Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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This is what’s real.

How she makes me feel.

She’s always there for me.

No matter what’s happening, she’ll always be the one I can turn to.

“I need to get out of here for a while.”

She frowns and I kiss her forehead. “Just for the day. Maybe the night too. I’ll try Blake’s. I’m sure Cassie won’t mind, if she’s there.”

“Did it not go well?”

“Not really. I just want to digest stuff by myself. Without having to see any of their faces.”

She nods uncertainly.

“Why don’t you come with me?” I suggest, but I know she won’t.

“I can’t. They’re guests. It wouldn’t be right. Don’t worry about me. I’ll take care of things here.” And this is why I love her. She’s selfless, she thinks about everyone else. Even though I can see in her eyes she’s pissed at my dad, pissed at this whole situation, she’ll take care of them and me at the same time. I’m grateful to her for being so thoughtful. And as soon as I get my head on right, I’ll make sure she knows exactly how much I appreciate her.

I kiss her again and turn towards the door to go and ring Blake.

She grabs hold of my wrist and looks up at me. “We’re okay though, right?”

I don’t like the fact she feels this way. That I’ve
her feel this way. I pull her hand to my lips and kiss across her knuckles.

“Babe, we’re perfect. This is perfect.” I kiss her hand again and then her lips.

“I love you. I don’t know much else, but I do know that.”

She grins and pushes me back out the door. “Good. Just checking. Now get out of here.”


Chapter Ten




I say goodbye to James and wander back into the kitchen where Graham and Hayley are sat at the table and Tyler’s leaning against the island in the middle.

This whole thing is just plain awkward but this is my home now, and I feel like if they’re staying here, I need to make an effort to make things right. Between everyone. It’s James’ family after all.

“He’s gone?” Graham asks, and I just nod my head.

Tyler’s mood shifts. “What the fuck? He’s just gone and left?”

“Don’t. You don’t know.” Graham cuts in angrily. “I wasn’t a dad to him when he needed me the most. Ty, just leave it.” Tyler shuts his mouth and turns his attention back to his phone. It’s clear to see Tyler respects him.

“I think we’re going to leave, Laurel. Everyone needs a bit of time. We had originally planned to see friends next week but we’re going to go this week instead. I think a bit of space will do the world of good. It’s not right for James to have to leave his own home. Then we can come back and sort this whole thing out.” Hayley gives me a half smile and I blow out a breath, thankful someone’s speaking some sense. I think that’s exactly what we need. James will come around soon, I’m sure.

Graham and Hayley go and fetch their suitcases from their room. Is Tyler going to go with them? I glance at him as he looks up and he seems to realise what I’m thinking.

“I’ve got shit to do round here. Is it okay if I crash here still?”

It takes me by surprise he still wants to stay even though we didn’t get off to the best start so I don’t answer immediately.

He straightens from the counter, “Sure, yeah I get it. It’s fine. I’ll be happy to leave anyway. This town’s quiet as fuck.”

I shake my head and pat his arm as I walk past him to the sink.

“Tyler, stay. I was just surprised you even asked that’s all.”

“Right. We’ll see you soon.” Graham and Hayley both give me a quick hug and Tyler walks them to the door.

I feel a little more relaxed now they’re both gone. I’ll text James and tell him, but I don’t want him to feel like he has to come back. He needs some guy time. He rarely gets it now he doesn’t go out to get laid with Blake.


I busy myself doing grown-up chores and clean the kitchen top to bottom. I told James I’d make a real effort with this whole room mate thing and he’s so tidy. I don’t want him to think I’m a slob. By midday I’m bored, and I haven’t seen Tyler in between my trips from the kitchen to the bedroom for laundry. I head into the lounge and see him sitting back on the couch staring intently at the T.V.

He’s changed from black sweats to black jeans, and his black t-shirt is showing hints of his tattoos. Doesn’t the man have any colour to his wardrobe?

“You wanna go out? I can show you around town. Or maybe we could go out for lunch?”

He snorts and shakes his head in firm rejection.

“Well we could do something you like then. Pick something.” I flop down sideways on the sofa next to him so I’m facing him.

“Like what?” He turns his head to look at me.

I shrug, “I don’t know, but you’ve been cooped up here all morning. Why don’t we go and have some fun? You do know what that is, don’t you?”

Tyler grunts what I think is a yes, but I can’t be sure.

“Come on.” I nudge his arm with my elbow and flutter my eyelashes. That usually works with guys no matter who they are. It’s gotten me everything I wanted since I was ten years old. Cassie and I were picking apples from Mr Barratt’s garden when he caught us. He was a grumpy old man with a beard and a quick temper, but I later found out that his wife had died, and that’s what made him a hermit. That day was the day we learnt that our long lashes had special powers that could keep us out of trouble.

“Nah got stuff to do.”

I roll my eyes. Yeah it really looks like it, sat on his ass watching television. Alright, he’s going to play it like that.

“Fine, be like that. I’m not going to beg.”

He turns his head to look at me closely, with a sexy smirk that would do funny things to my stomach if I weren’t so hot for someone else. “Well in that case, the answer’s definitely no.” He rises from the sofa hitting standby on the remote and leans down towards me, his voice an octave lower than usual. “I don’t spend any time with women unless they beg.” He licks his lower lip then pulls away and leaves the room, slamming the door shut. I don’t hear anything from him for another couple of hours until there’s a loud bang at the front door, followed by the rumble of a motorbike outside that tells me he’s leaving. I briefly wonder where he’s going, and where he’s from. Where does he live? What does he do? It’s probably dodgy as hell.

Cash under the table.

Maybe he’s a drug dealer.

Well one thing’s for sure. He’s a miserable git.

I speak to James briefly in the evening and he sounds happier. They’ve been playing on the X-Box, and drinking beer, and doing their whole male bonding stuff. He’s supposed to have tomorrow off too, so we’re going to meet for lunch at a restaurant in town. Then maybe we can get back to this whole living together thing again. That’d be nice.


It feels like my head’s just hit the pillow when my phone rings, snapping me wide awake in an instant. The flashing screen reads
Jason Pullman is my mother’s best friend’s son. I hardly speak to him anymore. We went to school together and were friendly but never friends. He’s also one of just a few policemen in this town. Rowdy youths and drunken old men don’t really need a huge team.

“Hi, Jason.”

“Hey Laurel. Sorry to disturb you so late, but we’re holding someone for being drunk and disorderly and usually we’d keep ‘em overnight but he mumbled your name when we cuffed him, saying you’d come and get him. So I figured I’d let you know. If you wanna vouch for him I’ll let you come and pick him up. The name’s Tyler Reid.”

I want to laugh my head off.

“You’re kidding?” He really must have been drunk to give them my name. Or high. One of the two.

“To be honest he’s only just over the limit of what we could consider drunk. And considering he’s such a big guy, I’m sure it won’t be long before he’s sober.
. But he’s got one hell of a temper on him. Shall I let him know you’ll be here? Or do you wanna let him stew?”

I think for a few seconds and decide if I pick him up, he’ll owe me one. And I will definitely collect on that.

“I’ll get him. But do me a favour and don’t let on that I’m coming. I want it to be one huge irritating surprise. I’ll be about half an hour? That okay?”

“That’s fine. He’s sleeping at the moment anyway.”

“Okay great. See you soon, and thanks for ringing, Jason.”

I hang up the phone feeling half frustrated and half over the top smug about picking him up. I gather my hair into a tame mess on top of my head, pull on my sweats, and grab my keys off the hall table. He’s in for one hell of a shock.


“No way. No fucking way.” Tyler backs away from the cell bars, shaking his head furiously.

“I’m staying.” He says flatly to Jason and sits down on the bed. “You’ve got to keep me here overnight. I know that.”

Jason smiles, clearly enjoying this reaction from Tyler, and rests his arm on the side of the door.

“Nah. Small town station, small town rules. She’s vouchin’ for ya. She’s responsible so we’re releasing you to her. She owns your ass now.” He chuckles at Tyler’s gaping mouth.

“C’mon then, sweetie. Grandma’s here. It’s home time. Think you can manage to walk by yourself?” Tyler shoots me a glare and stands up off the bed.

“Fuck off, Laurel.”

“Now now, honeybun. I’ve just saved you from spending the night in a skanky prison. You need to be a little bit more grateful.” I bite my lip to stop from laughing as Tyler tosses his black hoodie over his shoulder and pushes past me to walk out the door.

“Hey, less of the skanky. We take good care of these cells.” Jason chirps up, and we both share a sneaky smile as Tyler flips us both off.

“What the fuck ever. You comin’?”

I exchange another look with Jason and he pulls the door to the cell closed firmly and follows us both down the corridor.

“I just need a signature from you Laurel. Then you’re good to go.”

“What the hell does she need to sign for?” Tyler asks suspiciously, and I bite my lip at how frustrated he is.

“She bailed your ass out. I’m releasing you to her. She’s signing to say that she’s collected you.” I walk over to the desk while Tyler’s pacing up and down, running his hand through his hair and Jason leans in.

“I’m just messing with him. I won’t be processing any paperwork or issuing him a fine. I think this is punishment enough.” I laugh, and mimic signing on the paper in front of me.

“Thanks, Jason. I owe you one.” I lean in to kiss his cheek and he then turns to Tyler.

“Do it again, and I won’t be ringing Laurel to bail you out.”

Tyler mumbles under his breath and narrows his eyes at Jason as we leave. I don’t think there’s anything that can shift my mood at the moment.

“What were you laughing at? And you know he’s just trying to get in your pants, right? I wonder what the step-tosser would think about that.”

I smile again. Paranoid much? And I’ll ignore his little comment about Jason.

“We were laughing at you obviously. About me now owning you and how you were going to be repaying me.”

He shakes his head as we get in the car and slumps back against the seat with his arms crossed in front.

“You wish. I didn’t ask you to come.” He smirks like he’s somehow getting out of this because he didn’t ask me.

“That’s not what Jason said. He said you practically begged them to ring me when they were cuffing you.” I raise an eyebrow as the smile drops from his face and he lowers himself in his seat. I seem to have shut him up. It’s peaceful but my mind wanders. Why was he being disorderly? He must have been at Encore. I could ring Ryan and see if he knows anything but I’d rather hear it from Tyler.

“So why’d you get pissed tonight? What were you getting rowdy for?”

He looks at me, for what feels like an age, and it’s too dark for me to try and read his face, so I let him have his fill until I feel his eyes look away from me. I turn my head briefly and he’s staring out the window. He doesn’t answer me. Oh-kay then.


I don’t bother asking again or trying to make any more small talk. I let him and his pride have a breather from my taunting. Inside the house, I flip the light on and start to walk through the hall to the kitchen. I hear him kick off his shoes then expect him to go upstairs but he stands just in the doorway of the kitchen, watching me.

“You’re not going to bed? It’s two am.”

Oh so he’s talking now

I fill the kettle and switch it on. Then get out a mug from the cupboard. I don’t look at him. I just shrug a shoulder.

“Not tired now. When I get woken up I always find it hard to get back to sleep.”

He sighs heavily and walks further into the room, but his voice softens and he shifts awkwardly between his feet.

“You didn’t have to come and get me. You could have just said no.” Is that an apology? Well it’s probably the best I’m going to get out of him.

I nod, and take out another mug. I have a feeling we might be getting somewhere now.

“I’m making hot chocolate. Want one?”

He grins, and sits on a stool at the island. “Isn’t that just for ten year olds?”

I gasp and clutch my hand at my chest. “Such ignorance.” I let out the breath and turn to make the drinks. “You are never too old for hot chocolate. Plus, I have marshmallows.”

His eyes flash with amusement and he chuckles as he gets up, searching through a cupboard.

“And I have these.” He lifts out the biscuits and grins shyly as he passes them to me.

“Cookies? Wow, now who’s a ten year old?”

“Cookies aren’t for kids. Especially not double choc chip. They couldn’t handle it.”

I smile and chuck the teaspoon in the sink, picking up both mugs and placing one in front of him. There’s so much I want to talk to him about. So much I want to know. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted a brother or sister, and now I could actually have one. But I know if I press him too much, he’s just going to shut down.

“What?” He asks as he looks up and I realise I’ve been staring at him whilst thinking how best to approach him.

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