Sparks & Cabin Fever (7 page)

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Authors: Susan K. Droney

BOOK: Sparks & Cabin Fever
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“This is my favorite room, so naturally I finished it first,” Liz admitted. “Once I get the rest of the house settled this is where I'll be spending most of my free time.” She motioned them to the wicker sofas and chairs. The room held an enormous variety of plants. “Eventually I hope to have a small greenhouse.”

“This is a beautiful room,” Harper replied glancing around.

“And what a view!” Stefani exclaimed as she looked out of the sliding glass door to the attractively landscaped backyard.

Deacon turned to Stefani. “How would you like a tour? Maybe you could give me some decorating ideas for the guest house.”

“I'd love it,” Stefani said with a wide smile. “Would you like to come, too, Harper?” she asked hoping she'd decline.

“I'll give Harper a tour later. Right now, I want to find out about where to get my hair and nails done. Is that all right with you, Harper?” Liz asked.

“Sounds great,” she replied with a wink at Stefani.

* * * *

Stefani's heart thudded so loudly in her ears that she was sure Deacon could hear. She couldn't believe this was happening. Was she dreaming? It had to be too good to be true. They strolled around the grounds and when Stefani stopped to admire an elaborate flower garden, Deacon led her to a nearby bench.

“I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful,” she said as she gazed at the beautiful display of colorful flowers.

“I want to be perfectly honest and upfront with you, Stefani,” Deacon began. His eyes narrowed as he peered at her.

Stefani steeled herself. She should have known that she was reading more into his actions than he had intended. Why had she come? Her heart couldn't take these ups and downs. Her happiness suddenly drained from her. She kept silent, but studied his face. She could read nothing in his expression.

He exhaled loudly as he leaned back against the bench and casually stretched his arm across the top of it. “I don't just work for the company that bought the Ware Plant.” He paused.

“You work for your brother?”

“No. David and I work together. Our family owns the factory. I wanted to get that out of the way.”

Stefani grinned, relieved. “I'm pleased that Garden Grove was your family's choice, since there are so many closed factories around the country you could have chosen.”

“Me, too,” he replied grinning. “We looked at several, but this location caught our eye. Anyway, I'm happy you stopped by. I was trying to figure out another way to get you to talk to me. I was wrong the other night. I should have left the bar when Harper showed up. I hope you'll accept my apology.”

“You don't owe me an apology.” Stefani's face reddened. “None of it was your fault. I'm the one who should be apologizing for treating you so rudely this afternoon.” She ran a hand through her hair. “I hope
forgive me.”

“Let's call it even. Better yet, why don't we start over?”

“I'd like that.”

“From our brief conversation it appears that we have a lot in common. Would you have dinner with me Friday night?”

Stefani's heart flip-flopped with excitement. “I'd love to, but only if you come to my house and let me cook dinner for you.”

“Now, how can I say no to that?” He rose. “Would you like to see the guesthouse?”

She nodded and took the hand he offered.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the guesthouse. She'd expected a small one or two room cottage, but instead he led her through a smaller version of the main house. The only difference was that it had one floor and two bedrooms instead of two floors and eight bedrooms.

“Wow!” she exclaimed. “It's breathtaking. What a view!” she said peering out of his kitchen window at the woods bordering the property.

He shoved his hands in his pockets as he joined her at the window. “That's one of the reasons I insisted on staying here even though Liz and David wanted me to move into the house with them.”

“Well, I can see why you insisted on staying out here. It's so quiet and peaceful. Have you had a chance to explore the woods?”

“No.” He turned his head and looked at her. “Maybe you'd like to come with me when I do.”

Stefani felt like she'd explode with happiness. She still couldn't believe that she was here with Deacon Travis in his home. “I'd love to,” she replied.

“Good.” He removed his hands from his pockets and took her elbow. “I supposed we'd better get back and join Liz and Harper for that cup of coffee.”

* * * *

Liz and Harper were busy thumbing through magazines when Stefani and Deacon quietly entered the room. David Jr. smiled at Stefani with a toothy grin and then went back to his coloring book.

“Harper has given me some wonderful decorating ideas,” Liz said with a bright smile aimed at Stefani. “She's also promised to do my nails later. That is if you can stay.”

“I'm in no hurry,” Stefani said returning her smile.

“I'm hungry, Uncle Deacon,” David Jr. said.

Deacon walked over to him and squatted down. “How about I throw some burgers on the grill? Would you like that?”

“We had a late lunch,” Liz explained. “If you and Harper haven't eaten we'd love for the two of you to join us.”

“I'd love to,” Harper quickly replied as she nodded towards Stefani.

Stefani remembered her tasteless sandwich from earlier. Suddenly she was starving. “Only if you let me help.”

“Yippee!” David Jr. gleefully replied. “Let's have a picnic, Mommy.”

“Now that's a good idea, David. We'll have a picnic supper on the back patio. You can help Mommy and Harper get everything ready while Uncle Deacon and Stefani grill the burgers.”

Stefani still couldn't believe this was really happening and only knew that if she was dreaming then she never wanted to awaken. Deacon took her arm and led her to the patio.

“This is a perfect evening for a picnic,” Deacon said as he lit the grill. “Please have a seat and I'll join you in a sec.” He motioned to a large patio table with several chairs surrounding it.

“Can I help with anything?”

He smiled at her. “I think everything's under control.”

Stefani pulled out a chair and sat. She smiled as David Jr. walked to the patio balancing a large tray of hamburgers.

“Here you go, Uncle Deacon,” he said.

“Thank you, David.” He took the tray with one hand and tousled the boy's hair with the other. “How many do you think you can eat?”

David scrunched up his face. “Maybe one cause I need to save room for ice cream.”

Deacon laughed. “Ice cream sounds good. Maybe later we can play ball.”

David turned and shyly looked at Stefani. “You can play, too.”

“I'd like that,” Stefani replied.

“Tell you what, David. Maybe we'll challenge the women. Think we can beat them?”

“Sure we can, Uncle Deacon.”

“Okay, this will be our plan,” Deacon said. He put an arm around the boy's shoulders and talked to him in a low voice.

Stefani observed the exchange between the two. Deacon had a way with children and it was easy to see the genuine love he held for his nephew. She knew he'd make a wonderful father if children were in his future.

David flashed her another smile as he made his way back inside the house.

“What were you two conspiring about?” Stefani asked and then grinned. “Anything I should warn Liz and Harper about?”

Deacon lifted an eyebrow playfully. “I'll never tell. This is the first time that David Jr. and I are outnumbered by women. Usually it's just us men against Liz.”

Stefani lifted an eyebrow. “I see. Well, then it's about time Liz got some reinforcements. You might be surprised what we women are capable of.”

His forehead wrinkled. “Okay, I know Liz is a good ballplayer.” He studied Stefani. “I assume you are, too. But Harper? I don't think so.”

Stefani tried to suppress a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She doubted Harper knew the first thing about baseball. In fact, Harper would probably worry about breaking a nail. “I'll give you that one.” She shrugged. “But you never know. She might surprise us. As long as she doesn't break a nail.”

He laughed as he placed the burgers on the grill and then sat next to her.

“What's so funny?” Liz asked as she placed a tray of condiments and salads on the table. Harper came to the table and set down a pitcher of lemonade and then placed a glass in front of each chair while David Jr. placed paper plates, plastic silverware, and napkins in front of the glasses.

Deacon leaned back in his chair. “Should we tell them?” He looked at Stefani.

“Oh, they definitely have a right to know,” Stefani said with a wink. “At least Harper does.”

Harper turned and looked at her. “Out with it,” she demanded good-naturedly. “What have you two been conspiring about?”

Stefani grinned. “We're getting up a baseball game after dinner. Girls against guys.”

Harper's brow puckered. She looked at her perfectly manicured fingernails.

Deacon roared with laughter.

“What?” Harper asked innocently.

“I've got to check the burgers,” Deacon said rising. “Come on and help me, David, while the women try to figure out their game plan.”

Stefani sighed contentedly as she stood and helped Liz and Harper arrange the table. The evening passed much too quickly and when it was time to leave, Deacon, Liz, and David Jr. walked Stefani and Harper to the car. Stefani wished the evening could have gone on forever. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much fun.

“That was a fun game, even if Uncle Deacon and I lost,” David Jr. said. “Can we play again?”

Deacon lifted him onto his broad shoulders. “I'm game if you women are.”

“I think next time I'll be the cheering section,” Harper said rubbing her damaged nail.

Stefani laughed. “I'd love to, David Jr,” she said.

He grinned at her. “Good.”

Liz smiled up at him. “It's time for you to hit the shower.”

Deacon set him on the ground. David Jr. said his goodbyes and then ran toward the house.

“I'd better supervise him,” Liz said. “I'm so happy that I met you two.”

“I've had a wonderful time,” Stefani said. “Thank you.”

Harper smiled. “It's been great, Liz. I'll give you a call tomorrow.”

“I'll be here all day,” she said with a wave as she headed to the house.

“And I'll give you a call tomorrow,” Deacon said to Stefani. “You two drive safe.” He stood and watched as Harper turned and drove down the driveway.

Stefani leaned back in the seat. “I don't think I've ever had so much fun.”

“So?” Harper asked with a wide grin. “When are you and Deacon going out? You look like you're about to burst.”

Stefani beamed. “I'm going to make dinner for him Friday night.”

“I'm so happy for you, Stef,” Harper squealed. “Deacon and you make a perfect couple. Liz told me that he couldn't stop talking about you all weekend.”

“Well, I plan to take it very slow with Deacon. He's unlike any man I've ever met.”

Harper frowned. “How slow?”

Stefani chuckled. “If you mean do I intend to sleep with him on our first date, then the answer is no. I've never slept with anyone on a first date and I don't intend to start.”

“Ah, you might change your mind.” She cocked an eyebrow. “A romantic dinner, some wine, candles. The mood will be set for a night of passion. How will you be able to resist him?”

“I didn't say it would be easy.” She cocked an eyebrow. “Believe it or not, he
very old-fashioned. I think he'll understand.”

Harper gave her arm a quick pat. “Two peas in a pod.”

* * * *

Stefani checked on the roast, then hurried to the living room and unobtrusively peered out of the window. Her heart lurched when she spotted Deacon's truck. She watched him pull into her driveway, then moved away from the window and took several deep breaths to calm herself. She'd chosen a semi-casual red dress with matching pumps and wore a silver necklace with matching earrings. She'd dabbed her favorite perfume behind her ears and on her wrists. She only wore an expensive brand on special occasions. And this was definitely a special occasion. She'd set the dining room table with the family china and placed candles on the table ready to be lit as soon as dinner was ready. Soft music played in the background, low enough not to interfere with conversation, but to add some ambiance. She'd never gone to this much trouble for any man before and then it suddenly hit her that she'd never wanted to until she'd met Deacon. She'd enjoyed getting the house ready. In fact, she'd spent the entire week cleaning and polishing everything in sight.

A light knock on the door made her heart flutter. She waited a few seconds before answering. She didn't want to appear anxious. Deacon was dressed in a pair of dark brown dress slacks, tan shirt, and brown cowboy boots. His large hand held a dozen of the most beautiful red roses Stefani had ever seen.

“For you,” he said as he handed her the roses.

“Thank you. They're beautiful!”

“Not as beautiful as you,” he said, briefly meeting her eyes before they swept appreciatively over the rest of her. “I brought a bottle of wine,” he said.

She realized that he was still standing in the opened doorway. “It will be perfect with the roast. Please come in. I'll find a vase for the roses.”

Deacon followed her into the living room. “Let me put these in water, grab a couple of wineglasses, and I'll be right back.” She turned to head to the kitchen, but Deacon laid a hand on her arm, startling her. His touch was gentle.

“Let me help.” He smiled.

She nodded and led the way. He settled himself at the counter while she opened a cabinet and pulled out a large vase. Next, she reached into a cupboard, retrieved two wineglasses, and set them on the counter.

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