Snow Wolf (5 page)

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Authors: K.S. Martin

BOOK: Snow Wolf
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“Absolutely. I can even find us an
apartment on the internet in that amount of time.”

“Good. Two bedroom, down town near
all the stuff you like.” Krista gave her a whoo hoo and a fist pump. Amy
chuckled and put the casserole in the fridge. “I’m going to take a nap.”

“Go dream about him.” Amy whirled

“I never answered your question
Kris. Yes, but it was in the tent.” Amy winked again and wandered down the hall
to her bedroom. She smiled at Krista’s melodic laughter behind her. Everything
looked the same in her room and she collapsed on the bed. Amy looked around at
the furniture, it was old and shabby. She decided that new furniture was in
order and it would probably be cheaper than moving it across the country. She’d
get Krista on it first thing.  Right now she needed sleep because jet lag was
going to have its way with her.


Liam’s wolf kept control of him for
three days. It roamed, wandered and hunted. Even the promise of seeing her
couldn’t coax it back inside. He’d waited too long to shift. It was nearly a
month before he left for the glacier with promises that as soon as they were in
the snow he would free it. The opportunity never presented itself.

His wolf, a snow wolf was all white
with a dark brown nose. Usually, snow wolves were more docile and smaller but
not Liam’s, his was big and cantankerous. Liam had fought with the beast his
entire life. Most men got along great with their wolves but Liam didn’t like
the idea of giving up control to a creature that was so ferocious. When the
change first came upon him as a young man, the wolf killed three deer and
maimed another young wolf all in the same afternoon. Liam never forgave him or
himself for not having more control.

Now, leaving the hospital where
they told him she’d been discharged. He really hated the wolf. The beast made
him break a promise to his mate and she’d gone. As soon as he got back home, he
would make it up to her. He would explain everything and take her as his.

Chapter 7


“New digs sis! You like?” Krista
bounced in place. Her flaxen hair lifted with each hop. “Look, both bedrooms
have a fireplace, cool right?” Krista’s permanent grin was contagious and Amy
found herself grinning back. “Huge closets…” She held her arm out like a game
show hostess, “with drawers! You can put all of your unmentionables in there, when
you get some.” Krista corrected then laughed until she snorted.  “That will be
long johns and thermal socks for now.” Krista twirled around. “Cathedral
ceilings, oh and look a shelf, oh I can put a plant up there. I’ll get one of
those that vines.”

“Uh huh, and you can fall and break
your neck trying to water it.” Amy shook her head at her. “No live plants up
there. Moving on, show me the kitchen. I eat more than I sleep.” Krista was
still pondering the built in shadow box above. She must have worked it out because
suddenly her face brightened again and she went back out into the hall and
moved deeper into the apartment.

“Here it is, oh Amy look at this
fridge, wow!” Krista had a bottom drawer open on the refrigerator. “Fancy.”
Krista stood and smoothed her hand over the black marble. “Cherry cabinets, I
know you love them.” She pointed. Amy touched the warm wood. Cherry was her
favorite but not many things excited her these days.

Just before she’d pulled out of the
parking lot Tuesday morning, she’d seen him. A leggy blonde was hanging off his
arm and they were heading toward her. The blonde was very happy and looking
adoringly up into his face. He was smiling back at her and they were obviously
leaving together. Amy sank her teeth into her bottom lip and held herself
together until she’d gotten home where she’d sat in the driveway and cried for
ten minutes before Krista came out and got her. Liam hadn’t wasted any time
getting back to being a mimbo. He hadn’t called or emailed and Amy decided that
she’d been right about him, because he was back to the sticks with boobs
already. She tried to console herself that she’d had her night, her fun. It was
all she’d secretly hoped for all those afternoons she’d spent on the park
benches watching him. One night of passion with Mr. Wonderful and she’d gotten
that. It was time to move on. She would leave with her team for the pole in less
than a day and would be gone for six months.  It had happened so quickly.

 Professor Gunnar Nupen told her
they were leaving very soon and that it was a onetime take it or leave it
offer. He was in charge of the expedition for a Norwegian company.  They needed
someone of her skill set but they had a set date to leave and would not wait
nor would they send her later. It was just what Amy needed and she didn’t care
who she worked for as long as she was paid well and working in her field. She
would get away from Jim and away from Liam where she could find her peace
again. Amy would be back on the ice where hopefully her heart would freeze and
she wouldn’t even remember his name in six months.

The great thing was that she would
be in a facility with all of the luxuries of home. It housed hundreds of people
at once. Some were scientists; some were assistants, some interns, grad
students, and a staff to run the two restaurants, stores and the maintenance
guys. It was like going back to college. At any given time you could find a
party and forget that it was ungodly cold outside or that you were away from
those that you loved. Amy planned to take advantage of that and forget
everything. It didn’t matter that her every cell craved him. She would forget.

The first expedition Amy had taken,
Krista had gone and worked in a restaurant as a cook. She’d lasted a month then
went home. It was too lonely for her, which meant there were not enough
available men that held her interest.

Krista had an interview later today
as a sous chef. She never lasted long at jobs because since she’d gotten sick
she had no tolerance for anything. She knew that life could turn on a dime and
spiral out of control any second and it was not worth her happiness. If she
wasn’t happy, she was gone. She was also flighty. Krista could work in a
kitchen, an office and as a fingerprint technician. She had a very large skill
set because even though nothing lasted, everything interested her. She absorbed
shows on TV about crime, cooking and crafts. Amy was more focused and always
had been.

Amy unpacked then repacked for her
trip. A service would pick her up soon and she would be gone. “Hey, how do I
look?” Krista popped in with her ta-da face on. She wore a navy blue suit,
pantyhose, navy heels and a cream silk blouse.

“You clean up nice kid. Good luck.
I’ll probably be gone when you get home but I’ll see you in six months and I
promise that I will email when I get there.” Amy said closing her suitcase.

“Yeah yeah, have a good time on the
frozen frontier.” Krista said straightening her collar in the mirror on the
back of Amy’s door. The rest of the furniture will come tomorrow. Do you want it
any particular way?” Amy looked at the bed that they’d had delivered before
they arrived. It had been sitting here in the middle of the room and the couch
in the middle of the living room when they’d gotten off of the plane.

The man at the furniture store
promised over the phone to have something to sit on and something to sleep on
in the apartment when they arrived. He hadn’t stretched himself at all. Amy
hated to leave all of this in Krista’s lap but it was more her specialty than
Amy’s. Amy couldn’t care less how a room was arranged as long as she could sit
and put her feet up with a book in her lap and a cup of tea at her side.  She
dropped her bags by the door.  There were three with clothes and one with her
laptop. She almost looked forward to it, ice that didn’t cave, ice that was
predictable, ice without Liam and his stupid ration bars.


“What do you mean she didn’t leave
a forwarding address? She was just here. You let her end her contract and
didn’t tell me? What the hell Jim?” Liam was pacing. Amy was gone. His mate had
slipped through his fingers.

“I’m sorry. She called when she got
home and said that she’d broken her arm and that she was in pain. She said she
was taking the rest of the week and had an appointment on Monday then on
Tuesday morning she came in with a box of her things, handed me that
resignation and told me to piss off.” Jim exhaled. “She said that she told me
before you two left that she was looking and that she didn’t like being
manipulated. I thought she was kidding, everyone knew that she had the hots for
you. I never thought she would really leave. I’m sorry.”Jim finished quietly.
“I don’t know where she went, who picked her up or even what city she is in.
She never said.” Jim stood and went to the bar in his office to pour a glass of
bourbon. He handed one to Liam. “The institute deeply regrets the loss of Ms.
Garrett but my hands were tied. She left me no room for negotiation or a chance
to speak. She will be missed.”

“See you around Jim.” Liam turned
and headed for the door after setting the glass down without a drop missing.

“I hope that doesn’t mean that you
are leaving too.” He stiffened and said quietly.

“It does. I have no contract and if
she isn’t here, I have no use for this. I hope that we can part as friends.”
Jim gave him a sharp nod. Liam closed the door with a click and gathered his
things before leaving the building. Hopefully, he could have her back in his
arms before the end of the month. He would find her, he had to. He dialed a
number on his cell.

“’Sup boss?” Came the curt baritone
of Joseph Mack. He was the man that Liam called when times were desperate. He
was ex-military, quick and smart. He’d never failed yet.

“Amy Garrett. Find her.” After a
short discussion Mack had all of the information that Liam had. Next he called
his brother.

“Kiernan.” Liam said and exhaled.

“Liam.” His younger brother was his
opposite in personality, arrogant and patronizing. “It’s been fifteen years,
what trouble are you in now?” Liam could hear him shuffling papers around.
Kiernan was the CEO of Anderson Technologies, the company their grandparents
started and their father ran until his death a few years ago. Liam was supposed
to take the helm but Kiernan stepped into it seamlessly. Liam could never see
himself sitting behind a desk. His heart was in field work much like his mother’s
while she was alive. She loved a good expedition and took him along often.
Kiernan never wanted to go. He enjoyed literature more than science and then he
discovered business. He loved the power, the ability to control others and
especially the money.

“I’ve found my mate. I wondered if
you’d heard of her? Her name is Amy Garrett.

“Can’t say that I have. Another
blonde? Maybe a starlet this time?” His brother’s chuckle grated.

“No. She’s a scientist. I’d hoped
that the company had hired her. She’s disappeared.”

“Your mate disappeared.” It wasn’t
a question.

“Yes. I haven’t claimed her yet, we
were just getting to know each other. The beast took over and she slipped
through my fingers. I need to find her.” He listened to his brother breathe on
the other end while he typed on a keyboard.

“Sorry.  She’s not here or at any
of our sister companies. Is she wolf?”

“No.” Liam murmured his voice full
of disappointment. “She’s human, but she’s the one.”

“Describe her for me.” Kiernan said
still typing.

“She’s…beautiful, smart, witty,
sharp, and brilliant, her eyes are like emeralds laced with copper the color of
freshly scoured pans. Her hair is long, chestnut and curls at the ends. She’s
independent, she doesn’t whine and she’s strong.” His brother grunted.

“Wow.” Kiernan finally said. “You
have found her. I didn’t hear one mention of her magnificent breasts or plump
bottom. Congratulations brother. I am sending word through the channels to find
her. Can I reach you at this number?”

“Yeah it’s my cell. Don’t frighten
her. She’s ferocious when she’d pissed.” Kiernan laughed loudly.

“I like her already. Finally, a
woman to put you in your place, let me know if you need anything else. And
Liam? You know there is always work here for you when you want it.”

“I know. I may take you up on it
someday.” Liam disconnected the call. The last thing he needed right now was a
stint with his brother. He needed to find Amy.


“That can’t be.” Amy shook her head
and opened another box, flipped the plastic end off the flat oblong piece of
plastic and dipped the cotton end into the cup of urine again. This was her
third one this morning. She’d bought them after the first one showed positive
yesterday. She’d spent the entire day wondering why God would punish her for
having sex one time. It was one damned time. The pink lines showed up
immediately. “Shit.” She cursed and sat down hard on the commode. “Shit. Shit.
Shit and damn him. Argggh.” She shook angrily. She had two months on the ice
left. By then her snow suit wouldn’t fit anymore but she wouldn’t be able to
waddle out onto the ice anyway, so that didn’t matter either.

She tossed the kits into the trash
and went to her laptop to email Krista. So far she’d avoided mentioning what
she suspected to her sister. Her period was late, but it had been late before.
However, before she knew there was nothing to worry about because usually
virgins don’t turn up pregnant. How was she supposed to raise a child with a
man like that? He couldn’t be trusted. Would they eat dinner as a family then
watch him go out for dates. She laughed cynically. He didn’t need to know. Why
mess up his life and her baby’s. Children could be perfectly happy with one
parent. Women did it all the time. She was strong and capable.

Krista~ News, you decide if it’s
good or bad. You’re going to be an auntie. Who knew one glorious night in a
tent would cause this. So guess what sis, I’ll be really fat when I get there.
Don’t worry, I’ll be careful and I’ll eat right, no lectures please. Start
looking at baby furniture but don’t overdo it. Love Amy

There. Done. Wow. She pushed send.
Krista was going to flip. She loved kids and she was going to be thrilled.

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