Somewhere in His Arms (25 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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Lucy heard the gruff laughter of several truckers as they strode into the diner. She suddenly became self-conscious about her wounds. Her face was still healing and the loud gash on her forehead, though fading in color, was still a hideous reminder of that awful day. She balked at the thought of going in and having all those people stare at her. Everyone in a hundred mile radius had probably heard what happened one way or another. “I’m not hungry anymore,” she told him fearfully, tugging at her hand.

“What’s wrong, love?” Alec asked worriedly, not liking the way she suddenly seemed to shrink before his eyes. “You’re overdue for your meds.”

Lucy peered up at his handsome face, tears filling her eyes. “I don’t want…them to…see,” she gulped.

“See what?”

“What…he…did…to me,” she whispered sadly. “Everyone will see…” her voice trailed off as huge tears began rolling down her pale cheeks.

Alec finally understood. His own throat tightened. “Oh, love,” he rasped, “no one’s going to see anything. You’re beautiful.” He whipped out a handkerchief and held it to her nose. “Blow,” he commanded gently. He held it as she blew into it and paused just to make sure she wasn’t bleeding. “See,” he scolded lightly, “you’ve gone and made yourself all red again!”

Lucy hiccupped and grinned up at him. “Am I still a tomato?”

He brushed a few strands of hair away from her puffy face. “You are, but you’re
tomato! And I’ll give anyone a good hiding that says otherwise!”

“You would?”

“Certainly,” he grinned. “It’s part of the job description!”

“It is, huh?” Lucy said, feeling much better. “And mine?”

Alec appeared to ponder this and said teasingly, “To fulfill my basest desires and do my bidding!”

Her brown eyes widened as she replied in mock horror, “But what will
husband say? He’s such a brute!”

Alec’s mouth dropped open in shock but recovered himself once she started giggling. “Cheeky monkey!” he chided playfully. “Now, let’s eat! I’m starving!”

She looped her arm through his and allowed him to escort her into the diner. Her irrational fear of people staring was unfounded she soon discovered. Most of the patrons were exhausted truckers looking for a reprieve from the unholy grind of the road. Lucy breathed a sigh of relief, as the only stares that came their way appeared directed towards her handsome husband. 

She didn’t blame the ladies any; he
easy on the eyes. A knowing grin curved her mouth as they sat down at a corner booth way in back. A waitress came to hand them menus, and Lucy stifled a laugh when the girl’s mouth dropped open once she laid eyes on Alec.
Poor girl.
She was still chuckling to herself when Alec’s deep voice interrupted her musings. “What’s so funny, wife?” he asked, wondering if he’d forgotten to comb his hair. It
been a stressful morning.

“You,” she told him with a knowing smile. “That poor girl will never be the same!”

Alec frowned at his wife in confusion before he got the gist of it. “Oh,” he muttered absently as he perused the menu. “Well, she’s out of luck. I’m married.” He leaned forward. “What are you going to have, love? I think I’ll have a hamburger.”

She finally managed to drag her eyes away from him and realized she was famished. The hospital had only given her oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. Lucy eyed the menu and decided not to be adventurous. She’d end up back in the ICU if she attempted to eat the chicken-fried steak. “I think potato soup and a sandwich will be fine.”

He nodded and when the waitress came around again with their drinks, he finally understood what his wife had been alluding to. The girl was clumsy and blushed profusely. She wrote down the wrong order twice and nearly baptized Lucy with her iced tea. Alec finally had to wrangle the glasses from her before she sent the both of them to casualty. “What’s wrong with that bird?”

His wife took a sip of her tea before answering dramatically
, “She’s in love!”

Her husband didn’t take kindly to the joke and rolled his eyes. He fished around in his blazer pocket for the small bottle of pills they’d given him for Lucy. “Here, love,” he said a trifle forcefully, “take your medicine!”

She giggled again and took the small pill and popped into her mouth. “You should be flattered!” she told him before washing the foul tasting tablet down with tea. “You
very nicely put together.”

It was Alec’s turn to blush. His
found him handsome? “Really…?” he asked almost shyly.


He cleared his throat. “Do… you find me…um… handsome?”

Lucy’s eyes flew to his. He was
right? He was so utterly beautiful she didn’t think there were any words to describe him. His eyes held hers for a long moment. Long enough for her to remember their first meeting, at the bar in the casino, where he’d saved her from being drugged and likely raped. Then another memory surfaced, that of Alec moving gently above her as he groaned with pleasure and his blue eyes blazing with passion. How his lips felt as they seared her throat… and her breath caught at the remembered feel of him, thrusting hotly deep within, loving her….

She blushed and looked away.

“Lucy,” he said softly.

She couldn’t look at him she was so embarrassed. “Look at me!”

Lucy finally braved a glance at him and was surprised to see the same look in his eyes now. “Don’t look at me like that,” she pleaded.

“What way?” his voice was oddly strained.

“Like you can see through my dress!”

He laughed softly, the sound curling through her battered body like heat from a fire. “But I
know what you look like without it!”

“Alec!” she gasped in shock, trying not to laugh in spite of herself. “Behave!”

He chuckled wickedly, his lovely mouth curving upwards in a devilish grin. “Oh, I intend to, wife! Believe me!”

Her eyes widened and she bit down on her lip, suddenly uncertain of his intentions. Alec’s heart sank to his stomach.

The doctor had pulled him aside the night before she was released and told him that even though her body would heal, her mind was still fragile, and had urged him to be an attentive husband and sensitive to her needs. He was
to mention anything that might upset her and he was warned that
kind of intimate relationship should be the last thing on his mind. The doctor had been blunt, damn right annoying if you wanted to know the truth. He knew Lucy wasn’t ready for
kind of relationship. Quite frankly, neither was he. It was too soon. He would
make her to do anything she didn’t want to. “I’m only teasing love,” he rushed to assure her. “I like teasing you, forgive me.”

The fear in her eyes faded and she smiled at him shyly. Alec was relieved. He reached across the table and took her small hand in his. “Forgive me?”

Lucy nodded. “Always.”

“Next time I get cheeky, just give me a good kicking like you did last time.”

Lucy still felt guilty over that. “Alec, I’m so sorry I---”

He gave her hand an affectionate squeeze. “Stop it! I was being an arse!”

“No, you---”

“I don’t want to hear you say you’re sorry for that ever again!” he insisted firmly. “I deserved it and that’s that!” He studied her hand thoughtfully before giving it back to her. “Though I
make you pay for my dry cleaning. That was my favorite sweatshirt!”

“What…um… happened after I left? Did she hurt you?”

“Hurt me?” he repeated incredulously. “Nah, she just threw me in a dumpster!”

“She did?”
Lucy didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as she imagined poor Alec being carted off by Xena into the night. A few giggles escaped her and she just couldn’t help herself. She burst out laughing. Her hands flew to her mouth to stop it, but it was too late.

Alec’s lips twitched as his wife had a good laugh at his expense. He didn’t feel bad. He figured she’d earned it. She winced as her ribs protested against the exertion. “Ouch!”

“Serves you right, love. Laughing at your poor husband! For shame!” She stuck her tongue out at him and it was his turn to laugh.

He wagged his finger at her, but she only made a face at him. Sometime in the near future, he was going to have to put a stop to her impertinence. And he was going to enjoy it thoroughly. “Behave, wife!” he scolded with mock sternness. “I mean it!” he repeated, trying not to bust a gut at the silly face she made.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the waitress brought their food. Alec demolished his everything burger with relish, to hell with his doctor and his ulcer. Lucy on the other hand, ate her soup and sandwich with all the temerity of a frightened Beverly Hills housewife afraid to go off her diet. She sipped her soup and ate her sandwich slowly, as if she were afraid it would be her last. “Something wrong, love?”

“No,” she said, after a swallow of her turkey club. “I was just afraid I’d never get the horrible taste of hospital food out of my mouth!”

“It couldn’t have been
bad. Rudy paid an arm and a leg for that suite!”

“I don’t know,” she said, chewing thoughtfully. “The food just didn’t taste right. Does that sound strange?”

He thought it over. “Nah,” he said finally. “Yankee food tastes the same after a while.”

Thus mollified, Lucy finished her soup and sandwich. Alec then asked if she wanted dessert. “Can I?”

“Of course!” he said generously before giving her a sly wink. “Anything my lady desires!”

They topped off their meal with a shared portion of apple pie and a side of vanilla ice cream. Alec paid the bill and soon they were off again. He still wouldn’t tell her where they were going. As the pill started to take effect, Lucy supposed it didn’t matter, just as long as they were together. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


              Dusk was descending rapidly when Alec pulled up at the gas station to fill up for the last leg of their journey. He hadn’t expected it to take this long, but he’d taken his time on the road on account of Lucy. She was still groggy from the last pill he’d given her and had nearly gotten sick as they left Sand City.

He went inside the station to pay and picked up a few bottles of water and a couple of sandwiches in case Lucy got hungry. Alec hurried back and settled into his seat, the day fast gaining on him. He glanced at his wife who had gone back to sleep and reached over and felt her brow. She felt a bit warm. He’d better haul ass and put her to bed. He buckled himself in and started the engine.

He was already starting to regret the drive. Rudy had offered to pay for a plane ticket, but Alec didn’t trust
at the moment. The police still hadn’t caught that bastard and he wasn’t about to jeopardize Lucy’s safety just for sake of convenience. As he turned onto an off-ramp, his thoughts turned to Gavin.

But just as quickly, he shoved them away. He couldn’t think about the little twat right now. To hell with all of them! Lucy came first. Alec merged into traffic and went on cruise control. He forced the rest of his thoughts into a deep corner of his mind where he’d deal with them later.


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