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It took all he could do to move to her other nipple when he’d released the first instead of advancing immediately to the deep penetration he’d begun to want with absolute desperation. He had his goal firmly in mind, though, and even as he finessed her nipple, he leaned to one side, skating a hand over her body until he felt her belly beneath his palm. He slipped a shaking finger along her cleft, felt his way over her clit and down the furrow to the hole, pushing inside. Her sex closed around his finger as he pushed it inside—snugly. The walls of her sex were like velvet—he thought dizzily—hot, moist for him—and not nearly enough, he realized abruptly, reassessing the flesh clinging to his finger and mentally calculating the difference in the size of his finger to his cock.

Fortunately, he remembered the lubricant.

Moving upward, he planted his mouth over hers again and shoved both hands

beneath the pillow since he couldn’t fucking remember which side he’d stowed the tube on. A brief, slightly frantic search finally unearthed it. Palming it, he tried to unscrew SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 57

the lid with the fingers of the same hand.

Christ almighty, he thought angrily! Was the fucking top
on? He shifted to bring his other hand close enough to grasp the cap and give it a twist, but his fingers were shaky and clumsy by that time. He was beginning to think he was going to have to use his fucking teeth to get the damned cap off when it finally yielded. Squeezing a generous dollop from the tube into his palm, he closed his hand around it and slipped his hand between them, stroking the lubricant generously over his shaft from root to tip, wondering even as he did if he was being overly optimistic.

Nothing beat a try like a failure, he thought grimly, stroking the residue remaining on his hand along her cleft and then, almost as an afterthought, pushing his finger into her hole to lubricate the mouth thoroughly.

He was shaking so badly by the time he’d managed it, so intent on entering her

immediately, that he completely forgot that he was supposed to lean away from her and allow the camera a view of the connection process. Grabbing his cock, he dragged the head up and down her cleft and discovered he couldn’t find the damned hole!

Well fuck!

He reared up onto his knees and stared down at her cleft in baffled frustration.

Grasping her ankles, he lifted her legs straight up and then pushed them forward until he’d curled her hips clear of the bed, bending his head to search for the spot. When he discovered his own shadow made it impossible to actually see what he was looking for, he propped her heels against his shoulders, used one hand to splay her nether lips a little wider, grabbed his cock, and stabbed in the general vicinity. He missed twice before he rang it. Expelling a relieved breath, he gripped her hips to hold her in place and thrust.

She was so tight, he thought for a couple of moments he’d gotten her ass instead of the hole he was aiming for. He felt her flesh yield to the pressure, though, felt her skin stretch around the head of his cock like a tight band and he abruptly didn’t give a fuck what hole he’d found. She was panting for breath, but she wasn’t screaming.

He thought for a handful of moments that the counter pressure of her tight hole on his cock was going to make him pass out. He hadn’t managed to wedge much more than the head inside of her when she arched her back and began to convulse in climax. He stopped, shaking all over with the effort to keep from coming, grinding his teeth as he felt her muscles lock around the head of his cock like a vice and squeeze so hard she damned near expelled him.

Sweat popped from his pores, slickened his skin. He tightened his grip on her

hips, holding her in place with grim determination. When she finally ceased to quake, he dragged in a hoarse, shaky breath and leaned into her, pumping a little to relieve the tension on his foreskin when he realized her body was not only peeling it back but the skin under it. To his relief, he felt his cock slip a little deeper. Pausing again, he sucked in a sustaining breath, gritted his teeth, and tried pulling her over his cock for a while and thrusting a while until he finally reached a point where he realized he wasn’t going any deeper. Blinking the sweat out of his eyes, he looked down between them, saw he still had a good two inches he hadn’t buried in her and tried again.

She grunted, flinching all over in pain.

Fuck! Shit! Hell! Damn it!

He wanted root deep, god damn it. He wanted to feel the lips of her sex kissing his belly with every thrust. He wanted to grind against her and feel every hot inch of her SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 58

flesh clinging to every inch of his.

Panting for breath, he tried to think if there was any way he could manage it and finally discarded it when he felt his cock jerk threateningly. It was the tightest fit he’d ever had and even allowing that thought to flicker through his mind was almost enough to make him lose it right then and there. He wasn’t going to be able to hold it, he realized.

If he didn’t start moving there wasn’t going to be any fucking involved—no pumping anyway. When he decided he’d mastered the urge to come, at least for the moment, he withdrew slowly and thrust again, trying to gauge the depth of the thrusts. He discovered very quickly that that was a lost cause. A couple of thrusts was enough to bring him to the verge of exploding.

He paused, trying to divert his mind. He tried
to think about the fact that he should be pumping into her with the appearance of frenzied desperation for the sake of the video when he actually
that desperation. He picked up the pace as much as he dared, holding his breath every time his balls tightened with threatening spasms. He was sweating like a fucking horse and shaking like he had palsy, but he managed to thrust inside of her at a fair pace by counting the strokes in his head instead of focusing on the squeezing massage of her flesh.

Abruptly, Nicole uttered a low groan and he felt the muscles along her channel

ripple along his length. His heart slammed against his chest wall, knocking the breath from him and he missed a stroke. He felt her entire body convulse with the force of the next rippling spasm.

Darkness descended over him. Pushing her legs from his shoulders, he leaned

over her, straightened his knees and drove as deeply inside of her as he could. She arched her back, crying out, and he lost his mind. Uttering a growl of effort, he began thrusting into her in a mindless, desperate pursuit of his own climax.

It flickered through his mind that he was supposed to pull out even as he felt the first convulsion rip through him, that he had to produce the come shot.

Fuck it, he thought savagely, driving into her feverishly as one hard convulsion after another hit him. He grunted breathlessly as the spasms knocked the breath from his lungs, pumping into her until he couldn’t summon any more semen.

He wanted to sprawl bonelessly on top of her when it finally stopped. Instead, he gathered his strength with an effort and pushed himself upright again, dragging his cock from her and allowing the residue of his come to drip onto her belly. After staring down at the handful of drops for a moment, he glanced around a little dazedly. Trying to dismiss the urge to shove his cock right back in her again and see if he could manage to hold his come longer than he had the first time. Trying to dismiss his disappointment that he hadn’t thrust into her nearly as long as he wanted to or nearly as fiercely, he took the cloth someone shoved at him. His hands were still shaking as he bent between her sprawled thighs and carefully wiped his come off of her, spreading her with his fingers to study the little hole he’d been wedged so tightly inside of only moments before. His belly clenched when he saw the tiny breaks in her skin radiating outward from the mouth of her sex. They hadn’t been there before. He knew they hadn’t.

“Shit!” he muttered. Slightly relieved that he at least hadn’t torn her badly

enough to break the skin, he stroked her flesh with the tip of one finger soothingly.

“I guess you forgot the come shot,” Basil growled.

Dragged reluctantly from his perusal, Gabe whipped his head toward Basil,


feeling a wave of possessive fury wash over him. For several long moments, the two of them bristled at one another, tensed for battle.

“You had your turn,” Hunter growled. “If you two want to get into a pissing

contest, take it outside! Meanwhile, there are seven hunks if you recall and I’m fucking tired of playing with myself.”

Gabe flicked a glance around at the others. He didn’t like what he saw in their faces, but the comment brought him back to his senses. He moved to the edge of the bed and climbed off. “Be sure to use plenty of lubricant. She’s little and we aren’t. I tore the shit out of her.”

“You didn’t use lubricant?” Basil asked tightly.

“I did,” Gabe snapped angrily. “There isn’t enough fucking lubricant in the world to shove something this size into something
size without stretching her more than the skin will take, god damn it!”

He couldn’t decide whether the speculative look that entered their eyes had to do with anticipation of trying their own luck or suspicion about his possessive attitude, but he suspected it was a little of both. “If we tear the hell out of her it’s going to be a long damned wait before we can fuck her again,” he muttered as a rider. “Who’s up next?”


Chapter Eight

“I am,” Basil responded coolly.

“You ready?”

Basil gave him a look and glanced down pointedly.

Gabe grunted. “The lubricant’s under the pillow. Get up there, but wait until I’ve checked the tape. I want to be sure I got her pussy and not just my ass.”

Trying to ignore the urge to belt Basil with his fist when he’d settled on his knees between her thighs and stared down at her, he moved away from the bed and rewound the tape. He was actually surprised to discover he’d gotten as much footage as he had of penetration. It looked like he was shoving a forearm into her, but if it had the same effect on their audience as it did him, he thought wryly, they weren’t going to have any complaints. Signaling David to move to the bed and squirt her down with the fake come, he nodded to Basil when David moved away again.

Basil didn’t even attempt to hide the fact that he was lubricating himself. It irritated the piss out of him for a handful of moments, but he realized it also built a sense of anticipation as the cameras switched back and forth between the target and the massive staff Basil was coating. He couldn’t decide whether to be pissed off that Basil’s cock was longer than his or gloat over the fact that he knew positively that he wasn’t going to get it in her—not all of it.
hadn’t even managed to get his all the way in, though god knew he’d tried.

He was ready to explode all over again by the time Basil leaned over her to fondle her breasts. He was almost as pissed off as he was aroused when he realized Basil wasn’t merely paying lip service to arousing her for the sake of the film. He lingered until she’d begun to shift restlessly with real arousal before he tried to guide the head of his cock to the point of connection.

It didn’t amuse him that Basil had as much trouble finding the spot by feel as he had. Leaning away after a moment, he grabbed a pillow and shoved it under her hips.

He stared down at her clit for a long, hard moment and finally scooted back and covered it with his mouth.

Ok, that was going to gross out the straight guys, Gabe thought irritably. He

knew it was fake come all over her and Basil knew it, but he doubted the audience was going to be able to tell—in fact they were counting on it.

Gabe felt his throat close as he watched, though, felt his mouth go dry and then water for the taste of her. He almost thought he
taste her, felt regret ripple through him that he hadn’t done that. Mesmerized by the swollen, deep pink bud Basil kept alternately flicking with his tongue and sucking on, it wasn’t until he heard Nicole’s gasps and saw her shudder that he realized Basil had brought her to a climax.

The emotions that clashed inside him wrought chaos in his mind and his body.

He hadn’t realized the depth of triumph he’d felt that he’d brought her off twice until Basil brought her off. Fortunately, the ripple of movements and clearing of throats around him brought him back to a vague sense of awareness, but everything faded from SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 61

his consciousness again when Basil leaned back on his heels, spread her flesh as wide as he could with the fingers of one hand and pressed the head of his cock against her opening.

Her skin stretched inwardly as he pushed. He eased away, ran his finger along his cock to collect some of the lubricant and circled her hole, delving inside. Pushing her legs wider, he pressed a finger to either side of the mouth, stretched her again and connected. That time Gabe watched as the head of his cock was reluctantly enveloped.

He forgot to breathe while he watched Basil saw in and out of her shallowly, going a little deeper each time. He wondered if it felt as excruciatingly slow to everyone or just him, but images leapt into his mind of his own excursion and his cock began to throb like an abscessed tooth.

He sucked in a shaky breath when Basil had plowed as deeply as he could and

paused to catch his own breath. He was shaking, Gabe noticed absently, and couldn’t decide whether he was worried that Basil wasn’t going to manage much of a show or furious that that Basil’s cock and not his.

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