Snow Wolf (6 page)

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Authors: K.S. Martin

BOOK: Snow Wolf
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Chapter 8

“Oh Amy.” Krista’s arms wrapped
around her tightly, “You’re glowing.” Krista leaned back and looked at her,
smiled, then rubbed her belly.

“Stop that.” Amy smacked her hand
away and Krista laughed until she snorted.

“I see motherhood hasn’t softened
you up any.” Krista hugged her again. 

“Thank God.” Amy pouted. It felt
like her clothes were getting tighter by the second. She grabbed her bags from
the carousel and Krista yanked them away. “I can carry them.” Amy tried to get
them back.

“So can I. You carry the laptop.
Come on.” Krista took the escalator up to the second floor then breezed out into
the garage. She stopped at a minivan and fished a key fob from her pocket and
pressed a button. The door slid open silently. “Like it? It’s for the baby.”

“You bought a van?” Krista nodded
and put the bags inside. “You bought a van. Oh my God Krista, I told you not to
go overboard.” Amy looked the gray shiny monster over and decided that she did
like it. It was the same color as his eyes. Crap. Why did he always invade her

“I didn’t go overboard. You can’t
haul a baby and all of their stuff around in that tiny contraption of yours.
Baby’s have seats, diaper bags, and a bunch of other stuff. They come with a
lot of baggage.” Krista pushed the button again and the door slid closed.

“Do they ever.” Amy blew out a

“Have you told him?” Krista opened
the passenger door and closed it once Amy was inside.

“No. He doesn’t need to know.” Amy
said once Krista was inside. “I’m not ruining this kid’s life anymore than it
already is with me as its mother.” Krista gave her a mournful look.

“Amy. Don’t talk like that. You are
going to be a great mom. I am going to be a great aunt, well not a
aunt but a great one. I have it all worked out. You will find lab work and I
will take care of the munchkin.” Amy shook her head slowly.

“I don’t know Krista. This isn’t
something that you can quit when you get tired of changing diapers.” Amy rubbed
her temples. “We’ll see.” Krista started the van.

“I am not that selfish Amy.” Krista
finally shouted after a long uncomfortable silence. “I would never do that.
It’s not like it’s a copier, it’s a kid, our kid. I will never leave him or
her. It will be well loved and cared for, I promise.” Krista finished softly.
It was all Amy needed to hear. Krista’s promises were worth their weight in
gold, she never broke one.

“Okay.” Amy said, “Let’s go home.”
Krista pulled out of the parking space and exited the garage. Amy stared out of
the window and watched the other cars. She didn’t want to alienate her sister
as soon as she got home. It wasn’t her intention to fight with her but Krista
did not have the best track record.


Liam worked on the graphics of the
glacier where he’d spent time with Amy. He was getting sappy in his old age.
Mack was not able to find her. It was like she disappeared off of the face of
the earth. Between them they’d called every company working with ice in the
country. No one employed an Amy Garrett. Either she didn’t want to be found or
she’d left the country. Kiernan came up empty as well. Liam still hoped though.

Meanwhile, he worked on his project
during the day and studied her samples by night when the wolf wasn’t out
prowling. He’d been letting him roam every night hoping he would catch a scent
of his mate and so he could control the shift. Kiernan had been helping train
him by phone. Apparently, he’d been doing it all wrong his entire life but that
was the price that you paid when you are stubborn and won’t listen. Liam looked
at the screen but as usual, he only ended up thinking about her.

He wondered where she was and what
she was doing. He wanted to know why she left without saying goodbye. True,
he’d broken a promise and had not come back to the hospital but was that a
reason to disappear forever? He needed her. The wolf needed her. He ached for
Sweet Amy.
Mack was still looking, Kiernan was still looking and
the wolf was still looking. If she was out there one of them would find her.

“Sir? Can I get you some coffee?”
Her name was Tammy or Cami or something. Liam couldn’t remember. He grunted and
stared into the screen. Her name didn’t matter if it wasn’t Amy. A few minutes
later she was back at his side brushing up against him. “You look like you need
a pick me up.” She purred.

“What do you hope to accomplish?”
Liam raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at her. “If I haven’t made it
obvious, I am not interested. Get back to work.” Her chin wobbled and Liam went
back to the computer. His conscience niggled at him. That was harsh but it was
what she needed. She was constantly chirping in his ear about mundane things,
bringing him coffee or rubbing against him. Her touch repulsed him. She wasn’t
Amy. She was part of his team and that was all.

Working now with one of Anderson’s
partners, Liam headed up this section. He worked on his project and they worked
on company projects. He over saw their work, and acted as a manager. She was
supposed to be analyzing soil samples from Russia. She spent most of her time
analyzing him. Liam had already decided that if her reports were as haphazard
as last week or as lacking in progress, she would be terminated.

“He’d spent most of his life as the
life of the party, never the boss and always the office Casanova. He was
reminding himself of his previous bosses lately and didn’t like himself much.
All of that was for the young. He’d found her, his mate, now he had to find her
again and hang onto her.
Sweet Amy.


The contractions hit Amy hard and
at once. It was too soon. She had a month left. It was only eight months and it
was not good to be born too soon. Amy sat down and held her belly. “Shh little
one, shh.” It was like a light bulb went off in her brain. She wanted this
child. Until now this had not been something that she’d wanted. She didn’t want
a baby or the changes it would bring but now that it felt as though it were
being threatened, she wanted it. She would do anything to protect it and
anything to save it. He should be here with her. He should see the birth of his
child. Amy had no idea how to contact him. He’d never given her a cell number
or email address. She’d made her choice not to tell him and it was done. There
was no sense panicking now.

“Krista…” Amy called from the side
of the bed. Her fingers dug into the comforter.

“Do you need something?” Krista
asked with her mouth full. She had a glass of milk in one hand and an Oreo in
the other. “What’s wrong? You’re sheet white…Oh my God Amy, did you pee?” Amy
looked down at the fluid on the comforter and floor beneath her.

“It’s time.” Amy relaxed and could
finally stand. The contraction had ended. “I’m like three minutes apart and my
water broke. We need to go. Get dressed quickly.” Amy stood and wrapped her
flannel robe around her tightly then shoved her feet into her blue slippers.

“It’s not time, you have another

“No Krista, now. The baby is coming
now. My water broke, it will be born today.” Krista turned and hurried from the
room. Amy heard her on the phone giving the doctor’s office the information. It
had to be the service because no doctor was in the office this late. Amy picked
up her overnight bag and put it over her shoulder then went to wait by the door
for her sister.

“Okay, I called the doc, he’ll meet
us there. I have the keys, you have your bag, so let’s rock and roll.” Krista
grinned and smiled at her. “Are you ready mommy?” Amy bit her lip and nodded.

“Yeah let’s go make a baby.” Amy
said brightening.

“You did that already.” Krista
laughed as she took the steps quickly. Amy heard her snort and smiled. Her
boots hit the rubber tread and the sound bounced off the walls making it sound
like an army was descending.

Chapter 9

Three years later

“Our next speaker is Dr. Amy
Garrett. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Dr. Garret published on….” Amy
tuned him out. Gunnar was a nice man but God could he drone on. Amy looked her
notes over one last time then stood when she heard applause. She didn’t like
speaking publicly but sometimes it was required in her job. She didn’t get sick
or nervous. She simply did not like it. If she wasn’t hunched over a microscope,
her time was spent with Olivia. Krista should be finishing Charlotte’s Web
tonight. Amy was sorry she might miss it but Gunnar had insisted she speak
about her paper.

Amy scanned the crowd not really
seeing anyone. She read from her notes, touched on a few key points then
concluded. If she hurried, she might make it home in time for Charlotte. A hand
went up and Amy answered the question, then another and another. It was just
ice people!  A pig’s life hung in the balance here. Gunnar stood and thanked
her. Amy nodded as she shook his hand then exited the stage.

She glanced down at her watch as
she hurried from the auditorium. She had time. Olivia wouldn’t be out of the
bath for at least twenty minutes and Krista said that she would try to wait.
Amy told her that she wasn’t sure of the agenda. She wasn’t sure how long the
dinner would last either and not to keep Olivia up waiting. It would throw
their schedule off. She was just glad that Liam had not attended this
conference. She’d looked for him since it began this afternoon. She didn’t see
him… until just then when she face planted into his chest as the auditorium
doors clicked shut behind her.

Sweet Amy
.” His arms
wrapped around her and pushed her against a wall. “You’ve gotten even more
beautiful.” He said as his lips met hers tentatively at first then hungrily.
Amy’s body softened and welcomed him. He haunted her dreams often and her body
craved his touch. She moaned into his mouth when his tongue slid hotly over
hers. Liam lifted her and carried her down the dim hallway. She didn’t care
where he took her as long as he kept kissing her like this. He dipped down and
slid a key card into a door. Once they were through it he kicked it shut and
put her down on the bed a few feet away. “God I’ve missed you.” He tore at her
clothes and she at his. He didn’t give her time to think, ponder, or mull it
over. His mouth slid up her neck to her ear and she arched beneath him. “I need
to be inside of you Sweet Amy. I’ve craved your heat since you left…Want you so

“Yes.” Her hands were frantically
pulling at his clothing freeing more and more skin by the second. She admired
what she saw.. This time she wanted to feel every inch of his skin sliding
against hers. She wrapped a leg around his hip and he pushed inside her. “Oh
Liam…” She moaned and arched her back as he filled her. “Yes…” He never stopped
kissing her, her cheeks, her mouth, her forehead, and her throat. Her senses
were full of only him, her mind occupied only with him and how she felt, how he
made her feel. Her body filled with heat, and her cells were alive for the
first time in  three years. Her womb clenched and her core fisted him. Amy’s
body was alive with sensation, tingles raced over her skin, lights danced
behind her eyes and everything in her detonated. Her nails scraped his skin and
her heels dug into his backside as she clung to him. His name was a declaration
and his roar set her off again. “I missed you too.” She finally murmured. He
smiled down at her, and his eyes twinkled. He still twitched and jerked inside
of her and still she clung to him trying to savor it, him. She felt so good, so
alive and so thoroughly loved.

“How have you been?” Amy laughed.
Liam rolled to his side and brought her with him. He rested his head on his
fist and gazed into her eyes. “I missed you.”

“Me too.” The other women didn’t
matter right now. Nothing mattered except how glorious she felt and how
beautiful his eyes were when they gazed at her. Her eyes slid closed and she
felt him pull her close, holding her against his chest. She sighed.

Amy woke in Liam’s bed. It smelled
like him and she inhaled deeply and sighed. He was in the shower she assumed
because she heard the water. Her cell chirped. Shit. Krista. Amy glanced at the
clock on the side table and sprang from the bed. She snatched her clothes from
the floor and yanked them on quickly. She finger brushed her hair as she
grabbed her bag with her other hand. Slipping into the hall, Amy headed toward
the lobby texting Krista as she went. Krista was going to be late for work. She
worked weekends at the restaurant just to stay current with her skills and Amy
took care of Olivia. It was after ten already and if Amy didn’t hurry, Krista
could get into trouble.

~On my way, sorry. Ran into
Liam and couldn’t control myself.

~LOL, no worries, nookie
is always more important than work!

Amy smiled and started the van as
soon as she climbed in and buckled her seat belt. She should have left her
number but when she’d seen the time, she’d started the game of beat the clock.
As soon as she got home she would call his room. Amy and Krista made a pact
when they brought Olivia home to never use the cell phone while driving. It
didn’t matter if Olivia was in the car or not, no cell phones.


“Already?” Amy nearly whined into
the phone. “I just saw him less than an hour ago. Are you sure? “Please check
again.” There was a pause before the young man returned to the line.

“Yes ma’am, Mr. Anderson checked
out twenty minutes ago.”

“Thanks.” Amy said quietly and hung
up. “Shit.”

“What’s shit mommy?” Olivia looked
up from her coloring book.

“Oh, no, no, sweet girl, you don’t
say that word. Mommy shouldn’t say that word either.” Amy sat down at the table
beside the little girl that looked so much like her father it was haunting. She
should’ve told him. He should know his child. How would she find him though?
They were leaving for Norway in the morning and there was no time. If she’d
only left her number for him, he would’ve called. She was sure of that. “What a
pretty flower you colored Olivia. You can be a botanist when you grow up and
study flowers all day.” Olivia scrunched her nose up.

“I’m gonna be chef like Aunt Krista
so I can make pancakes.”

“Mmm, I like pancakes.” Amy kissed
the top of her head.

“Me too mommy.” Olivia looked up
and grinned at her. She looked so much like him. She had the same gray eyes
with navy blue rims. Amy loved those eyes. She smiled down at Olivia missing

“I have to finish packing. You
should help pack your toys so none are forgotten.” Olivia nodded and put her
crayons in the box then carried it and her coloring book with her to her room.
She was a very smart little girl who acted older than her age. Amy loved her
more than her next breath.

After a few hours of packing and then
lunch, Krista came home early. “Hey guys!” Krista came in with a bag from the
restaurant. She started unloading the bag and placed a salad, a piece of
chicken and vegetables out on a plate. “I haven’t eaten all day, did you guys
eat?” Amy nodded. “Jax let me go early and told me to pack. We were really slow
and he said that I had more important things to do here. He also said that I
was welcome back when we come home in six months. Apparently I am the best sous
chef he ever had.

“That’s great Krista.” Amy said
without looking at her. She was studying the agenda from the conference. “Damn

“What’s wrong sis?” Krista’s brow
furrowed when Amy didn’t answer. “Did he call?”

“No.” Amy said sharply then looked
up at her sister with watery eyes. “I didn’t leave my number. When you texted,
I just ran for it. He was still in the shower. He’ll think I’m… I don’t know
what he’ll think. Krista, he was so different.”

“Different how?” Krista stuffed
salad in her mouth and chewed. For someone who worked with food all day, Krista
seemed to have no appreciation for it, then again Amy thought, maybe it was
because she worked with it all day that she had none. It was just work.

“He wasn’t as arrogant. I don’t
know how to explain it. It was like he hung on my every breath.” Krista gave
her a Cheshire grin straight out of Alice. “I mean before he was interested
in…” She glanced down at her daughter who was playing with a doll in the floor.
“You know…but this time it was all about me, my satisfaction, making me feel
loved. He kept kissing me, everywhere.” Amy sighed. “It was beautiful, fast but
beautiful. I wish that I hadn’t passed out so quickly afterwards.”

“Yeah round two.” Krista cut her
chicken and sighed then giggled.

“It was so fast. I literally ran
into him when I was leaving and it just started, like that.” Amy snapped. “His
mouth was all over me and the next thing I knew we were in his room getting
undressed as fast as we could.” Krista held up a hand. “Sorry.”

“Yep still in the dry spell, cut me
some slack. I’m hoping for a nice distraction to keep me warm in Norway.”
Krista waggled her eyebrows and Amy laughed.

“You better hope they aren’t all
like Gunnar or he’ll never shut up. That man could bore paint off a wall.” Amy
glanced down at the agenda again. “I wish he’d spoken last night, maybe if he
had I could track him down somehow.

“No time for that now sis, packing
and Norway. When we get back though I will make it my mission to call around and
find him for you. If he’s top in his field, then he shouldn’t be that hard to
find.” Amy threw the piece of paper in the trash. “Don’t let me forget to take
that to the curb, I don’t want to smell this place in six months if we leave it
here.” Amy scrunched her nose up at the thought. “I’m going to miss this

“I’m going to miss my cozy lab.
It’s cold in Norway.” Krista sighed. She wasn’t a big fan of cold. “Gunnar
insists though that the rest of the work be done there. He’s closing his
stateside lab because it’s too expensive so I guess we have no choice.”

“I know. I know. Amy, can you jot
down a list of things to cover in the contract from now on? I mean really. No
permanently relocating the family to other countries! I’m just glad he agreed
to pay the rent here and there. That’s a bonus but still, no relocating.”

“I know you’re right sis, I know.
Believe me it is not my idea of a good time either. I promise to work as fast
as I can and wrap this up so we can get back home. Okay?” Krista nodded sadly.
She hated snow but then too there would be a whole country full of men that she
hadn’t dated yet. That made Amy smile.

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