Sparks & Cabin Fever (11 page)

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Authors: Susan K. Droney

BOOK: Sparks & Cabin Fever
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“I saved you from freezing to death.”

“That was noble of you considering the fact that if it weren't for you I wouldn't have needed any saving.”

“You wouldn't have gotten far in this storm. And I can tell you right now that there are few homes on this road and you would have been lucky to have reached one of them. So in all reality I actually saved you by running you off the road.”

“I've got a splitting headache, so I'm not even going to try to debate this with you. What time is it?”

He glanced at his wristwatch. “Almost eight-thirty.”


“Dinner's almost ready. If you'd like to freshen up, the bathroom's down the hall, first door on the right. There should be some Aspirin in the medicine cabinet. I took the liberty of retrieving your bag from your car. Your skis are safe. I made sure to lock your car.”

“Thank you.” She sat up, the covers falling from her body, exposing her perfectly rounded breasts. His eyes focused on her chest. She gripped the covers, pulling them to her chin. “Why am I naked? Where are my clothes?” she demanded.

“Drying. I didn't want to run the it is we're lucky we still have power, but I doubt it'll be on long.”

“Why did you undress me? To get a cheap thrill?”

He laughed softly. “No. To keep you from catching pneumonia. Besides, I like my women to be conscious when I have other things on my mind.”

* * * *

Twenty minutes later, Kayla walked into the spacious living room. She had pulled on a pair of jeans and a warm sweater and had run a brush through her long, dark brown hair. Lucas had set the coffee table, and throw pillows were scattered on the floor to sit on. She glanced around. A bright fire was crackling in the fireplace. This fireplace was twice the size of the one in the bedroom. The room had a definite rustic and masculine flair to it with simple but stylish heavy furniture, which suited the cabin. A few pictures were displayed in wooden frames on the end tables. A large television was in one corner of the room with a computer at the opposite end. The fireplace was definitely the focal point. Overall, Kayla found the room to be warm and inviting. The coziness made her feel at home.

“I hope you like chili,” Lucas said. He set the large bowls on the table. “I thought we'd eat in'll be warmer.”

“It's fine, thank you. Can I help with anything?” She noticed a plate with warm bread and a mound of butter.

He shook his head. “I've got everything under control. Have a seat. Would you like some wine or a beer? I keep a couple of bottles of wine on hand, but I'm a beer man, myself.”

She sat on an overstuffed pillow. “Beer is fine.” As he walked to the kitchen, she noticed how tall and muscular he was. Her eyes swept to his tight rear end. Even in jeans and a flannel shirt, he looked like he'd just stepped off the cover of a magazine. His jet-black hair was medium length, and even though she hated long hair on a man, it suited Lucas. He was beautiful, and she found herself being drawn to his warm smile and intense dark eyes. Still, something about him seemed oddly familiar, as if she'd seen him somewhere before. She hated herself for being attracted to this stranger, but she couldn't deny the truth. She wouldn't be here long, so she'd just settle back and enjoy his company. He was right. It could be worse. She had to admit being stranded with a man who looked like Lucas was every woman's dream come true.

He walked back into the room carrying two cans of beer and a glass. He opened one of the cans, poured the contents into the glass, and handed it to her.

His hand brushed hers, sending an electric charge through her. If he noticed her reaction, he made no comment. “Thank you. The chili smells delicious.”

Lucas pulled the tab from his can of beer. “It's an old family recipe handed down from my great-grandmother. I let it simmer for ten to twelve hours.”

Kayla ate a spoonful. “Wow! This is the best chili I've ever tasted.”

He smiled. “I'm glad you like it. If the weather gets any worse we may be eating it for the next few days.”

“Do you think the weather will worsen?” Her eyes widened.

“You're from Buffalo, so you know how nasty and unpredictable winter weather can be.”

“Aren't you worried living in the middle of nowhere? I mean, what if you got sick or had an emergency?”

He smiled. “It's not exactly what I'd call the middle of nowhere. I'm less than ten minutes from the next town...when the weather's good.”

“Maybe the way

He slowly buttered a piece of bread, then took a bite and washed it down with a swallow of beer, ignoring her comment. Her eyes stayed glued to him as she fantasized about how it would feel having those strong hands caressing her flesh. She inhaled sharply. She had to stay focused. She knew nothing about this stranger and had no right to be aroused by him.

“Will my car be okay?”

“Should be. The worst that can happen is you'll get towed when the blizzard is over.”

“What?” She put her spoon down. “That's just what I need.”

“Don't worry. I'm friends with the tow truck driver. It won't cost you a dime.”

“It's not the money I'm worried about.”

“What then?”

She sighed. “How will I get my car?”

“I'll take you just as soon as we're able to get out.”

She looked at the large window. The howling wind slammed relentlessly against the cabin.

Lucas followed her gaze. “It's going to be a rough night.”

She took a sip of beer. “Thank you for your hospitality. I'm sorry that I've been so self-centered. I do appreciate you taking me in.”

“You're welcome. So, since we're going to be spending some time together, tell me about yourself.”

“Well, I was born and raised in Buffalo. Most of my family still lives there.” She shrugged. “I don't lead a very exciting life. I went to college with plans to become a high school math teacher, but after college, decided that I didn't have the passion to teach. So I decided to try my hand at my true passion—photography—which until then had only been a hobby.”

He listened intently. “You're a professional photographer? That's fantastic.”

“Thank you. I opened a small studio, and even though I'm by no means well off, it pays the bills and affords me a few luxuries. Most importantly, I love what I do.” She smiled. “What about you?”

“I was born and raised in New York City. I was fortunate to accumulate some money so I bought twenty acres and built my cabin.”


He shrugged. “I spend my days doing whatever I feel like.”

“It must have been quite an inheritance.”

“Who said it was an inheritance? I worked for every dime I have and through wise and prudent investments I have enough to last me the rest of my life. Of course I don't live extravagantly, but I'm happy and that's all that counts.”

“What about a social life?”

“I'm not much of a socializer.”

She cocked an eye. “Come on, who is the real Lucas Williams? What did you do to make so much money at such a young age to ensure you that you'll never have to work again?”

He grinned. “You don't recognize me?”

“Should I?”

“I suppose not, unless you've seen the magazine and television ads I've done for men's underwear.”

“Oh, my God! I knew there was something familiar about you.” Her heart thudded at the memory of those television ads, with his bulging muscles and the way he filled those underwear. She was certain his body caused many women to fantasize about him. “So, I suppose you've rented this cabin for a couple of weeks to get away from the city?”

“No, I really do own this cabin and land.”

“Why western New York?”

“Why not? It's the opposite of New York City. And believe me, after living there, this is heaven.”

“Even now with this blizzard?”

“Even now. I have everything I could possibly need right here.” He smiled. “Sometimes it's nice to get away from the craziness for a while and spend time alone with yourself. You'd be surprised what you can learn about yourself if you take the time to figure out what makes you tick.”

The lights flickered, then went out.

“Don't worry,” Lucas said, grabbing a flashlight from his back pocket. “I'm always prepared,” he stated, before disappearing and then reappearing seconds later with an array of candles and matches. He lit the candles and set them around the room, placing a large one in the center of the coffee table.

“How long do you think the power will be out?”

“It's hard to say. Could be hours or days. From the looks of this storm, though, I'd guess days.”

He was even more gorgeous in the flickering candlelight. It took all of her willpower not to leap over the table and throw herself at him. Her heart beat erratically as she imagined his hands gliding over her naked flesh and teasing her nipples until she thought she would explode.

“Are you okay?”

She felt the wetness between her legs. Her face reddened. “I'm…I'm fine.” She hoped he couldn't see her flushed face in the flickering candlelight. From the expression on his face she knew he had. She picked up her spoon with a trembling hand and continued eating.

“Are you warm enough?”

“Yes,” she truthfully answered, even though she didn't tell him that the intense heat that was engulfing her was not from the romantic fire crackling in the fireplace. She buttered a piece of bread and took a generous bite. “Don't tell me you baked this bread from scratch, too.”

He laughed. “Yes, I did. Okay, my secret's out. I love to cook and bake.” His eyes sparkled. “I'm hoping to open a small restaurant…a family type place.”

“If all of your meals taste as delicious as this one, then you should be quite successful.”

“Thank you. Whenever you're down this way again you'll have an open invitation for dinner on the house.”

They finished their meal in silence. Every so often Kayla stole glances at him. She wanted him, and one way or another she intended to have him.

“Let me help clear the table.” She picked up the bowls.

“Be careful. Let me get you a candle.”

Before he'd finished the sentence, she tripped and fell and the dishes crashed to the floor.

He was quickly at her side.

“I'm sorry,” she whispered.

“No problem.” He gently helped her to her feet. “Are you all right?”

“I think the only thing injured is my pride.”

Lucas picked her up in his strong arms and gently laid her on the couch. His hands moved to her ankles where he lightly touched them. “Nothing appears to be broken.”

She closed her eyes as he continued running his fingers softly over her, checking for broken bones. She wished he'd never stop. She was aroused and let her fantasies take over her conscious mind. She didn't realize she was moaning until she heard him call her name.

“Kayla, what hurts? How can I help?”

She couldn't tell him that only one thing would cure the intense pain between her legs. She was soaked. She wanted him…no, she
him. She reached up, pulling him closer, clutching at his back. If he wasn't going to make a move, then she would.

“Let me help you sit up. Can I get you anything?”

She felt his warm breath on her cheek. He was so close….but maybe he wasn't attracted to her, or maybe he was involved with someone. There was only one way to find out.

“Lucas, do you find me attractive?” Her heart thudded.

He hesitated.

“I'm sorry; I shouldn't have asked you that.” Humiliated, she turned her face away from him. “I'm tired. I'll sleep here…I don't want to take your bed from you.”

He sat down on the edge of the sofa. “Kayla, you didn't give me a chance to answer your question. You are a beautiful woman and I am extremely attracted to you. Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to keep my hands off you?”

She heard the frustration in his voice, but kept silent.

“I would never take advantage of any woman no matter how much I desired her.” His eyes met hers.

Kayla listened intently. “Tell me what you were thinking as you undressed me,” she whispered. “What was really going through your mind?”

“I told you before that I was trying to prevent you from catching pneumonia. Like I said, I like my women conscious. And I want them to desire me as much as I do them.”

“Ok, I get that.” She lifted an eyebrow. “If you weren't so honorable, what would you have done? What fantasies went through your mind?”

Lucas pulled on his chin.

“Come on. I want to know every little detail.”

He sucked in his breath. “Remember, you asked for it.”

Kayla nodded. “I know.”

“Ok, then.” He paused. “My fantasies went wild. I pictured stripping off my clothes and climbing into bed next to you. Your luscious naked body is breathtaking and I'm transfixed by your perfectly rounded breasts. As I run my fingertips over your nipples, they harden, begging my mouth to take them. One at a time, I slowly bring them to my mouth, savoring the taste of them.”

Kayla grew even hotter as she listened to him. “Tell me more,” she said huskily. The soft light from the crackling fireplace and the candles Lucas had set out cast a romantic radiance around the room. She was mesmerized by Lucas' words and wanted him more than ever.

His jaw twitched. “I'm consumed by your beauty. I need to taste every inch of you. Reluctantly, I remove your breast from my mouth. Then ever so slowly, I begin to run the tip of my tongue over your exposed flesh, relishing in the taste and scent of you.” He swallowed hard. “When I reach the treasure between your legs, I crave to slip my tongue inside. I want you to awaken first. I need you to look into my eyes with the same intense desire I'm feeling. I shift my body back up next to yours and watch your face, waiting for you to awaken. But my hands still caress your beautiful flesh. Finally, you slowly open your eyes while I'm trailing my fingers up and down your inner thighs. Your eyes are smoldering with lust. You reach out and draw my face close and kiss me deeply. As the kiss deepens, you arch your back. You tremble and beg me to take you. I'm rock hard and a bolt sears through me when I feel your hands on my cock.” He gazed into the crackling fire. “The heat between us is a burning inferno. I roll over on top of you and you spread your legs wide and guide my cock inside of you.”

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