Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (67 page)

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But new experimental evidence is never accepted that quickly. It is always challenged, and subject to much debate, because old established theories are very hard to change. The old theories had predicted that there was no appreciable water or atmosphere on Mars, and that the surface temperalures were too extreme for vegetation life. (The canal evidence also, carried too many implications to be considered acceptable, and was rejected out

right as incompatible with respected establishment theories.) Dr. Sinton's experiments with infrared scans were viewed as inconclusive, and any such results would have to be confirmed over and over before conservative science would budge. The scientific community much rather preferred to wait until future space probes settled the questions about Mars. The scientific arguments lingered in limbo, until the government formed a space age bureaucracy, called NASA, that could preempt all discussions on matters of space. The days of independent astronomy speculating on planetary conditions were soon over. While representing the government in its authoritative role, NASA's position was unassailable—almost. Initially, NASA had three functions:

1. To launch artificial satellites into orbit around the Earth.
2. To put men into space.

3. To explore the other planetary members of our solar system, including the Moon, with remotely controlled space probes.

The first two they did admirably well, and mankind was on the threshold of becoming a space civilization. But with the third, NASA did not advance our knowledge towards an age of enlightenment. In fact, there is a bitter irony to our space age developments, in that our authorities led thinking back to the Dark Ages, through distortion and suppression of actual space findings.

Long ago, Earth was isolated from the rest of the system, through its ignorance and superstitious thinking. By the twentieth century, man's intelligence had progressed to where he could rationally understand and accept that advanced civilizations do travel space and have home planets similar to our Earth. Space visitors traveling in ships which we have termed UFOs were making their existence known at the same time we were reaching technological crossroads in science. But the men of war and all their institutions denied it, and the censors would not allow the confirmation of life beyond the Earth, whether in spaceships or on planets. The doors were kept shut by the silence group and vested interests opposed to the truth, and NASA then turned out the lights. NASA made out space to be an uninteresting wasteland, devoid of life or recognizable purpose. The end result was that mankind on Earth reverted back to an extreme thinking of selfimportance, alone in his own egotistical sphere of a world.

Had our authorities left a few questions open for balanced speculations, it would be easier to be less critical. But instead, they determinedly set out to present a completely negative picture of the planet. A living environment was totally negated without qualification, in order to complement the suppression of UFO evidence. It was apparent that our planetary probing was not conducted with any objectivity, right from the start. Being a government bureaucracy, NASA had no choice but to serve the hands of the most powerful economic interests of our present-day world. NASA censors cooperated with the corporate interests that demanded the continual coverup and suppression regarding UFOs and their origins, and therefore publicly presented an unrealistic picture of the planets.

The first official flyby of Mars was achieved by Mariner 4 in July 1965. The probe radioed back twenty-two pictures of the Martian surface, and NASA initially claimed that there were no canals. Lifetimes of telescopic studies were casually obliterated with that one statement. A radar occupation reading provided a basis for NASA to declare that the atmosphere density on Mars was less than one percent of Earth's, and another type of signal allowed experts to suggest that the planet had no magnetosphere. At its closest distance, Mariner 4 was 6,000 miles from the planet, yet NASA spokesmen claimed readings showing that the average surface temperature on Mars was 170°F.

The censors may have had a tough time back in the Mars Patrol days curbing speculation, but this was a brand new ballgame. NASA was the perfect vehicle to paint a lifeless picture beyond the Earth. Who could possibly challenge statements coming from the U.S. space program? Telescopes or not. UFOs or not. Anybody who still wanted to claim intelligent life existed on Mars would be considered a lunatic.

The Mariner 4 flyby did not have the capability to realistically confirm habitability. That much can be conceded. But likewise, the space probe could not realistically confirm those alleged planetary conditions that were put out as flat statements by the authorities, either. With future planetary probes, it became apparent how the censorship was orchestrated, and by whom.

The real problem, however, is not with NASA specifically. The space agency had practically no choice but to follow the dictates of the powerful economic interests that control governments and their subordinate agencies. It is these international cartels that have been behind all censorship regarding planetary space. NASA has only been the publiclyidentifiable distorter, regarding space pronouncements.

So NASA can be partly excused for not being in a position to objectively conduct space probe explorations. But false values can never be changed by anything but the truth. And we are at the critical crossroad of time. Either we become a space civilization, or we will be a nuclear extinction.


1. Max Miller. Flying Saucers—Fact or Fiction? (Trend Books, 1957), p. 54.

2. Donald Keyhoe, Aliens From Space (New York: Doubleday, 1973), p. 171.

3. Maz Miller, Flying Saucers—Fact or Fiction? (Trend Books, 1957), p. 54.

4. Ibid. p. 43.
5. David Chandler, Life on Mars (New York: Dutton, 1979), p. 61.

6. Donald Keyhoe, The Flying Saucer Conspiracy (New York: Holt, 1955), p. 122.

7. Ibid. p. 209.

8. Ibid. pp. 209-211.

Never a Straight Answer: A Book Review of NASA
Mooned America!

Thomas J. Brown

Long has Earth's Moon been a source of mystery and puzzlement, as well as an inspiration for love and art. It is also the source of vital [terrestrial] life rhythms. It has been mankind's dream to touch this strange world, for some simply to discover and explore, for others to exploit. It is now pretty much accepted as common knowledge that the U.S. government's NASA has sent manned craft to the Moon, and that they have landed thereon. But wait, not everybody is buying the official story! What's up?

There have been many books questioning the official story of a dead Moon, visited only by a few handpicked humans catapulted there in fancy tin cans. Not necessarily in order of appearance, some of these titles are: Somebody Else is on the Moon by George H. Leonard, who claims huge mining machines are moving about on the lunar surface; Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon and Secrets of our Spaceship Moon both by Don Wilson, who claims that the Moon is a giant artificial spaceship and is still inhabited; The Moon: Outpost of the Gods by Jean Sendy, who claims that extraterrestrials used the Moon as an Earth observation post and became the gods of old as they interfered with human development; Flying Saucers on the Moon by Riley Hansard Crabb, who claims that the Moon is a flying saucer base, and goes on to describe moving lights and changing craters recorded by orthodox astronomers in the 1700s and 1800s; Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space Program by William L. Brian II, who claims that the Moon has a heavy gravity (75 percent of Earth's) and atmosphere, and that a top secret antigravity propulsion system was necessary to get on and off the Moon; We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon by Fred Steckling, which shows quite a number of startling NASA photos indicating vegetation, clouds and domed structures on the Moon. Steckling claims we discovered aliens already there when we got there, and that NASA just couldn't bear to tell us poor, common mortals this astounding news; Extraterrestrial Archaeology by David Hatcher Childress, who claims that the Moon is long inhabited and that Mercury, Venus, Mars and some of the moons of the outer planets show signs of current or past inhabitation; We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle! by Bill Kaysing and Randy Reid; and lastly, the subject of this review, NASA Mooned America! by Rene, the last two books dealing with a mass of discrepancies in NASA's public output which the authors take to mean that the Moon shots were faked. All these books are well worth acquiring to broaden one's outlook on this subject. It is a big charge to claim that NASA never went to the Moon, that it was all a fake, yet this man Rene has come up with a large body of information that has to be seriously considered. He is obviously not writing this book for the fun of it, I doubt he's making any money at it, and is sure to be scorned and ridiculed simply for asking good questions which go against the common belief.


Rene begins with the photographic evidence. The more one looks at photos of the Apollo landings, the more one begins to wonder. No blast craters exist under the lunar modules (LEMs), no dust arose from their rocketsoftened landings, though the lunar rovers toss dust into the air as though there were an atmosphere acting on the particles. Questions, questions. One important early faked photo is shown here in sequence. Photo 1 is from the book Carrying the Fire by Astronaut Michael Collins. It shows Collins in a no-gravity test inside an airplane. Photo 2 is from the same book and is allegedly of a Gemini 10 space walk. Rene noticed something fishy about these photos and reversed #1 and sized it so he could overlay it on #2. They match . . . they are the same photo . . . and this is official NASA output!

Rene's book shows several other interesting photos which indicate various anomalies. On a splashdown photo of Gemini 6A there is a whip antenna in excellent condition clearly shown, with no burn marks or scorching (5000°F on reentry). No other Gemini had this antenna, and simple logic indicates that it would have burned off during reentry. Such an antenna is designed for frequencies not used in space.

The cover photo on the book shows two lunar astronauts (or astro-nots as Rene calls them), one reflecting in the other's visor. The reflected astronaut is not holding a camera, so who took the picture with only two [men) on the Moon? Also, in the same photo a piece of what appears to be scaffolding with a spotlight on it appears on the left edge of the photo. I've seen this same photo in several other places, but it is always cropped so the scaffolding is missing.

My favorite of the photo anomalies in the book is shown here as Photo 3, which Rene has titled "Mutt and Jeff." The anomaly in this photo is obvious. This is a photo of Armstrong, holding the staff, and Aldrin, holding the flag. While the two astronauts are basically the same height, the shadow of Armstrong is about 75 percent the length of Aldrin's. The shadows are not parallel as they should be, but converge, indicating two sources of light. Rene used trigonometry to discover that Aldrin's personal source of illumination is at 26.4 degrees of altitude, while Armstrong's is at 34.9 degrees. The sun was at 13.5 degrees altitude on the real Moon, so where were these guys? Certainly not where we have been led to believe. Perhaps a soundstage in the American desert?

NASA allegedly shot tens of thousands of pictures of the lunar landings, yet it is very difficult to procure even a decent percentage of these, and the same ones show up in most publications. The television footage of the first Moon landing was very poor. While having access to the finest of technology, NASA would not allow a direct feed of the footage, but forced networks and news services to film through an optically enlarged television screen, adding quite a bit of distortion. During the Apollo 16 lunar lift-off the camera followed the ship up off the surface. No one was left on the Moon, so who panned the camera? NASA later claimed that the camera was radio controlled from Earth, but how could they have followed the ship so closely given the transmission time lag ... ?

The Spacey Twins. NASA used the same photo twice, perhaps to cut expenses?
Photo 3. Mutt & Jeff

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