Stolen-Kindle1 (12 page)

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Authors: Merrill Gemus

BOOK: Stolen-Kindle1
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Gabriel stopped dead in his tracks. He heard the awful howl. Ally was caving. She could no longer fight the battle. Shit! He needed more time! Panicked, he knew he had to act fast or else he could lose her, his mate. He would not allow it. He could not permit his true match to die. However, Ally’s hunger was too great; she would not be able to help herself.


Quickly and stealthy, Gabe moved towards the shack. He crept towards the cabin’s single window and spied within. The three girls were tied closely together near a recently installed fireplace. Gabe was shock. What the hell was going on? Was this some sort of a joke? Moira, that conniving little bitch, was pushing Ally to the edge. It was a real wonder how Ally still managed not to plunge her fangs into one of them.


How could Ally stand it? Gabriel wondered. He knew that newly transformed vampires had a hard time controlling their hunger. It would take several blood bags to quench their thirst, especially if there was no human flesh to spare. Here she was, hungry, sitting inches away from her close friends.


Gabriel spotted the goons at the opposite side of the room, drinking and playing with dice. Moira was nowhere in sight. He checked his watch and smiled. Moira must have returned to her estate. If he could get the girls out of this cabin, he might have enough time to stop the wedding.


Gabriel could cast a spell in the goons’ drinks. A potent sleeping spell would do the trick. With his relics, it would easily be possible. Finally! It seemed that Lady Luck was finally smiling in his direction. It was about damn time, too. Could it be that he was finally within reach to expose the Verdons?


Without a moment to lose, he reached for his relic inside his pack. He withdrew a small yellowish stone, etched with ancient runes. Ah, he had not used this stone in ages, but it felt good in his hands. He felt its power growing inside his palms.


“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.”


Gabe spun around and faced Moira. He cursed himself. Had he not let his guard down, he would have sensed her approaching.


Visibly angry, she held a pole arm to his face. Stunned, he noticed that she was not holding any ordinary pole arm, but the unique Harlan House Halberd! It had gone missing a few millennia ago! Even before the Harlan’s demise. How did she or her family obtain it? HOW!?


“That is not yours to wield.” Gabriel said, motioning at the weapon.


Moira grinned; amused that he noticed her weapon of choice. “How did you find us?”


“None of your fucking business.”


“My father should have exiled the lot of you. Your household is an embarrassment to our realm.”


In a flash, Gabriel backed away from the sharp blade and lunged towards Moira, drawing back his fangs. Moira shrieked and stepped away, raising the butt of the Halberd as she hit Gabriel square in the face.


Gabriel staggered back and slumped to the cold moist ground. Before, passing out he heard Moira’s laughter. “I’m going to make sure you’ll cause no more problems for me, half-bred.”




About the author:


Merrill Gemus is an independent author and self-publisher who creates short stories, novels and mini-series on her spare time as a hobby.


She started blogging in January 2009 and developed an interest in writing in August 2009.


She has completed her first short story, The Call, which is loosely based on her own high school romance.


Recently, she concluded book one and two of her vampire miniseries, called “Bitten” and "Stolen" respectively. Each novella within the series illustrates the love between Alice and Benedict and how they will need to overcome politics, jealousy and danger to protect their bond.


Merrill is currently working on the third and final installment of “Bitten” series.


Message from the author:


Thank you for taking the time to read my book. Please take a moment to leave a comment at the site from which you downloaded or purchased it. If you liked it, let me know!


Expect the third and final installment shortly!


For more information about my books, please visit my blog at:




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