Statistic (5 page)

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Authors: Dawn Robertson

BOOK: Statistic
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“You aren’t too bad on the eyes yourself,” I laugh and return the smile to him. We both sit there grinning like fools. “So, this is my first time on Skype. I’ve never done anything like this before.” I admit as I start to feel ever more comfortable about our chat.

“It’s nothing big. Just two adults talking… right? I mean, if this is what I have to do to finally get you to agree to dinner with me.” he laughs and runs his hand through his dark brown hair. It is messy and from what I can see, he is laying in bed. It is almost eleven at night, so I can only assume he will be going to bed shortly.

“I will. Some day.” I joke with him. I hear Liam rustling around in his room and I excuse myself for a moment to check on him. Apparently the voices were enough to rouse my little man, so Wesley and I decide to use the typing option while we stare at each other through web cam. It is a bit silly and awkward at first, but over time I feel like it is just second nature.

StrawberryMom: So what do you do for fun?
RealEstateBoss: Fun? Ha! I will start off with the G rated list I guess. Boating, extreme sports, dining out, gambling (I love Vegas) surfing, cooking for lovely ladies like yourself.
StrawberryMom: Oh, I am sure there are tons of those waiting around for you. LOL
RealEstateBoss: There used to be, but I guess I am just not really into all that much anymore. I am sick of women talking to me for money and status. Using me, I guess.
StrawberryMom: I would guess that would get old and offensive after a while.
RealEstateBoss: It did and still does. I was just about to delete my profile from that site when you messaged me. I am glad I didn’t.
StrawberryMom: I’m glad you didn’t either. I actually like talking to you.
RealEstateBoss: The feeling is mutual, babe.
RealEstateBoss: Why don’t you stand up. Let me get a good look at you.

I immediately start to blush and feel self-conscious. My body isn’t as nice as it once was. Long ago before kids and Colin and all the body issues he forced on me with his negative words. I must have been taking too long to reply because Wesley continues to chat before I have a chance to type out my reply.

RealEstateBoss: Come on. Don’t over think it. I just wanna see you.
StrawberryMom: But… I’m in my PJ’s
RealEstateBoss: So am I. How about this. I’ll stand up and do a little twirl for you. And then you do the same. Deal?
StrawberryMom: Deal.

The computer shakes and you can tell he is starting to move. Finally the camera stops shaking and then I see bare legs. Sculpted, hairy legs. Hairy men really aren’t my thing but hot damn those legs. You can tell he works out.

He comes fully into view a moment later. Shirtless in nothing but a pair of briefs. Something I would normally consider a turn off, but holy Christ on a cracker he is like a damn greek god. His chest is smooth, clearly waxed as there is no stubble in sight. His abs go way past what I would consider a six pack, and then I see it. The V. That deliciously toned dip in his hips completely makes me lose any sense I have left. He does a playful little spin like he is actually walking on a fashion show catwalk.

One thing is certain. If I was on the other side of this computer screen, I would be climbing that man like a fucking tree. Pardon my language. The computer moves around again and Wesley’s face comes back into view.

RealEstateBoss: You like?
StrawBerryMom: Wow. Yeah.
RealEstateBoss: I believe you owe me something.
StrawBerryMom: You are really going to make me get up in my PJ’s and do a little twirl for you?
RealEstateBoss: You aren’t going to break a deal? Are you?
StrawBerryMom: You win!

I put the computer down on the edge of my bed, kick my feet out from under the covers and move the laptop screen to try and get a better view so he can see me instead of the wall, or the floor. Clearly I am far less experienced at this than he is. That worries me in the back of my mind, but I am far too excited right now to even think about any kind of reservations I may have for the long term.

I take a couple steps back and do a playful little twirl, just like he did. The tank top and boy shorts underwear are far more revealing that I normally would allow anyone to see me in, but it all doesn’t seem like real life. The computer between us makes this seem like some kind of make believe. Like the connection or chat isn’t real but a game.

When I’ve done my little twirl, I climb back in my bed and adjust the screen of the laptop again.

RealEstateBoss: That was a beautiful show, if I do say so myself.
StrawBerryMom: Glad you enjoyed it.
RealEstateBoss: Those are some sexy panties you have on, Aurora.
StrawBerryMom: They are my favorite pair. I love wearing these to bed.
RealEstateBoss: Be sure to wear them when you are sleeping in my bed. Okay?
StrawBerryMom: LOL! High hopes huh?

As I type out ‘LOL’, I literally laugh out loud. He certainly has high hopes when we haven’t even met. But I continue to play this game, as though we will never meet. I mean, the likelihood that we will be able to carve time out of both of our busy schedules has become increasingly unlikely.

RealEstateBoss: If I had my way, you would be in my bed right now.
StrawBerryMom: Your bed huh? And we would be doing what exactly?

I am horrible at flirting. It is an art I never mastered because I didn’t have to. I always had Colin. He was always my safe. But damn it, I want to do this. I want to flirt. I want to be sexy to someone. I want to play this little game of make believe we have created through a computer connection.

RealEstateBoss: Well for one thing, you wouldn’t have that tank top or those panties on.
StrawBerryMom: Where would they be?
RealEstateBoss: On the floor… where they belong.
StrawBerryMom: next to yours?
RealEstateBoss: Yes, next to mine. Both of us laying naked in my bed.
RealEstateBoss: Why don’t you take your tank top off, Aurora?
StrawBerryMom: Why would I do that?
RealEstateBoss: So I can see you, baby.
StrawBerryMom: You already saw me.

I hate to think of myself as a prude, but if I take this tank top off, I am naked from the waist up. I am not sure that is something I am up for. I mean, my boobs are pretty nice, but this whole internet thing is getting a little out of control.

Then the little voice in the back of my head speaks up. Taunting me to live my life and finally fucking get over myself, and everything Colin did to me. Get over his bullshit insults. Let someone cherish me, and encourage me. Even if it is a pervert who just wants to see my tits on the internet.

RealEstateBoss: Come on Aurora. Let your hair down a bit. Let’s have some fun.
StrawBerryMom: Ok… but what do I get to see?
RealEstateBoss: What do you want to see?
StrawBerryMom: Well I’ve already seen you with no shirt on. So, that isn’t a fair trade off.
RealEstateBoss: I’ll make you a deal, since we are making so many of those tonight. You make my cock hard and I will show it to you. Deal?
StrawBerryMom: Deal.

I should have known there would be no going back after I typed those four letters out. But for the first time in so long I just didn’t care. There was no voices nagging me about how irresponsible I was being. There was nothing screaming about how this guy is just some kind of internet pervert. Because I genuinely didn’t care. He was hot and God, it had been so long since I got off! I knew that is exactly what I would be doing as soon as I got off the computer with this guy.

I pull the tank top over my head and let it fall onto the bed next to me. I watch the computer screen carefully as he takes in the view of my bare breasts. His perfect teeth nip at his bottom lip as he pulls it into his mouth to chew on. Holy. Hell. I can’t believe I am freakin’ doing this!

RealEstateBoss: That is one gorgeous set of tits.
StrawBerryMom: Thank you

I try not to look as self conscious as I feel. But on the other hand. I feel so damn free! Like I haven’t felt as long as I can ever remember.

RealEstateBoss: Touch them for me. Pinch your nipples ‘til they get hard.
StrawBerryMom: Is that what you would be doing to them if you were here?

I follow his instructions, just like the women in the pornos Colin had. Pushing them together, and rolling my nipples between my fingers.

RealEstateBoss: Just like that baby.
RealEstateBoss: You are getting me hard. Wanna see my cock?
StrawBerryMom: Yes. I do.

The angle of his camera moves, and I can see a noticeable bulge in his black briefs. His thumbs hook under the waistband and slowly tug down. His cock springs free from the constraints of the briefs, and I can’t help but gasp. I am sure he is watching my facial expression so carefully and shit… I should be so embarrassed at my reaction. The camera moves and I can see his abs while he begins to type.

RealEstateBoss: I take it from the look on your face that you like it?
StrawBerryMom: Its… wow.
RealEstateBoss: Tell me…
StrawBerryMom: Its big… I haven’t seen one… that big.
RealEstateBoss: How many men have you been with Aurora?
StrawBerryMom: Promise you won’t make fun of me?
RealEstateBoss: I promise.
StrawBerryMom: One.
RealEstateBoss: Only one?
StrawBerryMom: Yes, my ex-husband.
RealEstateBoss: You know that makes me want you even more now…
StrawBerryMom: Why is that?
RealEstateBoss: Because I know that pussy is nice and tight.

I laugh as my hand runs down my body and grazes my wet pussy. The entire conversation with Wesley has completely turned me on. And I love the feeling it is giving me. I love the sensation of being wanted by someone else. Even if it is just sexually.

RealEstateBoss: How wet is your pussy? I know you’re touching it…
StrawBerryMom: How do you know I’m touching myself?
RealEstateBoss: Because I saw your hand move down there.
StrawBerryMom: Ok… so what? I’m wet.
RealEstateBoss: How wet?
StrawBerryMom: Very wet.
RealEstateBoss: I wanna see how wet.
StrawBerryMom: I can’t show you that.
RealEstateBoss: Why not? You saw mine. In fact I am still showing you. We can get off together. Why not?
StrawBerryMom: Screw it… why not?

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