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I leaned back against the counter, studying him speculatively. “What else was in the script?”

He looked surprised and then grinned. “Nope. I can’t tell you that.”

“Why not?”

“Gabe wants a natural reaction and since you haven’t had any training that’s the easiest way to get it—not knowing ahead of time what’s happening.”

I thought that over and realized he was right. I might have been able to work

from a script, but I wouldn’t be comfortable. “I guess you’re right. I hadn’t thought about it that way. I guess that’s why he decided on setting the entire thing up like this?”

Hunter shrugged. “Part of it. It’s less intrusive for everybody and then, too, it appeals to voyeurs.”

“How did you guys end up together? You all seem to know each other.”


“We do … but I’m not going to tell you that either.”

“Why not?”

“Let’s just say it’s a close clique—people with similar interests tend to hang out together.”

“Like the movie business? Or, I guess, the porn business?”

His eyes gleamed with amusement. “Curious little thing, aren’t you? Something like that.”

“And the seven of you just decided to do a porn together?”

“Well,” he drawled, “we were all just sitting around, comparing dicks to see who had the biggest, and someone suggested they were big enough for the little screen so we decided to go with it.”

He was joking. I chuckled. “No really.”

“You don’t think guys compare dicks?” he asked, grinning.

“You mean actually compare? Like a contest?”


I considered it. “It wouldn’t surprise me,” I said honestly. “But you didn’t really, did you?”

He laughed. “Who do you think has the biggest?”

“You’re not dragging me into that! Besides, you’re all hung like horses. You

aren’t worried about it?”

He sighed. “A man can never have too much dick or enough pussy.”

“You only need enough to fit. More than a mouthful, or a pussy full, is a waste.”

“And it’s a damned shame to waste.”

He shifted closer again, settling his hands on my waist. “I think I’ll just have a little of that sweet thing,” he murmured, lifting me up on to the counter. “There’s no point in letting it go completely to waste only because I can’t fuck you like I want to right now.”

My belly clenched in anticipation as he settled his hands on my thighs and pushed them apart, moving between them. I leaned back, bracing my palms behind me and lifting my breasts for him. He surprised me. Lifting his hands to push my hair back and threading his fingers through my hair, he cupped the back of my head and drew me to him as he leaned toward me and angled his head to fit his lips to mine. I closed my eyes to savor his touch as he pressed his mouth to mine, lifted away slightly, and plucked at my lips. Releasing the breath I’d been holding, I opened my lips to him, touched the tip of my tongue to his lips in invitation.

He captured it, sucking on it and sending a wave of heat through me. My skin

prickled all over in a rush of my senses to absorb everything at once—the heat and texture of his flesh, his proximity, taste, scent, the beat of his heart, the rush of his breath.

In a millionth of a second, my senses identified desire and responded with pleasure, acceptance, need. I lifted my hands to his sides, clutching at him as he shifted his hold on me to draw me against his chest until I felt the brush of his skin against mine with every labored breath we took. Releasing my tongue, he followed its retreat into my mouth and stroked his tongue along mine.

His taste inundated me, made me dizzy, as drunk as our shared breaths. Reason

tried to intrude. It flickered through my mind that I shouldn’t allow myself to be swept away by the thrill of his touch, but my armor fell away before his assault to my senses, SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 76

melted by the heat he drew from me. My body already knew this man, intimately, knew him as a bringer of pleasure. It wanted more and opened to him like a flower hopeful of sunshine, tearing down barriers faster than I could erect them.

I gave up trying, reminding myself that I had no choice, now, anyway. I was

bound, legally and morally, by the contract I’d signed for the duration to give every appearance of willingness, eagerness if I could manage it. Why fight enjoying it?

When he lifted his lips from mine, it was only by millimeters and only to spare a few moments to steady his breath and search my face for shared desire. He closed the scant distance again the moment he’d sucked in a deep, ragged breath, sucking at my mouth and tongue briefly before striking out on a foray to explore my face, my ears, my throat.

I began to feel more than desire from him. To focus on my body was an act

purely sexual. My breasts, my sex, could belong to any woman. There was no

acknowledgement of me as a person, an individual, in indulging his desire of sexual objects. To focus on soaking up my scent and taste and learning my features, that was something else entirely. It connected all of the sexual features he explored to one woman, to me.

Could I believe everything my mind and senses were telling me? That he was

making love to me, Nicole, not merely stimulating his senses to indulge his sexual appetite? Should I?

Or was this scripted, too?

And even if it wasn’t, was it really a good idea to let myself fall for the fantasy as I had before?

Hunter was young and handsome and sexy as hell. Even if he believed he was

romancing me, where could that go? How long would it last? More importantly, how much pain was I setting myself up for to allow myself to believe in what was probably no more than a fantasy to him even if he was caught up in it now?


Chapter Ten

Ordinarily, it would’ve annoyed the hell out of Gabe to have someone hanging

over his shoulder. He’d lost more than a vague awareness of Glenda’s presence, however, almost from the moment Hunter announced his intentions, lifted Nicole onto the counter, and then proceeded to kiss her instead of fondling her.

Actually, he’d
with the kisses and advanced to oral stimulation. He’d taken his own sweet time working his way down to her breasts and then down her belly.

Gabe had been within a hair’s breadth of bolting up from his chair and stalking down to the kitchen to knock the shit out of him when he’d spread her legs and begun sucking at her clit.
was off-limits—at least for now. Breaks there, too, according to the doctor and it needed to heal like everything else.

He would’ve been completely justified in breaking it up.

Unfortunately, even as he tensed to get up, Hunter had stopped, straightened, and begun kissing her again, pulling her to the edge of the counter to dry hump her—which
off-limits, god damn it!

What the fuck did the bastard think he was doing anyway? This was a god

damned porn. Nobody was interested in watching some stupid fuck kissing—lips—not

“Not a bad idea to keep an eye on dopey,” Glenda muttered sourly. “She’ll be

back online by tomorrow or the day after if he can keep his dick in his pants that long.”

Gabe grunted.

“There might be some useable stuff there.”

Gabe grunted again.

“At least dopey remembered to put her on the counter—in the right spot.”

“If that was all the dumb fuck was going to do,” Gabe growled, “he might as well have picked another spot.”

“I don’t know …. It’s kind of like he’s making love to her. If we get a segment of the female audience, they might like that.”

It wasn’t
kind of
like he was making love to her, Gabe thought angrily, studying the slack look of ecstasy on both of their faces as Hunter slid his cock along her cleft.

Cupping her buttocks to hold her tightly against his erection, he rubbed her clit until Nicole abruptly began to utter those breathless little gasps that made him feel like he was going to explode even when he wasn’t inside of her. A noticeable shudder went through Hunter when she did. He sucked in a harsh breath, held it, and then his cock erupted like Mount St. Helens.

“Well, at least we got a come shot.”

Gabe flexed his hands and clenched them a couple of times. “Yeah. At least

there’s that.”

“So … when do you think we’re going to be ready to launch?”

Gabe dragged his attention from the screen with an effort, trying to collect his thoughts—actually, trying to dismiss the thoughts running through his head and find the SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 78

ones Glenda had summoned.

“We’ve still got a good bit of post work ahead of us, but we’ve almost got a full week’s worth ready to go. I think we can safely plan a launch next week. By that time we should have at least two weeks finished and ready to go, maybe three. I’m hoping for three. I don’t want to launch until we’ve got at least two. That should ensure smooth releases even if we run into trouble somewhere. It’ll give us time to work out any problems … hopefully.”

Glenda nodded. “Brandy doing better?”

Gabe frowned. “Phil should probably check on her. She’s sleeping a lot. Not

that I’d complain about that if Nicole was up to par, but ….”

“At least she’d taking the damned pills.”

“She’s taking them because I give them to her and watch her swallow them,”

Gabe said grimly. “She doesn’t like the side effects.”

“I’ll talk to him about it. He said there were several different medications he could prescribe to level her out. Maybe one of the others will work better?”

“I hope so. She
drugged half the time—ecstatic, but drugged.”

Glenda frowned. “I actually feel a little guilty about being so hard on her when she has emotional problems. Honest to god I hadn’t noticed!”

“Save the guilt. She knows what she’s doing. Siphoning money out of your bank account took skill and planning—and an awareness that what she was doing was wrong.

Granted, she obviously didn’t think it through or she wouldn’t have hinged everything on winning in Vegas, but that’s sheer stupidity and arrogance, not an inability to distinguish right from wrong. She’s a bit of a sociopath. Right is what she wants. Wrong is what she doesn’t want.”

“That suggests an inability to tell right from wrong,” Glenda said pointedly.

“Even if I did try to prosecute, she might get away with it on those grounds.”

“She isn’t unable. She’s unwilling, and just that damned self-centered. It doesn’t matter. She’s decided she’s a film star and she absolutely loves to fuck—on camera.

Total exhibitionist. If this pans out, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble signing her on for another film.”

“What about you?”

Gabe rubbed his face tiredly. “I don’t know. I suppose it depends on whether or not I make what I’m hoping to make. If you’re asking if this is something I’d want to do again—not really. It’s been a royal pain in the ass—an interesting experience, but not just my thing. If you’re asking if I would—yes, but only if I have to.”

“What about the others?”

He shrugged. “You’d have to ask them. We’re friends, or friendly acquaintances, not bosom buddies. We don’t sit around and confess our life goals and darkest secrets to one another.”

“Not even Shaun?”

Gabe grunted. “
Shaun. Just because he’s my brother doesn’t mean we’re bosom buddies,” he said dryly. “He’s a Dom and it pisses him off that I’m his big brother, particularly since there’s not much more than a year between us. The natural pecking order of birth, you know.”

Glenda frowned. “I don’t exactly understand this Dom thing.”

Gabe uttered an amused snort. “You probably never will, either. I can’t picture SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 79

you being anybody’s submissive.”

Glenda grinned. “It might be fun to try. Maybe you could introduce me around?”

He studied her speculatively. “There’s playing at it and there’s living it. If you’re inclined to want to play, I might consider it … if it’s agreeable to everybody else.

I’ll ask around the next time we have a party.” He grinned. “And see if there’s anybody that feels man enough to take you on.”

Glenda studied him speculatively. “What about you? I understand you’re the


Gabe’s expression closed, but he forced a smile to his lips. It wasn’t that Glenda wasn’t attractive. She was a good looking woman and she kept a good figure. She just wasn’t especially attractive to him. “We’re business partners. It’s never a good idea to mix business with pleasure.”

“I was speaking in terms of the future. You said you were considering getting out if you made enough to strike off on your own.”

He smiled thinly. “I guess we’ll see what we see.” He got up and stretched. “I think I’ll get Phil to check Nicole when he comes about Brandy’s medication. The natives are getting antsy with the wait. We still have to do the rest of the Rose Red and the Seven Hunks segment—we didn’t get much more than halfway through when dopy

broke our toy,” he said wryly.

“She isn’t woman enough for the Seven Hunks,” Glenda murmured with one of

those arrogant feminine looks that said she was sure she was.

Gabe merely grunted a non-committal response. He had enough experience with

women, and enough sense, not to challenge the comment. In the first place, he didn’t want to draw attention to how he felt about Nicole—especially when he didn’t know himself. In the second, he didn’t want to arouse Glenda’s hunter instincts and possibly paint crosshairs on Nicole’s forehead. It was bad enough Brandy was already ‘gunning’

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