Spiritwalker (33 page)

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Authors: Siobhan Corcoran

BOOK: Spiritwalker
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Neil meanwhile was looking through the downstairs windows, it was difficult to see through the dirt and grime, but the house looked deserted. He continued around the side of the house, still looking, until he heard a noise that caught his attention. It was the sound of voices and it was coming from what look like an old hay shed or barn. He crept up to the wooden door and peeped in. He couldn’t hear anything at first, then he heard her. It sounded like someone trying to scream but muffled. He pushed open the door and slowly entered. He didn’t see the figure hiding in the shadows until it was too late. He was focused on Anna, she was standing against the back wall arms tied behind her back and she was struggling to free herself. The shadow moved quickly, out of the corner of his eye he caught the movement, but he was too late. Something heavy was smashed against his head and he saw stars. He fell to his knees groaning. The shadow struck again, bringing the wok down on his head with a wallop. He lost consciousness.

Kingston emerged from the shadows laughing. “Where did he come from, I didn’t hear a car. Did you think it was your knight in shining armour coming to rescue you?” he mocked moving quickly towards Anna. She cowered away from him, praying that Morley would be more careful. She recognised her cousin as he came through the door and tried to warn him, but he hadn’t understood and Kingston had spotted him first. A noise overhead halted him again, he looked up and was just in time to see Boozy leap from the hay loft. He tried to protect himself but the dog was quicker. Boozy had caught Anna’s scent and he had bounded up the concrete steps on the outside of the barn. He jumped through the small opening that had once been a door, his mistress’s smell was getting stronger, but there was a stronger smell. He recognised it as the stranger who had hit him earlier. It was a bad smell. He let out a fierce growl and seeing his mistress in danger he leapt on the man. He could smell the blood coming from the wound on his hand and when he jumped at the man, he landed between him and Anna. Growling and barking viciously he dared the bad man to attack. Kingston swiped at the dog with the wok, but the Boozy dodged it easily. He wasn’t about to be caught off guard a second time. He leapt at Kingston and caught the wounded hand in his mouth. The man let out a howl of agony as the dogs teeth tore into his flesh. He tried to fend the dog off but it kept coming. A man suddenly jumped from the loft. He shouted something to the dog and it backed off slightly. Morley had followed Boozy and was just in time to see his tail disappear through the opening. He followed as quickly as he could and was just in time to see the dog attack Kingston. He quickly handcuffed his quarry and ignoring the man’s pleas he left Boozy to stand guard. He saw Anna by the wall, she was desperately trying to free herself. He took the gag off her mouth and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

“The keys, they’re in his pocket.” She gasped. Morley retrieved the keys and freed Anna. She sent him to check on Neil, who was still slumped by the door and she went to Jamsie. He too was unconscious.

The ambulance arrived and both men were hauled off to hospital. Kingston was taken into custody, still protesting his innocence and shouting abuse at them all.

“I can’t leave you alone for a moment.” Morley whispered to Anna. “You get kidnapped and stabbed all in one day.” Anna smiled

“It’s all in a day’s work.” She said examining the cut on her stomach. “It’s just a scratch”

“I’m taking you to the hospital anyway. Gods knows what you might catch from that psycho.” Morley said firmly.

Andrea arrived in the A&E later and laughed when she saw the three of them sitting in the waiting room looking sorry for themselves.

“You look like the three stooges.” She said as she hugged them each in turn. “Come on the car’s outside. You’re all staying at ours tonight she said as she took her husband’s arm. They followed her obediently Boozy behind wagging his tail.

“How is Jamsie? Andrea asked and not receiving an answer she nudged Neil as they looked back to see where Anna and Gary were. The two were kissing, oblivious to the murderous clouds that had just broken their seal and were now spilling their guts with gusto on the courting couple.

“Come on you two, you’ve plenty of time for that later. We’re getting soaked here.

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