Read Susie Learns the Hard Way Online

Authors: Roger Quine

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Susie Learns the Hard Way (26 page)

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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Susie produced a wad of company money, fresh from the petty cash drawer in the office, and counted out two hundred pounds in twenties.

‘Now, a few questions.' He turned to his keyboard. ‘I ask you these and we learn enough about you to programme the machine properly. So please be frank and as honest as possible.'

‘Okay,' she agreed.

‘Now, sex. Straight or gay?'

‘Straight, I suppose.' She'd never considered that she might be anything else.

He typed something on his computer. ‘Have you ever had any experiences with women?' He looked at her keenly and Susie felt herself beginning to blush, even as she felt a faint tingling sensation between her thighs.

‘A few, yes,' she admitted carefully, feeling the tingle become a flush of excitement as she spoke. There was something very naughty about making confessions to a total stranger.

‘Good, fine, just so we know.' He was clicking on the keyboard as he spoke. ‘And what about fetishes?'

‘What about what?'

‘Well, you know. Do you like rubber, for instance, or leather? Bondage, perhaps, a bit of spanking, caning, that sort of thing?'

whispered her body, as she felt a warm wetness in her panties. She shrugged.

‘Well, have you ever tried any of those?'

‘Yes,' she said quietly, ‘I have.'

‘Which ones?'

‘All of them.' He looked curiously at her, and she felt even wetter.

‘And you liked them all?'

‘Yes,' she admitted, finding that telling him these things, talking about herself, was a source of arousal she'd never guessed at before.

‘Ah, orgasm. Any trouble? No? Good.' He tapped away for a moment, and then, ‘Is that by penetration or masturbation?'

‘Both,' she answered frankly, her voice husky.

‘Which do you prefer?'

‘Both... either.'

‘You enjoy doing it yourself as much as actual sex with another person?'

‘When there's no choice, yes I do,' said Susie, challenging him to think the same thoughts as her, wanting him to imagine her fingers inside her pussy and wanting him to be aroused by the images as much as she was by telling him.

‘And do you use anything? Like a vibrator?'

‘No. I've never owned one.' It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth, the whole truth and nothing but.
What about hairbrushes?
her body asked, as her delicate pinkness began to swell open. ‘But I'd like to,' she added, feeling her lips pulse lightly inside her panties.

‘And what about places?' quizzed the youth.


‘Yes. I mean, do you always do it at home, or elsewhere? It is important for your satisfaction. We can't guarantee a result if you don't help us fully.'

‘Sorry, yes, I do understand that.'

‘Now, we were talking about masturbation. How often?'

‘Whenever I don't have someone there,' she admitted, feeling the warm wetness spreading.

‘So, shall I put every day?'

‘Unless there's someone with me, yes.'

‘At home at night, or in the morning? Or during the day – at work, say?'



‘All of them.' Susie breathed deeply, and she noticed his eyes flit to the front of her jacket and blouse.

He cleared his throat and returned to the screen. ‘So – so you masturbate night and morning?'

‘Yes.' A little jolt of electricity stabbed in her groin.

‘Every day?'

‘Yes.' She shifted in her seat, feeling her labia move wetly.

‘Always to a climax?'

She could only nod, having to concentrate on keeping her hands clasped together in her lap as she resisted the urge to let them caress her nipples, which were pressing against her thin bra.

‘Fingers in? Or out?'


‘I beg your pardon?'

‘Yes... um, what was the question?' She knew, but she was unable to shut her mind to the images it was showing her, replaying what she saw in the mirror when she lay at home on her bed with her knees high and wide and watched her juicy fingers moving in and out.

‘Do you need clitoral stimulation or penetrative stimulation in order to have an orgasm?' he asked pedantically.

‘Oh yes,' she sighed.

‘And sex. Does penetration cause orgasm?'

Susie nodded, her voice choked off by the sensations below her waist. She could feel her body, open, warm and wet – feel the slickness against the wet cotton of her panties, feel the juices seeping through her pores and into her underwear.

‘And what's the best position for you? Missionary, doggie, or do you like to be on top?'

‘Any – all,' she replied quickly, her breath just a little bit ragged now.

‘And do they all always create an orgasm?'

‘If they last long enough,' she said, one hand fluttering at her throat as she fought to stop it diving inside her jacket to brush the yearning tips of her breasts.

‘And what about oral sex?'

‘Yes please,' she whispered, ‘put that down as well.'

He clicked some letters on the keyboard.

‘Okay. That's all we need. If you'll follow me now,' and he led the way through the door and into a room at the back of the house, painted in dark earth reds and browns, like terracotta, deeply carpeted and warm. Heavily curtained at one end, the room was almost devoid of furniture except for a plain dressing table with a small mirror against one wall, and at the very centre stood the sort of chair Susie expected to see at a dental surgery.

On a central metal pillar bolted through the carpeted floor, it had a high leather back, leather seat, and leather-padded metal arms. From beneath the seat sprouted two more metal arms with short straps – stirrups, she guessed.

‘What are you wearing?' The question interrupted her train of thought. She gazed down at her skirt and jacket, and looked puzzled.

‘No, I meant underneath?'

‘Bra and knickers.' Talking about her underwear to this stranger was about as arousing as talking about sex.

‘No tights, then, is what I meant.'

‘No, never tights.'

‘Good. Hang your jacket and skirt and blouse on there and I'll get you settled.' He pointed to a row of hooks on one wall, and then looked at her expectantly as she hesitated. It was the moment to say no, to walk out and go back to the office without the story. She had hoped to have proof on film before this moment arrived. But there was none so far, and the team was outside waiting for her to produce a result, and a front-page story.

That alone may not have been enough to make her decide, but the pool of liquid fire in her panties was. Carefully placing her handbag on the dressing table, she hung her jacket where indicated before she'd even thought about her motives. By then it was too late and she was unhitching her skirt, the swift hiss of her zip sending a small thrill of excitement through her body as she undressed in this strange room while a youth she didn't know looked on with undiluted interest. Her fingers were trembling as she unbuttoned her blouse and stood before the lad with her nipples pressing through her white bra and the heat rising in her matching panties.

‘Would you remove the rest please?' he asked politely and very correctly, and Susie flushed a little as she unclipped her bra, letting her full breasts sway free, red tips hard and proud. She stepped out of her knickers and stood naked before him, enjoying the feeling of excitement as his eyes roamed over her body, settling on the soft blonde fuzz at the junction of her thighs.

‘Sit here,' he said thickly, and she followed his gesture, shivering with the shock of the cold leather as she settled in the chair. Swiftly he wrapped and fastened a thick strap over each wrist, securing them on the arms of the bizarre piece of furniture.

‘Good.' His voice was definitely strained, his fingers touching her flesh as he worked. ‘Now put your leg up,' he said, and she obediently lifted her leg onto the leather-padded stirrup. He fastened the strap around her ankle, pointed to the other one, and she let him strap that in as well.

Now she felt incredibly exposed, sitting in the chair facing him, with her legs fastened apart so he could stare between them – and he was staring quite blatantly now, and sweating slightly. Then he came to stand beside her and pressed a lever, and the chair suddenly rocked, a sweeping movement as it tilted back and then locked in place with a solid click, leaving Susie almost horizontal with her widespread legs raised up above her waist.

There was another click and the room was plunged into darkness, and then another click and a single overhead spotlight shone down on her.

Standing in front of her on the edge of the light, the youth was looking directly between her thighs, eyes fastened to where the spotlight picked out the details of her body, the dark circles at the pointed tips of her breasts, thrusting proudly upwards with the arrogance of youth, and the delicate pink lips, glistening, revealing her need to his probing stare.

‘I'll be with you in a moment,' the boy choked, and hastened through the door.

Susie lay there, suspended under the light, for less than thirty seconds, and she had just realised that the camera she had carefully placed on the dressing table was focused between her thighs when the shadows at the end of the room moved and the curtains parted to admit a dark figure that shone with a dull metallic sheen in the reflected light.

As it walked nearer, Susie could see little more than blurred black shapes of arms and legs, with metallic-looking panels contoured to resemble the human form; legs with calves and muscled thighs shone a dull silvery colour. Arms, also with muscles and shape; biceps and tendons straining. And above that a dark face, but not a face, with shadows where a human being would have eyes, nose and mouth, all shining with the same flat metallic sheen.

But she hardly noticed any of these things, because her eyes were fixed on its groin, where a gleaming pink shaft jutted proudly from the darkness, looking for all the world like a blue-veined, purple-tipped, genuine erection.

And feeling like one, too.

The robot form just walked up to her and pushed it into her body without a pause, as if it had known she was so wet and ready that it would just glide inside. The chair had been perfectly positioned to match the height of the robot groin, and allowed it complete freedom of movement, which it exercised by rapid thrusting movements that sent wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her. Susie gripped the arms of the chair and strained against the four buckles holding her in place. ‘Oh yes...' she sighed.

She slumped limply in the chair and let the contentment steal through her as she felt the erection subsiding, shrinking and sliding out with a slithery feeling. The robot creature twitched its remarkably flexible hips and pulled itself from her. Stepping back into the shadows, it moved away towards the curtains.

‘Hey,' she called after it softly, ‘is that it?'

The curtains swished closed behind it and there was silence, apart from the sound of Susie's slowing breathing. She was still listening to the sound of her pulse in her ears when she heard a different sound, and saw the curtains swinging as the figure re-entered the room. Once again there was the same metallic sheen on dark, humanoid limbs, the featureless face, and the shiny-tipped shaft poking up from the groin.

A rather thicker, longer pink-tipped shaft, one that filled her more completely than before, even though the tension of that first desire had made her whole body super-sensitive. It was bigger than before, she was certain, as it rammed home with a sold thump against her exposed pussy. The regular piston-like quality brought her swiftly towards another climax, and suddenly she was wailing her relief, bucking against the straps, forcing her pelvis up and towards the thrusting erection that speared her to the chair.

This time it continued moving after she had climaxed, still marching to its own electronic beat, with a twist of the flexible pelvis on every inward push, penetrating with a rhythmic slap of groin against buttock and a little whimper from her. But above that Susie could hear the hiss of air as the robot breathed in time with its movements.

She froze.

The thick shaft continued to move, in and out. The breathing matched its pace.

‘Who are you?' she gasped quietly, and the robot missed a beat, before regaining its insistent motion.

‘I said, who are you?' she tried again, a little louder this time. In reply the robot increased its pace, hips flexing more briskly, pink erection plunging ever faster.

‘Tell me who you are,' she pleaded, struggling against the bonds.

The robot was moving quickly, and as it did the breathing Susie could hear grew louder and became a pant.

‘I... please... tell me who you... aaah...'

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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