Susie Learns the Hard Way (28 page)

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Authors: Roger Quine

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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They lined up the camera carefully, low down beside her, aiming at her breasts and her flushed face. ‘Props!' shouted someone, and another man appeared with a short wooden pole with one of the rubber-glove Zoid claws nailed to the end. Carefully he handed it to a leering stagehand. Kirk tapped him on the shoulder and yelled, ‘Action!' and the false hand clawed its way across her body, the hooked nails tearing the flimsy silver latex and leaving actual marks where it scratched her tender flesh, and she yelped with shock and discomfort, the look of anguish on her face utterly genuine.

‘Brilliant. That was just fucking brilliant.' Kirk stood up from the monitor with a huge smile, delighted with his own cleverness. ‘Sorry about that, lovey. We only had one chance and I just wanted to be sure of getting a good reaction.'

Susie glared a little, but the slight pain had already subsided, and though there were four marks across her breasts, she was more upset that the top was completely ripped and there was not the slightest chance of modestly tucking herself out of sight. She had no choice but to sit there with her breasts on plain view while the crew moved the camera slightly. When they were set Kirk called, ‘Action!' and the camera shot some detailed close-ups of the long nails flicking her stiff nipples. This time there was no discomfort, but the sensations were just as real, just as rousing, and she felt herself responding, felt herself releasing fresh moisture into the skimpy underwear between her thighs.

‘Cut!' yelled Kirk, and spoke rapidly to the cameraman, who immediately lowered the lens to point between Susie's legs. ‘Action!' yelled Kirk, and with loving care the stagehand dragged the claws over her nipples again, just catching them with the very tips, sending exquisite bursts of pain and pleasure into her groin, where the camera whirred, the lens inches away from the white swelling that still covered but no longer concealed her pussy. Susie could see herself on the monitor, see her body blossoming in response to the stimulation, see the immediate effects as her labia peeled open, and her moisture glistened in the damp sheen of the white knickers.

‘Fantastic!' yelled Kirk. ‘Just fantastic! And cut! That was brilliant,' he enthused to Susie, ‘just brilliant. Jim, down here now please, with the claw,' and the stagehand turned the claw around to point down between her legs.

‘Action!' yelled Kirk again, and the camera whirred as the claw began to move.

Lying on her back on the floor, with her legs spread apart, it was the strangest sensation for Susie, feeling the sharp claws raking across her stomach and seeing the picture of it on the monitor as if it was happening to someone else. She felt and saw the long nails rasp along her inner thighs and the fear of the sharp edges, the knowledge that everyone was staring closely, produced a heat of arousal, spreading through the flimsy white material, making it still darker and yet more transparent as it clung even more closely to the contours of her body, while Kirk danced around in triumph. The hooked fingers reached further down between her legs, and the claws scraped softly across the sensitive lips, and she bucked with pleasure and need, moaning softly as the long awaited sensations of pleasure from finally being touched there overwhelmed her completely.

‘And cut!' screamed Kirk, still dancing around. ‘Brilliant, just brilliant!'

The hand withdrew and her body relaxed a little. ‘Now, the glove please, Jim,' ordered Kirk, and Jim thrust his arm into an elbow-length rubber glove, painted in the same olive green as the Zoid suit, festooned with the same clotted lumps, scales and warts, and with the same hooked claws glued to the end of its fingers.

‘Action!' instructed Kirk, and Jim's hand suddenly closed over Susie's mound, fingers curling under her, making her squeal with surprise. She made more squeaking noises as the fingers pulled and squeezed, pressing her body wetly together and probing down between the opening folds, where flesh and lycra were one, both sopping wet and slippery with lust, rubbing together as the sharp-tipped fingers probed.

‘Aaahh,' moaned Susie softly, as the searching fingers triggered sensations all around the sensitive alley they were entering.

‘Close-up, one finger,' called Kirk, and the film still rattled through the gate as the lens centred on one clawed finger digging up into her white-clad pussy, separating, pushing further inwards as the material stretched and pulled and followed.

‘Okay, cut. Other gloves.' And someone yelled, ‘Props!' And Kirk said, ‘Great work, lovey, great work,' while a young female assistant helped Jim put on another glove that looked identical to the first, except it had no claws. ‘Scissors,' said Kirk, and the girl bent down and peeled the damp material out of Susie's body, drawing a small sigh from her. Gazing, slightly dazed, at the monitor, Susie saw the scissors draw closer and make a neat slit in the material.

‘Jim!' yelled Kirk, and Jim knelt beside Susie, put his hand over her as it had been before, cupping her with the inanimate heaviness of the glove, provoking the same strangely exciting reaction from her body. ‘Action!' yelled Kirk.

Without warning Jim pushed one crusty finger through the newly made slit in her knickers and hard up into her body, making her gasp with shock. ‘Oooooh!' she sighed, not knowing and not caring whether she was supposed to make any sound or not.

‘Got the face, Kirk,' said the cameraman. Susie looked at the monitor and saw the camera had shifted its gaze from what was going on in her groin to her face, in close-up. They knew what was going to happen, and how she'd react!

‘Fanny,' said Kirk quickly, and the lens tilted down as the gloved hand withdrew, and then, ‘Rolling,' said the cameraman, and Jim eased his rubber-gloved finger inside her once again, sliding through the thin material of her knickers and up into her body much more slowly.

‘Mmm...' she breathed, feeling her hips flex and her bottom rise instinctively from the sand.

It took several more attempts before Kirk pronounced himself happy that the slit in her gusset hadn't been visible beforehand, and by the end of it Susie was writhing around on Jim's finger, hot and runny with the juice of her arousal, moaning softly and brushing her fingertips lightly across her nipples.

But they hadn't finished with her yet, and had to film it all again from low down to the side, bending her leg upwards and framing the smooth curve of her knickers, swelling outwards from between her thighs, a plump, round fullness, waiting for the knobbly green finger to push against it and then slowly disappear from view.

‘Mmmm.' She squirmed from side to side, pleasuring herself with the rubber finger while they took the shot several more times before the technicians were all happy, and then the finger withdrew, leaving Susie panting on the floor, nipples jutting through the ripped top, legs flung wide and kickers now torn almost in half.

Summoned by a shout, props produced a plastic Zoid head, an exact replica of the one on the rubber suit, and they shot some close-ups of its teeth nipping quite painfully at her nipples, and then the huge jaws closing over her crutch. The teeth looked sharper than they were, and the rows of blunt incisors produced unusual and different sensations as they grated against the softness between her legs.

‘Sandy,' said Kirk, and Susie lay there on her back, so aroused that her legs were thrown carelessly apart as she offered herself to the intimate stares of the stagehands, their hungry expressions fuelling her fire while she watched a girl assistant put on a long purple glove that reached up to her elbow and came to a single point, without fingers. Then she pushed her arm through the back of the plastic Zoid head, and when Kirk yelled, ‘Action!' the tongue she had created wriggled out from between the teeth and spread Susie's hot body open with its unfeeling coldness, before snaking into her.

Susie's whimpers and wriggles were perfectly genuine as the cold rubber produced shock waves of pleasure that made her lift towards it, urging the tongue deeper and deeper.

‘Fantastic!' beamed Kirk. ‘Brilliant! Just wonderful! Now get the thing.'

Two men appeared carrying what looked to be a rubber sheet covered in warts and scales like the monster's skin, but with a solid green shaft poking from it, smooth and shiny. It looked real enough from a distance, but close up it was just a piece of painted rubber hose with a rubber ball glued on the end. But it was big.

‘Like a prick, only bigger,' Kirk said enthusiastically, and waved to the men, who placed it between her thighs and began prodding her pussy with its inanimate tip, gradually opening her wider and wider until suddenly the huge round end was inside her, and she groaned throatily.

‘Great! Fantastic! We'll do another take,' said Kirk, and Susie felt it pull out of her. Watching the monitor with fascination, she saw it getting nearer again and instinctively tried to pull away, but she could only scrabble an inch or two until the artificial depression in which she lay brought her to a halt.

‘No...' she whispered, wearily. ‘No...' and it was touching her, cold and hard. ‘Noooo...' she whispered again as it nosed up and down, searching until it found the place, spreading her lips around its blunt end and opening the way into her. ‘Stop...' sighed Susie, as she saw and felt herself opening around it. ‘Oooooh!' she shuddered, as the ball sank into her.

‘Cut!' yelled Kirk, and it was gone, leaving her empty, wanting.

‘Right, let's get the Zoid,' directed Kirk, and there was bustling all around her. ‘Just wait there please, Charlie, and we'll be with you,' he said, but she hardly heard, still less cared. There was a fire in her groin burning with a fierce intensity, and as her soft flesh swelled and the warm syrup trickled she'd forgotten everything except the need that grew between her legs. Unaware of her surroundings, but knowing full well she was being stared at, Susie let her left hand draw slow circles around her breasts, occasionally scratching the nipples with red nails, feeling the line of fire burn down into her groin, making her stir slightly, rolling her hips and spreading her thighs wider as if trying to expose as much of her glistening wetness as possible.

‘No need for a fluffer,' said someone quietly, and they all laughed, attracting her attention just in time to halt the movement of her right hand, poised on her mound and about to slide the fingers down into the molten heat.

‘So he's not a professional actor inside the suit, Charlie,' explained Kirk, ‘but no one will know, and anyway, we chose him for his assets, and very big they are too, as I'm sure you'll find out. But because he's just helping out we can't take any chances, so we're going for a take first time, with two cameras, one here on the dolly and another hand-held, roaming.' She didn't really follow what he was talking about, but it made no difference. She was ready. As ready as she'd ever been.

‘Places everybody,' called a voice. ‘Quiet please... Action!' and there was the same expectant silence as they waited for something to happen. Susie felt the small crystals of sand scraping her back and crunching under her bottom. She could feel the dry heat of the set made worse by the warmth of the deep purple-shrouded lights, and she could hear the camera whirring, and then an odd shuffling sound.

Raising her head she saw the Zoid approaching, but with only the set lights on it was no longer a man in a rubber suit, but a tall green thing with a spiny, scaly skin, claws at fingers and toes, gleaming eyes and a huge mouth filled by rows of sharp white teeth, dribbling long strands of yellowish saliva as it dragged its great feet through the sand towards her.

Once laughable, it now looked very real as it approached, and she watched in horrified expectation as it lumbered up and stood between her ankles, snuffling and dribbling. Then her expectation became fascination as the green rubber over its belly moved, pushed aside by a heavy shaft of soft pinkness that swelled, thicker and straighter as he gazed down between Susie's legs.

Apart from the rubber imitation she'd never seen anything so big in her life, and it was still stiffening and straightening, swelling wider as well as longer. There was a camera peering steadily down at her, and another, on a sort of extending arm, moved around very steadily but quite freely as the Zoid knelt with some difficulty between her ankles and began to shuffle closer.

Then it fell forward on its hands and the false scales scraped roughly at the soft skin of her quivering stomach and the insides of her thighs as he rolled awkwardly about. Then there was a thrill as she felt him place the end of his huge erection against her and begin slipping easily into a body still wet and spread by the huge rubber dildo. But he was a close substitute as he pulled ten inches of solid flesh out of her, and then pushed it back in, repeating the movement several times until the weight of the costume got the better of him and he overbalanced, falling onto her, crushing the breath from her and forcing himself deep so she squealed with shock.

There was a pause, and then the Zoid began to grind up and down on his elbows, and the camera slid round to the side, zooming in on Susie's face, capturing for ever the expression of lust and disbelief as her mouth opened wider, her tongue flitting over her neat white teeth.

The lens opened and the shot widened to take in the whole scene as the Zoid pounded up and down, Susie's head tilting back, shoulders heaving, breasts panting, legs opening, hands reaching out to hold the beast by its scaly flanks, fingers tensing as her feet came off the floor and her knees rose, opening herself, letting him drive deeper until her heels were drumming on its crusty buttocks as she urged it to make her come.

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