Soul Mates Bewitched (5 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth A. Lance

BOOK: Soul Mates Bewitched
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I grinned and followed her out the door. The music from the club was still loud and it sounded as if they were just getting into full swing down there. “You sure you want to go home right now? We could, you know, maybe, go down to the club…check it out…”

“Well, maybe for a wee bit,” she said with a smile.

I grinned back and took her hand as we went down the stairs and through the office out into the club. I’d been right, it was getting packed. The band was hot, and people were dancing and watching the girls in the cages. I admit I stopped and stared at one woman who was dressed in a bikini top and very mini-skirt. She was upside down in one of the cages sliding up and down a pole.

“Come on.” Jillian yanked me away with a laugh. “That’s jest Kimberly. If yer really interested, I’ll introduce ye later.”

“You know her?” I asked incredulously.

“Well, I know jest aboot everyone here. They’re pretty much regulars, aren’t they, and I’m pretty much a regular, too,” she said headed to the bar. “What’s the craic, Marcus?”

“Jillian! What can I get for ya?” Marcus the bartender asked.

“Jest a tinnie fer me an Tony.”

“You got it! Two cokes comin’ up!”

“Ye wanna dance?” she asked, after we’d had a few minutes to drink our sodas and study the room.

I took her hand and led her out to the floor as the band started to play an Adam Lambert song. I’m not a big dancer, but I can hold my own on the floor. I spun her around and pulled her to me, our hips matching rhythms as we swayed together. She slid her arms up around my shoulders and stepped in even closer, rocking her body against mine, losing herself in the music. My hands were on her waist and I pulled her as close as I could until our bodies were pressed together and we were moving as one. She fit against me as if she were made for me. I brushed my lips against her cheek in a gentle caress and I heard her draw a breath in anticipation. I kissed her then, gently at first, but as her fingers sunk deeper into my hair, my hands moved lower, pressing her into to me. I deepened the kiss, ignoring the fact that the music had changed and people were moving around us. I pushed my tongue between her teeth to feel the silky softness of her mouth and I felt her leg wrap around mine as if she were trying to get even closer. It was the best first kiss of my life.

We were both breathing hard when we broke apart. I wanted her like I’d never wanted anything in my life. I could feel my heart beating really fast as I fell head over ass in love with her in that moment.

“Shite,” she said, looking over my shoulder toward the bar.

I raised an eyebrow; it wasn’t the reaction I’d anticipated. “What?” I asked as she disentangled herself from me.

“Nothing. Tis jest me boyfriend,” she said, obviously without thinking. “Me ex-boyfriend. He’s at the bar.”

I pulled her back firmly against me. “Screw him. What do you care? He’s your ex.”

Jillian looked up at me with frustration. “It..twas a recent break-up, like, as in this morning.”

I hesitated, not sure what to say. “Umm…”

“Roi’t. I broke up with him,” she said, her gorgeous green eyes looking up into mine. “I knew this…” she waved her hand between us, “twas coming when I met ye and I couldn’t still be with him and start something with ye. Get it?”

I pressed my forehead to hers. “So, what did you tell him?”

“Jest that we were done. He didn’t wanna break-up, and I left in a hurry ta get ta Nicu’s, so we didn’t, like, really finish the conversation.”

“Ah. Well, finished conversation or not, you aren’t his anymore,” I said possessively.

Jillian arched an eyebrow. “Doesn’t make me yer’s either, Tony. I’m not a possession ta be haggled over like an ale and crisps. One o’ the reasons I broke it off with him was, like, he thought he owned me. Brice is a Guardian too.”

I took her hand and pulled her off the dance floor and back to our table. “I know you aren’t an object to be fought over, and I don’t want to own you. I just want to be with you and keep you safe.”

Jillian grinned at that. “I kin keep meself safe. Ye do remember the flaming fireballs, roi’t?”

I grinned back. “Yeah, I remember them,” I said softly. “So, what do we do about Brice?”

“What makes you think you have anything to say about what she does with me?” Brice said as he stepped up to our table. “Is this why you broke it off with me? Because you wanted to whore around?”

I don’t know what possessed me to do it. Brice was built like a
Mack Truck
. But the next thing I knew, my fist was flying at his jaw and we were in full brawl mode. I got in a few good shots; I was much more agile than Brice. Everyone and everything in the club stopped to watch us. Brice’s fist was coming at me again, and I back flipped out of the way, kicking him in the jaw as I did so. I was just about to pick up a chair and break it across his head, when I saw Jillian.
was furious. Have you ever seen a Sorceress furious? It’s a really beautiful, but scary sight; the wind was blowing around her and her jeweled eyes glowed with power. I dropped the chair and waited for her wrath to hit me, but it didn’t. She just stood there smoldering. At least, that is, what I thought she was doing, until she unleashed her power on Brice. Not her magic, it was just her, all her.

“Don’t ye dare do or say another feckin’ thing, Brice Cale, or ye shall regret the day ye feckin’ met me! Whorin’ ‘round? I put up with a lot of yer shite fer way ta long and I shan’t do it anymore, ye feckin’ arse! So ye ken jest kiss me arse goodbye! I told ye this morning’ we were through. Doesn’t matter the reason.”

Brice gave me a dirty look, pulled his leather jacket back on, and walked out of the club without another word.

“And ye! Ye bloody feckin’ eejit!” Jillian said, whirling around to face me, her eyes still shining with power. “What the bloody feckin’ hell were ye thinkin’? Were ye tryin’ ta git yerself killed? Throwin’ punches at him! Do ye feckin’ have a brain in yer head? He’s a bloody Warlock! Yer lucky he didn’t spell yer arse!”

Okay, I admit I hadn’t thought of that. “He’s a what?”

“A Warlock. A
. He’s got power, Tony. I bloody told ye he’s a Guardian, did ye not think he might have some sort o’ power?”

“Er, no. I didn’t consider that.” So much for my psychic abilities. Apparently they’d shut down for the night.

Jillian shook her head. “I’d better go, afore Nicu finds oot what jest happened. He’s likely ta kick me arse fer nearly gettin’ ye killed.”

“Why are you and my uncle trying to keep me from getting killed? I can protect myself you know, I’ve been doing it for years now.”

“I can’t explain it now, Tony. I have ta go.” Jillian reached up and pulled my lips to hers for a quick kiss. “See ye tomorrow,” she whispered, and then disappeared.

I watched her go, wondering what the hell I was missing.



ou did what?” Max asked through the mirror the next morning.

“Kissed her.”

“I’ll be there in a minute,” Max said with a frown.

I tapped the mirror three times and by the third tap, Max was standing next to me in full Fae Warrior form.

“What were you thinking, Tones? You don’t know anything about her. You’ve known her for what? Two days?”

I stared at him. “Pot, meet kettle?”

“That was entirely different. Anna is my soul mate, I didn’t have a choice.”

“Right. If you recall, you didn’t know that part until later. So don’t lecture me on kissing a girl I don’t know.”

Max frowned. “But, you don’t know…”

“I don’t know what?”

“I can’t say. Just, there is more going on than you know, and she is part of it.”

“I know there is more going on, Anca told me as much. The Unseelie aren’t just looking for the Chalice. They’re searching for something else. What is it, Max? Why are you keeping me in the dark?”

“I don’t have a choice. It’s a Fae matter, and your Jillian is in it up to her eyeballs.”

“What are you talking about? How is Jillian involved in Fae matters?” I asked, but I had a funny feeling I already knew. My dreams had been telling me as much.

“I’ve already said too much. What happened after you kissed her?”

I sighed. Max wasn’t going to tell me anything. Typical, he was always trying to protect everyone. “How does Anna stand your over protectiveness?”

“She deals with it. Now spill it. What else happened?”

“Her ex-boyfriend showed up and we got into it. Jillian called him a warlock.”


“Brice something or other. He’s a Guardian.”

“Sure he is. Stay away from him, Tones, he’s bad news.”

“You know, I’m really getting extremely tired of nobody telling me anything, Dude, and being left out.”

“Look, just promise me you won’t go out without back-up. I know I can’t keep you from hunting, but let me send Daire with you.”

“Fine. Daire can tag along.”

“And stay away from Brice, he’s dangerous. And don’t trust anyone.”

“Not even you?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Funny. Don’t trust anyone you haven’t known for the last ten years. Especially not Jillian.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Daire appeared a moment later. “You sent for me, my prince?”

“You are to stay with Tony. If he hunts, you back him up. Watch his back.”

“It would be my honor to hunt with the Bearer, my prince.”

I blinked slowly. “What was that? What did you call me?”

Max glared at Daire. “Nothing. It was nothing. Just do as I said, Daire. And keep your mouth shut.”

“Yes, my prince.” Daire said dropping to one knee.

“And, Tones, don’t pester him with a bunch of questions he is not at liberty to answer. You will know what you need to know when you need to know it.”

I frowned as my best friend flashed out of my room and back to where ever he had come from. Probably the Felidae Compound, where Anna and the babies were.

“Are you planning to hunt this evening?” Daire asked.

“Probably. I have things to do this afternoon,” I replied, thinking I would corner Uncle Nicu and get some answers one way or another.

“Then, I shall return before dusk,” Daire said as he, too, flashed out of my room.

“Great. Just what I need. More questions with no answers,” I said to myself. I left my room to go in search of breakfast, and then Uncle Nicu. Maybe I could make him give me some answers.

The kitchen was deserted when I got there, but the sink was filled with Uncle Nicu’s breakfast dishes. I sighed. Maybe I would find him down in the club. I ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes and did the dishes. It gave me time to think of what I really wanted to ask Uncle Nicu. I placed the last bowl in the drying rack, shut off the lights, and left the apartment. I walked quietly down the stairs to Uncle Nicu’s office.

The door was slightly ajar, and I could see Uncle Nicu through the crack. I don’t know what made me stop and listen, maybe my psychic abilities were kicking back in.

“I know, I have been trying to keep him away from them. I sent him away for God’s sake! You think I don’t know that?” Nicu said into the phone. “Jillian is doing her best to keep him out of harm’s way, but he’s eighteen and has a mind of his own. He showed up with a Light Fae, Auberon’s heir.”

I held my breath, waiting to see what information I could glean from the exchange.
Who could Uncle Nicu be talking to?

“Yes, he is definitely of the Light, Gabriel. He is very protective of him. He came to see me this morning, told me to keep a careful eye on him and that he was making sure Antony stayed out of trouble and was kept safe.” Nicu paused to listen, and I contemplated the thought of Max being here, and warning Uncle Nicu. “He doesn’t trust your daughter. She has a new talent, did you know of it?”

He must be talking about Jillian and her flame-throwing hands.
I frowned.

“I don’t know where she learned it! It wasn’t something
taught her. She’s been keeping company with another Guardian, Brice Cale.” Nicu paused again. “You know about him? He is a Spell-maker, he taught her…yes, I know. You could have warned me beforehand…right, need to know. Very well, I will do what you ask… I know, keep your enemies closer… I will be watchful.” Nicu hung up the phone and started toward the door.

I quickly slipped out into the club before he could see me and out the front door. I had no idea where I was going, just that I needed to get away and think. I began to jog, without any real destination. I wished I had my iPod with me, it would have drowned out all of my thoughts. I turned left on Central Park South and headed toward the Circle. A run always made me feel better, but as I was passing by the Mandarin Oriental, an odd little shop next to it caught my eye. Mirabella’s Trinkets and Oddities, the sign read, but technically it was the items in the shop’s glass front window that had me pausing to take a closer look. As I stopped to gaze more fully through the window, I noticed a mortar and pestle made of jade sitting off to one side of the spell books that had first drawn my attention. It made me think of Jillian and I smiled. The shop was closed, so I figured I’d have to come back another time. A moment later something flashed in the glass and my heart started to race. I worked to calm myself, hoping not to call the attention of the creature to me. I’d stupidly left my swords back at the club. My eyes searched for a make shift weapon as I stood staring into the window. Anything I could use to defeat the creature…er… make that
of creatures… making their way toward me.

My eyes finally lit on something that could work, it was an odd choice, but I’d have to make it work. I slowly moved toward the vender cart a few feet away, keeping my eyes on the glass, while watching for the creatures. Their beady red eyes were definitely focused on me, as if they knew I was going to fight them. I made a grab for the umbrella that topped the cart, and the metal pole slid out easily. I quickly shut the blue and yellow canvas part, and spun just as the creatures’ scaly talons swiped out toward me. The pole hit the creatures, knocking them back toward the shops and they roared. It was almost like a sonic boom, as all of the glass front windows of the shops shattered.

The umbrella pole was not going to hold them off for long; I had to get to the Faerie Mound before they got any closer. The creatures were definitely after me specifically and I took a moment to wonder exactly why. Then, decided it didn’t matter at the moment, ‘cause I had to get out of there. I pushed the pole at them, knocking them off balance on their thin, bird like feet, turned and ran. Around the Circle, toward Central Park West, and then into Central Park itself. The creatures were slow, their build cumbersome, making it difficult for them to keep up with me. I ran for all I was worth toward the Mound. The creatures were getting frustrated, and I could hear it in their squawks. Another sonic boom like roar rolled over me, uprooting trees and knocking me off my feet. I glanced behind me, and saw that they were gaining momentum. I had to move! I scrambled back up to my feet and took off again. I could see Thane, and I shouted to him.

“Thane! Swords, I need swords!” I said running.

“Light Bearer! What are you doing here?” Thane called to me, looking concerned. His eyes widened as he took in the trio of Unseelie that were on my tail. He quickly tossed me a set of swords and I turned to face the trio with Thane at my back.

The trio slid to a stop, their bulk causing them to jostle each other as they skidded in front of us. I went into attack mode, I ran toward them, dropped low, and slid between the middle one, and the one on the left. My swords cutting them off at the knees, and they dropped, letting out another sonic roar. I nearly missed being squashed by the large Elm that fell. Quickly, I jumped to my feet, back flipped away, and spun around, slicing through the talon that clawed at me.

While I’d been busy dodging the tree, Thane had take out the two knee-capped creatures. We now surrounded the one beast that was left. Its beady red eyes were focused on me and it squawked again in my face. Wings that I hadn’t noticed before unfolded from its back and spread out on either side of it. No wonder it had looked so bulky. Open, those wings could lift a building. The creature turned, knocking Thane off his feet, and took to the air. It made one pass over us, attempting to grab me with its talons, but it got a bite from my sword instead, and decided to take off. I can’t say I’m not happy about that. I was wiped.

“Bearer, are you all right? Are you hurt?” Thane asked, looking me over.

“Bearer? Why do you call me that?”

Thane frowned. “Because, that is your title, the Light Bearer.”

“What are you talking about, Thane?” I asked, handing him back the borrowed swords as we approached the now opening Mound door.

Daire came through the door, his eyes going wide when he noticed me, and Thane shut up. “Thane, what have you done?”

“I…” Thane closed his eyes. “I did not know that he didn’t know. I didn’t know that he would—”

“Auberon is going to be furious! There was supposed to be a ceremony, he hasn’t had time to put it together yet,” Daire said furiously. “Tony, please come in. We apparently have much to discuss.” He didn’t even bother to comment on the disintegrating creatures near the tree line or the mess of uprooted trees littering the area.

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