Spiritwalker (27 page)

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Authors: Siobhan Corcoran

BOOK: Spiritwalker
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“Unorthodox! You. I never thought I'd hear those words from you. Have we altered your character so much already?” Anna mocked him smiling. He blushed.

“It was my sister's idea really. I hope you don't mind but I thought it was a good idea when I heard it. It might help get your memory back.”

“Really” Eva asked hopefully.

“Only if you agree...of course.” Morley said

“I'll do anything. I know there is something hidden up here.” She said tapping her head. “What is it?”

“My sister came with me this morning, she was very worried about you; she's outside....If you don't mind?” Morley said

“Bring here in. Why did you leave her outside you idiot?” Anna was amused at how careful he always was not to upset her. He went out of the room and returned with his sister.

“Oh Anna, you don't mind do you? When I heard you were here I wanted to come but Gary said it might not be a good idea. But I feel like I already know you.”

“Not at all. I'm delighted to meet you finally. This is Eva Westhall my friend and currently my employer.”

Eva smiled at the lively young woman and shook her hand.

“I'm sorry, maybe I should come back later.” Cara said worried in case she was intruding.

“No, I told Anna and Mrs Westhall that you had an idea to help her get her memory back. Would you like to tell them yourself?” Morley said.

“Well “Cara said. “Gary told me about your problem and I think I know someone who can help.”

“Go on” Anna said

“I used to date this psychiatrist. He's really good. I think he could help. I already rang him, just to make sure and he was all for it.”

“You're confusing her now.” Morley said looking at his sister. “What she means is he is also a hypnotist and has helped lots of people regain their repressed memories.”

“Do you really think it might work, it sounds like a great idea. What do you think?” Anna asked looking at Eva.

“I'm all for it but only if it's what you want.” Eva confirmed squeezing her hand.

“I'll try anything...He won't think I'm some sort of crack pot though will he?” Anna said looking worried.

“Of course not. He puts people under sometimes who think they remember past lives, he's really good. He’s very broad minded, I promise.” Cara said.

“Let’s go for it. I know there’s something in here.” Anna was enthusiastic now. She had heard that hypnosis worked for all sorts of things and was hopeful it would work on her too.

“Great I'll ring him. When do you want to do it?” Cara asked

“As soon as possible please. I don't think we should waste any time.” Anna said gravely

Cara left and returned a few moments later. “He said he could fit us in after his last client this evening.”

“That was quick, where?” Morley asked

“His offices here in London at five thirty. Is that okay Anna?” Cara said worried that Anna might think her too presumptuous.

“Perfect. I have a good feeling about it, now all I have to do is get them to let me out of here.” As though on cue the doctor from yesterday entered the room this time it was just him, followed by a different nurse.

“What are you all doing here?” He asked frowning at everyone.

Anna ignored his question and said. “If you haven't found any reason for me to stay, I'd like to leave.”

“We'll wait outside” Eva whispered

“I haven't found the cause yet and I can't discharge you until I do” He said sternly

“What if you never do? Do I have to stay here forever?”

“Of course not but I strongly advise against leaving.”

“Look Doctor. I feel fine and I'm going crazy in here.” She said, then worried in case she was too abrupt with him she said. “Thank you for all you've done, I'm really very grateful...but I have to go. I promise I'll come back if I have any more problems.”

“Very well Miss Cotter. But I can't be responsible if anything else happens to you.”

“Of course not. I'll sign anything you want.”

“Very well, Nurse you may discharge this patient. Make sure you note that it was against my wishes.” He marched out leaving a bemused nurse staring after him.

Chapter thirty six

At exactly five- thirty Anna, Eva, Cara and DI Morley were shown into Dr. Sutton's office. David Sutton and Cara had dated for two years and only split up six months previous. David had wanted to settle down and get married but Cara wasn't ready for such a big step and in the end she had broken up with him. It was obvious to anyone that he still cared a great deal for her. He sent her flowers on her birthday and still text her, asking if she wanted to meet up...”As friends.” Was how he phrased it. So far she had declined but her feelings for him were still there and absence was making the heart grow fonder....as the saying goes. David Sutton was quite good-looking, he was thirty years old, and he had blond Nordic features which he inherited from his mother. His father had been English and also a psychiatrist. He had encouraged David to enter that field of medicine. Now David was making a name for himself not only as a psychiatric but also as an academic. He had published several papers and was considered an authority on psychics and mediums. He had discredited a few by showing how they worked, and the ways in which they fooled vulnerable people into believing that their loved ones were trying to contact them from the other side. It was how He had first met Cara; she had been at a private séance one evening along with four others. He had come along with a friend to discourage him from getting involved with mediums, and to prove to him that this particular woman hosting the séance was a charlatan, and only after him for his money. He had fallen for Cara the moment he laid eyes on her and had almost forgotten his real purpose for being at the séance. Nothing much had happened mystically that evening, and he had succeeded in persuading his friend not to return. He also succeeded in persuading Cara to go on a date with him.

“David it’s good to see you.” Cara said as she kissed him lightly on the cheek. “You remember my brother Gary, this lady is Mrs Westhall and this of course is Anna. “Good evening everyone. I'll be with you in just a moment.” he said as he drew Cara aside, he was slightly perturbed by the number of people who had descended on him.

“I thought it was just going to be you and Miss Cotter.” He scolded her.

“I'm sorry David I didn't think, it’s just that everyone wants to hear what Anna remembers.” She whispered quietly to him. “I don't think I can get my brother to leave as he is the investigating police officer, and Mrs Westhall is the missing lady's sister. I doubt she'll want to leave.”

“Is there a problem?” Morley asked wondering what all the whispering was about.

“No. Its fine, Cara hadn't said that there would be such a large group.” David said. “Is it all right with you Miss Cotter if they stay or would you prefer if it was just the two of us?” He asked glaring at Cara before turning to Anna.

“I really don't mind. I would prefer if they stayed, but if it’s a problem for you...” She was a bit apprehensive and didn't really want to be left alone, but she didn't want to insist that they stay when he was being so obliging to them.

“Not at all. However I must insist that nobody interferes and that you all stay quiet. If you do have any questions you would like me to ask her once she is under, please write them down. Understood?” They all nodded. “Anna I want you to sit here facing away from them so as not to get distracted by anything. All that's going to happen is I'm going to put you to sleep and question you about your missing time. Is that okay?”

“Will it work, will I be able to remember?” Anna asked

“Most of my patients do remember, sometimes if it’s very traumatic they might be reluctant to delve too deep but usually it’s a success. Are you ready?”

“Yes.” Anna said everyone else was seated behind her and staying very quiet.

“Let’s begin. I want you to concentrate on the pendulum, watch as it moves from side to side and listen only to the sound of my voice. You are finding it difficult to keep your difficult to keep your eyes open, your lids are growing heavy, and you want only to sleep.” He spoke soothingly to her for a few moments and she began to feel her eyes getting heavy. “When I click my fingers you will sleep and remember the last few days. Your eyes are heavy, you can't keep them open any longer.” Anna's eyelids closed slowly. David clicked his fingers and she was under. “Anna, can you hear me?

“Yes” she answered mechanically

“I want you to think back to last Wednesday. Are you there can you remember?”


Tell me what's happening.”

“I'm up and dressed I'm going to London. I have an appointment with Mr McGregor and with Mr Kingston. I am meeting Gary for lunch”

“Did you meet Mr McGregor?”


“Tell us about your meeting”

“He was very nice, but he didn’t know anything about Jane.” I left his office a bit disappointed.

“Anna tell me who did you see after that.” David instructed her. She looked serene and peaceful as she related the events.

“Gary…Here he comes. He's asking me if I want anything. I say no and I watch as he walks to the counter. My heart flutters a little. He's got such a cute bum.” Morley blushed crimson and Cara stifled a laugh.

“Let’s move on to your appointment with Mr Kingston.” David said hurriedly sensing the awkwardness of the moment.

“I'm at his office, a young man Steven is his name, tells me Mr Kingston is delayed and could I wait. He offers me tea. ….No, it can’t' be. I spill my cup of tea. It’s him....I can't believe it, so much hatred and evil is emanating from him. He's the one who tried to kill me. I want to leave. My subconscious is screaming at me to get out.” She was getting agitated beads of sweat were forming on her forehead.

“It’s ok Anna, he can’t hurt you, just relax. Tell us who tried to kill you? Was it Steven..?”

“Not Steven…him Richard Kingston. He just walked in. I'm so scared, what if he tries to kill me here.”

“Listen to me. He can't hurt you Anna, these are only memories. Continue, what happened next?”

“I'm in his office. I sit down, I don't want to. I try to relax. It’s hard. I ask him about Jane. Where is she?”

“He lies, I can see he's lying. He says he doesn't know. I try to draw him out. I tell him about Dr Naizi and how he confessed to murdering Sylvia in his suicide note. I tell him that the police think that whoever murdered Sylvia kidnapped Jane. He seems pleased for a moment. I know he thinks he's gotten away with it. Then I pounce. I tell him that the police don't think he killed himself or his housekeeper. He is stunned. He looks at me and he knows I know. I can feel the knowledge, the understanding between us. He hates me. He wants to kill me, to hurt me bad. Its tangible...the evil within him. I can feel him about to lose control. Then the phone rings and he pulls himself together. He tells me to leave that he'll talk to the police if he has anything else to contribute. I jump up. I don't wait to be asked twice. I almost run out of his office. I leave the building and keep walking. I check behind me in case he's following but he's not.”

“What do you do next?” David asks clearly

“I go for a coffee, I’m shaking. Then I ring Eva. I need somewhere to stay, somewhere close so I can follow him.”

“Do you follow him Anna?”


“Tell me”

“I go to Jane's house. I go to bed. I allow my spirit to leave my body and I return to his office.”

“Wait, I don’t understand, explain how you get to his office?” David was totally confused, up until now it had all made sense.

“I astral project. I leave my body behind, my spirit does the travelling.”

“You can astral project?” David asks trying not to sound incredulous


Morley looks at his sister. You didn't tell him. His eyes accuse her. She makes a face back.

David gathers himself and tries to be professional. It takes some effort but he carries on. His curiosity is aroused.

“Go on Anna. What happened next?”

“He wasn't there. I looked everywhere. I'm so annoyed. I've lost him. I return to his office. The phone rings and when his secretary puts it down she calls Steven. She tells him that Mr Kingston needs some paperwork and that he must deliver them. I am lucky, I can't believe it. I follow Steven to Kingston's apartment. I've found him again.”

“Are you still astral projecting Anna?”


“Go on.” This was amazing, he'd never before had anyone in his chair that claimed to astral project. She seemed genuine. How could she be though? He could kill Cara for leaving this part out about Anna.

“I'm in his apartment. I watch from as far away as possible. I know he can sense me. He knows someone is watching him. He searches everywhere for a camera or a bug. He doesn't find anything. He packs a bag and leaves his apartment. I hope he's going to Jane. He doesn't, he drives for a while and stops at a nursing home. I wonder if Jane is here. She isn't. There's a girl in a bed she's young she doesn't move or speak. I don't think she can. He takes a syringe out of a small case and injects her IV with some fluid. I don't like the look of that. I don't think he should be injecting her. He doesn't tell the nurse about it when she comes in. From their conversation I learn that she's his daughter. He stays for a while then he leaves. I'm hopeful again, is he finally going to Jane? He gets into his car and drives again for a while. He drives to some sort of country club. He has dinner there and copious amounts of drinks. I'm beginning to think I must have been mistaken maybe Jane isn't alive any more, maybe he's killed her and I'm too late.” Eva uttered a low painful sound and a tortured look crossed her face. Cara gave her hand a comforting squeeze and they once more turned their full attention to what Anna was saying.

“Finally he asks for the bill and leaves. It’s really late now and he gets back into his car and drives. This time I feel a sense of purpose from him. It’s like he was only killing time. He drives for what seems like ages. Then he stops in front of some security gates. He has a remote control for opening them and he goes through. There is a large house, it’s his house. He parks his car in the garage and lets himself in. He goes into the living room or study. Still no sign of Jane or anyone else. He's very relaxed and pours himself another drink and falls asleep in a chair. I begin to wonder again if I'm wasting my time. Then he wakes up, he has a new energy about him, he hurries up stairs. He unlocks a door and switches on a light. Oh sweet Jesus, there's a woman chained to the bed. She's terrified. I can feel her terror. He approaches her and she cowers away from him. I move closer...Oh my god, its Jane. She’s almost unrecognisable.”

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