Sparks & Cabin Fever (2 page)

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Authors: Susan K. Droney

BOOK: Sparks & Cabin Fever
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“No, I don't need anything else today, Stefani,” Mrs. Norton finally replied. “If I think of anything, I'll just wait until Monday when I come to pick up my mail.” She offered a friendly smile.

Stefani smiled back and then quickly rang her up. She was relieved when she looked at the line and saw that two customers had wandered in and were now standing in line. Kathie motioned to a plump middle-aged woman with an armful of packages. The packages would keep Kathie busy for a few minutes.
Mrs. Wilson must be sending more care packages to her twin daughters in college
, Stefani thought. Her daughters were only three hours away, but to hear Nancy Wilson tell it, they might as well be three thousand miles away.

Stefani gave the elderly woman her change. “Have a nice day, Mrs. Norton. I'll see you on Monday, then.”

“You have a nice day, too, Stefani,” the woman said, and then turned away from the counter.

“Stefani!” a pretty blonde panted as she rushed up to the counter, almost knocking Mrs. Norton over. “Sorry, Mrs. Norton,” she quickly apologized.

Mrs. Norton frowned at Harper through slanted eyes, then turned up her nose and walked toward the door.

“Where did you come from, Harper? I didn't see you arrive,” Stefani said, startled by the sudden intrusion of her best friend Harper Lewis. “And you cut in front of Mr. Barton. Get in line and I'll talk to you after I wait on him. He looks pissed,” she whispered. “Go on, Harper, get in line.”

“He'll get over it.” Harper turned and waved an apologetic hand at the stern faced middle-aged man. “I'm sorry, Mr. Barton. I'll only be a minute. This is an emergency.” She turned back around grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Have I got news for you!”

Stefani lifted a skeptical eyebrow. “So, what's the emergency? I've never heard of anyone having a post office emergency.”

“There's a new man in town! He's absolutely gorgeous!” she squealed. “Wait until you see him! I had to stop in to tell you.”

“Some emergency.”

Harper shrugged. “I had to say
in order to get to the head of the line. Besides, I only have a few minutes.” She grinned. “I couldn't wait to tell you about him.”

Stefani slowly shook her head as she peered into Harper's sparkling blue eyes. “You could have texted me during my lunch break or called me tonight.” She wasn't about to tell Harper that the
was in the post office at this very minute. She was surprised that Harper hadn't noticed him when she'd come in. Now she hoped that Harper didn't notice him when she left. She had to get rid of her and wait on Mr. Barton before Kathie finished with Mrs. Wilson and got the hunk for her next customer.

“He's bound to come in here today to set up mail delivery or get a post office box.”

“Or he could just be passing through town,” Stefani suggested. “Then he would have no reason to come to the post office.”

“I glimpsed him coming out of the hardware store earlier this morning,” Harper replied. “Jake Brenner said he was in there buying up a lot of tools. He asked Jake if this was a nice place to settle down.” Her cheeks grew rosy. “Just wait until you see him and you'll agree with me that you've never seen such an absolutely gorgeous man in your entire life. He could be a movie star!”

Stefani looked over at the counter where the man in question had been filling out the form. He had left the counter and was now walking toward the line. She held her breath and let it out, relieved, when Mr. Barton walked to where Kathie had motioned him. If she got rid of Harper now, the new man in town would be her next customer. “Harper—”

“You have to tell me where he's staying when he comes in,” Harper said cutting in. She made a pouty face. “Please? I'd do it for you, Stef. You know I would.”

Stefani sighed heavily. Getting rid of Harper wasn't so easy. She scanned the waiting area expecting to see the man in the line. He was gone. Her eyes darted around the room trying to locate him. “That still doesn't mean he'll stop in here today.”

“But there's a good chance he might.”

Stefani pressed her lips together. “Do you need any stamps or is there something I can assist you with?”

Harper lifted her eyebrows. “Come on, Stef. Once you see him, you'll know what I'm talking about,” she said dreamily.

Stefani was startled when her eyes finally located him. He suddenly appeared behind Harper. Her legs weakened at the sight of him. He smiled at her and her heart flip-flopped. His warm friendly eyes crinkled at the edges. She was sure the sparks shooting from her heart were visible to everyone in range. Her fingers trembled. She had to stay in control, but it wasn't easy. She drew a deep silent breath, which usually calmed her, but this time it didn't help. What was wrong with her? No man had ever had such an effect on her. It was an instant physical attraction, and an emotion she was unfamiliar with.

“Did I mention that he's the sexiest man I've ever seen?” Harper's eyes smoldered with desire as she continued gushing about him.

Stefani cleared her throat and motioned with her eyes, hoping Harper would pick up her signal to stop talking. But Harper was so caught up in her excitement that she didn't notice. “Harper, I think—”

“I hear he's from Texas,” Harper continued without missing a beat. “Denise Brenner said when she was ringing up his supplies that his dark penetrating eyes make you almost come in your pants,” she whispered out of the hearing range of everyone except Stefani and the stranger standing behind her.

“Is that right, Ma'am?” a deep booming voice suddenly asked.

Harper almost fell over and her face turned from pink to crimson as she whipped around and came face to face with the object of her infatuation. For the first time since Stefani had known her, Harper seemed at a loss for words. But Stefani knew that Harper would recover rapidly with a witty come back.

Stefani cleared her throat again. “I'll take care of this for you,” she said trying to keep a normal tone of voice while taking the form from his extended hand. “I'll also need to make a copy of your driver's license.”

“No problem.” He pulled a wallet from his back pocket and removed his driver's license, and a credit card, then held them out to her. “Here you go,” he said with a wink to Stefani before turning his attention to Harper. “I'm pleased to meet you, Ma'am. I'm Deacon Travis.” He held out a large hand to Harper.

“I'm Harper Lewis and this is Stefani Walker,” Harper said, quickly motioning toward Stefani as she placed her small hand in his. “And I'm
pleased to meet you.” She coyly batted her eyes at him. “I'd like to personally welcome you to Garden Grove.”

“Thank you for the warm welcome,” he replied as his twinkling eyes swept over her.

Stefani clenched her teeth. She knew that look in Harper's eyes. She'd seen it too many times before. Deacon was a new conquest and Stefani concluded that Harper was already scheming on how she would get him into her bed. By the way Deacon's eyes had roamed over Harper's body Stefani surmised that it wouldn't take long at all. Harper ran her hands down her curvy hips. Her ample breasts strained against her tight, bright green, short-sleeved sweater. Her tan slacks looked like she'd been poured into them.

Stefani glanced down at her uniform. It was anything but seductive. How could she compete? Why even kid herself? No man ever gave her a second glance when Harper was around. She checked over Deacon's application and then made a copy of his driver's license and rang up his charge. She listened to Harper chattering non-stop while she retrieved a post office box key for Deacon. Harper was certainly wasting no time pulling out all the stops to charm him. Stefani's heart sank. He wouldn't be interested in her when he could have Harper. Who could blame him? She'd fade into the background while Harper, as usual, took center stage.

“You're all set,” Stefani said with a bright smile as she handed Deacon the key, his driver's license, credit card, and the receipt. “Box number five-oh-three.”

“Thank you.” He returned her smile and held her gaze for a few seconds.

Stefani felt her knees buckle. “You're welcome.”

“I sure hope I see you again,” Harper gushed.

Deacon grinned widely. “I'm sure we'll meet again,” he replied as he stuffed the key into his pocket and returned his license and credit card to his wallet. “Now could either of you tell me where I can find some decent food?”

“There's a diner just down the street on the right. Whitman's. You can't miss it,” Stefani replied. “The food's not bad and the prices are reasonable. The only other place is about three miles outside of town.”

“Whitman's sounds perfect. Thank you.” He smiled again.

Stefani felt her legs further weaken as he once again looked into her eyes. His penetrating gaze made her feel as though he were staring into her very soul. Her heart fluttered and she gripped the edge of the counter to steady herself.

“You're welcome.” She returned his smile and watched as he left her window and walked with long swaggering strides to the door. Her eyes stayed riveted to his butt until he opened the door and disappeared.

“He's gorgeous,” Harper whispered dreamily. “Nice ass, too. Where does he live? Give me all the details. Maybe I can think of an excuse to drop by his place. Maybe bring over a home cooked meal.”

Stefani frowned. “You know I can't give you that information, Harper. Even if I could, I wouldn't. He has a right to his privacy. If he wanted you to know where he's staying I'm sure he would have mentioned it.” Her eyes narrowed. “I'm surprised you didn't come right out and ask him.”

She pursed her lips tightly together. “I didn't want to seem obvious.”

“You obvious? Never!” Stefani feigned shock, and then laughed.

Harper ignored Stefani's remark. Her brow puckered. “Please?”

Stefani shook her head. “No. Ask him the next time you run into him. I'm sure you're headed to Whitman's the second you leave here.”

“I wish, but I have to get back to the salon. I have an appointment in fifteen minutes.” Harper's eyes narrowed. “Well, I've got first dibs on him.”

Stefani's jaw tightened. “Doesn't he have a say? Maybe he's married or isn't looking to get involved with anyone. At least let the guy get settled.”

She bit her bottom lip. “I don't think he's married. I didn't see a ring on his finger.”

“That doesn't mean anything. A lot of guys take their rings off while they're working.”

“Nah. I think he's single. I have a feeling.” Harper tilted her head.

Stefani sighed. Harper was irresistible to men. She'd been born with a natural beauty, the type of beauty all women wished they possessed. And Harper knew how to flatter a man to get exactly what she wanted. Stefani often wondered just what it was Harper was looking for in a man. Harper had dated several whom Stefani thought were perfect for her, but none of the men ever seemed to measure up to what Harper was seeking and the relationships never lasted for more than a couple of months.

Stefani noticed the line of disgruntled customers. “I've got to get back to work, Harper. There's a line and it's getting longer. I'm going to get in trouble if I don't. I'll give you a call after work.”

Harper's face brightened. “Let's go to The Dusty Road tonight. Deacon might stop in.”

“Or he may not.”

“Where else would he go? I doubt he's the type to sit home on a Friday night twiddling his thumbs.”

“He could have a wife,” Stefani reminded her.

“I told you I don't think he does.” She frowned. “With the looks of him, I doubt staying home is something he does either. Come on, Stef. It's Friday night and it's band night at The Dusty Road. You owe me for not telling me he was here.”

Stefani sighed. “I don't enjoy the bar scene. You know that.”

Her lips turned up into a pout. “I just know Deacon will turn up. Come on.”

“Why don't you go by yourself? You've never had a problem going alone before.”

“He's different. I don't want him to think that I normally pick up guys in bars.”

“Even though that's all you ever do.”

Harper ignored Stefani's sarcasm as she batted her long fake eyelashes. “I would do it for you. You know I would. Come on, Stef. Please?”

Stefani frowned. “The minute you spot Deacon you'll drop me like a hot potato.”

Harper lifted an eyebrow. “You know I wouldn't do that, Stef.”

She grunted. “Right. How many times have you left me sitting alone while you took off with a new conquest? It happens almost every time we go out.”

Harper scowled. “You make it sound like I leave you stranded or something. I never left you alone in the bar. I only left you alone while I was dancing.”

“While I sat alone twiddling my thumbs for most of the night.”

“It's not my fault you refuse to put yourself out there and let a guy know you're available. You don't have to sit alone. You could be out there on the dance floor, too, having some fun for a change.”

She looked at the line. “I really need to get back to work,” she whispered as she eyed Kathie looking at her, this time with an annoyed expression on her face. “I'm going to get into trouble.”

“Please?” Harper persisted. “Come out for just a little while. We'll take our own cars so you can leave anytime you want to.”

Stefani had to get rid of her and fast. “I don't know. Maybe.”

“Good. I'll meet you there at nine.”

“I said maybe,” Stefani reminded her, but Harper was already halfway to the exit.

* * * *

Stefani glanced around the large room jammed with tables pushed back to the sides to make room for the dancers. She scanned those settled at the tables and others standing either alone or in groups near the band, which was tuning up in preparation for their first set. As she made her way to the long scuffed bar, the band struck up a popular tune. Couples immediately filled the dance floor.

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