Stolen-Kindle1 (11 page)

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Authors: Merrill Gemus

BOOK: Stolen-Kindle1
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Gabe took notice of the three girls, the two goons, and a smiling Moira. They were all standing in the clearing and Moira seem to be indicating where they would be holed up. Viewing the size of the goons, Gabe mentally kicked himself. Shit, he should have brought some backup. There was no way he could take on Moira and the goons at the same time. He would have to figure out a way to sneak the girls out.


As he contemplated how to go about freeing the girls, his heart skipped a beat. The golden-haired girl stared directly at him. Gabriel inhaled sharply. What should he do? Every instinct in his body wanted to run up and declare his love for her; to protect her; to kiss and hold her. Fool! He chastised. He reminded himself that goons were above their laws. They could easily be ordered to snap him in two and Moira, their commander, would go scot-free. She would never be tried even if there were proof of her hiring them. Goons were lawless men and were to be avoided at all cost.


Of course, it was of no surprise to Gabriel that the Verdons were capable of hiring them. How in god’s name did they find them? They were banished for their realm and lands thousands of years ago! How were the Verdons even able to pay them as mercenaries? The vampire’s currency would be meaningless to them, since they could not purchase anything from their kind. Estates, lands were also of little value to Goons. They were nomadic, and did not settle in one place. So, why were they helping Moira?


Gabriel retreated deeper into the woods, so he would go unnoticed to the girl. He hoped she would keep quiet or at the very least believe she imagined what she saw. Gabriel could not afford alerting Moira and her goons before he was ready for them. He wished to keep the element of surprise on his side.


Knowing that he was no longer visible, Gabriel sighed. Fate was sure as hell not making things easy for him. He knew that though killing goons could prove to be quite difficult, it was not impossible. With his relics, he could do it if he separated them from Moira. The goons had no magic ability but they were strong and could crush his skull with their bare hands. Still, the goons must have realized that their presence within the vampire’s realm was a risky move from their part. Gabe knew that Moira had to be compensating them handsomely.


With a narrowed gaze, Gabriel watched Ally.  She was dreadfully pale and weak. Incredibly, she was staying strong. How was it that she was not snapping at her friends, demanding for their blood and flesh? Her love for her friends was strong indeed. However, it was only a matter of time before she cracked.


He continued to watch the group as Moira pointed her fingers towards a small abandoned shack, the same shack that once belonged to his parents. Did she really intend to lock the girls in there? He wondered. The rough cabin was almost choked with overgrown grass and vines. The battered door would be quite easy to break in, but he now understood why the goons were needed. 


“So what now?” Gabe asked himself. “Will Moira get ready for her big day? As the girls most likely freeze to death? That bitch! When I get my hands around her stupid skinny neck, I will snap it in two.”


For a long time, Moira gave instructions to the goons. She would constantly make them repeat her orders until she was satisfied that they knew what was expected of them. Gabe tried to stretch his hearing as far as he can, but he did not dare to stretch it to its maximum potential. He knew the Verdons inherited and stole many relics of the past, so who knew how observant Moira was at the moment. Before creeping inside the jail cell, Gabriel was aware of the extreme precautions he took as he entered Moira’s estate. Nevertheless, she still managed to sense an intruder in her home.


As Moira continued to hand out her orders, Gabriel could not help looking back at the blonde girl. God, she was beautiful. It almost pained him to look at her. The swell of her lower lips, the slow rise and fall of her perky breast, nearly undid him. He wanted no other.


Kneeling, with his fangs exposed, Gabriel nicked his left wrist and allowed a small pool to form. Right there, he vowed that no harm would ever befall her. He let a few blood droplets fall to the wet ground, before licking his wound clean. There, he did it: A blood vow. Without knowing it, Pam had just received her personal guardian angel. Gabriel would never rest easy until she felt safe. Once this ordeal was put behind them, he would always watch over her, but he will never bond with her.


Out of the corner of his eyes, Gabriel saw Ally staring at the blonde girl. Ally tried her damndest to go unnoticed, but he saw plainly that she wished to consume her friend. “Come on Ally, fight it!” Gabriel muttered. Suddenly, she shook her head, fighting the temptation. She looked sharply away and stared at the ground, breathing heavily. Gabe knew there was little time left. Weak or no, Ally will attack her friends. In fact, leaving all three girls together in such close proximity was carelessly dangerous.


His head snapped up, upon realizing this. Was this what Moira had in plan? Was she hoping to entice Ally to kill her friends and get the High Council involved? No vampires could kill any human without the direct approval of the courts. Gabe sucked in his breath. He knew without a doubt that this was exactly what Moira had in plan. The goons were to keep him, or anyone, from approaching the girls, but in the end, Moira had to get rid of Ally. Exiling her would be the perfect solution.


Moira finished giving her instructions to the goons. Delighted that the slow-brained mercenaries finally understood their tasks, she motioned for the goons to get the girls. None of them put up a fight. Ally was slung over the larger goon’s shoulder and Pam and Trish dutifully allowed them to be dragged again. The group silently marched towards the shack.


Upon watching them walk away, Gabriel immediately pulled out one of his most prized relics. His uncle mentioned to him that they were able to keep it from being confiscated by the Verdons, by lying about its existence. It was a richly jeweled dagger studded with rubies, sapphires and other precious stones that were no longer found in the human realm.


Slowly, he began chanting a few words that were handed down from ancient times. It was necessary for each syllable to be pronounced rightly and correctly. An error in his tone or infliction would alter and produced the wrong spell.  As he finished his chant, he slid the dagger back in to his hilt. An aura engulfed him and suddenly he became one with the elements. He was not translucent, like before, but now completely invisible. It was a very potent spell. If Moira would detect him, than he knew not how to avoid her. Invisible, with his sound and odors masked, he stalked towards the shack.






November 4

2:33 AM

lly was slowly starting to lose hope. It was becoming difficult for her to disguise her despair. She knew that she had less than 24 hours to stop Moira from marrying Benedict, but to her horror, she no longer truly cared about the forthcoming event. All she was obsessed about was the blood running through the veins of her friends. She feared that she would no longer be able to fight her cravings.


 As the goons shoved them inside the shack, Ally realized that the quarters were in worse shape than she imagined. It was a small, highly neglected, one-room house.  Mercifully, it was heated with a small stone fireplace. All the furniture aside from the broken wooden chairs, which littered the floor, had probably been removed a long time ago. It was also apparent that the grass was swallowing the house from within.


Moira walked over to the corner of the room and hunched over a pile of rope. Unlike everything else here, the heap seem quite new, as if someone had recently placed it in the cabin. The idea struck Ally. Did Moira order someone to drop off the bundle of ropes? How many people were involved in this scheme? Geez Louise! Did she not worry that someone could alert the authorities? Ally was baffled on how fearless Moira was. It could only mean that her family had powerful ties and the only wildcard in her plans was Gabriel or Benedict finding them.


As she finished examining the ropes, Moira headed towards the single post that held and supported the cabin.  At the center of the room, the sturdy post was the last strong piece of timber located inside the fragile lodging.


“Tie them up around this post.” Moira indicated to the goons. “Make sure they’re strapped up tightly altogether.”


Pam and Trish gasped. Did Moira really intend to tie them so closely together? In Ally’s state of mind? It was a ludicrous!


“I refuse to be in such close proximity with my friends!” Ally shouted, terrified by the idea.


Moira laughed. “What makes you think that you have any say in this?”


“Then you have to feed me!”


Moira tilted her head mockingly, “I don’t think so.” She hissed softly.


“Moira, please, Ally’s thirst for blood is too great. She might inadvertently hurt us.” Trish pleaded.


Ally knew how uneasy both of her friends felt around her. Though she tried her best to keep her cravings at bay, their human instincts had to be kicking in. Every time Ally glanced in their direction, unbeknown to them, she realized they would quickly return her stare. She knew they could feel her threat to them. Yet, Moira was willing to risk their lives. Why?


“You cannot do this!” Ally snarled.


Moira shrugged. “I can and I will. You see, if you decide to consume your friends, and let us face it, you will in the end, than perhaps you would take care of the little evidence against me. It is illegal to slaughter humans without permission, so by killing Pam and Trish, you will be tried and arrested, or live your life in exile. Either way, you will never bother Benedict and me again. We will finally be the most powerful couple in our realm, like it was meant to be.”


Ally’s heart sank at this revelation. She could not deny that all of this was well thought out. Of course, she would eventually give in to her cravings. She was already on the verge of committing the act. She was too weak to fight off the goons and escape. Her friends lacked the inhumane strength needed to flee their captors.  If Gabriel or Benedict did not come soon to their rescue, than all was lost and Moira will have won.


 Once again, Moira shouted her command to the goons, who hastily tried to tie up the girls.


The three of them attempted to fight the goons off with everything they had, but it was to no avail. The mercenaries easily plucked the girls from the floor and quickly tied all three of them together. Pam, Trish and Ally struggled but could not free themselves. They were roped tightly and closely side by side.


“Good.” Moira said, satisfied with the goons’ work. “Keep an eye on them.”


In a low, guttural voice, the larger goon spoke. “What if an intruder should come to aid them?”


Moira stuck her hand inside her hoodie’s pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. “You see this picture? Do NOT kill this man. Restrain him fast and call me on this cell phone. Kill anyone else.” She instructed as she handed the device to the goon.


“Will do, mistress.”


Moira turned to the girls and smiled. “I’m so sorry but I cannot stay any longer. My big day awaits! See you soon.” She waved as she walked out the door.


Silence descended upon the room. The goons, making the most of their time, played diced in the corner of the room, hooting and laughing at their game. They even enjoyed a few drinks. Ally was distressed. She was so close to blood. She could hear the sanguine fluid as it gushed through the veins of her friends. She listened as their hearts pumped the fresh, warm liquid into their vital organs. Her mouth watered. No! She would not attack them. She loved Pam and Trish. They were closer to her than any sister would have been. In pure agony she howled, knowing it would be only a matter of moments before she sunk her fangs into one of them.

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