Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (64 page)

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Besides the many eyewitness reports of UFO sightings, there have been many cases that involve craft landings, sometimes with physical evidence of landing traces left behind after the craft's departure. These traces of physical evidence have often been carefully investigated, and once again there are literally hundreds of examples I could point to. However, one specific case is outstanding because of the remarkable way these details were supported by the meticulously conducted research of high-level scientists, which backed up the anecdotal eyewitness reports with hard physical evidence.

Trans-en-Provence is a little village near Avignon in France. The incident took place there at 5:10
. on January 8, 1981. Renato Nicolai, aged 55, a retired mason who had become a farmer, saw a strange aircraft land in his garden, where it remained for about one minute. It then took off and disappeared over the horizon.

Mr. Nicolai thought that it was probably some sort of experimental craft being tried out by the French Air Force. He did not believe in flying saucers. That evening when his wife came home from work, he described to her what he had seen. The next morning she went with him to look at the markings on the ground, then told a neighbor about the incident. The neighbor was frightened and informed the police.

A contingent of the Draguignan police came to Mr. Nicolai's farm. He described the craft to them as approximately 6 feet in length and 7 1/2 feet in diameter. The color was a dull gray, like that of lead. The shape was flat and circular, bulging slightly above and below. The craft rested on small telescopic legs. There was no light, and no smoke or flames. There was no sound except for a faint whistling. It first appeared at an altitude of about 150 feet, like a mass of stone falling. However, it came down lightly on the ground. He approached it and could see the craft clearly. He had advanced about thirty paces toward it, when it took off at very high speed. When he saw the object from beneath, it was round, and had four port-holes.

The police reported that there was a circular outline about half to threequarters of an inch deep and 7 1/4 feet in diameter, with skid marks at two places. The site had the appearance of a circular stain, being darker in color than its surroundings. The police collected samples of soil and vegetation along a straight line through the impact site, writing on each sample taken its distance from the impact site. Upon their return to Draguignan, they transmitted their report and the samples to GEPAN (Group for the Study of Unidentified Aerial and Space Phenomena), which is a branch of CNRS (National Center of Space Research, the French equivalent of NASA). GEPAN passed the samples on to INRA (National Institute of Agricultural Research) and several other government research institutes for analysis. GEPAN personnel visited the site to take further samples on two other occasions. On June 7, 1983, after two and a half years of analyses, a bulky preliminary report which assembled data from the different laboratories was turned in. The government scientists attributed the circular outline to a soil fracture caused by the combined action of strong mechanical pressure and a heat of about 600°C, which is about 1100°F. Dr. Bounias, who was the Director of the Biochemical Laboratory at INRA, had personally taken charge of the examination of the plant specimens. He carried out the analyses in the most rigorous fashion possible. First he established samples from plants of the same species (alfalfa), taken at different distances from the point of impact. Then he and his assistants meticulously analyzed the photosynthetic pigments (such as carotene, chlorophyll, and xantophyle), the glucides, the amino acids and other constituents. He found differences sufficiently important that the statistical significance of the results is irrefutable. Certain substances that were present in the close-range samples were not present in those taken further away, and vice versa. The biochemical trauma revealed by examination of the leaves diminished as the distance from the UFO impact site increased. Some of the plants had been dehydrated, but were not burned or carbonized. The following year control samples were taken from the site, which confirmed the changes made in the vegetation. After completing the analyses, Dr. Bounias made the following formal statement: "We worked on very young leaves. They all had the anatomic and physiologic characteristics of their age. However, they had the biochemical characteristics of advanced senescence, or old age! This bears no resemblance to anything known to exist on our planet."

Dr. Bounias refused to speculate about the cause of the strange facts he had established, or to propose any explanation at all for them.
Although neither Dr. Bounias nor the French government have followed through on the implications of this evidence, or proceeded any further with it, at least as far as the general public is concerned, the Trans-enProvence case remains one of the most strongly substantiated investigations of landing traces in the history of UFO research.
Another aspect of UFO research which involves physical evidence is the crop circles, though there has been much dispute over whether they are caused by UFOs or by human hoaxers. I believe that some are made by UFOs, and some are made by human hoaxers. Other theories have been proposed, but at present these are the only ones that have retained t h e i r plausibility, since freak whirlwinds and hypothetical plasma vortices cannot by any stretch of the imagination explain geometrically precise pictograms and other complex symbolic formations. From 1978 to 1989, the shapes were for the most part simple circles. However, since 1989, the patterns have become more and more intricate, eliminating the possibility that they could be caused by unusual meteorological conditions.
The summer of 1991 was a quantum leap as patterns of rings and circles became true complex pictograms. Straight bars, or boxes, and arcs, both inside and outside of circles, were combined with circles and rings to form complex pictograms. Some pictograms combined more than thirty elements.
Crop circle developments during the summer of 1991 were well described by Michael Chorost in the October 1991 issue of the MUFON [Mutual UFO Network] UFO Journal:

One of the most interesting formations was a representation of the Mandelbrot set, a two-dimensional graph made famous by chaos theory . . . the last two seasons of crop circles have clustered densely in a tiny area containing Europe's most remarkable ancient constructions: Avebury, Silbury Hill, Windmill Hill, Barbury Castle, Adam's Grave, the White Horses, and the East and West Kennet Long Barrows. . . . I invite my readers to consider that the mystery of the crop circles is very much like the mystery of the megaliths. Each consists of compelling geometric forms. No one knows why they were made, nor why they are where they are. Nor do we know how either were made. Perhaps the two mysteries are deeply intertwined. Not that either one "caused" or "inspired" the other, but that the two phenomena somehow "talk" about the same thing, a thing still unknown to us, or "do" a single thing, taken together as a total system. It could be that solving one mystery will automatically solve the other.

Chorost goes on to describe the research results of Marshall Dudley, a systems engineer for Tennelec/Nucleus of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, as well as those of Michigan biophysicist Dr. W. C. Levengood. Dudley detected significant isotope changes in the soil samples from crop circles he had been provided with, and Levengood found that cell pits in plant cells in the affected formations had been subjected to rapid heating that had separated the cell pits. He found this to be true in samples from England, the United States and Canada.

Another major breakthrough was made by Gerald Hawkins, the author of Stonehenge Decoded, who discovered that in eighteen photographs of crop circle formations, there was a repeated pattern of frequency ratios that are equivalent to the diatonic scale (the white keys on a piano). In addition to that finding, he has outlined four new theorems about relationships of triangles to circles to squares that he finds in the crop circle formations, and these theorems do not exist in any known academic text.

That is a very brief condensation of a large amount of highly complex technical research. In light of the fact that there is strong and abundant evidence in support of these results, one would think that the news media would eagerly leap upon so thoroughly substantiated a sensational story, and proclaim it to the world in banner headlines and TV special features.

What actually happened?
The world news media instead leaped eagerly on a flimsy story full of holes: that two British senior citizens had "confessed" to hoaxing the circles with no equipment except some planks. This was triumphantly proclaimed to the world as the final and definitive solution to the mystery of the crop circles, in spite of the obvious fact that two men with planks cannot produce significant isotope changes in the soil, nor heating so rapid that it separates the cell pits without leaving burn marks on the outside of the plants. Other obvious impossibilities deliberately ignored were how these two senior citizens had managed to make so many hundreds of circles without having once been detected, or how they managed to make patterns of such precision and size and complexity with planks while working in the dark. All the factual evidence was deliberately ignored in order to convince the public that the mystery of the crop circles had now been at least definitely solved: Doug and Dave did it. The public was bombarded with ten-second TV shots of Doug and Dave flattening some wheat with some planks, until finally the vast majority was conditioned into accepting this absurdity as the proven explanation. The minority of those who persisted in trying to point out flaws in this explanation was then subjected to scathing ridicule and social ostracism. Vast numbers of copy-cat imitators followed the example set by Doug and Dave, and have ever since devoted themselves to muddying the water and confusing the research picture, egged on with the full collaboration of the news media, intent on trivializing the subject.
In spite of the sabotage and harassment, the research haltingly continues. An intriguing development that occurred recently in England is that a group of hoaxers busily at work making yet another faked crop formation noticed several balls of light hovering above them, which seemed to be under intelligent control. This frightened them to the point that they abandoned their work and fled from the field. There are now quite a few eyewitness reports of small white discs and grapefruit-sized balls of light seen in the vicinity of the crop formations, and the small white discs have been captured twice on videotape.
Some of the crop formation patterns resemble traditional geometric artwork of indigenous tribal cultures from all over the world so closely as to be identical. Without exception the religious traditions of these indigenous cultures describe contacts with celestial beings in deep antiquity at the time of their tribal origins. According to researcher Colin Andrews, all but a few of the symbols on the panels from the wreckage in the socalled Roswell film have been clearly and precisely reproduced in the crop circle glyphs.

Telescopic Evidence

Daniel Ross

When the spaceships appeared in the late 1940s, and sightings reports began to number in the thousands, scientific specialists advising government and military authorities believed that Venus and Mars were the origin of the spacecraft. They were more certain after recovering a few ships that had crashed near our atomic test sites. Then an almost impenetrable security lid came down, to censor any evidence from official sources that life existed beyond the earth. A Silence Group, working for those in entrenched worldly positions, infiltrated secret departments and intelligence agencies to insure that confirmation would never come from official sources or government. Public or private institutions, being generally conservative in matters of science, were unlikely to speculate on the UFO evidence, but in any event, those institutions would not have the means to confirm the origin of the visiting spaceships.

Complete, uncontestable confirmation was strictly the domain of a government space agency, and the official results of any achievements in space exploration were under the sole control of the National Security Agency. Public disclosures regarding planetary environments were carefully slanted to coincide with long-held orthodox views, and with theories that had become rigid and dogmatic with the scientific establishment. That Venus and Mars have not been shown as having earthlike environments, is not due to a lack of technology in our space probe exploration, but due to secretive censoring by intelligence agencies directing operations from behind the scenes. So many false ideas on space have been promoted through official channels, and then become solidified in scientific journalism, that one may reasonably wonder if in today's world it can ever be straightened out.

There is no grand conspiracy by science writers to deceive, nor by scientific spokesmen with their speculations on space conditions. They actually believe what they write or say, because these are widely-shared and firmly held perceptions which have been taught for a long time. Their ideas have also been reinforced by the false disclosures publicized through the media by those in control of past space ventures.

Likewise, this article is not in direct opposition to general astronomy. In fact, a lot of information in this present work is based on the observations and lifetime work of expert astronomers. But in establishing the truth about our solar system, it will be noted that there is little agreement with orthodox thinking in the astronomical field. And if one were to restrict himself to one field—any field—one would have very limited knowledge. Determining the reality behind UFOs requires a complete study involving the whole scope of space sciences.

The problem with all planetary research and common speculation to date, must be defined here at the beginning. It is this: Official presentations regarding planetary space conditions have been made to coincide with (complement) the long standing suppression, and censorship, of the real UFO evidence by our government. This is why the truth about Mars has never been known, publicized, or accepted, up to the present. Yet it is an important correlation, that eighteen years of UFO sightings, with reports numbering into the thousands, predated the first U.S. space probe to reach Mars on a flyby in July, 1965. Of course, it was never officially admitted that UFOs were a major stimulus for us to investigate the planet. Now, in this present work, it will be established that the Martian environment is very similar to earthly conditions, by a review of the early telescopic record, and then through a logical analysis of the more recent space probe developments.

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