Spiritwalker (29 page)

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Authors: Siobhan Corcoran

BOOK: Spiritwalker
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“Perfect!” She smiled. This time she didn't have to pretend, she was happy.

The mist had developed into a very thick fog and Richard soon got tired of trying to traverse the country roads. They had barely been away an hour when he pulled back up outside the house again. Jane didn't care, she was planning over and over how she was going to administer the tablets to him. She tried to be talkative and interesting on the drive but it was getting difficult. She couldn't concentrate on much of what he was saying and he eventually gave up, believing her when she told him that she just had a slight headache. Back at the house he prepared lunch for them and they sat down in the dining room to eat it.

“Why don't I cook dinner tonight? I make a really mean chicken curry.” Jane said. She needed a strong dish to hide the taste of the pills. “That sounds lovely darling. A nice bottle of wine or two to wash it down. Who knows what might happen.” Richard winked at her suggestively.

She nearly vomited as she realised what he was hinting at but managed to hide her revulsion and smiled back at him.

Seven-thirty came and her wonderful chicken curry was ready. He had come into the kitchen and almost caught her crushing up the pills. She quickly placed a cloth over them and pretended to be busy as he searched for the bottle opener. He kissed her lightly on the cheek and humming softly to himself he left. Jane crushed the pills and mixed them into his plate of curry. She made a careful note of the one with the sleeping tablets in it and placed it in front of Richard. She certainly didn't want to get them mixed up at this stage. The evening progressed at a slow pace. She drank more wine than she had intended and was feeling tipsy. Richard too was in fine humour but for a different reason. He was imagining that tonight would be the night and he was aroused at the thought. They had finished their dinner and Jane had brought him a brandy. He refused and asked her for a strong coffee instead. He didn't know what was wrong with him, he was feeling very drowsy and could barely keep his eyes open. He staggered off to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. It took him a moment or two to start to feel a bit more alert. He opened the cabinet to get some mouth wash. His mouth felt coarse and dry. The little bottle of sleeping tablets fell into the sink. Richard picked it up and replaced it. Glancing absently at the label as he did so. As he was going downstairs it suddenly clicked. There hadn't been many tablets in that bottle...it was almost empty. He rushed back up and yanked the door open almost pulling the cabinet from the wall. That bitch he shouted as he shook the bottle. She had taken the pills. No wonder he was feeling so strange after only a few glasses of wine. The bitch has drugged me. He ran down the stairs two at a time roaring that he was going to kill her. Jane jumped up from her seat, she knew that somehow he had found out. She ran to the back door and twisted at the handle...it wouldn't open. She began to cry, she was terrified; he was getting closer. She grabbed a knife. He burst into the kitchen running at her like a manic. She screamed and begged him to stop, she swung the knife at him. He avoided it and knocked it from her hand. He grabbed her by the hair and swung her around slamming her head into the side of the counter. She screamed out in pain. “You bitch, you fucking bitch.” He roared at her. He grabbed her by the throat and began squeezing. Jane couldn’t breathe, she desperately clawed at his hands; they wouldn't budge. She desperately felt around for something to defend herself with. She felt something cold against her fingers. Time was running out, the room was going in and out of focus. As though in slow motion her fingers wrapped around the handle of the wok she had used for the curry. She hit him as hard as she could with it. Stunned he released his grip on her throat and let out a yelp, like a wounded puppy. She scrambled away. He came at her again. Through bleary eyes she spied a frying pan on the stove and lunged for it. As he jumped at her again she swung with all her might. It hit him squarely on the side of the head and he fell at her feet like a sack of bricks. She backed away still clutching the pan and ran for the front door. It was locked. Where are the keys she wondered frantically trying to think straight? In his pocket, she remembered. There was no option but for her to go back to the kitchen and search his pockets. Head spinning, she slowly made her way back into the kitchen. He was still lying in a heap on the floor. She crept up to him and carefully searched his pockets. She found them, he groaned as she shifted him onto his side to get at them. She stepped back, terrified in case he should come to before she could escape, she grabbed the pan by the handle again and reaching bravely into his pocket she located the keys again. Pan in one hand and keys in the other she unlocked the front door and ran to the Land Rover. She quickly jumped into it, hands shaking she was barely able to find the ignition, finally engine fired up and wheels screeching she tore off down the lane like the devil himself was hot on her heels. The night was still very foggy and Jane was beginning to feel the effects of too much wine and the terrific blow she had taken to her head. Adrenalin used up she felt sore and disorientated. Still she didn't slow down. She reached the main road and turned right. Hoping that she would come to a town or village soon. She drove along for what seemed like an age without seeing anything. The fog was so thick she could have driven right past any number of houses without realising it. Then she saw lights slicing the fog up ahead. She opened her window and heard the distinct sound of traffic. There must be a major road up there she thought. The lights got brighter and closer, she realised it must be another vehicle. She swerved over to her own side of the road to avoid hitting anything in the fog. Too late she realised...as the lights bore down on her...I'm on the wrong side of the road. She swerved madly to the left and all thoughts vanished as her vehicle mounted the ditch and she hit her head hard against the steering wheel and blacked out.

Chapter thirty eight

All four people in the room looked to Morley for guidance, what was their next step? Eva was elated, finally she knew who had abducted her sister and what had happened to her. More importantly she now knew where she was being held. Morley spoke first, looking directly at Anna he said. “Are you absolutely certain that is where Jane is?”

Anna returned his look and nodded. “I am certain.” The conviction and certainty showed clearly in her voice and in her face. No one in the room doubted for one moment that she might be mistaken. David was the only person who had harboured doubt during the entire session but even he could see that Anna was telling the truth.

“What do we do now?” Eva asked, she was energised. If she would have bolted out of there like a greyhound out of a trap if she could but she contained her urges. She just wanted to jump on a plane and go get her sister.

Morley was thoughtful for a moment and said. “I’ll have to contact the French authorities and ask for their assistance. I can't just go and arrest Kingston in France.”

“How long will that take?” Eva asked

“A couple of days.” He said thoughtfully.

“A couple of days.” Eva and Anna chorused together. “I'm not waiting a couple of days. You heard what Anna said.”

“I'm afraid she's right. Jane looked to be in very bad shape. I don't think we can afford to wait a few hours let alone a few days.” Anna said.

“It’s not my call. I have to follow procedures. I can't just arrest someone in a foreign country. I have to inform the French authorities and then there's the paperwork. It takes time.”

“Well I not waiting. I don't have to follow French rules. I'm getting my sister.” Eva was determined. “Ian often hires a jet for work, we can fly over and get her.” She took out her phone and dialled Ian's number.”

“I can't allow you to do that.” Morley said sternly

“You can't stop me.” Eva said still holding the phone to her ear waiting for Ian to pick up.

“I can arrest you.”

“Then you'll have to arrest me.”

“And me” Anna said

“And me” Cara added

“Keep out of this Cara. It’s nothing to do with you.” He said looking crossly at his sister.

Eva got through to Ian and she left the room to explain to him what had just happened.

Anna was stuck in the middle. She didn't want to go against Morley but she knew Eva was right. Jane didn't have much time. They had to get her away from Kingston as soon as possible. He might kill her at any moment.

“Gary.” Anna said quietly but with conviction. “If we don't go for her immediately, we might not find her alive. Remember what Simi said to me. We have to go now.” There were tears forming in her eyes as she pleaded with Morley.

“Who's Simi?” Cara asked.

“She was murdered by Kingston a few days ago. Her spirit came to me to warn me about Jane. She told me that Jane didn't have much time.” Anna said

“Wow, really. Jesus Gary cop on and help them. What's wrong with you? That woman could die.” Cara was animated now and clearly annoyed with her brother.

Eva returned. “It’s sorted. Ian is organising the jet. Will you come with us Anna?” She begged clutching Anna's hands.

“Try and stop me.” Anna said determined now. She was going to see this through, no matter what Morley said.

Eva turned back to Morley. “Please help us. I'm begging you.” The tears in her eyes and the anguish on her face was more than he could bear. He thought of his own sisters, if it was one of them what would he do? He knew the answer to that without even having to think about it.

“Fine, I'll help but we do it my way.”

“Thank you” Eva said softly. Cara squealed with delight and Anna looked relieved. David was the only one who hadn't contributed to this discussion but he too looked relieved. He sensed the urgency of the situation.

“So what happens now?” Cara asked.

“Nothing, you stay here.” Morley said

“What, no I want to go.” Cara said

“It’s not a holiday we're going on.” Morley said crossly. “You stay here.”

“I think he's right” David interjected. “You really have no business going. Cara looked at Anna and Eva for support. But they both shook their heads.

“We must hurry, Ian said to meet him at City airport as soon as possible.” Eva said. They followed her out of the building and they hailed a taxi to the airport. Ian was waiting for them the jet was almost ready for departure.

“What about passports?” Morley said as they went to the terminal building to check in.

“I have mine” Anna said tapping her purse.

“I have mine and yours Eva. Andrew found it for me.” Ian said pulling both out of an inside pocket.

“I don't have mine.” Morley said

“Can you get someone to drop it here for you? We don't leave for another hour or so.” Ian said.

“I suppose I could get someone at the station to collect it for me. I’ll just make a call.” Morley left. When he returned he looked troubled but said nothing.

“Well?” Anna asked anxiously

“It’s sorted. Got a friend to collect it for me. Told him hurry, to use the blues and twos.” Morley said.

An hour and a half later they were high in the skies flying to France. “I have a car waiting at the airport to drive us the rest of the way.” Ian said to Morley. “It’s up to you from there. They landed at a small provincial airport and were quickly through customs and on their way to Harfleur. The driver had typed in the address and was barrelling down the roads as fast as he dared. Ten minutes from their destination they had to stop.

A black four x four was being hoisted onto the back of a recovery truck. Anna noticed the British plates on it and gasped.

“What's wrong Anna?” Eva asked alarmed

“That's Kingston's Land Rover.” She said pointing out the window.

“Are you sure?” Eva asked. “Does that mean....Oh no Jane...?” She tumbled out of the door and ran to the truck followed closely by Ian, Anna and Morley. She was shouting at the truck driver. He stopped what he was doing and looked with bewilderment at the woman shouting in English at him.

Ian took over explaining to the man in French that he knew the driver of the vehicle and asking him what had happened to him.

“Ask him to check in the space behind the driver’s seat.” Anna said clutching Ian's arm. That's where he hid Jane. Ian didn't bother asking, he jumped up and tore the back door open and lifted the lid to the concealed space. “It's empty.” He shouted, relief flooding through him. The French driver was shouting up at him. Ian jumped down and began to question the man carefully. They all waited impatiently for Ian to finish. When he finally allowed the man to leave he came back to them with a very worried look on his face.

“He said there was a female driver and she had to be cut out and she was taken to hospital by ambulance.”

“Is she alive?” Eva asked fearfully

“He thinks so but he said she was badly hurt. He said the police were here and told him to take the vehicle to their compound.

“What hospital is she at?” Eva demanded.

“Charles Nicolle in Rouen. Come on lets go.” He said. They all jumped back into the car and driving at speed they reached the hospital in Rouen within forty five minutes.

They jumped out of the car at the main entrance leaving the driver to park it. Ian was first through the main doors and quickly dashed up to the information desk. The others were hot on his heels and waited patiently while he enquired about Jane. The receptionist said something in French and he turned to them looking relieved.

“She said the woman that was brought in is alive and she has paged a doctor to talk to us.”

They were waiting in the reception area for a few moments before the doctor appeared. Eva and Ian paced up and down the corridor. Finally after what seemed like hours a woman in a white coat with a stethoscope around her neck approached them.

“Good evening, you were enquiring about our crash victim. I'm Doctor Polter. Are you relatives of hers.” The woman said in English.

“I'm her sister and this is her husband.” Eva said indicating to Ian.

“Her husband?” The doctor said confused. “Are you sure we are speaking of the same person?”

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