Read Susie Learns the Hard Way Online

Authors: Roger Quine

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Susie Learns the Hard Way (25 page)

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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‘Did he?' she said weakly. She certainly felt apprehensive.

‘Oh yes. Very appreciative, Leo was. That okay for you?'

‘Fine,' she said absently and then wished she hadn't, because Belinda had been enquiring about the second shackle, now firmly fixed to her right wrist. She was trapped again, and watched dumbly while Belinda crouched gracefully and fitted rubber bonds to her ankles. They were surprisingly heavy, but as promised, not uncomfortable.

‘Now, just step up here and I'll clip you in.'

Knowing it was still possible to get out of the bizarre place, Susie did the exact opposite and stepped obediently up onto the low platform. She stood subserviently while Belinda clipped her wrists above her head, and then crouched again to fix the rubber shackles around her ankles to the bolts in the platform. ‘Perfect,' the woman breathed. ‘I think they're going to like you. I'll come back and see you later myself, when you've warmed up a bit.'

‘H-how long do I have to stay like this?' Susie asked anxiously, testing the rubber chains.

‘Why, until we're done with you, dear girl.' She ran a hand lightly up the inside of Susie's thigh. The chains, though not uncomfortable, meant Susie couldn't close her legs or pull away from the teasing touch. She really was trapped, open and available to the knowing fingers that traced a tantalising path up beneath her dress and across the front of her panties. She flinched as they touched briefly on the warm wetness there. ‘Bye for now...' Belinda purred, ‘see you later.'

Susie waited, feeling slightly ridiculous as the club started to slowly fill with members. As they moved past the booth they generally seemed to accept her presence as the norm, and mainly moved on to gather around the bar area where Susie couldn't see them.

After a while a woman drifted slowly into the booth, an exotic drink in one hand. She wore a shiny black bra and tiny matching shorts, tall leather boots, long gloves to above the elbow, and a mask with diamond-shaped eyes. As Susie eyed her warily a man wandered in too.

‘Perfect tits,' he growled crudely. He was also masked, and was naked apart from skimpy pants of soft black leather that lewdly encased his testicles and penis. He reached out and cupped Susie's vulnerable breasts. She closed her eyes and couldn't suppress a little sigh. When she opened her eyes again others were crowding into the small area. All were wearing different interpretations of the same leather or latex theme; Susie was the only one in white... virginal white.

Another figure moved in close; short dark hair, a mask over his eyes, a dark moustache, naked to the waist and wearing black leather shorts. His hands joined the other pair on her breasts, and together the two men mauled her. Susie writhed a little and couldn't help but push her breasts into the waiting palms and fingers.

She was vaguely aware of a hand on her bottom, caressing the back of her thigh, stroking the inside of her thigh, squeezing against her damp gusset, dividing the soft petals inside, pressing deeper, pushing the material into her, squirming in the oily wetness. She gasped and peered down through lowered eyelashes, feeling as though hands were all over her body. There was someone behind the man. Slender arms crept around his waist and hands disappeared into his shorts, fumbled for a moment, and then lifted out a firm erection. They pumped it slowly, and as the man's eyes devoured Susie his erection swelled and erupted across the front of her dress.

A sexy redhead lounged back on a chair. She wore tight latex trousers. Her shiny black legs lolled apart, and with a shock Susie realised that the trousers had no crutch. The hand that dabbled between her thighs was tracing small patterns in her glistening pink flesh.

More bodies crowded in to see the newcomer. A blonde girl, her face masked but clearly very lovely, crawled towards her on all fours. She was naked apart from a narrow mask over her eyes, and studded leather straps at wrist and ankle. They matched the belt around her waist and were joined to it by metal chains.

She knelt tall at Susie's feet and slid her hands up the trussed girl's thighs, lifting the dress and holding it around her waist. She pulled Susie's hips forward, tilting her face up, mouth opening, tongue searching... Suddenly there was a loud flat
The blonde squealed and squirmed away, writhing on the floor. Another woman stood imperiously over her. Her blonde hair was cropped short. Clearly older, she was dressed identically to the younger girl, just five bands of studded leather at wrist, ankle and waist. But she wore no chains. Her breasts were small, and barely moved as her right arm flicked and there was another flat
She was holding a thin leather riding-crop, and for the second time she'd laid it across the girl's pert bottom, leaving a thin red weal in its wake.

‘Go on, then,' hissed the older woman, ‘if you want it that badly.' Susie wasn't sure what she meant, and then gasped as the girl struggled to her knees and her warm mouth squeezed between her thighs and closed over her damp panties. The whip cracked almost at once and the girl jumped, but only increased her lascivious attentions. Her hands crept up the back of Susie's thighs, cupped her buttocks, and pulled her harder onto her face and tongue.

‘Ungrateful bitch,' hissed the woman, and she cut the whip down again. The girl's squeal was muffled against Susie's sopping pussy.

‘Whore!' and sharp fingernails dug into Susie's bottom as the lovely girl tensed for another blow. It was a thin noise as the tip of the riding-crop whipped across the poor girl's exposed bottom and she squealed again, pressing her face deeper into Susie's body.

‘Bitch...! Whore...! Harlot...! Trollop...!' Every insult was punctuated by a crack of the whip and another thin weal of pain across the girl's buttocks. No one in the crowd made any move to interfere. Susie saw the redhead, legs still wide, fingers now inside herself, her free hand buried between the thighs of a woman next to her.

The whip continued to fall relentlessly, until eventually the girl groaned and shuddered to an orgasm, her shoulders heaving and her flushed face slipping away from Susie. She slumped to the floor and curled up like a contented kitten. The woman with cropped hair slipped away through the contorting throng of lurid onlookers.

As a writhing orgy developed Belinda appeared in front of Susie. She'd slipped off her skirt, and was now wearing only a latex bra, stockings, suspenders and high heels, all in black.

‘Said I'd be back,' she breathed sexily, and held out a hand. She was holding an obscene dildo with rubber attached. It was only when she stepped into the thing, pulling it up her lovely legs, that Susie realised it was a pair of panties. Black rubber panties, with a solid erection spearing up from the gusset. Susie couldn't believe Belinda's intent as she stepped onto the platform and rubbed herself against Susie, easing a tongue between her lips as the plastic erection nosed between her thighs. Susie breathed into the fresh-smelling mouth as fingers lifted her dress and peeled her moist panties aside, spreading her lips in readiness.

Belinda broke off the kiss. ‘Ready now?' she breathed in Susie's ear. ‘I know I am.'

Despite her trepidation, Susie closed her eyes and nodded. Her head lolled back and she slumped in the rubber bonds as the rigid plastic nudged inside and then rose up inexorably to fill her completely. Belinda whispered encouragement as her hips ground slowly up and down against her beautiful captive. Through a haze of ecstasy Susie couldn't believe she was being fucked by another woman. The truth of it was too much, and a wondrous orgasm swept over her. Belinda kissed Susie again, passionately, and cupped her buttocks to pull her close as she took her own orgasm.

The rest of the evening drifted by with Susie in a complete daze. But through her swirling emotions she recognised that all the men were totally insatiable, their erections never waning no matter how many times they ejaculated. Through her swirling emotions she recognised that they must have taken a stimulant, a drug... and she knew which one it was.


Chapter Fifteen



Harry was waiting for her in the office when she arrived late on Friday morning.

‘Good time last night, girl?' he asked, leering at her.

‘I don't know what you mean,' she retorted.

‘I think you do,' he smirked. ‘Old Compton Street ring any bells, does it?'

She stopped beside him, staring in surprise. ‘How do you know about that?' she demanded.

‘There's not much I don't know about, as it happens,' he boasted. ‘No worries, Susie, I won't tell anyone. Anyway, it's not me you should be afraid of...'

She didn't take much notice of what he was talking about. She was pretty sure the editor would want her to go back to the club sooner or later – and probably sooner. This certainly looked like the story the paper had been searching for, with lots of people apparently using V2 and lots of opportunity for the sort of borderline soft-porn pictures the paper specialised in.

He was certainly very enthusiastic about the whole thing, pressing her for details of her success. She gave him as much lurid information as she could, without mentioning her own central role in the proceedings. She also told him about the whispered conversation she'd had with Belinda on the way out.

It had been late, past three, and though there were still a few writhing bodies in the booths around the room, most had already left. ‘Come again soon,' smiled Belinda, helping her into her coat. ‘We've all enjoyed having you.' She gave Susie a business card.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
it said in gold script, then
Women Only
, and a telephone number. ‘You should try this place,' she said. ‘I've not been yet; it's new, only a couple of weeks old, but I've heard good reports. They apparently live up to the promise.'

‘Let me look at it,' demanded the editor, and Susie passed the card across the desk.

‘Okay,' he said decisively. ‘We'll do the full number on this. I want hidden cameras, tape recorders and backup. We need a photographer; someone who won't tell Harry what we're doing as soon as we look the other way.' Susie looked blank. ‘I don't know what to think about Harry after all you've said, so don't breathe a word to him. We'll do this one together.'

‘But what about the club?'

‘The club? Oh, the club. Yes, well, nice work. But this is obviously the next link in the chain. Let's follow this and get even closer to the source. We can always do something about the club next week.'


Susie stood close by as Nick showed her a brown handbag fitted with a small camera in its handle and a miniature video recorder inside a hidden flap at the bottom. It also had a radio aerial in its strap, and a tiny microphone peeping out near the zip.

‘Remember,' he told her for the third time, ‘we'll be right outside. If you need help just shout the code and we'll press the panic button and kick the door down. You stay calm and we'll be inside with cameras and take all the pictures we need before the Old Bill show up, and then we'll have nice exclusive pictures of the arrest for Sunday's front page.'

Front page! Sunday's front page! She was hugging herself with disbelief all the way across London, until they stopped in a quiet Islington street and fired up all her little gadgets. ‘Just call when you need us,' reminded Nick as she got out of the car.

I'm not at all nervous, she told herself, but then as she started walking towards her destination she knew that she was – very.

It was an ordinary looking Victorian terraced house, and she rang the bell as confidently as she could manage. A young lad opened the door, no older than her, maybe younger. She held out the card Belinda had given her.

‘Come in.' The youth stood aside to let her pass into an airy room. He showed her to a seat and made himself comfortable at a desk, with nothing on it but a keyboard and screen. ‘Now, I need to complete some formalities before you see our therapist, so we can programme him correctly.' He smiled encouragingly from behind the screen.

‘I'm sorry?' Susie was genuinely confused.

‘Did your friend not tell you any details?'

‘No, I'm afraid not. She just said you were very good... at whatever it is you do.'

‘I see.' He smiled enigmatically. ‘Well, the reason we're so good is that we've perfected a robot sex machine – no, don't be alarmed.' He'd seen the look on her face. ‘In all important areas it looks and feels and acts like a human being. You won't be able to tell it's not, well me, for example.' Again that smile. ‘Though I should perhaps say that we've had a few problems with the face.' He frowned. ‘But, as we always say, it takes more than a hundred muscles to make a face smile, but only one to put a smile on
.' He sat back, pleased with the delivery of a line he'd clearly been practising.

‘Okay,' said Susie, turning her handbag to make sure the camera caught the whole room before returning to the youth. ‘Carry on.'

‘First, payment. One charge covers everything. Two hundred pounds, and we only accept cash...'

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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