Soul Mates Bewitched (14 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth A. Lance

BOOK: Soul Mates Bewitched
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e feckin’ Mog!” Jillian called as she ran, tossing potions behind her that did nothing to the eight foot tall Unseelie who chased after her. The potions bounced off of it as if they were rubber balls, exploding feet away from its gluttonous shiny black body.

I spun around, pulling her behind me. “Hey, Jaba! Pick on someone your own size!” I shouted as I charged the creature. In the blink of an eye, I infused my blades with the Light and sliced through the blubber of the creature’s middle like it was Jell-O. Its snake like arms attempted to grab for me, but a quick back flip got me out of grasping range. I charged forward once again, this time skidding between its massive legs and cutting it off at the knees, or what were most likely its knees; it was hard to tell with limbs that fat.

The creature howled, but not for long. Daire was there to take its head as he flashed behind the creature and beheaded it as he leap frogged over its enormous body. “Sorry, should have gotten here sooner.”

“Dude, you were dealing with three others.”

“I thought the others said it’d been deadly slow!” Jillian said breathing hard.

“These are the Scouts, the first of the Queen’s army,” Daire replied. “She’ll be here with in two nights. Depending on how anxious she is to get to you, Light Bearer.”

“If these are the Scouts, what the feck is she sendin’ next?”

“Next will be the Footmen, the ones she doesn’t mind losing. They’re slightly more powerful than these creatures; you may have seen a few when you were in the Never Never. Reapers and Centycore, probably some Harpies and Kampé. They will be the first wave after the Scouts.”

“Great,” I said sourly. “Looking forward to it.”

Jillian smiled and leaned into me with a small chuckle. “I don’t know aboot ye, but I’m totally knackered. An’ I’m oot o’ potions.”

“Come, Sorceress, Tony and I shall see you home.”

“No. She’s staying with me,” I said giving Daire a challenging look.

Daire stopped, took one look at my face and decided not to argue. “Very well. Back to Dorinta’s with both of you,” he replied placing his hand on shoulder and flashing us back to the bar.

“We could have walked,” I said wryly.

“Why? I have permission to travel with more than one human, thanks to Max. It’s getting easier the more often I do so. With Auberon and Tatiana back together, our powers are becoming stronger. Having Max around helps as well.”

“Good to know. I think,” I replied.

“I should go. Abbey will wonder where I am, if I’m not there for breakfast.”

“You are fond of her,” I said with a smile.

“She is a handful,” Daire replied. “She started school this past August. Cole and I have been shadowing her during the day, keeping her from using her Fae powers on her classmates.”

“Are you getting any sleep?”

“A few hours.”

I nodded. “Well, good luck. See you tomorrow night.”

Daire flashed out of the club and I walked with Jillian back upstairs. “Who’s Abbey?” she asked.

“Max’s little sister. I guess she’s nearly six now,” I replied, opening the door to the apartment.

“She’s Fae?”

“Yeah, she’s pretty powerful too from what I understand.”


I smiled as I flipped on the light to my room. “You want a shower?”

“A shower would be like feckin’ stellar.”

I grinned and handed her a towel. “Want some company?”

Jillian laughed. “Ye ken jest wait oot here.”

“Yeah, I figured,” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to me before she could slip out of the room. I pulled her close and stroked her cheek, running my thumb over her perfect rosy lips. I could feel her soft breath on my lips as I leaned in to kiss her. “Don’t be long,” I whispered when we broke apart.

Jillian nodded, sending her red curls bouncing on her shoulders. “I’ll be quick.”

I waited until she was in the bathroom with the door closed, before I pulled out the scrying glass and called Max. I went through the ritual of tapping the glass three times and calling to him. It wasn’t long before he answered.

“Hey, Tones. What’s up?”

“Did you talk to Daire?”

“Yeah, he says two days, maximum.”

“I just wanted to check in. Any news on your end?”

“Nope, all’s quiet in the Faerie Mound. I’ve been thinking, though…what if…what if when Anca was saying gather your strength and gather your courage…what if she didn’t mean it figuratively?”

“What do you mean?” I asked with a frown.

Max grimaced. “Well, what if she means it literally? Like, your people that are your strength and courage?”


“I’m thinking your powerful allies; the Supernaturals in your life are your strength… the ones with the courage to fight the Dark things, that’s your courage…the Guardians.”

I nodded slowly as Anca’s message began to click into place. “You need to make sure the Fae in Ireland and the Guardians work together there, she’s not just coming for me, she’s also coming for the Oracle. Anca said be watchful of the Seer…that’s the Oracle.”

“I’ll see to it. Good call. Get some sleep; I’ll see you before dark.”

I nodded and tapped the glass as I heard the bathroom door open.

“Were ye on the phone?” Jillian asked as she came into the room drying her wet hair with a towel.

“You could say that. I was talkin’ to Max.”

“Ye tell him what Daire said?”

“He’s aware,” I said pulling her close and breathing in the scent of her mixed with my shampoo. Damn, she smelled good. Like cedar, lemongrass, sage, and sweetness.


“Mmm, you are,” I whispered, nibbling her neck.

“Antony,” she giggled, dropping the towel to slide her hands up around my neck and meet my kiss. “Ye need a shower,” she murmured with a smile against my lips.

“Mmm, I do,” I agreed, not wanting to let her go.

“Go on with ye, I’ll not be goin’ anywhere,” she said with a grin.

“Hmm, see that you don’t,” I replied squeezing her fingers and disappearing into the bathroom.

I stripped out of my jeans and tee shirt and stepped beneath the warm spray of water. I felt all of the frustrations of the day slip off of me. It had been a very, very long day. After washing up, I brushed my teeth and strode back into my room with the towel wrapped around my hips. I’d forgotten to grab some clothes. Jillian was sound asleep on my bed, her red curls spread out around her making her look like an angel in the long white button down shirt she’d stolen from my closet.

I smiled as I went back to the bathroom and got dressed. I returned to my room a few minutes later and didn’t have the heart to move Jillian over so I could join her on the small bed, so I grabbed a pillow from the closet and an extra blanket and sacked out on the floor next to her. I was out the minute my head hit the pillow.

Within minutes I was back in the Dream Vision. Anca was still misty looking, not quite there in the inky darkness. “Anca, when is she coming?”

“She’s coming…she’s coming…she’s bringing the Darkness… Use the Light… You are the Light… She’s coming… You’re their only hope… She’s coming…”

“How Anca? How am I supposed to stop her?”

“You are the Light…save them…she’s coming…” Anca said again, this time sounding even farther away than before. “Goodbye…”

“Goodbye? Anca!” I shouted into the blackness, but she was gone. I only hoped it wasn’t forever.

I woke up shaking with Jillian wrapped around me whispering soothing words. “Ciúin anois mo ghrá.”

Breathing deeply, I nodded, letting her calm me. “I’m all right. Anca is gone.”

“Gone?” she asked, lifting a delicate eyebrow.

I nodded again. “I don’t know,” I said, answering her unasked question. “Possibly for good. She said goodbye.”

“Oh, Tony, I am so sorry, mo ghrá.”

“You called me that before, what is that?” I asked.

Jillian blushed. “I’ll tell ye when this war is over.”

I stroked her cheek, wrapped my fingers in her curls and kissed her lips, her cheeks and her eyelids. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

“If ye say so,” she whispered.

“I think you’ve got me bewitched, my little Sorceress,” I whispered against her lips before kissing her again.

“Mmm, I think maybe ye’ve got that banjaxed. I’m the one bewitched by ye.”

“Hmm, maybe we’ve bewitched each other,” I said with a grin.

“Maybe,” Jillian agreed. “Come on, get up here on the bed so we ken get some more sleep. Yer little trip didn’t last long, an’ we’re gonna need our strength ta fight.”

I climbed up onto the bed and curled around her, holding her close as we fell asleep. I dreamed of nothing for the next several hours. My mind was blissfully blank.



awoke a few hours later. Jillian was still sound asleep and I didn’t want to wake her, so I crept quietly out of the room, shutting the door behind me. I padded to the kitchen and pulled out the cereal, fixed myself a bowl and took it into the living room to watch some TV.

Settling on the couch, I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. I didn’t pay attention to what was being said until I heard the word ‘Darkness’. That got my attention. I turned up the volume.

“Scientists are unsure at this point what could be causing the complete and utter darkness that is currently spreading over Europe. Power has failed and has not been restored as of yet in any of the European states.”

I set my bowl of cereal down on the table with a clatter. Scientist might not know what was causing the Darkness, but I did. I flipped the channel, I flipped several channels, and every station was covering the unusual phenomenon going on in Europe. I ran back to my room, grabbed my scrying glass and called Max. I waited impatiently for him to answer.

“Tones, we’re kind of busy at the moment,” Max said in lieu of ‘hello’. I could see several Fae warriors scrambling around behind him.

“So, you know?”

“About Europe? Yeah, we’re working on it.”

“You have to get Jillian’s parents to the Mound. If the Darkness finds them…”

“Yeah we’re working on that, too. She’s being stubborn.”

“Don’t give her a choice, Max. She has to go.”

“You’re right. Just don’t worry, we’ll get her there.”

“Anything I should be doing?”

“Not yet. The Queen’s not going to reach New York until later. You stay put.”

I nodded. “Be careful, Max.”

“Don’t worry Tones. We’re all over this,” Max said with a grin before tapping the glass and disconnecting us.

I turned back to the TV to watch.
“Asia is reporting the darkness on their horizon, people have poured into the streets in a panic. It has been utter chaos all day. Here in the U.S. people are saying it’s the end of times. Numerous citizens are seeking out bomb shelters in the hopes of avoiding what they claim will be total annihilation of the country. The President is reluctant to comment on what could be going on. Scientist in the U.S. are trying to determine if one of the larger planets, such as Jupiter has lost its gravitational pull and fallen out of orbit. At this point it is too soon to tell.”

I heard Jillian come out of the bedroom and slip across the hall to the bathroom. I didn’t want her to worry, so I turned the TV off. There wasn’t anything she could do at the moment anyway. I went into the kitchen and poured her a glass of orange juice.

“What’s the craic?” Jillian asked, coming into the kitchen and taking the proffered glass of juice.

“Nothing. You hungry?” I asked, turning away from her.

“Ye ain’t planning on molly coddlin’ me are ye?” Jillian asked.

I glanced over my shoulder at her and could see her hands on her hips, her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Antony, I ken read ye like a damn book. Somthin’ tis goin’ on. Spill it!”

I took her hand and led her into the living room and turned the television back on without saying a word. I just stood next to her, holding her hand.

“The darkness has now taken over Asia and is currently pushing over the English Channel. Londoners are gathered in churches, praying…”
I clicked the TV back off and pulled Jillian into my arms.

“Mum and Da,” she said softly.

“Max is working on getting them to the Faerie Mound.”

“She won’t go. She won’t leave the Orb.”

“The Orb?”

Jillian nodded. “Tis how she divine’s things. She won’t go into hiding, tis not her way.”

“Then Max will do everything he can to protect her, I swear, Jillian, she will be fine.”

Jillian smiled and looked up into my eyes. “I know,” she whispered and then kissed me.

I stroked her cheek and pulled her closer, kissing her for all I was worth. “I think I love you,” I whispered against her lips.

I felt Jillian smile. “Ye only think?”

I chuckled. “Okay, I know I love you, I just didn’t want to scare you.”

“Ye’re a dope. I love ye, too,” Jillian said with a giggle.

We spent the afternoon training, working with swords, and Jillian mixed some new potions. By the time evening rolled around, we were ready. The Darkness still hadn’t reached us, but that didn’t mean we wouldn’t have anything to fight. Her Foot soldiers would be headed our way as soon as the sun went down.

“It’s nearly dark, now. How long are we going to wait?” James asked impatiently pacing the club.

“The sun is down, but it’s still twilight out there. If we go all bad ass into the park while there are still people around, the cops are going to get called. Do
wanna be locked up for running around the park with twelve inch blades?” Max asked.

“It’s not like they can lock me up in wolf form,” James grumbled.

“Yeah they wouldn’t bother to lock you up…they’d just shoot your ass! Now knock it off!” Max said in aggravation.

“Wolf boy tis roi’t. Let’s get this party started,” Jillian said with a grin.

James tossed Jillian an acknowledging growl and a wolfish grin. “Been beefin’ up your sorcery, Red?”

“Yer losin’ brownie points fer that one, Wolfie,” Jillian said.

James laughed as I draped my arm around Jillian’s shoulders. “Any changes in the lineup?” I asked Max.

“Daire is being held up back in Faerie, in the mean time, Cole will go out with you and Jillian. Be careful. Thane and Dyson are working together and if push comes to shove, Auberon said he’d come.”

I nodded. It was a big deal if Auberon decided to show himself. “You going to call on him?”

“Only as a last minute resort. If we can’t take care of this little problem with the Queen…well, then I don’t deserve to be acting heir.”

“It will be fine,” I said, thinking about how I hoped those weren’t my very own, famous last words.

I took Jillian’s hand and we walked out of Dorinta’s, up the block to Central Park and moved on in, studying the Darkness as we did so. I waved to Thane and Dyson as they flashed off to their section and grinned as Rik and James shifted and took off into the trees. “Worried?” I asked Jillian.

“Nay, jest anxious ta get movin’.”

I squeezed her fingers once and then let go of her hand, freeing her for combat. We moved silently through the park, waiting. It wasn’t long before a line of Centycore emerged from the trees, charging so fast their hooves on the ground sounded like thunder. Their sharp, black coats were dark as midnight, and their blood red eyes shone with a blood lust.

Instead of waiting for the Centycore to reach us, Cole, Jillian and I charged straight ahead at them. Jillian pitched a few potions, exploding two of the six beasts before we even reached them. I drew my swords, leapt and front flipped over the creature’s antler; it only had one, dead center on its forehead, and landed on its lion like back. I stabbed downward into the creature’s neck and sliced through muscle and bone until I could see the tips of the blades on the other side of the creature. Then I pulled up at an angle, through its head with all of my strength, severing it in two pieces. It dropped to the ground where it stood, blood and gore gushing onto the grass as it began to disintegrate. I didn’t bother to watch it’s skin flake away into the wind, I took off after the next evil creature, getting to it just before it was about to pierce Jillian in the back. “Jilly!” I yelled and she jumped out of the way just as the creature’s antler came crashing down right where she’d been standing. I slid beneath the creature, forcing my blades to cut through its body lengthwise as I came to rest at Jillian’s feet. The two halves of the creature split apart, it’s disgusting, blackened guts pouring from its body before Jillian tossed another potion and the thing exploded.

Jillian pulled me to my feet with a grin and kissed me before whirling away to kick the next creature’s ass. I stood for a moment watching her, her sharpened dagger taking out the Centycore’s eyes before slitting open the beast’s throat. She tossed another potion on the last two dead creatures, making their bodies vanish into the blackness of the night.

“Well, that was fun,” Cole said breathing hard. He had a gash on his left arm where one of the Centycore had attempted to gore him with its antler.

“You all right?”

“Yeah, let’s keep moving. That won’t be the last of them.”

Jillian kept her dagger drawn as she carefully alternated between watching the skyline and the tree line. “You expecting a flying attack?” I asked.

“Ye never know. I’m jest bein’ dog wide, ye know? Watchin’ feckin’ everythin’,” she replied, her eyes still glancing every which way.

Jillian had been right to watch the sky; the next wave of attack came from a band of Harpies, descending upon us like a whirlwind, spinning us into a dizzy heap. Just as a group of the foul creatures reached for us with their talons, I blasted them with a pulse of Light so bright it lit up the night for several minutes. The Harpies who didn’t implode were then blinded and easy for Cole, Jillian and I to take out with a few swings of our blades.

“Are you well, Light Bearer?” Cole asked. “That was a pretty powerful blast.”

“I’m fine, barely felt it.”

Cole nodded and continued to watch the tree line. “I think we have in coming,” he said.

“Where?” I asked, unable to see in the now inky blackness.

Cole pointed with his sword toward a copse of trees off to our right. “Just there, lingering in the Darkness.”

We approached them with caution, unsure of the type of creature we would be dealing with. We didn’t have to wait long. The Kampé strode out of the trees on their dragon like feet, causing mini earthquakes with each step. I could hear the hiss of their serpent hair and the click of their sharp claws as the moved toward us. There were nine of them all together, and I rolled my shoulders and readied my blades for another battle.

“I’m runnin’ oot o’ potions,” Jillian said as she tossed a couple of very powerful, purple smoked, Unseelie melting potions at the Kampé, killing at least three of them.

“Save the rest. Use your dagger; Go for their throats, but avoid the serpents, one bite will leave you poisoned and writhing on the ground in agony.”

Jillian nodded and danced her way in close to one of the Kampé, dodging and weaving, avoiding claws and fangs and wriggling serpent hair to land a decapitating blow. As the head fell, the serpents shriveled up and its body crumpled. She tossed me a grin and moved on to the next one.

I couldn’t watch her anymore after that because two of the Kampé decided to come for me at the same time. I swiveled away. My blades flying and slicing through limbs as they reached out for me, grasping, trying to drag me into its middle where the bubbly skin met and rabid animal heads snapped and snarled attempting to take a bite out of me. The Kampé didn’t maneuver well, due to their dragon like lower bodies, so I dodged and moved in circles as I plunged my blades into them every chance I got. Finally the creatures collapsed under heavy blood loss. I didn’t have long to celebrate my victory over them, as two more Kampé charged me.

“Antony!” Jillian cried as one of the Kampe’s serpent like hair struck my arm. I quickly decapitated the creature, ignoring the pain that slowly crawled its way up my left arm. There was still one vile creature left and it was coming right for me.

“Get down!” Cole shouted as he pulled a heavy broad sword straight from the Never Never, and cut the creature off at the knees. It crumbled, but still lay there hissing and gnashing its fangs attempting to crawl to me. Cole swung the broad sword up and came down on the creature’s neck spraying blood in all directions as he decapitated it. “We have to get you back to the club! I’ll call a healer from there.”

I nodded, half out of it, not really able to make myself focus. I felt Cole lift me and drag my injured arm around his neck. Jillian took my other side and we flashed back to the bar.

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