Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)
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She grinned and did it again.

His eyes just about rolled to the back of his head. “That’s it, you asked for it.”

He started fucking her without mercy. Her smaller body was pinned beneath his, hands wrenched above her head and ass lifted, making sure he went deep. So damn deep. Burying his face against her neck, he gave her everything he had. Her cries filled the room, her hot, little tongue sliding against the side of his neck, mouth sucking on his skin, making him insane.

He pounded into her until they were both panting and sweaty. He never wanted to stop, but he wasn’t going to last much longer.

“You close?”

Her heels dug in harder. “Yes… I’m… Oh fuck.”

She cried out, her pussy squeezing him again, but this time, she had no control over it.

“That’s it. Fuck, baby. So hot, so fucking good.”

He released her wrists, and she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and attacked his mouth, tongue sliding against his while he continued to fuck into her. She swallowed his groans when he blew up, while he mumbled incoherently with every pulse of his cock.

He collapsed on top of her, trying to catch his breath while she ran her hand up and down his back. The fingers of her other hand at the back of his head, nails lightly grazing his scalp again. Jesus, he loved when she did that.

He smooshed his face between her tits. “Let’s stay like this for the rest of the day,” he mumbled.

“I might agree if I wasn’t close to passing out from lack of oxygen.”

He quickly rolled to the side, taking her with him. “Sorry.”

She shook her head, that dark gaze getting soft—making his heart race faster.

“I liked it. Well, until you collapsed like a beached whale and tried to suffocate me.”

“A whale? What are you trying to say? Do you think I’m fat?” he said in mock outrage.

She chuckled. “No, sweetie. I love you, love handles and all.”

The woman was too easy. Walked right into that one. “You love me, huh? Wow, this is so sudden…”

She slapped a hand over his mouth, her face instantly flushing pink. “No. I wasn’t… I didn’t mean…”

He yanked her hand away. “You can’t take it back now.”

She scowled. “I didn’t mean it in the first place, and you know it.”

“No.” He shook his head. “You’ve said it now. You

She rolled her eyes, giving his shoulder a shove. “You’re insane, you know that, right?”

He yanked her back in close, relieved when she wrapped her arms around his neck, her tits smashing against his chest, no sign of trying to get away. Not yet anyway.

“I do. Good thing you love me.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Ow! No ass pinching!”

She threw her head back and laughed. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. This was the first time he’d really seen her let go. Right now, the Darcey in his bed had no walls up. Her guard was down completely, and he couldn’t get enough. He was trying to think of something to say to make her laugh again when the door to his apartment rattled, then flew open.

Darcey screamed and Joe rolled over her to cover her naked body since the covers had fallen off the end of the bed.

“Oops, sorry,” Adam said, amusement clear in his voice. Dick.

“Get the fuck out, asshole.” Joe twisted to look at the prick. “And what the fuck, dude? Since when do you walk into my place without knocking?”

“Since you don’t answer your phone and you’re two hours late for work.”

“What?” Darcey shrieked under him.

“What’s the time?” Joe asked Adam, only then remembering his phone was still in the bathroom, which is obviously why he hadn’t heard it.



“Can you assholes have this conversation when I’m not naked?” Darcey growled. “I need to get to goddamn work.”

“Darcey, shit, I’m sorry. I’ll give you a ride.” Joe tried to put meaning behind it, but how could he be sorry for this morning? He wasn’t.

Adam’s gaze shifted to her, locking on what he could see of her face, and he stilled. “

She froze beneath him.

Adam’s furious stare slid back to Joe. “What in the
, Joe?”

“Get the hell out. Now,” Joe fired back.

Adam scowled. “This isn’t finished.” Then he left, pulling the door shut behind him.

“Shit,” Darcey mumbled.

Yeah, understatement of the motherfucking century.

Chapter Sixteen

he temptation to hide behind Joe as Darcey left his apartment and took the steps down to the parking lot was nearly overwhelming. This was a major fuckup, the biggest. She should never have come here last night.

Joe stiffened in front of her when Adam walked out of the garage, striding purposely toward them. The guy looked beyond pissed.

Joe crossed his arms, holding his ground. “There’s a lot you don’t know about this situation.”

Adam’s jaw tightened. “I’m only glad it was me and not Hugh who walked in on you fucking the enemy.” He shook his head in disgust. “You’re either hard up, or she’s got a pussy made of motherfucking gold.”

Darcey only realized she was gripping Joe’s shirt at the small of his back when he flew forward and it was yanked out of her hands.

Joe shoved Adam and pushed him against the wall, his forearm at his friend’s throat. “Do not”—he sucked in a breath through his nose, nostrils flaring—“talk about her like that. Do you fucking hear me?”

Her heart was galloping a million miles an hour, but she couldn’t make her feet work. She stood there, rooted to the damn spot.

The pair stared each other down, huffing and snorting like a couple of angry bulls. Then Joe finally gave Adam one more shove and stepped back.

Adam stared at Joe like he’d lost his mind. “What is this, Joe? What the hell’s going on?”

Joe strode back to her, ignoring his friend for the moment. Again he used his body to block her from Adam’s furious stare. “Fuck, Darce. I never meant for this to happen.”

She shrugged. They’d been found out. There was nothing she could say or do to change that.

“Can I…” He cursed. “Do I have your permission to tell him about Noah?” Adam was watching them, but Joe was speaking low enough he wouldn’t hear them.

This was Joe’s best friend, and she didn’t want to be the reason they fell out. She also didn’t want this to affect his relationship with his brother. Hugh couldn’t find out about any of this, and if sharing some of the details of her shitty life with Adam prevented that from happening, how could she say no? “Yeah, sure.”

“Thank you.” His fingers skimmed down her arm, causing goose bumps to pop up over her skin. “He’ll cool off once I explain.”

“Will he tell your brother about us?”

“He won’t like it, but he won’t say anything to Hugh.”

Her shoulders relaxed some, and she let out a relieved breath. “Thank God.”

For some reason, her words made him frown, the muscle in his jaw jumping a couple times before he said. “Yeah. Thank God.”

“Well, I better get out of here before your brother comes back. Plus, I’m late for work, and Jacob will be pissed…or get worried and bust my apartment door down.”

He took a retreating step and she wanted to reach out and pull him back. Wanted to get up onto her tiptoes and kiss him good-bye, or better yet, have him lift her off her feet, wrap those big arms around her, and kiss her senseless.

“Let me grab my keys, and I’ll drive you.”

“I’ll just grab a cab.” Giving Joe a low wave, she turned and started to walk away.

“Wait up, Darcey.”

Joe’s call stopped her in her tracks. She turned and he tossed something to her, getting a flash of silver before it landed in her hand. His keys.

“Take my car. I’ll pick it up later.”

“No, I…”

“I’m not arguing with you about this. Take the damn car.”

He’d basically growled the words, and there was a determined expression on his face that brooked zero argument.

“Stubborn,” she muttered and was rewarded with one of his killer grins.

It sucked the oxygen right from her lungs. She turned away quickly and headed to his car.

If there was ever a reason to stop this, to end this thing between them—it had just happened. If it had been Hugh that had found them and not Adam? God. The thought made her belly twist.

She climbed in and started his car, glancing back at the garage as she did. Joe was still watching her. Another twist in her belly, but this time for a different reason.

As she backed out, he turned and walked toward Adam, off to spill her secrets to a stranger. But she realized in that moment that she trusted Joe to make sure his friend kept them safe.

She pulled out onto the street and headed for her place. Yesterday had been the worst and best day of her life. After arriving at Len’s to visit with Noah, he’d only let her spend a few minutes with her brother before dragging her down to the main living room for their talk. It had been the same disgusting crap as last time. He’d made his demands, getting far more aggressive than he had before. She’d almost puked all over the bastard, hearing the revolting shit coming out of his mouth—what he wanted to do to her, what he wanted her to do to him.

Then he’d pinned her against the wall and tried to convince her how good they’d be together. She actually thought he might force her while her little brother was upstairs. But then the day maid had arrived and interrupted him. He’d been furious, but it had been enough for her to make her escape.

She’d had to walk out of that house, had to leave her baby brother behind with that motherfucker. She’d thought about going to the police, but he hadn’t actually done anything. That’s what the police would say, anyway. Right now, it was her word against his.

When she’d arrived to meet Joe at the restaurant, she’d still been freaked, shaken. Her defenses had been decimated, rubble at her feet. Joe had made her feel cherished, cared for, and she’d needed that more than anything. It was also why she’d allowed him to take her back to his place when she knew what a damned fool idea it was. How risky it was. But she hadn’t been able to bring herself to say no, not when he seemed to be struggling as badly as her.

Being with Joe is too dangerous. There’s too much at stake.

She knew it, knew she was asking for trouble spending time with him, but she also wasn’t sure she could stay away from him. Not now, not after last night.

But what choice did she have?

~ * ~

“Door’s open,” Darcey called.

That firm, self-confident knock could only belong to one person. A smile kicked up one corner of her mouth and for just a second, the never-ending ache in her chest diminished. She missed her brother more than anything. It had been two weeks since she’d seen him, since Len had pinned her against the wall and demanded things from her she couldn’t even allow herself to contemplate.

The door opened and Joe walked in, frowning. “Why the hell is the door unlocked?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know, mom. I didn’t get around to locking it?”

He held a bag with
Big Tex
written on the side in one hand and pointed a finger at her with the other. “Do not test me, woman. You know how I feel about keeping your damn doors locked.”

Her smile got wider. “You got a little”—she motioned to his face—“sauce on your face.” How was it Joe managed to cheer her up just by being in the same room?

He grumbled, brows lowering. “It’s not just any sauce, it’s
Tex’s barbecue sauce
, and stop trying to change the subject.”

“You’re such a food snob.”

Over the last couple weeks, they’d eaten together pretty much every night, and he always knew all the best places. The stubborn man refused to listen to her, and had twice ignored her recommendations. Both times, he’d bought what she wanted from
favorite restaurants, and both times, his had been better. So annoying.

He shook the bag. “When it comes to wings, I’m a purist. Get used to it.” He dumped the bag on the counter. “Now promise me you’ll make sure you lock the door when you’re home.”

“You’re also annoying and stubborn as hell.”

He crossed his arms. “No wings for you until you agree.”

They smelled good, really freaking good. “Fine, I promise.” She usually locked the door anyway, she’d just been distracted when she walked in tonight. The longer she went without seeing or hearing from her brother, the harder it got to focus on anything else.

He walked up to her, grabbed her hips, and pushed her back a step. “Sit. Let me feed you. You look like shit.”

“Just what every woman wants to hear.”

“You look hot, Peaches, always do. But you look like you haven’t slept in a week.”

She smirked. “Whose fault is that? Good lord, man. You’re a horn dog.”

He lifted a finger. “One: you love it. Two: orgasms promote sleep. And three: Since you said that, no nookie for you tonight.”

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