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I sucked in a sharp gasp as I felt the head of his cock sink into me. I wasn’t particularly relieved when I felt no pain because I couldn’t convince myself it wasn’t coming. Instinctively, I caught myself with my thighs to keep from sliding further down the huge post that was so well lubricated my own weight was carrying me down it.

He picked up a cloth and wiped his hands unhurriedly while I gritted my teeth and held myself up more by force of will than strength. My thighs were already burning from the effort of holding myself up on the three points—the end of his cock and my feet.

“This is an exercise in obedience,” he murmured huskily. “From now on when I

tell you to do something you will immediately do it—without question, without


I swallowed convulsively.

“The correct response is ‘Yes, Dom Gabe’.”

“Yes, Dom Gabe,” I said shakily, gripping his shoulders when I felt myself



He reached into the drawer again and brought out a pair of cuffs. “Give me your wrists.”

I struggled inwardly with the twin urges to resist because I didn’t want my hands cuffed and the equal anxiety that, by allowing it, I wouldn’t be able to balance myself.

He waited until I finally held my wrists out. Locking the cuff on one, he pushed both arms behind my back and locked the other side.

I slid a little deeper down his shaft and panted for breath at the fullness I was starting to feel. He settled back and studied me. “Give me your nipple. The right one, I think.”

I stared at him blankly for a moment before I realized he meant for me to lean

forward. I tried but discovered fairly quickly that, even spreading my thighs wider, I couldn’t move close enough without losing my balance. I arched my back instead. He opened his mouth. I waited, but when he didn’t lean forward I realized he was waiting for me to put it in his mouth. Struggling, I managed to move a little closer. I wobbled precariously when I had, though. He clamped down on the end my breast with his teeth.

I hadn’t realized until he did just how sensitive my entire breast was from the blood collecting there. I nearly blacked out. I couldn’t tell if it was from pleasure or pain, but it seemed to be a combination of the two. As I felt his cock slipping deeper inside of me, though, felt the pull on my breast when he didn’t let go, I struggled upward to ease the discomfort at both ends. He raked his teeth from the areole to the tip. I more than half expected to see blood when he released it, but then I realized the blood had pooled in the tip until it was excruciatingly sensitive. He hadn’t even bit down hard enough to leave marks, let alone draw blood.

It almost seemed worse that when he’d done it my kegels had gone crazy. I could feel moisture building inside of me and oozing along my channel.

“Now the other one.”

I hesitated longer that time.

He punished me by clamping down a little tighter.

My thighs began to quiver with the strain. When he finally released his hold, I sank halfway down his shaft before I could stop myself. Pleasure trembled deep inside me as I struggled to lift myself again.

“Give me the right nipple.”

I was dizzy, I discovered, from panting. Resistance went through me, but I

strained to do as he had ordered, wincing as I felt his teeth dig into the excruciatingly tender skin. That time, though, he sucked on it. For several moments, I quivered on the verge of climaxing. The moment a moan of pleasure escaped me, though, he stopped, releasing me.

He tormented me for what seemed like hours, keeping me completely off kilter.

Over and over, I came close to coming, but I never quite managed it, even when he added to the torture by occasionally pinching my clit and tugging at it. I never knew whether I was going to receive pleasure or pain when he ordered me to give him first one breast and then other over and over and I lost any semblance of will.

When I reached a point where I’d been tormented so long I began to think that the very next time he took my nipple into his mouth I was going to come whether he gave me pleasure or pain, he changed tactics.


I was too beleaguered at the time to realize that I gave myself away with my

eagerness, lifting my breast without command and offering it. He studied me for a long moment and reached toward the table. I heard a scraping noise and then a tinkling sort of sound, but I was too disoriented to interpret them, to brace myself. I wasn’t certain later that I could’ve braced myself even if I’d realized what was coming.

It felt like he’d touched fire to my clit, though, when he cupped the piece of ice to it. I sucked in a sharp breath and collapsed, driving him fully inside of me. For several moments, I couldn’t move, didn’t breathe, anticipating an explosion of pain. I couldn’t believe it when it didn’t happen, couldn’t help but wonder if I just hadn’t felt it yet because of the ice he’d cupped to my overheated clit. As it grew numb from the cold, though, and I realized I was no more uncomfortable than before, I managed to open my eyes.

That time, I saw it coming and it still sent a hard jolt through me when he rubbed the piece of ice he’d picked up back and forth across my nipple. “Don’t move,” he said through gritted teeth when I jolted.

I panted for breath, but within a couple of moments, the ice had cooled my nipple to numbness as it had my clit. Popping the rapidly melting ice into his mouth, he dragged me toward him and sucked my nipple into his mouth. At the same time, he grasped my hips, lifted me and drove me down on his shaft a couple of times and then uttered a deep throated growl and came.

Absolute disbelief filled me even as I watched his face contort with pleasure—

and outrage as it sank into me that he’d deliberately numbed me to sensation. He’d tortured me endlessly and
didn’t give
any relief!

“The next time I command you, what is your response?” he gasped hoarsely when

he’d caught his breath.

“Yes, Dom Gabe,” I said with a mixture of resentment and hopefulness.

“Good! If you’re good tomorrow, I might allow you to have a little pleasure.”

He lifted me off of his lap and set me on my feet beside the chair. My legs

promptly gave out and I collapsed on the floor.

When he’d gotten up, he helped me to my feet and, holding one arm, led me down

the hall to my bedroom. “Clean up and come back to me.”

Numb with disbelief, I didn’t even try to argue. The temptation struck me when I entered the bathroom, though, to finish myself off. Apparently, that thought occurred to him, too. He followed me after a few moments and watched me bathe. When I got out, he made me bend over and present my ass. I felt his finger lightly rubbing my rectum.

“This will be sore for a few days,” he murmured. “Stay put. I’ll be right back.”

I’d begun to wonder if he meant bent over just like I was when he returned and

smoothed something cool and soothing on my rectum. “I shouldn’t have tried it so soon,” he muttered—to himself, I thought. “Get some sleep. You can sleep naked or you can wear that.”

He gave me a hard look when I followed him into the bedroom. “You aren’t

allowed pleasure until I say. Understood?”

I gaped at him for several moments before it dawned on me that he was warning

me not to pleasure myself.

“I’ll be watching. Of course, if you’re still feeling rebellious, we can have

another session in the playroom tomorrow.”


My ass throbbed a complaint at the threat. Nodding, I climbed meekly into my

bed and lay down. When he’d left, I got up again and struggled out of the binding, but I quickly discovered it didn’t give me much relief at all. My entire body was still aching and throbbing with demand. The cool linens hurt my overheated skin and even when I grew accustomed the faintest movement brought me surfacing toward awareness.

Exhaustion eventually deadened me to the world. I was rudely awakened some

time later by a sharp pop on one cheek of my bare ass that brought me scrambling upright.

Basil stood over me, his expression stern. “It’s nearly nine. Breakfast is ready.

Get cleaned up.”

Still drunk with fatigue, I rolled from the bed, looked around in confusion for a moment and finally located the door to the bathroom. Basil came in while I was in the shower and propped on the vanity to watch me finish up. “I found you something to wear,” he said when I got out. “Come. I’ll help you get dressed.”

Irritation flickered through me, but I grabbed a towel and dried off quickly, towel drying my hair the best I could before presenting myself. Fortunately, by that time I was awake enough to realize I wasn’t in Kansas anymore. I’d entered the twilight realm of sexual torture.

Even after hours of sleep my body wasn’t completely at rest. There was a faint, uncomfortable sense of restlessness nagging at me.

“Bend over the bed for me.”

I studied him a little uneasily and finally did as he said. The moment I did, he pushed my legs wider and used his thumbs to part my cheeks. “Hold still.”

I watched him move to the bedside table, but I couldn’t see what he took out even when he turned around. I felt him stroke something along my rectum. “Relax.”

I might’ve been able to, I thought a little indignantly, if I hadn’t immediately felt the pressure of something being shoved up my ass!

What was wrong with my damned pussy, I wondered a little angrily? Were they

just going to ignore it because I’d discovered I didn’t want them to? Were they psychic?

Or just that damned good?

He slipped a pair of thongs up my legs when he’d inserted the butt plug.

At least, I thought it was a thong until he told me to straighten. That was when I discovered it was another one of the torture rope things like the one I’d worn the day before.

If I ever got in to something like this again, I thought as he bound me in the

damned thing, I was going to kill my sister if that was what it took to get
choice of the damned wardrobe! I’d honestly thought there wasn’t a hair’s worth of difference between the things! Where were
bustiers and thongs? That was what I wanted to know!

I stared at my feet sullenly when Basil had adjusted everything, trying to ignore the fact that I was already starting to feel the blood pooling in those areas that was going to be driving me crazy in short order.

Leaving me standing by the bed, he collected a comb and returned, slowly

working it through my hair until he’d removed all the tangles. It might have soothed me under other circumstances. As it was, it just seemed one more lesson in servility—I belonged to them for the duration and I’d better get used to it.


Last but by no means least, he fastened a collar around my throat and then led me from the room.

I discovered everyone was sitting at the table when I arrived. Embarrassment

flickered through me and a little resentment, but I was hungry enough neither lasted long.

Basil sat down and drew me onto his lap to feed me.

Damn it! I was hungry! I wanted to shove my own food in my mouth!

I was going to be a little angel if it killed me, though. I didn’t think I could take a lot more of what I’d endured the day before without cracking.

After everybody had stared at me for a little while, they picked up the

conversations they’d been involved in before my arrival. I couldn’t help but notice that Brandy was like one of the gang. She chatted very merrily at the end of the table with the guys.

I hoped she choked on her god damned eggs!

The thought had barely crossed my mind when I choked. Karma!

Basil waited until I’d stopped coughing and offered me a sip of coffee. It was horrible—black straight up—but I needed caffeine desperately enough that I followed the cup when he moved it, trying to slurp up just one more sip.

I didn’t care if it did look pathetic!

Actually, I did, but I wanted the damned coffee a lot worse than anything else.

He fed me more bacon and eggs until I finally clamped my lips together and

refused to take another bite.

I discovered when I eventually glanced around the table that half the gang had

left—well, not quite half. Hunter, Gabe, and Shaun had stayed to watch Basil feed me, I supposed. They’d finished their own breakfast.

And were leisurely sipping their coffee.

“What time do we start up today?” Hunter asked, his gaze resting on my breasts.

Gabe shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter. I’ll be editing segments together.” He studied me speculatively. “She’s still resisting—so no cookies, but otherwise feel free to play—or you can do whatever you like. We’ll need some footage of light petting, heavy petting, a little flirtation. Glenda wants to try to pull in some women and they like that sort of thing.

“If you don’t want anything else to eat, Rose, you can clean up the table and the kitchen,” he added, abruptly addressing her.

As irritated as I was about the way I’d been dismissed and the order to clean up while Brandy sat on her ass, I was actually relieved to have something to do. I’d been trying to ignore the conversation, knowing it was a debate about what to do with me next, but I could feel my arousal growing more profound the longer they talked—and stared at me.

Slipping off of Basil’s lap, I began to collect the dishes.

I discovered the game Gabe had in mind when I leaned past him to get his plate.

He stopped me, turning me so that he could take one nipple in his mouth and sucking on it until my toes curled and my eyes nearly rolled back in my head. It took me a few moments to remember what I’d been doing
he grabbed me, and Hunter caught me just as unaware as Gabe had, drawing me down onto his lap and covering the other nipple. My knees were so wobbly when he finally helped me to my feet again, that I had to lock them for a moment to recover. I was shaking so badly when I’d finally gathered SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 34

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