Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)
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No one affected her like Joe did. And when she walked into that restaurant straight after her awful confrontation with Len, just being in the same room as Joe had helped. He’d somehow cut through her fear, the feeling of helplessness. Telling her about his family, sharing some of his own pain—offering her a heaped helping of that unwavering Joe Colton kindness. It had all been too much and she’d lost it. And it’d felt…good. So good to finally unload some of the crap she’d being living with, to lay it on his broad shoulders. Even if there was nothing he could do.

She glanced over at him and he looked back, his gaze intense. He didn’t talk, just started the car and pulled out onto the street. Then he reached out and took her hand, not letting go for the whole drive. Those long fingers stayed wrapped around hers, his thumb swiping back and forth over her skin.

It was perfect. He was perfect. And it was killing her.

He didn’t take her to her apartment. Instead, he drove her to his garage.

They pulled up outside, and he turned off the car, twisting to face her.

“Want you with me tonight, Darcey. In
bed, where I know you’re safe…where I can protect you from all the shit that’s weighing you down. I know you’re tough, and maybe you don’t need that from me…but, peaches,
need it. That probably freaks you out. I get that. But I’m asking you to do this for me.” His fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “Please, baby, will you give me that?”

The words wouldn’t come. Her throat felt like it was closing. All she could do was nod. Yeah, she’d give him what he needed, because despite everything, she needed it just as much—maybe more.

Neither said a word as they climbed out. He took her hand and led her upstairs to his apartment above the garage. She clung to him, drawing on his strength and using it to keep her shit together.

He unlocked the door and led her inside. She didn’t bother looking around, had no intention of playing hard to get or giving him shit over what he’d said, not even to protect herself. Right then, she didn’t want to keep him at a distance. Screw that. She wanted to burrow inside him, get as close as she could and let him take the pain away. Let him banish the helplessness.

She was up against him in two strides, tugging at his shirt, then dragging it over his head.

“Shit.” He wrapped his hands around her wrists, gently moving her back when she started sucking and kissing his bare chest. “Hold up.” His dark eyes locked on hers. “That’s not why I brought you here, sweetheart.”

Humiliation hit her cheeks.

He tried to wrap his arms around her again, but she wriggled free.

“So what? You don’t want me now?” She hated the strain, the pain in her voice.

He jerked back, brows lowering like her question made no sense.

“I always want you,” he growled.

She started to tremble

He ran a hand over his short hair, eyes so dark they were almost black, nostrils flaring. “But that’s not what you need right now.”

His fingers were curling and uncurling at his sides, his abs tight, pecks twitching. He was holding back from her—for her. Trying to do what he thought was the right thing.

She didn’t want that.

Moving in close again, she reached down and grabbed him through the soft denim of his jeans, squeezing firmly. He hissed.

He was also hard as hell.

“It’s exactly what I need. Please, Joe. I need… I couldn’t… I…”

Fuck, her eyes started stinging again, a sob building in her throat.

Joe made a rough sound, taking her face in his hands, his gaze searching hers. “Darcey…baby…”

“Please,” she whispered.

He sucked in a breath, then his mouth was on hers, swallowing the anguished sound when it finally broke free.

But his kiss wasn’t hard like she’d expected. It was intensely tender. His mouth sliding against hers over and over, never deepening. He kept his lips soft, each stroke conveying so much more feeling than she knew what to do with.

Each touch of his lips made her chest ache.

“Tell me what you need, sweetheart,” he rasped. “I’ll give you anything you want, just don’t cry. Please don’t cry anymore, Peaches. It fucking kills me to see you hurting.”

Oh God.

The way he spoke to her, the things he said. The way he treated her like she was special, important. She hadn’t felt that in so long. The man was destroying her with every word he uttered, every tender kiss, every touch of those beautiful hands. He was stripping her bare, cutting down her defenses with each and every one. Making her want things, believe in things that she shouldn’t.

She lowered her lids, unable to look at him. Afraid he’d see everything she needed to hide.

But he gripped her chin between his thumb and finger and lifted her face to his. “Please, Darcey.”

If she spoke, he’d hear how she truly felt about him in her voice. So instead, she showed him.

Sliding her jacket off her shoulders, she dropped it to the floor. Then, gripping the bottom of her shirt, she dragged it over her head and threw it aside. Joe was breathing heavily as he watched her, that wide chest laboring. He didn’t touch her though. He held himself back, hands fisted as his sides, every muscle and tendon straining, making her mouth water for a taste of him. To give him back even just a little of what he was giving her in this moment.

She kicked off her boots, then shucked off her jeans. Watching him watch her—the way seeing her like this obviously affected him—was a major turn on. When she reached back and undid her bra, freeing her breasts, he released a rough breath. But nothing beat the rumbling sound vibrating from his chest when she pushed her fingers under the elastic of her panties and slid them down her legs.

“Tell me you want me to worship every inch of your perfect fucking body. Say the word, sweetheart, and I’ll have you screaming all damn night.”

He took a step closer but still didn’t touch her. Joe meant what he said, he always did. He’d give her anything she wanted.

Tonight, she needed to be in control, to take some back. Especially after her meeting with Len earlier and the way she’d broken apart. With Joe, she felt safe. He’d give her whatever she asked for, no matter the cost to him. And she needed that, more than anything. Needed to stop this free fall, this feeling of powerlessness.

She shook her head, the movement jerky. “Jeans off. Lie on the bed.”

He hissed a breath out through his teeth. “Darcey…please, baby. Let me take care of you.”

There was a desperate note to his voice, and she almost gave in. But she knew if she did, especially tonight, there would be no going back. She’d break, crack wide open.

She’d never be able to walk away.

She swallowed. She couldn’t think of that, not now.

“What I need is for you to get naked and lie on the bed.”

His lids were at half mast, his eyes glittering. Her belly quivered. God, looking at his beautiful body, those lickable tattoos, made her impatient to get her hands on him.

“You said anything, Colton.”

His jaw tightened, then he dipped his chin, relinquishing control of that powerful body to her.

His biceps flexed as he unsnapped his jeans, shoving them down with his boxers, his chest muscles dancing. His cock sprang free, thick and long, and she moaned, clenching her thighs together. Usually, he’d make a smart comment, tease her about her reaction to just watching him get undressed, but there was no amusement in his eyes this time—only pure animal hunger.

And all of it leashed just for her.

He kicked his clothes aside, then bare-assed, walked to the bed and climbed on. Lying on his back, he put his hands behind his head, every muscle bulging, hard cock resting against his tight abs, and waited.

There wasn’t a more beautiful sight than Joe Colton, naked and hard, waiting for her to have her wicked way with him.

Her thighs were slick, sliding together as she walked to join him. He never looked away once, keeping his heated gaze locked on her the entire time. The urge to climb onto that big body and fuck them both to oblivion was so damn tempting. The hot, needy pulse between her thighs demanded it, but she wanted to take her time, to savor every minute.

She joined him on the bed, crawling toward him. Her breasts felt heavy, tight. She craved his mouth on her, those firm lips sucking her nipples, easing the deep ache.

She straddled his leg and leaned down, kissing his hip, his belly, the sexy spot just above the point where his happy trail thickened. She sucked on the skin lightly, and his body jerked, his long fingers spreading then fisting the sheets beneath him. Sexy as hell. She carried on, tracing his abs with her tongue, each and every ridge. Her nipples slid against him as she moved higher, and she moaned again. Desperate for some relief, to ease the relentless ache deep inside.

She dropped her hips and rubbed her wet pussy against his muscled thigh—taking what she needed, grinding down, biting one of his tiny brown nipples at the same time. Shit. She almost came.

Joe arched, his body bow tight, his hand going to the back of her head, and his thigh lifting, pressing more firmly against her.

“Jesus motherfucking Christ. So wet, baby. So hot. Climb on my cock, Peaches. My girl needs to be fucked. Let me inside. Please, sweetheart, let me make it better.”

She shook her head, loving the way his fingers had tangled in her hair, not letting go as she kissed her way up his chest, his throat, sucking and licking, nipping his earlobe.

“Not yet,” she whispered.

His thick cock rubbed against her stomach as she moved higher. Straddling his belly, she leaned down, letting one of her nipples graze his lips, but not close enough he could do much else, teasing them both. He wasn’t going to let her get away with that, though, and the hand in her hair slid down her back so he could tug her closer.

His hips jerked, groaning low when he finally sucked an aching peak between his lips.

“Ah shit.” She fell forward on a cry, bracing her hands against the mattress above his head as he sucked her deep.

He gripped her hip with the other hand, holding her down tight, so there wasn’t any space between her body and his, so those tight, ridged abs were right up against the part of her that ached for him most. She couldn’t help but shift her hips, rubbing her slick pussy over his belly, the ache only getting more intense with each tug on her nipple.

It would be so easy to move back, to do what they both desperately wanted. But she couldn’t go another day without knowing what he tasted like, how he felt in her mouth, the sounds he made when she sucked him to the back of her throat. He’d released her hip and was now gripping her breast, holding it where he wanted it, using his tongue, his lips, making her so hot she could barely think straight. It took all her strength to lift up, to pull away from that talented mouth.

He growled in frustration, but for now, still let her have her way, and that meant more to her than he could ever know.

She slid back down his hard body until she was straddling one of his thighs again. And her appreciation for his self-control instantly shot through the roof. The man wasn’t just hard. He was
, veins bulging down the sides, head purple and tight, pre-come running in a constant stream from the tiny slit.

Joe was in pain. It was evident in the way he held his powerful body, etched into his handsome features, the way his jaw was clenched so damn tight she was surprised his teeth didn’t shatter.

He lifted his head and looked down at her, panted breaths making his chest rise and fall like a bellows. “Peaches…”

His legs spread wider, and his hips rose like he had no control over them. Then his head dropped back and he groaned. Magnificent. The man was perfection. She could sit there and stare at him all day, but he’d suffered enough, and that was the last thing she wanted. She fisted his hot, hard flesh in her fingers, and he jolted as she leaned in, wrapped her mouth around the bulbous head, and sucked.

His hips snapped up. “Fuck, Darcey. Jesus.”

Cupping his balls with her other hand, she sucked him deep. He needed release, and she wanted to give it to him. Wanted to feel him lose control, hand it all over to her, just for a little while. He pulsed in her mouth like his cock had its own heartbeat. She sucked harder, jacking him at the same time since she couldn’t take all of him.

His hand went to her hair, twisting it around his fist. “Gonna come,” he panted. “Your mouth feels too fuckin’ good. Quick, baby, climb on. Let me fuck you.”

She reached back when she felt him start to lift his hand and held it there, shaking her head so he knew what she wanted. He cursed, a sound close to a sob breaking free from deep in his chest before he gave in and fisted her hair tight enough it hurt. He grunted and thrust up with his hips, losing it completely, and she fucking loved it. She tilted her head back so she could watch him. His eyes locked with hers, and he bared his teeth as he worked his hips, cock sliding in and out of her mouth.

She couldn’t look away from him. She watched in awe as the tendons in his neck stood out, his lids dropping to half mast, the expression on his face turning almost feral.

BOOK: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)
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