Somewhere in His Arms (51 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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Alec sat contemplating his next move before starting the car. “Let's eat,” he said a bit harshly. “I need to think.”

Lucy nodded and kept her mouth shut. Sometimes it was better to be seen and not heard.

They sat sipping coffee in a diner, with Alec unusually quiet and withdrawn. He'd barely touched his burger and Lucy pulled his plate towards her and polished off his fries. She didn't know what to say to comfort him and was afraid that Alec would shut her out. “Hey, English,” she said softly, waving her hand in front of his unseeing eyes. “Remember me?”

He reached out and caught her hand and caressed her engagement ring. “How could I forget? You're going to marry me.”

“I am?” she said brightly and reached for his burger. “Should I channel my inner bridezilla or shall we elope?'

Alec managed a faint smile. He knew she was trying to cheer him up, but he just felt as if the whole world had fallen away from him. “I'll let you know.” He sighed and peered out the window. “I'm sorry, love,” he apologized. “I'm not much fun to be with right now.”

“Oh, stop!” she admonished lightly. “I think you're entitled to a pity party. I didn't expect to be invited. I didn't invite you to mine.”

He eyed her closely. “When did you have yours?”

Lucy drained her root beer float and pushed the glass aside. She looked up at him sadly. “When I found out I was pregnant.”

Alec felt like kicking himself.  “I'm sorry, love,” he whispered regretfully. “I didn't make it easy for you, did I?”

“It wasn't your fault.”

“Don't let me off the hook, love. I was an absolute bastard to you.”

She shook her head, but he silenced her and held her hand to his cheek. “Forgive me.”

A lump settled in her throat. He'd never really apologized, and Lucy held no grudges, but it was touching nonetheless. “There's nothing to forgive, English,” she sniffed and swiped the tears away. “You didn't know.”

His own eyes glistened. “It's no excuse, love.” The pain in his voice was palpable. “I'll never forgive myself.”

“Stop!” she pleaded. “You're going to make me cry! What's done is done. All that's in the past and we shouldn't dwell on it.”

Alec kissed her hand again and tried to smile. “It's too late. You're as red as that ketchup bottle.”

“Am I?” she tried to laugh, but it came out as a hoarse croak. “Well, it's your own fault!”

His eyes caressed her gently. “I'm glad you are here with me.”

“Me too.”

“Let's go home, love.” He helped her up. “It's been a long night.”

They drove home in absolute silence, each engrossed in their own thoughts. Alec tucked his wife into bed but couldn't sleep. He rose and prepared a cup of tea and went into the living room.

This time it was
turn to watch TV in the dark.


              Alec leaned his head back against the tub and allowed the steaming water to soothe his weary body. He hadn't had a moment to himself since deciding to bring Gavin home. He'd been neglecting Lucy something awful, but being the sweetheart that she was, she'd done everything she could to make life easier for him. She cooked, she cleaned, and she tucked him into bed after a long and tiring day staking out Gavin's studio and apartment, and even accompanied him on his nocturnal spying missions even though she was suffering from a dreadful cold.

He couldn't ask for more in a wife and would have to make it up to her. 

“Want me to wash your back?” she asked, her voice sounding oddly muffled. He opened his eyes to find her smiling down at him, clad in a flannel nightgown, and holding a sponge. She looked adorable with her flushed cheeks and reddened nose.

“You're supposed to be in bed, wife!” he scolded lightly, but sat up and leaned forward nonetheless. Alec sighed at her gentle ministrations. “After this I want you back in bed.”

Lucy sniffed and rubbed her nose on her sleeve.
Drat this cold!
“Only if you come with me.” She dipped the sponge into the water and rinsed his back. “I can't sleep unless you're there.”

He took a wet finger and tapped her lightly on the end of her nose. “Wait for me?”

She nodded and let out an explosive sneeze. “How did I get this horrible cold, anyway?”             

“You're doing too much, love,” he chided and stroked her cheek. “I'll fix you some tea and we'll watch a movie. How's that sound?”

“Perfect,” she sighed happily and stood up. On her way out, she snatched a handful of toilet paper, honking loudly as she blew her nose.

Alec could hear her muttering to herself as she made her way to bed. His shoulders shook with suppressed laughter while he finished his bath. He rose, drained the tub, toweled himself off, and dressed in the new pair of pajamas she'd bought for him as he made her a cup of green tea.

His wife was busy blowing her nose and tossed the crumpled tissue into the waste bin next to the bed. She missed. Alec bent, retrieved the tissue, and put it in its proper place. He handed her the cup of tea. “I put honey in it for your throat, love.
              “Thanks,” she sighed, blowing into the cup, and taking a small sip.

Alec turned on the TV and popped in a DVD. He climbed in beside her and felt her brow. “Want some aspirin?”

“I already took some,” she finished her tea and set the cup on the nightstand. Lucy slid down into bed and snuggled against him. “What did you put in?” she asked as the movie began to play.

“It Happened One Night,”
he said and held her close. “One of these days we'll take a road trip, stay in a motel, and I'll blow a horn to bring down your walls of Jericho.”

“You wouldn't have to blow the horn, I'd let you in.”

“You would, huh?”

She nodded sleepily and kissed his neck. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he whispered, dropping a kiss onto her feverish brow. He continued to watch the movie until he drifted off, safe in her arms.


              Pat pulled up to the cottage just before dawn and unfolded his hulking frame from the hatchback. It had been a long drive, so he wanted to get this over with and get back to San Francisco before everyone and his mother knew he was here.

The place was deserted and unsettling. Shredded remnants of yellow police tape littered the gravel drive and flapped eerily in the wind. A chill slithered along his spine, and he took out his camera and documented everything. The sun was fast arriving on the horizon and he hurried to finish.

Rudy had told him that very few people save for himself and Alec had known the location of the cottage, so Pat was confused as he wandered down the road. The turnoff wasn't visible from the main road at night, and someone would have had to have gotten mighty good directions to keep from missing the gate. He walked on, heavy boots crunching on dried mud and rocks and halting abruptly when he heard something cracking beneath his foot. He lifted his boot and there, winking at him knowingly in the first faint glimmer of day, laid a pair of women's spectacles. Pat bent down and took a handkerchief from his coat pocket. He lifted them gingerly off the ground and placed them in a small plastic bag, Birds were beginning their morning routine and several of them began singing to each other. Pat lingered for a moment, listening, and returned to his car.

* * *

              “Are you done, yet?” Lucy called to her husband who was taking an awfully long time in the shower. “You've been in there since Tuesday!”

“Keep your knickers on, woman,” he called back, laughing. “I'm almost done.”

Lucy crossed her arms over her chest and fumed. He'd promised to take her out to dinner and a movie now that her cold had passed. She'd been looking forward to this night for weeks. Alec hadn't been spending as much time with her as she would've liked, but she was apt to be a sympathetic wife, and didn't make a fuss about it. He'd been gallivanting about the city looking for an opportunity to speak to Gavin without his manager's goons hovering about.

Sighing, she began to wonder if they would ever get out of here. Lucy knocked on the door and opened it slightly to find her handsome hubby shaving. She lingered in the doorway for a long moment, taking the time to indulge her appreciation for Alec's fine body. A towel was wrapped loosely around the lean hips and his delectable bum was fully outlined beneath the fabric. Her heart beat that much faster at his presence. He reached up to shave his chin and caught her eyeing him in the mirror.

“Spying on me, wife?” he grinned, taking in her petite form. She had put on a few stone and his bathrobe clung to her new curves in the most alluring way. His wife scrunched her lovely face up into an impish smile and hopped up onto the sink.

“You missed a spot,” she said, taking a washcloth and wiping the shaving foam away from his cheek. Lucy giggled as he nuzzled her neck. “Husband, behave! You're supposed to take me out to dinner!

He leered at her. “Can I have you for dessert?”

Lucy giggled as he parted the robe and slid his arms around her waist. “You have a one-track mind!” She sighed when he pulled her to him and gasped as the hair on his chest teased her nipples. He urged her head back as his lips caressed her throat.

“You're so sweet, wife,” he sighed and reached up to cup a small breast. Alec's eyes burned into hers, his thumb stroking softly over a sensitive peak. He watched as her eyes closed, and her breath came in halting breaths. She was so responsive to his touch. All he had to do was look at her and she blushed; it was incredibly empowering and he was more than a little awed. “Lucy,” he breathed and lowered his head.

Her mouth parted beneath his and her arms slid up to encircle his neck. She met his tongue shyly with her own, not quite certain if she was doing it right. But she must have, for he groaned and pulled her tighter against him, his knee sliding between her own and parting her thighs. His kisses became hard and demanding, craving her surrender, and she sighed and gave it.

Alec groaned, sliding his hands beneath her, and lifted her off the sink. He'd meant to carry her to bed, but he knew they'd never make it that far. He sank down onto the floor and pulled her on top of him. Her slight weight pressed into his body, and he could feel every curve. Suddenly he was ravenous for her and he slipped the robe from her shoulders and caressed her in loving possession, allowing his hands the privilege of touching that silky skin. Lucy's head arched back, her skin flushed and wet from his kisses. “My love,” she sighed and bent her head.

He gasped as she pressed sweetly heated kisses against his throat and chest. Her small teeth nipped the flesh gently, and his hands slid into her hair, clasping her to him as she slid her hot little mouth over his nipple. “Wife!” he choked hoarsely. “What are you doing to me?”

“Loving you,” she breathed and flicked out her tongue, tasting soap and Alec. Her small hands went to his towel. “Take this off.”

Alec moaned and raised his hips so she could remove the towel. She sat up with her hands on his chest. “Now what?” he grinned up at her.

Lucy wiggled her entrance into position over his cock. She closed her eyes, relishing the feel of his heated flesh pressing intimately into her. “You're
me?” she gasped, and peered down into his beautiful face as his eyes raked lustfully over her body. “This is the first time we've...done it this way. I don't know what I'm doing.”

He groaned at the feel of her, hot and wet against his cock, and moved his hips, tantalizing her sensitive folds with the tip of his penis. Lucy gasped in surprise as he slipped inside, making her shiver with erotic delight with that first little bit. Her eyes widened as his hands glided up the slender thighs, over her flat belly, and up to cup her breasts. He massaged the swollen peaks, reveling in her soft sobs of pleasure, and slid his hands possessively over her shoulders and neck. “I think it's come...naturally,” he breathed and gripped her hips. He eased her down gently. Alec's breath caught in his chest, watching as his cock slowly disappeared into her sweet flesh.

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