Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)
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Growling, he yanked her closer, letting go, giving, taking what they both needed right then.

Her body arched against the tiled wall, her hips shifting restlessly as he ate at her like a man possessed, like a man deprived for the longest time. His dick was heavy, as hard as goddamn iron. Reaching down, he wrapped his fist around it and started jacking, lost to her moans and whimpers, her gasps and cries. A sob wrenched from her throat suddenly, and then she was coming against his mouth.

Oh shit. Oh fuck.

Perfect. She was so fucking perfect. He stroked his cock faster as he sucked her swollen clit, lapping her up until she was panting and shaking.

Finally, he pulled back on a grunt, close to blowing. He squeezed his dick tighter.

Darcey was down on the shower floor with him before he knew what was happening, pushing him back so he was on his ass, back against the wall, and took over. He should’ve stopped her. Shit, he needed to. But when her slender fingers gripped him tight and she started working him, all he could do was beg her to go faster. Her other hand went to his drawn up balls, cupping them.

And just when he didn’t think it could get any better, she locked eyes with him, bent down, and drew the head of his cock into her mouth, sucking him to the back of her throat.

He bucked, shouted, then came like it was the first time he’d ever had a woman suck his dick—blew so hard he was seeing stars. When she’d wrung every last drop out of him, she crawled up onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

They stayed like that until the water started to cool, until he could hold his own goddamn weight again.

He switched off the water, and after drying her off, took her to bed. Then he held her in his arms so damn tightly, he was surprised she didn’t complain.

But she didn’t.

She turned in his arms and held him back.

Just as tightly.

Chapter Nineteen

oe growled, then whined. “Where the fuck are you, woman? My dick’s hard. We’ve talked about this before. If I have a boner, it’s your job to get on it as fast as you can, remember?” He sighed dramatically. “Why are you doing this to me? Why are you trying to hurt me this way?”

The bathroom door opened, and Darcey, dressed only in a pair of panties, walked out and shook her head at him. “My God, you’re a brat.”

“But my balls ache. Come make them better.”

“Wow. Really?”

He kicked the blanket off and raised his arms, beckoning her to him. “Get over it already. The thought provoking, insightful shit that comes out of my mouth on a daily shouldn’t come as a surprise to you anymore.”

She snorted. “‘My balls ache’ is not thought provoking.”

“I beg to differ.” He reached down and gripped said balls, giving them a squeeze, and threw her a wink. “You should be thinking about all the ways you want to please me. It’s not every day you have a sex God in your bed. You should totally make the most of it.”

That wasn’t exactly the truth. He
been in her bed every day—or at least every night—for the last week. Since he found her in that club and brought her home. She still hadn’t opened up to him—was keeping whatever went down that night to herself—but he got the feeling it was only a matter of time. He goddamned hoped so, anyway.

They’d gotten a lot closer. They’d also been going at it like horny toads all damn week and still couldn’t get enough of each other. He’d purposely kept things light, fun. His brother gave him a lot of shit about never taking anything seriously—about being a clown. But he’d happily play the fool all day long if it made Darcey laugh. He loved the sound of her laugh. He’d been working hard to get her to smile ever since he carried her out of the shower, trembling in his arms. Scaring the shit out of him.

She was watching him, and for a split second, her smile slipped, but then it was back, brighter than he’d ever seen it. “You’re right.”

He frowned. “I am?”

“Yes. Miracles
happen.” She opened the cupboard, pulled out a jar of honey and placed it on the counter. “It’s true, it’s not every day I have a sex God at my disposal.” She slipped her thumbs down the sides of her underwear and slid them down her legs. “You should totally be worshiped.”

Joe’s dick jumped enthusiastically. “Um…is this a trick? You’re not going to pretend to worship me then punch me in the nuts, are you?”

She made a
sound. “Would I do that?”

He loved when she played with him right back. When she allowed herself to have fun. Her cheeks flushed when she was like this, her eyes getting brighter. Beautiful.

He covered his junk with both hands and mock cringed. “No?”

Without another word, she strode toward him and climbed onto the mattress, that jar of honey in her hand. Straddling his thighs, she twisted off the lid and dipped her fingers inside.

She shook her head as she smeared some on his chest. “Why would I hurt something I get so much pleasure from?”

Then she leaned in and lapped it up.


She did it again, this time drizzling it across his nipple. He held his breath when she came back in for cleanup. She flicked her tongue in a way that he felt in his dick.

“Ah…yeah. That’s uh…shit. That’s nice.”

“Thought you might like it.”

“As always, you were right, baby.”

She chuckled against his skin. “Can I have that in writing?”

“Right now? You can have anything you want.”

She carried on, drizzling and licking until he was squirming and panting. Her breath fanned over his lower belly, and he held his when she let drops of sticky honey land on his balls.

“Do they still ache?”

He groaned, mouth opening then closing, but nothing was coming out. All he could do was nod furiously. She giggled and he fucking loved it. She ran her tongue over his nuts, sucking gently until his eyes were rolled so far back in his head he was pretty sure he was looking at his brain.

Nope. Not words.

“Hmm? What was that?”

She looked up at him, a terrifyingly innocent expression on her face—and then the witch licked down between his balls, giving his ass some attention while she wrapped her hand around his dick and gave it a sharp tug.

He nearly came of the bed.

Reaching down, he grabbed her under the pits and yanked her higher so she was straddling his thighs again.

He grabbed a condom and quickly gloved up. “Get on.”

The teasing look had fallen from her face, and in its place was a heat that matched his own. She lifted her ass, fisted his cock, and took him deep without hesitation. And
, she was wet. Drenched and hot. So damn tight. He gripped her hips when she started moving, riding him like no one else could. No one compared to Darcey—in any way. None.

“Gotta say I’m a fan of this Winnie the Pooh fetish you got going on, Peaches,” he panted. “You can slather me in honey any damn time you like.”

She stilled, blinking several times. “I don’t have a Winnie the Pooh fetish.”

“Damn, don’t stop. Bounce Tigger bounce.” He lifted his hips, thrusting up hard so she did just that. “After all,” he rasped. “Isn’t that what Tigger’s do best?”

She bit her lip, face going pink for a second before she finally lost it and burst out laughing. Somehow, they kept at it, fucking and laughing and kissing at the same damn time.

When they finished, they lay side by side, panting and snickering still.

“Just so you know, if you ever call me Tigger again, I will punch you in the dick.”

“Noted.” He ran a hand over her back, marveling at how smooth her skin was.

“Glad we cleared that up.” Her hand slid down to his ass, and she gave it a squeeze. “You need me tonight? Or is Adam taking your back?”

He shook his head, swallowing down the guilt. He’d lied to her. When she’d finally gotten pissed about him doing it all on his own, he’d told her after Adam found them together that morning, he’d confessed everything and his friend was helping him again. It was all bullshit. Adam still didn’t know what he was doing and he wasn’t going to find out, either. It was the only way he could think of to make sure Darcey stayed out of it, away from the line of fire, from any risk. “I’m covered, babe.”

She actually looked disappointed.

“I’ll come here after though?”

“Yeah. I’d like that.” Then she leaned in and kissed him, sweet and soft, making his heart pound and warmth spread through him in a way he was getting used to.

They kissed for a while longer, like a couple of teenagers making out on her parents’ couch.

Finally, he forced himself to come up for air. “You wanna go out and get something to eat?” It was after midday and they hadn’t eaten a thing since the night before.

Her belly rumbled as she shook her head.

He slapped her butt and chuckled. “Busted. I totally heard that.” He climbed out of bed. “You don’t get another round with the sex God until you’ve eaten.” He shook his ass at her as he headed to the bathroom. “But first I need to clean up. Some chick with a Pooh Bear fetish smeared honey in my ass crack.”

Then he ducked into the bathroom, narrowly missing the pillow flying at his head.

~ * ~

Joe pointed his fork at Darcey. “Why are you playing with your food?” He frowned at her. “You gotta stick it in your mouth and chew, not move it around your plate and peck at it like a sparrow.”

Darcey scowled at him. “I’m not doing that.”

She was doing that.

Joe knew this because he was obsessed with all things Darcey Connors. This last week, she hadn’t been eating, not enough for him anyway. Which was another reason he’d dragged her out of bed and to his favorite diner to eat.

“Prove it.”

“That was lame, even for you.” She snorted. “You’re going to try and use reverse psychology on me now?”

He shrugged and shoved a piece of steak into his mouth. “Is it working?”

“You’re a control freak.” She dropped her fork and sat back.

She wasn’t playing anymore. In fact, she looked kinda pissed. “Darcey…”

“I’m not that hungry, that’s all.”

“You’ve been pecking at your food all week.” He took a sip of his coffee and held her darkening gaze.

“What? Now you’re my mother? Watching every-damn-thing I put in my mouth? A bit extreme, don’t you think, Joe? Especially for a guy I’m only fucking. You’re not my goddamn boyfriend.”



what the fuck?

They’d been laughing and joking one minute, now she was pissed and lashing out. The woman was all over the damn place, and as much as her words stung, he knew there was more to this than him trying to get her to eat.

“What’s extreme, is your reaction. I’m merely showing concern over your lack of appetite, not debating the status of our relationship.”

The color drained from her face. “Look…whatever. I’m not hungry. Just get off my case.”

He put down his knife and fork and reached out, taking her chin between his thumb and finger. “What’s going on, Darce? Please, will you just talk to me?”

She jerked back, eyes darting around the diner—anywhere but at him. “You know what’s wrong. I want my brother back.”

Joe shook his head, done waiting for her to open up. “It’s more than that. There’s something else that’s bothering you.”

“I told you…” She stood suddenly, throwing her napkin on the table. “There’s nothing wrong. Just drop it, okay?” She lifted the strap of her bag over her head.

He stood, as well. “What are you doing?”

“I gotta go. Maybe I’ll see you later.”

Then she turned her ass around and walked out.

Like fuck.

Joe pulled out his wallet, threw down some bills, and took off after her.

He caught up with her on the street, and grabbing her arm, pulled her to a stop. “Don’t just fuckin’ walk off like that.”

She tried to wrench free, and he gritted his teeth against the pain it caused. The way her rejection goddamn stung. He loved her, for fuck sake. But she wasn’t there with him. And going by this latest blow up, she wasn’t even close to returning his feelings.

“I told you I have to go,” she fired back.

“Shit. Come here.” He tugged her closer, forcing himself to ignore how tense she was. He stared down at her. “I’m sorry if I pushed, okay?” He forced a careless grin when that was the last thing he felt. “I’ll butt out.”

She nodded and relaxed a fraction. “There’s nothing to worry about, Joe. I promise.”

The woman was lying through her teeth. She couldn’t hide a damn thing.

“Can we just… have fun and put all this serious stuff behind us? Just for one more night?”

There was an almost desperate note to her voice.

“One more night?” A cold lump formed in his gut, like he’d just chowed down on a lead sandwich.

BOOK: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)
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