Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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“Shit, he’s only next door. You’re gonna have to be quiet. He can’t hear you, babe. I won’t have another guy jacking himself off to my girlfriend. That’s it. We’re not doing it now.” He shakes his head quickly and starts to move off me but I wrap my legs round his waist before he can leave.

“Hey, I like you on top of me. Don’t go.” I pout childishly and he reaches down to pull my bottom lip between his teeth.

you know I can’t resist. But you’re going to have to be quiet.”

“Oh please.” I giggle, “If I’m remembering Tuesday correctly, you were the loud one. You were shouting, ‘Oh Laurel. Oh baby. Don’t stop.’” His eyes narrow, and I’m laughing so hard I need to push him off so I can breathe properly. The look on his face turns to one of amusement as I’m still bent over laughing.

My legs dangle over the side of the bed and he brushes my hair away from my shoulder, kissing my cheek. “I love it when you laugh. And especially when I’m the reason behind it. Even if you are laughing at me.” I smile back and lean into his touch, enjoying the contact of his skin against mine.

I heat up all over when he moves forward and puts his mouth on mine. It’s soft at first, gentle, probing, teasing, and when I press back and climb onto his lap, he lets out a long deep groan and pulls me even closer against his body.

“Let me make you feel good.” I whisper as I pull away from him and strip my top over my head, pulling my shorts off so I’m just standing in my thong. His eyes move over me slowly, my heart beats frantically in my chest.

This is just about him tonight.

I push him gently back on the bed so he’s lying down and drag my lips across his chest. He’s still half-covered with the towel and I’m going to leave it like that. Make this last as long as I can to take his mind off everything else but me and what I’m doing to him. His hand glides over my ass, and he props his head up with his arm behind it.

“Your ass is amazing. So perfect.” He slaps it hard, and it’s unexpected so I let out a little yelp and smile against his abs. He’s always been visual, so I move to the side and let him take in his fill of me.

He pulls my thong to the side with his free hand, and gently swipes his finger right through my centre.

“Shit, I can see it all. It’s perfect. You’re so wet.”

His finger continues exploring. How did this happen? This is supposed to be just for him. I need to up my game. He can still think too much.

I knock the towel away, glide my tongue down over his abs, and further to his hard cock, standing to attention just above his stomach. I take it all in and just as I feel the tip hit the back of my throat he pulls me by my hips onto his mouth, his tongue buried deep inside me.

I moan out loud, and swirl my tongue over the tip of his cock, sucking gently on the head and rubbing my hand up and down the length of him.

“Fuck, you have the most angelic face, but outrageously sinful mouth.”

I take him all in my mouth again and he groans against my clit, the vibrations making my hips go crazy against him. I’m too lost in what I’m doing and how he’s making me feel to worry about how I’m trying to fuck his face.

“You taste so good.”

He laps into me over and over again, while I duck my head faster over his cock and I’m amazed I hadn’t thought to do this with him before.

He spreads me wide open, and squeezes my ass and hips while his tongue dips into me again.

“Oh God.” I moan and when his fingers move to my clit, I’m done for. My whole body clenches and I quickly move my hand to that spot just under his balls. I feel them tighten against me and suddenly he’s coming into my mouth and I’m coming on his tongue, both of us shuddering around each other as we fly off the ledge together.

I collapse into a heap on top of him, I don’t have the energy to move off of him gracefully. He pulls be back round so I’m lying next to him, and gently moves the hair off my face.




I allow her soft, sweet body to mould against every hard inch of mine. The easy silence that infuses the air around us clears my mind of everything but how much I need this connection with her. Her palm opens and she lays it gently over my chest, lips twitching slightly when my heart jumps out desperately trying to meet it.

“It’s yours.” I whisper, as I run my hands through her long, blonde curls. “It’ll always be yours.”

I need her like I need air. Not just to be a distraction, or to take my mind off shit that happens. But to be by my side, laughing with me, experiencing new things with me,

Whatever happens, she’s going to be the one to make my life complete. That, I know for damn sure.

“I’ll take good care of it. I promise.”

She places a gentle kiss to my skin, then turns in my arms and settles her perfect little ass against me. I duck my head into her neck and kiss just underneath her ear.

“Night babe.” I whisper.

She yawns and relaxes her body into mine. “Night James.”

Sunlight streams in through the blinds and wakes me from the best dream ever. A dream which has now turned into a nightmare when I hear the deep rumbles coming from downstairs. Tyler and my dad. They’re still fucking cosy. He knew before me, had this time to bond with my dad and it pisses me off that they all came and blindsided me.

Hayley’s laughing voice combines with theirs creating one big happy family without me. I pull Laurel tighter against me and kiss her neck. This right here, is all I need. I’ve technically been on my own since I was eighteen, when dad moved to Spain. Why should anything change now?

Laurel stirs and stretches beside me. She turns onto her back, her hair spread out around the pillow.

“Morning.” She says sleepily.

“Morning gorgeous.” I kiss her lips and lean my head on my hand.

A loud chuckle travels upstairs and straight to my ears making me frown.

“Oh everyone’s up. We should go downstairs.” She throws the covers off and gets out of bed, searching for the t-shirt and shorts she stripped off her body last night. The body that’s completely naked right now.

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“I can’t help it. I need you back in this bed.”

She laughs and kisses my cheek playfully. “Later. We have guests.”

I sigh, and let my head fall back against the pillow. “I’m not happy about this.”

She rests her hand on my thigh.

“I know. I don’t think your dad thought about this at all.” She says truthfully. “I’m kinda pissed myself. But this is supposed to be a happy time for him. Let’s just go and try, okay? For him?”

After a few seconds, I give in. This is still my house, and I’m not going to hide.


The laughter silences immediately when we enter the kitchen
. Awkward. As. Fuck.

My dad and Hayley smile at us, and I give my best one back. It’s hardly a smile, I don’t feel it at the moment. I need to clear the air properly with him but that won’t happen in front of anyone else so I’m stuck trying to fake the authenticity until then. It’s still good to see him though. That I’m grateful for.

Tyler coughs and my eyes fall to him immediately sat at the kitchen table next to my dad. It hurts more than I thought to see them together, knowing he’s had my dad when I couldn’t. Through no fault of my own. I guess I just reminded him too much of my mum.

“How did you sleep,

name he has for my girlfriend is going to be knocked out of him if he carries on. I narrow my eyes, but of course it only makes that smirk even more permanent.

“She slept fine, thanks for being so concerned.” I snap, and his eyes flash with satisfaction that he’s got a rise out of me. Again.

“I can imagine.”

Oh shit, he did hear. Laurel’s not going to like that. Her cheeks flush that rosy pink colour but I know my girl, and she won’t let on she’s bothered by it. His eyes drop down the length of her t-shirt and little tight shorts. She’s going to have to be more careful what she wears around the house now he’s here. I wonder how long he’s going to stay for. It’s not like I can kick him out but I can make it damn annoying for him to stay.


“Enough, Tyler. We’re guests.” Hayley frowns over at him and he seems to look repentant at her, but I still notice the slight smile as he brings his eyes back to us. To Laurel.

She walks over to the table and sits down. That’s good. It hides her body from him.

“So, what plans do you have while you’re here?” She asks.

I busy myself with putting the kettle on and making a coffee for Laurel, and a tea for me whilst they talk.

“I’ve got some friends I’d like to take Hayley to meet. It’ll be the first time.”

I laugh inappropriately as I shake my head, and make a noise of stirring the coffee in Laurel’s mug. I meet her at the same time as some friends he hardly ever sees.

“Something funny, son?”

. I glance at Tyler whose eyes are watching me, excited, expecting drama. Well whatever I can do to please my new
, I’ll do.

“Yes, actually.” I chuck the teaspoon in the sink with a loud clanging and turn to my dad crossing my arms over my chest. “You are. This whole thing is. Like one big fucking joke.”

I’m pumped now. My words hurt Hayley. I can see it in her eyes. I didn’t mean to, but I can’t control myself. The anger just pushed the words right out. Laurel’s lack of a filter is rubbing off on me.

“Well, we’ll just leave you to talk about some things. I’m sure you’ve got a lot of things to get off your chest, both of you.” She touches my dad’s arm before she urges Tyler and Laurel out the room. I get a text straight away. Laurel.


Just shout if you need me x


“I didn’t bring you up to be so rude. That wasn’t fair on Hayley.”

It wasn’t. I’ll give him that. But that’s all I’ll give him.

“What’s gotten in to you?” He sits back in the chair, and open his hands out on the table.

How can he look so relaxed?


He flinches and shifts in the chair.

“How long have you and Hayley been together?”

Another shift in the chair and he leans forward. “I’ve known her for five years. But we’ve been together for about a year.”

“And Tyler?”

“I’ve known him for about four and a half years.”

His voice holds a hint of sadness. I think he gets it. But it won’t stop me from ramming my point home to him.

“And you didn’t think
only son, deserved to know that before you showed up on his doorstep with her and
son, playing happy families and telling him you were getting married?”

My dad’s a good guy. I know this. But in this moment I struggle to see past the hurt I feel inside. I’m always honest. I don’t play games. Unless they’re sexual games with Laurel. And particularly after learning a very big lesson last year when I nearly lost her, I tell the truth. This just feels like one of those lies that I can’t see any reasoning behind. Why not tell me before he got here? Did he just not think it would bother me? 

“You left me here, to start a new life somewhere else and he’s had you for the past four years. What do I get? A phone call on my birthday. A fleeting visit at Christmas. Actually,” I start laughing again. “You haven’t even been back for the last two Christmases. So you’ll have to excuse the fact I’m a little bit pissed off with you. The least you could have done was tell me yourself.”


With each sentence my dad has dropped his head an inch. He’s gone from sitting back confidently in the chair, to hunched over, looking defeated.

“I’m sorry, J.”

He fusses his finger over a knot in the wooden table, and purses his lips. “I’m ashamed to admit I was envious of you.” He shakes his head and lets out a choked laugh. “How pathetic does that sound? I was envious of your strength. My own son’s strength. I don’t know how you did it. But you always seemed so… together.”

I nearly spit out the next words.

“I was eighteen when you left. Eighteen!”

“I know, I know. I’m not proud of it. But look how well you’ve done for yourself.” He gestures to the house and I can’t help but feel that’s how he defends this. Because I have a nice house, it made it okay.

“This is materialistic shit. Yes I have a good job, and a roof over my head, but I was on my own, without a dad, for seven years. You think I wouldn’t give this up to have had you here? Wow,” I laugh. This conversation is far from funny, it’s just ridiculous. “You think very little of me. I was all over the place. I didn’t know who I was, let alone how I felt. I just don’t know how to empathise with what you’re telling me. I just…I just don’t know what to think.”

“I thought you’d do better without me here. I know what you’re like J. You would have worried about me. Tried to fix me. And that’s not what I wanted, or needed. I just needed time. So I got away. And each day I was away, it made it that little bit harder to come back.”

“Out of sight, out of mind.” I mutter, as I realise that’s what I was. Something far away he could just forget about it.

“No! That’s not it. I thought about you every day. You know that. We spoke all the time.”

“Yeah, about crap. Crap that had no actual bearing on real life. On your life. Not once did you even mention you had this whole other relationship out there with her until a couple of months ago, and even then, you didn’t tell me the extent of it. Nothing about Tyler. I don’t even know who I was speaking to all this time.”

“J, please-”

“I’m done with this conversation.” I pour our cold drinks away and leave the mugs in the sink. I just need time to think. But unlike him I’d never just walk away completely.

I don’t even glance at him as I leave the room. “Can I have a word?” I say to Laurel who’s sat on the sofa laughing with Tyler. He’s quickly got himself in there.


I pull her into the dining room so we’re alone and launch my mouth onto hers.

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