Somewhere in His Arms (53 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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“There, now,” she soothed and kissed his brow as he drifted off. “Go to sleep, my love.”


              “I'm tired of this bed!” Alec called to his wife. “Let me up!”

She came in with flour dusting her nose and cheeks and her hair up in a brightly flowered scarf.
              “I don't care! The doctor said one more week!”

“But I can't stay here forever,” he protested, shifting around to ease the ache in his back. “I've got stuff to do!”

“All that can wait,” Lucy reassured her husband. “Gavin isn't going anywhere.”

“How would
know? Have you seen him lately?”

Lucy went to him and felt his brow. “Maybe I have and maybe I haven't,” she answered cryptically.

Alec's eyes grew round. “What's
supposed to mean?”

She smiled down at him and wiped his face with a damp cloth. “Hush, darling.” Lucy turned on the TV and flounced out of the room. “You'll strain yourself!”

here, woman!” he yelled. “You can't get away with this! I have rights!”

Her soft mocking laughter floated in from the kitchen. And Alec finally gave up trying to reason with her. He changed the channel and watched
wreck havoc on those who'd tried to snuff him out.

At least he would be entertained while he was feeling sorry for himself.


* * *

Gavin's tongue slid in and out of her wet cunt with rapacious hunger. She squealed with delight, arching her slender hips eagerly, and gripped the sheets in a desperate attempt to stave off her orgasm. He grinned against the smooth flesh and swirled his roughened tongue around her engorged clitoris, back and forth, sucking hard on the nub, and drawing it between his teeth. She sobbed in agony, her head thrashing back and forth on the pillow. Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, he moved over her damp body and rammed her hard and deep with his massive cock. She gasped in pained pleasure and raised her knees, clutching his broad shoulders as he rode her to the brink. Gavin groaned and winced as her vagina gripped his penis like a vise. She was tighter than the others, and she felt amazing. He pounded on, devouring the massive globes of her tits, and assaulting her tongue with savage strokes. She bucked beneath him, whimpering her pleasure, and screamed as she came. Gavin shouted as he climaxed, shuddering and moaning into her neck as he squirted hotly into her.

They lay panting in the aftermath until the director yelled:

Gavin raised his head to peer into Cindy's sated green eyes. “Did I hurt you, babe?”

She laughed softly and kissed him lightly on the nose. “You're sweet.” She disentangled her lithe limbs from his and walked off the set where an assistant handed her a robe.

He sighed and folded his arms beneath his head. While it had been a nice ride, he was getting too old for this sort of thing. Harvey had promised him only one more movie and he was out. But that was going on three years ago, and he was fast losing his patience.

“Hey, Jimmy!” a man called from the craft service table. “There's some guy to see you.”

“What does he want?”

“He says he's your brother.”

Gavin winced. He didn't need this today. Ole Alec didn't know when to quit. He didn't want to see him. Hadn't seen him in ten years. And he was going to keep it that way. “Tell him I'm busy!”

Sammy came onto the set munching a donut. “I tried to. He won't take ‘no’ for an answer.”

Gavin rose from the bed, snatching his robe, and brushed past the gaffer who looked on in bemusement. His brother stood near the exit with his arm in a sling. Faint concern filled him and was about to stop when he decided against it. He'd left that part of his life behind the moment he'd turned his first trick. Alec was part of his past, not his future. Why couldn't he understand that? Gavin did an about-face and went the other way, signaling to Beau that his brother wasn't welcome.

Alec's face fell when Gavin didn't stop and turned around. The Tree approached him and ordered him out in a deeply gruff voice: “Get out!”

“B-But he's my brother! I have a right to see him!”

Tree moved closer and shoved his face into Alec's who got a lungful of stale nachos and cigarettes. “He don't want to see you, all right? Don't make me hurt you like last time.”

Alec pulled away, straightening what was left of his spine. “Yeah, yeah. I understand. Tell the little wanker his mother says 'hi'!” With that Alec stormed out, flinging his sling aside into the parking lot and uttering every filthy word he could think of. He opened the car door and sat for a few minutes, fuming. Then he buckled his seat belt and went to retrieve his wife.

Lucy stood on the curb, clutching her haul of books, and waited for her husband. She had warned Alec that Gavin might not want to see him, but he wouldn't listen. Now, she fretted over what Alec might have said or done. The Tree wasn't to be taken lightly as she herself had found out a few weeks ago. She'd been stupid enough to drive all that way, only for the Tree to make a lascivious suggestion and slam the door in her face when she refused. She'd hoped a nasty fall would rectify the situation.

The replacement car Alec had rented pulled up. It wasn't as nice as the sedan, but the red Volkswagen Beetle was better suited for zipping along the congested streets of Los Angeles. The door opened and Lucy peered in to find her husband gripping the steering wheel and his jaw working a piece of gum to death. She threw her bags into the backseat and slid in.

Lucy buckled her seatbelt and glanced at her husband. She decided it was better for him to stew in his own juices for a while. A frustrated husband didn't need his wife scolding him like a child. He probably found out the hard way.

They drove home in silence. Alec stopped the car and Lucy hopped out. She grabbed her bags and followed him into the house. A storm was brewing, and she wondered if she shouldn't hide in the bedroom until it blew over. Deciding against it, she went into the kitchen to make lunch. Lucy gathered stuff for sandwiches and opened some cans of potato soup. Just as she was pouring the thick concoction into the pot, the storm reared its ugly head.

Alec roared, making her flinch.

Lucy cringed in the kitchen, suddenly frightened. She'd never seen him
angry. She didn't even think he could
this angry. But there it was. Just for good measure, she thought she heard him break a few of Rudy's knickknacks as well. She peered fearfully into the living room to find her husband sitting down with his head in his hands. She went to him and sat down, quiet but offering her strength should he need it.

He peered up at last with reddened eyes and looked at his wife. “I can't do this anymore.
              Lucy slid off the sofa and knelt before him. “Then don't.”

“I... don't...know do.”

“I'll help you.”

He reached out and smoothed her hair. “Let's elope.”


Alec laughed in spite of himself. “Sure, we'll leave everything. Gavin can go fuck himself since that's what he's good at.”

“Where will we go?” She kissed his hand.

“How'd you like to get married in New York?”

She smiled up at him. “I'd love to.”


              They hopped the red-eye two days later and took a taxi to The Plaza Hotel where they checked in under separate names. Lucy didn't understand at first, until Alec said he wanted to do this right. “It's only for a few days,” he assured her.

“B-But I don't see the need for two rooms,” she sputtered. “It'll cost a fortune!”

“Yes, I know.” He tossed her suitcase onto her bed and kissed her brow. “But you're technically my fiancée and I promised Fontainebleau that I'd do this right.”

She frowned. “What's
got to do with this?”

Alec chuckled and parted the curtains, revealing a spectacular view of Central Park. “The first thing he did after you left was to give me a bath.” Her eyes widened. “And the second thing he did was lecture me on how to treat a lady. He said since I was madly in love with you, that I should at least make an effort, and do it the old-fashioned way.”

“And that is...?”

He went to her and mussed her hair. “He said I should woo you.”

“Woo me?”

“Certainly, wife!” he grinned boyishly and turned to leave. “Now be a good girl and behave yourself. I'll fetch you for dinner.”

“Don't think I'll forget this!” she called out. “I'll raid the mini-bar and then you'll be sorry!”

“Go ahead! I dare you!” he laughed and closed her door.

“Oh!” she muttered to herself. Just for spite, she opened the cabinet and took out several bags of cookies. She flopped onto the bed and clicked on the TV. An old episode of
was playing; Katarina was about to shove Lexie off a cliff. She wondered why her father had wasted his time on such drivel. But as she tore into the cookie, she supposed there were worse things in the world.

Like refusing to sleep with one's wife when that wife wanted her husband desperately. Fuming, she tore into another cookie. Before this trip was over, he'd be paying through his ears!


              Lucy awoke the next morning feeling cranky and out of sorts. After a quick dinner in one of the hotel restaurants, Alec had escorted her to her room and left without so much as a by your leave. Oh, he'd kissed her chastely on the cheek, but it was almost as if he were afraid to touch her. She'd been so insulted that she'd banged on his door determined to put an end to his nonsense. Several guests had opened their doors to see what the commotion was about, but Lucy had paid them no mind. After a while, her husband's door had flung open, he'd handed her a basket full of the contents of his mini-bar, and had practically slammed the door in her face.

After that, Lucy had skulked off to her room with nothing to comfort her but chocolate-chip shortbread cookies and caramel nut popcorn. There'd been a horror movie marathon on and she'd watched it against her better judgment and fell asleep dreaming of some guy in a hockey mask.

Lucy glanced at the clock and decided it was far too early to face the day. She curled up beneath the satin duvet and went back to sleep. When she awoke, it was half past ten, so she ordered a room service omelet and took a long, hot bath. Garbed in the complimentary robe, she was about call Alec, when she heard a knock at the door. Lucy flung it open eagerly, expecting to see her husband, but was met by an unsmiling butler instead.

Lucy blushed to the roots of her hair and clutched the robe closer about her neck. “Yes...?”

“Excuse me, Miss,” the butler said with a stately air, “but the gentleman across the hall wanted me to give this to you.” He produced a white envelope from inside his vest and handed it to her.

She took the proffered envelope and tipped the man twenty dollars. Lucy closed the door and curled up into an overstuffed chair wondering what her mysterious husband had up his sleeve. Munching on a croissant, she opened the flap and found a thousand dollar gift card to Neiman Marcus along with a handwritten note on hotel stationary.


Dearest Lucia,

I have a few things to attend to, so I want you to go shopping. I'm taking you out to dinner. Make yourself beautiful and don't scrimp! I'll pick you up at eight.

Love, your silly hubby,


Lucy giggled with glee, clutching the envelope to her chest, and hurried to get dressed. She was out of the hotel and in a cab twenty minutes later. As she perused the racks of designer dresses, Lucy couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Her mother had loved clothes and had an entire closet devoted to shoes alone, but her father hadn't liked to indulge his wife's preoccupation with sartorial splendor, and by the end of the marriage, had reduced her mother's clothing allowance to a humiliating trickle. The last time she and her mother were in New York they'd had to shop at a thrift store; her mother had fled the shop in tears. Vivian, of course never had such problems.

Sighing sadly, Lucy wondered if she could get an entire outfit for less than a thousand dollars.
Boy, was she wrong!
It had been quite some time since she'd dared to shop in “the forbidden zone.” That is, most of her wardrobe consisted of sale purchases at Wal-Mart or Target. She wasn't picky about her clothes as long as they wore well and didn't shrink in the wash. With that being said, she didn't know where Alec was planning on taking her, so perhaps a cocktail dress would fit the bill. There were racks upon racks of little black dresses in every design and fabric imaginable: slinky, shimmery, formal, slutty, and the-I-guarantee-you-you-won't-be-sleeping-in-your-own-bed-dress.

Lucy cringed at those. Besides, she'd already done the black dress thing. She wanted to knock Alec's socks off. But almost an hour into her shopping expedition, she had nothing to show for it except lacy underwear and some new lip-gloss. Lucy sat down on a plush sofa in the shoe department doing her best
The Thinker
impersonation and mulling the intricacies of shopping for the perfect dress. Then as she glanced up, she saw them. The perfect shoes! A pair of Kate Spade platform peep-toe sandals in black and champagne satin d'Orsay and a black self-rosette.

And as for the dress to go with these perfect sandals? Lucy figured she'd know it when she found it.


              Alec fumbled with his cufflinks and swore as he dropped the tiny stud for the third time that evening. He was shaking like a leaf, and he didn't know why. It wasn't as if he'd never gone on a date before!
Get a hold of yourself, man!
He hadn't seen Lucy since the previous evening, and he was curious as to what she'd been up to all day. Hopefully, she'd put the gift card to good use. Anticipation filled him and he swore when he dropped the stud for a fourth time. He hoped his wife would find him handsome. He'd gone and purchased a new black suit and tie for the occasion. Nothing fancy. His new dress oxfords were pinching his toes and he wondered why in the hell couldn't he find shoes that fit? He never seemed to have this problem back home. It must be a Yankee thing.

Glancing at the clock, he gave his reflection one last critical perusal, and fumbling with the cufflink once again, shut the door, and unceremoniously dropped it onto the carpet. He swore viciously and bent down to retrieve it. Alec panicked. He couldn't find it! It seemed to have vanished into thin air, and his fingers raked the plush fibers to no avail. He was about to give up all hope, when a pair of slender fingers fished it out for him, and held out the silver and onyx stud.

“Drop something, sailor?” a soft female voice purred with amusement

“H-Huh?” Alec repeated stupidly, and glanced up to find a goddess peering down at him.

It was
wife, or someone who faintly resembled her. The creature standing above him bore no resemblance to the petite beauty he knew and loved. His eyes took in the peep-toe sandals with their black rosettes, the dainty ankles, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head at the rest of her. Lucy was wearing some red tulle strapless confection that made him feel lightheaded. The tops of her creamy breasts were slightly visible; she wore a black sparkly cardigan; a narrow ribbon of black velvet encircled the slender throat; red lip gloss gleamed wetly from that sweet little mouth; and her hair was done up in a softly braided updo.

It seemed an eternity before he found his voice again.
he croaked,

The red mouth curved upward into a saucy smile. “Well, it ain't yer Aunt Mary!” she quipped softly.

“You're gorgeous!” he breathed in awe.

She smiled down at her handsome husband in his new suit. “So are you.”

Their eyes met and held and Alec couldn't breathe. “Help me up, will you?”

And Lucy held out her hands, giggling helplessly as she helped him to his feet.

He towered above her in his new shoes, and she reached out to help him with the cufflink. “You dropped this.”

Alec bent his head and inhaled deeply. She smelled heavenly. “Blimey, you smell good!” he exclaimed.

“Do I?” she laughed, firmly affixing the stud. “It's the most expensive stuff I could find.”

“I-Is it?”

Lucy nodded and kissed his chin. “You don't smell so bad yourself, husband.”

He cleared his throat awkwardly, thinking he'd better get his wife into the limo before he took her here in the hallway. “We'd better go wife! Before I carry you off to bed.”

“Would that be so bad?” she purred, slipping her arms around him and kissing his neck.

Alec closed his eyes and tried to think of what he had planned. He'd ravish her later. “Later, wife!” he admonished gruffly. “Dinner first!” He pushed her away from him gently and offered his arm. “Have a care, woman!” he grinned. “A man can only take so much!”

“Is that so?” Lucy looped her arm through his and strolled with him to the elevators. “Care to elaborate?”

“Stop it!” he scolded hoarsely. “Or we'll be thrown out of this hotel for indecent exposure!”

Lucy dissolved into a fit of giggles and couldn't stop. Alec's lips twitched in spite himself until finally the elevator doors opened to his relief. “Get in there, wife!”

They were the only ones in the lift and the electrical charge between them was palpable. Alec reached down to take her hand and gripped it gently. “I've missed you, wife,” he said softly. “It's been hell sleeping without you.”

“Me too,” she breathed and caressed his palm with her thumb. Delicious currents of excitement ran up and down her arm, and Lucy could feel him tugging slightly. Any moment she'd be in those sturdy arms...

And then the doors opened and ruined it all! An elderly couple stepped in, and Alec felt the warm fire of sexual arousal being extinguished. He glanced surreptitiously over at his wife who he knew was feeling the same way. His thumb stroked over hers soothingly. The elderly couple got off six floors later and Alec couldn't wait. As soon as the doors closed, he yanked her into his arms, and kissed her with all the hunger of a man who hadn't slept with his wife in three weeks.

Lucy gasped as he crushed her to him, his mouth moving hotly over hers. His tongue darted in and drank deeply, stroking and finding, taking and giving. She rose on tiptoes and slipped her arms around his neck, kissing him back with all the love and longing that had been building. He groaned and moved her against the wall. His mouth slid across her cheek and traveled down her throat to the tops of her breasts revealed by her gown. Her head fell back against his arm and her breath caught at his hand drawing her knee up over his hip, his fingers sliding beneath the hem, and caressing her thigh.

“Alec,” she said breathlessly. “I-I don't think...we should do”

He groaned against her breasts and allowed his hand to slide beneath her dress to cup the pert little bum encased in lace. Alec slid his knee between her thighs and yanked her up against him---hard. His mouth took hers again and he ground his pelvis sensuously into her belly. She moaned softly and her hands came up to cup his face. “We could... always order room service.”

Alec kissed her again softly and let her go. He smoothed her gown and put her back together. “Later, wife!” he said hoarsely and offered his arm again. “Dinner awaits.”

“Oh!” she pouted, feeling an unbearable ache between her thighs that only he could satisfy. “Now, I'm going to be frustrated all night!”

He grinned knowingly. “Well, maybe I can help you with that later.”

“Promise?” she breathed, unable to look away from his eyes, which were black pools of desire.

“I promise,” he whispered, kissing her ring.

The elevator reached the lobby and Lucy allowed her husband to escort her out of the hotel and into a shiny black limousine. Her skirt billowed up dangerously as she slid into the plush velvet seat, and she had to press it down hard. Her husband chuckled at her predicament and pulled her onto his lap. “Having trouble, wife?”

The limo lurched forward and Lucy rested her head on his shoulder. “Where are we going?”

Alec touched his lips to her fragrant hair. “You're so nosy, wife!”

not!” she protested lightly, nipping his ear and nestled against him, inhaling the spicy scent of his aftershave. “I'm happy to go anywhere as long as I'm with you.”

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