly doubtful there's someone in here, I tell myself. Something's probably just fallen off a shelf.

I close the door behind me, locking it, and switch the lamp on at the desk in the showroom. As my eyes adjust I look around and see an oak shelf on the floor that was holding a pair of shoes on it. I roll my eyes and groan to myself. All the way out here in the middle of the night for that.

I pick the silver glitter heel up off the floor and stand the shelf up against the wall. Jess is handy with that kinda stuff so that can be a job for her tomorrow. I ring the alarm company and get them to switch the piercing noise off, then let out a deep sigh. While I'm here I could use the opportunity to do a bit of filing. I know if I go home I'm not going to be able to get to sleep straight away anyway, so I might as well tire myself out first.

After another half an hour, I stretch back in the chair and feel my eyelids getting heavy again. Probably from boredom, but I’ll take what I can. I set the alarm and lock the door, shivering as the cold night air hits me.

I turn round and bang straight into a hard growling wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?”

I yelp and punch my enclosed fist at his chest. “Shit, Tyler. Don’t sneak up on me.”

“I didn’t.” He bites out. “But do you really think a murderer or rapist is going to let you know they’re coming? Even you’re not that blonde, Laurel.”

I’m a grown woman, and really don’t appreciate his patronising tone. It’s not like I had any choice. If the alarm company rings I have to go out and see what’s happening. And no-one was at home. He wasn’t at home.

“Fuck off, Tyler. Not in the mood.”

“Where are you going?” He grabs my wrist as I turn to walk away and I pull out of his grasp as quickly as possible.

“I’m going home.” I snap. “What are you even doing here?”

He runs his hand through his hair, just as heels clacking on the tarmac get faster and louder. By the time I look behind Tyler, the huffing blonde is crossing the road, with a scowl pointed directly at us.

“Tyler. What’s going on? You just ran off!” She totters up to his side and looks up at him for an explanation. “And who is this?” She turns her annoyed green eyes on me and I desperately want to send her a smirk but I stay mature and turn my head to Tyler.

“I think I should go. You’ve clearly got your hands full. I’ll see you at home.”

“At home?” The blonde screeches. “You live with her? You said you were single.”

“Would it have mattered?” He raises an eyebrow and she retreats when she realises it wouldn’t have. I start walking down the road but Tyler shouts at me to wait.

“I’m coming with you. I don’t want you out on your own.”

“I’m fine Tyler. Carry on with your date.”

“No. I’ll see you around, sugar.” He directs at the female who has her hands angrily sitting on her hips.

“So, you’re fine with me on my own, but you go running to her.”

“Your car’s parked right there!” He points across the road to a white Ford, and she narrows her eyes at him.

“You said you were coming back to mine.”

“Yeah well, plan’s changed.”

I see recognition in her eyes. She realises things aren’t going the way she planned, and I also see the exact moment that something snaps and she changes course completely.

“But Tyler, I had our evening all planned out.” She steps up to him and runs her hands up his chest and over his shoulders.

“Come back with me.” She whispers seductively. She’s not even bothering looking at me, she’s too in the zone. His eyelids fall heavy and he leans in, their lips barely touching. She stands up on her tiptoes and lifts her head to try and catch his lips, but he teasingly ducks out the way.

“Beg.” He whispers. Her dazed look, full of drowsy lust means it takes a few seconds for what he’s saying to register with her. She pulls back slightly, confusion all over her face.


“I said,

She lets her arms fall to her sides, and shakes her head.

“You want me to beg, in front of your little whore. I don’t think so.” She snarls out.

“Beg. Or don’t. It’s up to you.”

She growls and shoves at his chest, but she’s so tiny compared to him it has little impact. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

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