Snow Wolf (8 page)

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Authors: K.S. Martin

BOOK: Snow Wolf
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“Kiernan. Yes Kiernan Anderson. I
really want your expertise Ms. Garrett. I will give you your own lab and team,
thirty percent more than what you made with Gunnar, medical and your six months
off with pay. Can I send the contract over?” He sounded so sure of himself,
like someone else she knew.

“Are you related to Liam Anderson?”
Her heart sped up a little. Could it would be this easy to find him?

“Uh probably, there are a lot of
Anderson’s around. Does that matter?”

Damn. She thought. Amy didn’t know
what to say. She’d really hoped there for a second that she’d found him. This
deal though sounded too good to be true. Nobody was willing to give all of that
without a catch.

“What’s the catch?” Amy’s brow

“No catch but I think I want a ten
year contract instead, and you may have to go back to the pole or other
glaciers.” Amy thought a minute. “Is there anything else that I am leaving out?
Is there anything else that you need? Please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“No, I think that covers it. Send
the contract over and I will read it.” Amy’s lips pressed into a thin white
line in an attempt to contain her excitement.

“The offer is only good today Ms.
Garrett, I won’t be held hostage for months on end and your six months off
begins today also.”

“So I will get a paycheck soon
then?” Amy grinned up at Krista.

“Pay day is every Friday. So yes, I
will include it with the contract and you can cash it today after you sign up
with us.”

“Okay.” Amy swallowed hard. “Okay.
Send it over.” She gave him her address and disconnected the call. Krista gave
an excited yelp and bounced up and down. “Thirty percent, six months off with
pay, ten year contract and they’re here in town. We don’t have to move again.

“Those guys at Norville are going
to be pissed.” Amy had been in lengthy negotiations with them. They were
considering her latest offer and still holding out on the six months. She spoke
to them three days ago and no one had called her back yet. Good. She didn’t
like their guy anyway. This Kiernan fellow though seemed very eager to please.
She couldn’t wait to meet him. She liked his voice, commanding, deep, and sexy.
It reminded her of Liam. She wondered where he was.

“Breakfast in twenty, go shower.”
Krista said leaving the room. Amy heard her go into Olivia’s room and wake her,
then Olivia giggled. They’d had movie night last night and watched until Olivia
passed out.  It was a fairy princess marathon. Amy smiled and hauled herself up
from the bed. She smoothed her hand over her round belly then looked at herself
in the mirror over her dresser. Everything took longer these days, sitting
down, getting up, and getting dressed.

“Mommy?” Olivia said from the
doorway. Amy glanced up. “Why are you peeing in here?” Amy gasped and looked
down then shrieked for Krista. Krista ran around the corner of the door almost
falling until she grabbed the frame. When she saw the fluid she smiled.

“Thank God. I am so glad it’s
finally coming.” She grinned. “Olivia hurry and get dressed sweetie your
brother or sister is coming.”

“Really?” Her eyes were wide and
bright. She turned and dashed for her room.

“Okay, sis let’s get you dressed.”
Krista hurried around the room and finally settled on a summer maternity dress
that would cover Amy.

“It’s too cold outside for that.”
Amy complained.

“You’ll wear a sweater.” Krista
pulled one out of the closet. “If you have that kid on the way to the hospital
like you almost did with Olivia, I’ll need easy access. Amy rolled her eyes.
Krista would never deliver a baby. She’d fainted in the delivery room the last
time. Twice. Amy let her put the dress over her head then help her into the
sweater. Someone was insistently knocking on the front door and Amy went to
answer while Krista dressed.

“Yes?” Amy asked opening it. A
young man in a suit stood there with papers and a large yellow envelope in his
hands. He must’ve used a jet pack, she’d just gotten off the phone a few
minutes ago.

“I’m the courier from The Anderson
Scientific Institute with a contract for Amy Garrett. I am to wait until it is

“Of course, come in.” Amy said and
led him to the credenza in the foyer behind her. “I am Amy Garrett. Do you need
ID?” She laughed then stopped when she saw his face. Amy reached into her purse
and pulled her wallet out then fished out her driver’s license. He looked it
over then handed it back.

“What’s this?” Krista asked. “The
contract already? Boy they don’t waste any time, do they?” She muttered.

“No ma’am. Mr. Anderson was quite
anxious to have this document signed and returned to him today. “Sign here,
Miss Garrett.” He pointed.

“Just a second, I want to read it
over first.” A pain hit Amy then and she nearly doubled over.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” He reached
to steady her.

“Just give her a moment.” Krista
said rubbing her back. “Breathe baby.” Krista soothed. Amy released a long
breath then stood up again.

“Okay, let’s see. You have a check
for me, right?” He nodded. “Mmm hmm.” She traced the lines of the document with
her finger. “Ten years, my own lab, staff, possible mandatory trip every two
years. Seems to be in order.” Amy nodded and signed her name.

“And here.” He pointed again. Her
brow rose. “It’s your copy of the document.” He pulled a chrome device from his
pocket and embossed the paper then signed it inside of the raised circle. “I’m
a notary.” He grinned at her confused look and signed her copy after repeating
the process of embossing it. “Okay. Signed and legal. Here is your check Miss
Garrett. Welcome to the Anderson Family. Have a nice day.” Amy closed the door
quietly behind him and looked down at the check in her hand.

“I wonder if your new health
insurance covers this.” Krista pointed at Amy’s belly. “Let’s go before it’s a
home birth. Olivia came from the hall with her rolling suitcase.

“I’m ready.” She said proudly. “I
brought my old toys so she has something to play with.” Krista mussed her hair
and headed for the garage.

“Come along ladies. We don’t want
to be late.” Krista sang over her shoulder. Amy and Olivia followed and settled
in the van. Olivia kept her arms up while Krista buckled her in. She raised the
garage door when she finished then started the van and backed out.

Their trip to the hospital was
uneventful and Amy checked in at the desk with a nurse while Krista and Olivia
searched through her case looking for a perfect toy for the baby.

Chapter 11

Liam parked his car outside of the
garage. The house was brick and one level. He could see that it had a basement.
He liked the neat boxwoods across the front and imagined that soon there would
be flowers in front of them. His mate lived here. He saw two large white chairs
on the porch and imagined them sitting there in the mornings drinking coffee
and reading the paper before riding to work together.

There were no neighbors. This house
sat alone down a long drive and backed to a state park. She couldn’t have
chosen a better place for his wolf. He smiled and climbed out of the car and
looked around then listened. Birds chirped but he didn’t hear anything else.
She was probably inside looking at her notes on something or re-reading the
contract she’d signed twenty minutes earlier.

Liam went to the door and knocked.
The house was still. No one looked out and no one made a sound. He knocked
again. Where had she gone? She’d just signed. The courier called and said that
it was done. Maybe she went to the bank to cash the check. Liam went and looked
inside the garage, no car. He called Kiernan and asked about the check.

“No, it wasn’t cashed yet as far as
I can tell anyway. Why?” His brother was gruff but that never mattered to Liam,
he was a bit gruff himself. It was a trait they inherited from their father.

“She’s gone. There is no one here
and this place is as still as a tomb.” Liam kept one ear trained on his

“Come back to work, I’ll have the
investigator track her down then you can surprise her. Don’t sit there and wait
though that just looks desperate.” Kiernan chuckled.

“I am desperate.” Liam grumbled. He
disconnected the line and got in his car. Instead of work, he went to an auto
body shop to get his roof fixed. His mate couldn’t be expected to ride around
in the wind as chilly as it was. He would have it fixed so she would be warm
and comfortable. It was long overdue.

When he opened Kiernan’s door, he
was on the phone again. This time he spoke Japanese. Liam picked up on a word
or two but it had been too long ago since he’d used his skills and he was
rusty. He heard the word acquisition, but that was a frequent word in Kiernan’s
vocabulary. Liam grabbed the unopened soda from his brother’s desk and chugged
it. Kiernan turned when the top popped and scowled. Liam grinned. Nothing
bothered his brother more than him encroaching on his territory. They were only
friends because Liam let him have the CEO position. Not that Liam wanted it but
it was his for the taking anytime. The will and trust said so.

Not his cup of tea. It wasn’t that
he couldn’t do it. He was smart enough but if he was honest, it wasn’t his
passion and since it was Kiernan’s, let him do it. Kiernan was as good at being
CEO as Liam was in a lab. He would never take that away from his brother, but
soda and candy bars well they were another story. Kiernan went to the small
fridge in the corner and got another soda for himself. He was still on the
phone with the Japanese woman. Liam could hear her sweet voice. She didn’t
sound like she was business and Liam wondered if this was the woman that
occupied his brother’s time on his frequent trips to Japan. The second line lit
up on Kiernan’s phone and Liam recognized it as the investigator’s number. Liam
walked across the room to the conference table and picked it up.

“Anderson.” He said into the
receiver. Most people couldn’t tell them apart on the phone.

“Sir, no luck on the broad. I’m
still looking. No activity on bank accounts, the GPS on the van is inactive and
no activity at the house.”

“Her name is Amy. Thank you and
keep me posted.” Broad was not the right word for that sweet woman. Broad was
an old word for women fifty years ago but then the investigator was ancient. He
was wolf and he was the best. Kiernan only used him and had for the better part
of their lives. Where had she gone? She was the most elusive damned woman he’d
ever known. She was giving his beast exactly what it wanted too, it wanted to
hunt her and her making him do that was just adding to the frenzy. When he
finally did find her again, he had no doubt that it would be as explosive as it
was last time. This time though he was going to handcuff her to him so she
couldn’t disappear. She should’ve been magician instead of a scientist. Most
scientists were predictable. They followed a method and a procedure. Not Amy,
it was what made her the best, there he finally admitted it. She was the best.

Liam went down to the lab. He had
some projects to oversee and needed updates. He still worked here and his team
was all young. Kiernan would still expect to see progress even if he was busy
chasing his mate. Kiernan’s patience would only last so long. As far as he was
concerned it was done. They had a contract that was fully enforceable in six
months, so if she spent the next six months in Fiji that was her business. At
the end of the six months though she better be here in a lab coat or Kiernan
would go nuclear on her. Liam wondered who would win that battle of wits. His
money was on Amy. He grinned as he went into the lab to find his team goofing
off. He’d been out of action for a few weeks and it looked like they were
enjoying the vacation. Liam slammed the lab door and silence fell.


“A boy.” Krista whispered. “He’s so

“Don’t wake him. We were up most of
the night. Something is not right because they keep testing him. I’m not sure
what though. He seems perfect to me.” She smoothed the tuft of brown hair on
his head. “Look at all of this hair.” Amy murmured and Krista reached for him.

“Hello Brandon. I’m so glad that
you decided to name him after Pops.” Krista smiled down at him when his eyes
opened. They were a very dark blue right now. Olivia’s had been too then
changed before she’d turned a year old. Krista took the baby and went to sit on
the small couch with Olivia who waited with a toy to show to her brother. “I
hope you get out soon, the hotel is not great but it’s all I could get on short
notice. We really need to move closer to a hospital if you’re going to keep
doing this sweetie.” Krista said then looked down at the baby in her arms. “Yes
we do, it’s just too far to drive back and forth, isn’t it? Yes it is.”

“Aunt Krista you sound funny.”
Olivia giggled.

“You liked it when you were little.
Didn’t she? Yes she did.” Krista said in her baby voice. Olivia giggled harder.
Amy let her eyes close. She was exhausted. She relaxed and tried for a few
minutes of rest. It was a fitful night. This little one was much more demanding
than his sister had been.

Olivia was an easy baby. She rarely
cried and slept often. She was agreeable to breast feeding and cooperative in
general. Her little man though would be a challenge. Olivia always kept her
eyes closed when she fed, this one stared his mother down. He watched and
studied. His scrutiny was as harsh as an adults, or she was exhausted. It felt
as though he was sizing her up.

Amy gave herself a mental shake. He
is one day old for crying out loud. At only hours old he’d pushed himself up on
his elbows and looked at her from the hospital bassinette. He was strong and
big. Brandon was nine pounds at birth and her back felt like it. The doctor was
amazed at his size and decided that there was a mistake in the chart but she
knew the truth. She knew what he was and why he was early, but she didn’t
explain it to the doctor. Her back gave a twinge. She would feel better soon.
She consoled herself and rubbed the sore spot. How often did a day old baby
rise up and look for its mother though? She heard a whimper and opened her
eyes. Krista was holding him but he was looking at Amy.

“Get used to her kid. She will take
as much care of you as I will.” Amy smiled when Krista laughed. Amy would
almost swear his brow went up a notch. “Maybe he’s hungry.” Krista pursed her
lips and looked into his face. He turned again to find Amy. Krista got up and
delivered him to his mom.

“I expected him to be like her.”
Krista said quietly. “I think he has more of their traits.” Amy nodded. “When
can we get out of here? You’ve been here three days now. They sent us home a
lot quicker with Olivia.”

“Good afternoon ladies.” A doctor
walked in with a team of students behind him. This was a teaching hospital and
Amy had grown used to them traveling in packs. They all wore white lab coats
and stethoscopes. Each student had a clipboard and a pen at the ready.

The doctor looked over her chart
then looked up at Amy. “Well, Miss Garrett, are you ready to go home? He signed
the chart. I have your papers ready, you and the baby are fine and I think it’s
time we released you. Are you ready to take this little guy home?” The doctor
cupped Brandon’s head and the baby gave a little cry. “Mama’s boy already huh?
That’s okay fella.” The doctor turned to one of the students and took the
papers. “The nurse will be in shortly to go over these, good luck Miss
Garrett.” He put the papers on her rolling table beside the bed. “Next room
kids.” He called to his crowd of students and everyone did an about face to
leave the small room. They’d filled every nook and cranny when they paraded in.
This hospital needed bigger rooms or less students in the pack. How could they
learn anything? If she were in charge of them, she would only bring three at a

“Here I brought him an outfit to
wear home. I have the car seat ready in the van but I have to go check out.
Should I leave Olivia here?”

“No you better keep her with you.
Will you be long?” Krista stood and gathered Olivia and her things.

“I’ll hurry.” Krista winked and

Amy yawned. She would be so happy
to get back into her own bed. Hospitals exhausted her. There was too much noise
and people hurrying about answering alarms. Amy put Brandon in the bassinette
and got dressed. The nurse came and went then Krista returned with Olivia. A
young man pushed her in a wheel chair to the front of the building. Brandon
watched him. He was so in tune with his surroundings that it was frightening.
She had to find Liam, it was priority number one after a nap.


“Yeah.” Kiernan answered his cell
phone which Liam found irritating. They were in the middle of a discussion
about the lab and he just stopped in the middle of a sentence to answer that
damned phone. “Good.” He glanced up at Liam. “Thanks.” Kiernan grinned. “She’s
home.” Liam didn’t say a word he just ran. “Hey we weren’t done talking.”
Kiernan called after him. Liam flipped him the bird as he took a corner at full
speed and nearly knocked another executive down. He heard Kiernan’s laughter
behind him.

Liam couldn’t wait for the
elevator. He took the steps a landing at a time. It was five flights but he
descended as if it were five steps. He hit the fire door at the bottom and
raced across the parking lot to his rental car. His hands shook with
adrenaline, if he were a more patient man he would run this off but he wasn’t.
The engine gunned and the tires squealed as he left the parking lot. It was a
twenty minute ride but he made it in eleven minutes. He didn’t care if there
were speed cameras or cops chasing him. His only thought was to get to her. His
car slid to a stop at the driveway behind a silver minivan. He half way
wondered why a minivan but to each his own.

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