Stone (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Stone (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1)
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“Who’s there?” My eyes stood fixed when I looked into his eyes. My heart dropped. I stood frozen. Every single emotion that was pent up this last year finally unraveled at that very moment. The tears trundled down my face, my body shook with the desire to touch him, to hold his body against mine. Seeing Tiny as he stood standing by the door with his beautiful smile, made me lose my breath. I was stunned.

“Am I welcomed in?” He said in his deep, alluring voice.

“Oh Tiny, what are you doing here?” I jumped into his arms and began to cry against his chest. He held me tightly. The electricity that radiated through my body ripped through me like a live wire. The warmth of his embrace, his body next to mine, made me cry even harder.

He was standing here in front of me.

                      Oh God…I can breathe again.

           He’s here and he’s…alive.

“Close the door Stone.” Lacky said.

“What. Are. You. Doing. here?” I said as I wiped my tears with the palm of my hand.

“I’m out Maddie. They let me go. The appeal went through. Not enough evidence. No witnesses. I’m out on parole. He grabbed me by the shoulders gently. “I can’t believe I’m here. But, I‘m
angry with you.” His tone sent shivers down my spine. Tiny wasn’t someone you wanted to cross.

“I had to move. Sly…” I lowered my head in shame.
I never ran from anyone.

“I know. I don’t want to talk about it now. Where are the kids?” He looked around the kitchen and living room.

“They’re sleeping.” I glanced over at Lacky. “Lacky, why are

“I took him from your grandma’s grip. The old bat had come to pick him up.”

“Why would that bitch do that?” I said angrily.

“She said she was doing him a favor but, she probably wanted to let Sly’s gang know that he was out. I’m sure somewhere along the line she was in the mix plotting to have Stone beaten to death in prison…and you…
.” He shook his head. I believed every word he said. My grandmother would sell her fucking soul and her grandkids for some coke or meth.

“She doesn’t have any power like that, Lacky. Trust me. She’s just an evil old woman.” I glanced over at Tiny who was staring at me from head to toe. He’s been locked up for a long time. I’m sure right about now I looked like a piece of meat to him. I felt uncomfortable so I grabbed the groceries from Lacky to distract him. “For us?” I asked happily.

“Yep, for all of us. Start cooking Maddie. I remember how you made your signature pork chops one day at your mother’s house.
” I moved to the kitchen to start cooking supper.

“Give me a minute, I have to call the club and tell them I can’t make it today.” I walked towards the bathroom and sent a text to my boss.

Jack, I can’t make it today. I’ll make it up to you, promise. Maddie

     I waited patiently for a response before walking back out into the kitchen. My heart was racing. I couldn’t believe Tiny was here. Then, I remembered I asked Clarissa to babysit, so I sent her a quick text that I had a change of plans.

It’s okay, Maddie. Next time, text earlier. Jack

     I walked over to the kitchen and drank in the beautiful sight that stood before my eyes. My heart fluttered and my knees weakened. Seeing Tiny standing there made me lose my breath again, and all I wanted him to do was hold me in his warm embrace, and never let me go.

“I want to see the kids, Maddie. Please…I need to see them.” I unlocked the door and let him in. The boys must have smelled him because they immediately woke up, jumped out of their beds and ran into his arms. He grabbed them both with one arm each and swung them around, their little feet dangling in the air.

     Tiny was tall and well built, with broad shoulders, a strong back, flat abs and strong thighs. He was a runner in his first year of High School, then he just decided to run every day to stay in shape. He looked nothing like he did when he first came to live with us. He was…simply put…
His dirty blonde hair and blue eyes drove the girls crazy back then. They were intimidating, strong, and possessive. He had a darker side to him that all the girls loved. He was strong, dominant and had a way with words. The older girls were crazy over him. He was irresistible to them, but to me, he was just plain old…

                              The boy I grew up with. The boy who moved in with us when he was thirteen going on fourteen.                                 The boy the kids know as daddy. The boy we know as our savior. The boy I fell in love with the day I grabbed his hand when I was eleven.
My brother.

     We sat around the table eating silently. The pork chops that Lacky brought were fresh and all you could hear was Tiny chomping on it like it was the last pork chop he was ever going to eat. I giggled and he turned and looked at me.

“What?” He slid his fingers across his lips then licked away the grease with his tongue. I stood staring at his greasy lips, wishing I could slide my tongue and lick away the grease for him, then I glanced away in shame.

“I know…you haven’t had a pork chop in six years.” Daniel laughed and Bryan coughed. I glanced over at Bryan.

“This pork chop is
as good as a tight, wet pussy.” He laughed. I didn’t. I knew that was exactly what he was thinking.

“The kids? dumbass.” He looked over at them.

“Shit…I’m sorry.” Bryan coughed again.

“What’s the matter Bryan? Are you okay?” I asked looking at his tiny mouth.

“Throat hurt momma?” You could see it in his face that his throat hurt him. It seemed painful to swallow as he squinted his eyes closed with each gulp.

“Your throat hurts Bryan?” Tiny said.

“Mhhhmm…” He got out of his chair and crawled on Tiny’s lap, placing his head on his chest. He coughed again and spit up some blood.

“Oh my God!” I dropped my fork and ran to his side. I cupped his tiny face in my hands. I glanced over at Tiny. I got up and grabbed his coat.

“What are you doing?” Lacky said.


     We grabbed a cab to the Adirondack Medical Center. The emergency room was packed and by the time we got there, Bryan’s shirt was covered in blood. The in-take nurse brought him in right away. I sat holding Bryan as he continued to cough. They gave him an asthma treatment. We were used to the asthma. Bryan’s had it for years
. But this blood? Where was it coming from?

     Tiny held Daniel and Lacky held Alyssa. The nurse gave us formula for her and chocolate milk for Daniel. Bryan had to go in for a Cat Scan and I had to wait outside. I walked over to the window. Lacky gave Alyssa to Tiny.

“Madison?” I felt someone behind me. I quickly turned around to face him…Lacky.

“Yeah?” I replied. “
okay.” I whispered with my arms crossed against my chest, the tears brimming at the corners of my eyes.

“No, you’re not.” He placed his arm around me. I shrugged his arm off of me and turned away from him.

“I never thought this would happen. I knew it could be one of us, but not the kids. Even dead she’s causing trouble.”

“That’s not fair Madison. Your mother loved you guys.”

“She loved
…not us. Don’t get it twisted. But, she died of Leukemia. I can’t help but think the worse. Couldn’t she have left us with something positive? Couldn’t she have at least done something right?” The tears finally toppled over onto my cheeks. “What are you really doing here Lacky?” Tiny walked towards us with Alyssa in his arms and holding Daniel with his other hand.

“He’s back.” I rolled my eyes at Lacky and shook my head. We walked back into the emergency room. Tiny followed holding Alyssa. Lacky stood behind him picking up Daniel.

     The doctor walked in and greeted us.

“Hello everyone. My name is Dr. Bergman. I’m the ER oncologist on call tonight.”

“Oncologist?” Tiny repeated.

“Yes…you see…”

“We know what an oncologist is. What’s wrong with Bryan?” My heart dropped into my stomach. I had a feeling I knew what was wrong with Bryan. I just didn’t want to hear it.

“Is his mother or father here?” Dr. Bergman glanced around the room for our parents.

“Yes, I’m his mother and this is his father.” I pointed to myself then at Tiny.

“Well, if you don’t mind me saying…”

“We do mind doc, what’s the fucking problem?” Tiny said angrily.

“Look, Dr. Bergman. They’re the guardians. They’re both over 18 and they have the guardianship papers. What else do you need?” Lacky said using his authoritative voice.

“Nothing…Look, I’m sorry, but Bryan has leukemia.” He looked into my eyes and my whole world crashed. “But, I have to say. He’s in the final stages. I don’t know how it went undetected all of these years.”

“All of these years? He’s five…he’s not even six yet.” I said trying to catch my breath. I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach.

“I’m sorry…I doubt he’ll make it through the night.” Tiny practically threw Alyssa up in the air at me, I grabbed her in midair as Tiny grabbed the doctor by his shirt and pushed him against the wall.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You think you could tell me that my little Bryan is going to die tonight. Just like that? You better fix him! Goddammit! You better fucking fix him now!” The doctor grabbed Tiny’s hands and Lacky tried his best to pull him off of him, but it wasn’t working.

“Son, let me go. You don’t want to do this right now. Bryan needs you. He’s weak. He’s frightened.” Tiny let him go…slowly. His blue eyes welled with tears. He turned to me.

“Maddie?” I walked over to him holding Alyssa. We held each other for a moment and then I handed Alyssa to Lacky and we walked over to Bryan.

“Hey there buddy? You want ice cream?” Tiny asked holding his tiny hand in his.

“Daddy, momma…I’m tired…I’m sleepy.” He whispered. His face was pale and he could barely keep his tiny eyes open. The little oxygen mask on his face barely fit. He was never so sick. I don’t know what happened.
How could I let this happen?

“Yes angel…go beddy bye…you will see Ana there tonight in your dreams. She’ll be there when you wake up. Go to sleep my little angel.” I choked on my words, my heart swelling with pain ready to explode. We all surrounded him, kissing his cheeks and hands as his body grew weaker and weaker.

     The hours passed as we watched as he deteriorated before our eyes. His pulse and oxygen level getting lower and lower on the monitor, the machines beeping when he lost his breath.

“Bryan?” Tiny whispered in his ear. “Hold on Bryan. Don’t leave me. Please, I need you. Bryan? Do you hear me?” I choked back the tears that were burning the back of my eyes, trying so hard to hold it inside. Just watching Tiny’s face destroyed me as he held Bryan’s hand and kissed Bryan on his cheek and then
I heard it…the song we sang to Bryan when he was a baby so he could fall asleep.

Hush little baby…don’t say a word
.” Tiny sang softly to Bryan as the tears skated down his cheeks.

     Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing. One of the nurse’s placed her hand over her mouth and began to sob. Lacky kissed Alyssa’s forehead and held in his tears, but they trundled down his cheeks anyway. The doctor turned towards Tiny as he was leaving the room, lowered his head, then turned around and walked away. The pain in my heart was so intense I thought it would send me to my grave.

“Tiny…don’t.” I whispered. He glanced up at me, the tears streaming down his cheeks while his lips trembled.

“Do you remember? Do you remember Maddie?” Tiny whispered. I nodded my head.

My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Andrew. I shut off the phone. Tiny glanced over at me and stared at the cell phone in my hand then turned around to Bryan.

“No…please. Bryan…
.” I held Tiny from behind, placing my head on the back of his shoulder.

“Tiny…let him go. He’s suffering. Let him go.” He turned around and held me in his arms. I could feel his body trembling against mine.
Oh God…I’ve missed him so much.

“Maddie…please help him. Don’t…don’t let him die.” He whispered in my ear. My body shuddered when his breath vibrated against my ear. I held on to him as his tears saturated my neck.

     All of the sudden, Bryan sat up and stared at us both.

“Ana?” He said. Then he fell back and the heart monitor started to beep.
A flat line followed

     Lacky ran out with Alyssa in his arms calling for the doctors. Daniel crawled into bed with Bryan and held his hand.
I lost it
. I hit the floor on my knees, screaming Bryan’s name while Tiny toppled over Bryan’s lifeless body sobbing hysterically. The doctor ran in.

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